Goldfinger Auction

Chapter 193: meet and greet

"Xiaoya, quickly salute your ancestor!" Lin Hong's tone became stern.

Many people in the Lin family practice martial arts, and they are very clear about the rules of martial arts.

Who is Jiang Pu? The patron saint of Tianhu Province, the Great Soul Master!

When Lin Ya worshipped Jiang Lan as a teacher, Lin Hong was very happy. This was equivalent to Lin Ya worshipping under Jiang Pu's door, and the entire Lin family felt very honored.

Sun Suo is actually Jiang Pu's apprentice! You can't mess up your generations.

Lin Hong is very strict with Lin Ya's family, so Lin Hong often reprimands Lin Ya in front of outsiders.

Lin Ya was also very afraid of Lin Hong. Hearing what Lin Hong said, no matter how reluctant she was in her heart, she had to come to Sun Suo and bow down on the spot.

"The disciple, Linya, meets the master." Lin Ya's voice was extremely low, her face flushed red.

"Get up." Sun Suo glanced at Jiang Lan... She doesn't seem to have worshipped Martial Uncle? Would you like her to kneel once when we are alone next time?

Forget it, if your knees are blue, you will be misunderstood.

"Okay, it's time to give Xiaoya a gift." Jiang Lan looked at Sun Suo with a smile. For such a big kneeling worship, as a master, you can't be too stingy.

Lin Ya also looked at Sun Suo... Not ready? He even became a master! Shame or not?

"I didn't prepare much when I went out. Give this to my disciple Sun as a toy." Sun Suo glared at Jiang Lan, took a soul crystal from his body and handed it to Lin Ya.

"This..." Lin Ya knew that this was a soul crystal, but she didn't know what rank it was.

But looking at the appearance of this black fog, it is definitely not the low-level soul crystal that you can usually see.

"Fifth-order soul crystals!?" Jiang Lan knew the goods, and was shocked when he recognized them carefully.

She just made a joke to adjust the atmosphere. She never thought that Sun Suo would be a fifth-order soul crystal when she shot it!

This thing is worth tens of millions, and there is no market for it. It is difficult to buy it.

"Cough, this gift is too heavy! We can't accept it." Lin Hong knew the value of the fifth-order soul crystal and couldn't help but be shocked.

"The fifth-order soul crystal..." Lin Ya's face turned white with fright... This is a legendary thing!

"For something else, you don't need such a heavy ceremony." Jiang Lan persuaded Sun Suo a few words.

"Send it away, how can you take it back?" Sun Suo waved his hand.

"Then Xiaoya, just keep it, don't make the master unhappy." Lin Hong had no choice but to say a few words.

The ceremony of the master can't be accepted casually. Looking back, the Lin family has to pay back several times the amount of courtesy. It is a blessing for the Lin family to be able to climb up such a high-ranking family. It's a pity that this daughter doesn't live up to her expectations, she doesn't wink, otherwise she will hug her thigh, this No worries for a lifetime.

Lin Ya's face was even more ugly. She wanted to use the meeting ceremony to make the other party lose face, but the result was a fifth-order soul crystal!

This worship is also worshipped, and the ceremony is accepted. Isn't Shizu the meaning of grandfather? In the future, he will directly become his grandson,



When the dinner was about to end, a man came to the door of the private room with a very simple wooden box.

After knocking on the door, he entered the private room, handed the quaint wooden box to Lin Hong and left.

Lin Hong opened the wooden box, took out a black metal plate with runes engraved on it, and handed it to Sun Suo.

"My ancestor of the Lin family has a well-known Captain Touching Jin, this is the 'yin plate' he touched from an ancient tomb, which can be used to investigate the extremely yin places nearby.

"But my Lin family has no soul-cultivating clansmen, so this ancestral treasure has never been able to be driven or used.

"I wonder if Sun Shizu is interested in this thing?"

Lin Hong asked Sun Suo.

Sun Suo received a fifth-order soul crystal from Sun Suo before, and after secretly making a phone call to inquire about it, he knew that it was worth about 20 million.

There are several treasures at home, but they are not of high value.

Only this yin plate, which had been seen by experts before, was estimated at around 50 million, and it should be able to give back to Sun Suo as a gift.


Sun Suo took out his mobile phone and pretended to take a picture of the vagina.

"Found a magic weapon of 'Yin Pan'." A prompt popped up on the screen of the mobile phone.

"This is really useful to me. This is the ancestral treasure of the Lin family... If you really want to give it to me, I can't take advantage of you." Sun Suo took out two more fifth-order soul crystals.

Although he didn't know how much this yin disk was worth, Sun Suo knew that even the lowest-level magic weapon was worth at least half a billion, and it was too heavy for the Lin family to return.

But Lin Hong was resolutely unwilling to accept it. Her purpose was to let Sun Suo fall for the favor of the Lin family. If Sun Suo really got the value back, she lost the meaning of giving this gift.

The two sides were polite, and in the end Lin Hong confiscated Sun Suo's soul crystal.

Sun Suo didn't refuse any more. In the future, if the Lin family has something to do, just help take care of it.


It was almost eight o'clock in the evening when I came to the hospital after dinner.

"Although it's haunted, there are still a lot of patients." Jiang Lan chatted with Lin Hong while looking at the hospital.

"This is the place where the colleges and universities in Heshi are concentrated. There are quite a lot of students. Before the accident, it will not affect the general outpatient clinic too much, but there are fewer people who are willing to be hospitalized. After all, I heard the cry around 00:00. It's still quite infiltrating." Lin Hong explained.

After wandering around in the hospital, Jiang Lan prepared to take Sun Suo to leave first.

The exorcism has to wait until around 0:00 in the evening, and there are still several hours. It is better to take Sun Suo to go shopping.

"No, give me an office, I have to do some preparations before exorcism." Sun Suo shook his head.

Because after he came in, the phone began to vibrate intermittently.

Proving ground download is in progress.

It seems that many public places are transforming into the proving ground!

Movie theaters, and hospitals.

Wouldn't the entire city be turned into a proving ground in the end?

This does not seem to be a good omen for the entire human world.

But for Sun Suo, another clone can be added to help with cultivation.

In addition, once the proving ground takes shape, it will continue to generate resource income.

The mobile phone download is intermittent, and it is estimated that it will take several hours to download the full version of the gynecological hospital trial field.

So Sun Suo couldn't leave, so he had to find a reason to stay here.

Hearing what Sun Suo said, Lin Hong immediately asked Sun Suo to clean up an office and let Lin Ya go in to accompany him. Even if Sun Suo had anything to do, she could tell Lin Ya.

Sun Suo is fine.

After entering, she sat on the sofa in the room, picked up her mobile phone and looked at Lin Ya didn't have to listen to Sun Suo's orders, she sat down and played with her mobile phone in another place.

Of course, Sun Suo didn't play mobile games or watch the news, but studied the vagina.

After the yin disk is included in the mobile phone tool bar, the function can be integrated into the mobile phone.

The distribution of yin qi concentration within one or two hundred meters around can be explored.

Very real function.

Sun Suo called out his clone and walked out of the office in a stealthy state, wanting to walk around to see what was so special about this hospital and why it formed a testing ground.

After having a yin disc, the screen of the mobile phone marked the place with the heaviest yin in the vicinity.

The gynecological examination room ahead?

Is there any problem in it? Check it out.