Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 85: The villain (3)

When Liu Hanhan came over, Lin Zhenfei was being held down by his limbs, and his heartbreaking screaming looked at the man in white coat holding an anesthesia needle toward himself.

He hasn't been so aggressive in his life, almost struggling with every muscle in his body.

It’s a pity that I struggled, but it’s still better than holding the bodyguards of his limbs. I can only cry and cry on the side of my face.

"Dad!! I don't dare to dare anymore, I beg you to let me go, Dad!!!!"

The needle tube was tied in.

Lin Zhenfei screamed as if he had seen his two eggs being taken off.

- Hey!

At the moment of his most desperate moment, the outer window was violently beaten.

When Liu Hanhan came over, he heard the scream of her husband. She was so scared that she immediately had a soft foot. She used to see the scene inside and quickly went to pull the door, unable to open and knock on the window.

"Dad, what are you doing, Dad!"

The window slowly pulled down, revealing Lin Shiheng’s cold and ruthless face.

Liu Hanhan and the father-in-law did not meet much. I only saw it three times in the wedding. I was afraid of his look, but I thought of the husband inside, but I was bold enough to say: "Dad, what is wrong with Zhenfei? You Why give him an injection?"

Lin Shiheng turned his head to see the son who was blocked again by his mouth. "Let him loose and let him say it."

The bodyguard distracted his hand.

Lin Zhenfei eyes tears, feeling the next body paralysis, carefully looked at his father, and looked at his wife.

He is not stupid, how can he tell Han Han that he almost got out of the track.

Although Han Han is tempered and deceived, she can't tolerate the rail.


Lin Zhenfei said a few words, "Dad, I know that I am not good. I will never do this again. I will definitely be a man again in the future. Dad, you believe me, Dad..."

"There is so much nonsense."

Lin Shiheng glanced at his son indifferently, wearing a pair of gloves and picking up the scalpel in the toolbox.

The car was turned on. From the perspective of Lin Zhenfei, it can be seen that the sharp knife light on the scalpel flashed as the hand swayed.

His eyes immediately straightened.

"No, no, no, no!"

"Dad, Dad! Don't be like this, Han Han! Han Han help!!"

Liu Hanhan is also anxious, but he can't pull the door with his hand, but he can't open it. He can only beat the window: "Dad! Zhenfei knows it wrong, you don't be such a dad, he is courageous, don't scare him." ”

Lin Shiheng’s line of sight was still indifferent, and he was completely unaffected by the outside world. He fell off his hand and fell directly.


The fierce screams resounded through the clouds.

Lin Zhenfei's body was hit with an anesthetic and he couldn't feel the pain, but he could see the red blood on his scalpel.


Lin Shiheng slightly frowns, it is rare to look at the tangled eyes to Lin Zhenfei.


Assistant Zhao is also a terrible face: "Lin Dong, you seem to have reached the life of Lin Shao | roots above, and then go to the toilet can be troublesome."

"Nothing, the last urinary tube will do."

Lin Shiheng was unmoved, and he did not hesitate.

"Well, this time is alright."

His handsome face showed a satisfactory look, Lin Zhenfei could not move, and could not see the following situation. He could only watch his father squint and lifted the scalpel. The blood on it fell down by drop.

Assistant Zhao grabbed his eyes and carefully looked out from his fingers.

"Oh... Lin Dong, you are stunned again."

Lin Zhenfei was lying on his numbness, and his face could not be loved.

Outside Liu Hanhan watched him being slashed and knifed again, worried and scared, tears streaming his face, screaming at the window.

"Dad! Don't worry anymore, you have already had a lot of blood and dad. If you go on like this, Zhenfei will really have an accident! Dad!!"

Maybe it was twice, maybe it was the daughter-in-law who cried too much, and the indifferent old father finally took over.

"Look at the confession of confession to you, even today, let me catch it next time, but it is not as simple as two knives."

Lin Zhenfei cried silently, feeling the numbness of the body, imagining the tragic scene of the urinary tube and the urine bag wherever he went, sucking his nose and not snoring.

Lin Shiheng, who had just licked his two knives at the top, turned his eyebrows. "What expression do you have, don't you thank you?"


Lin Zhenfei screamed, and the voice of crying contained infinite grievances: "Thank you dad..."

"Thank you thank you?"

Was reminded, Lin Zhenfei turned his head and looked at the crying wife with tears in his face. He was sad and sad in his eyes. He said: "Han Han, thank you...hey... thank you..."

He used to like to say that brothers are like brothers and sisters, and wives are like clothes.

At the crucial moment, the brothers are a group of farts! ! !

Only the wife, holding such a big belly, rushed to save him.

Only the wife, will not be afraid that his father cried and asked his father to let him go.

In this cruel world, only his wife loves him.

Lin Zhenfei simply can't wait to hold Liu Hanhan on the palm of his hand. For the first time, she felt so curious that she was so affectionate.

"Han Han, don't cry..."

He struggled to hold his body, and it was rare to have a man's responsibility: "It was just two knives. I have nothing."

Liu Hanhan bit his lip, and while holding his head, he couldn't help but shed tears. When Lin Shiheng finally wanted to open the door, he quickly got in and sat down with Lin Zhenfei.

"Dad, Zhenfei has flowed a lot of blood, take him to the hospital to bandage it."

Lin Shiheng is still indifferent: "What is bandaging, wasting resources, letting him flow, and blood flow is not good."

Lin Zhenfei numb face.

After being almost kissed by relatives, it seems that the blood is not a bit.

He felt that it was nothing. Liu Hanhan was worried. She really liked her husband. At this moment, she saw Lin Zhenfei's two big legs and a wound. The distressed hands were shaking.

Carefully looked up and looked at Lin Shiheng pleading: "Dad, it will happen if you go down like this, you will let him go to the hospital."

Perhaps because she still has children in her stomach, Lin Shiheng frowned and looked at her, but she still found the medicine from the toolbox and put it in front of her.

"If you are distressed with this waste, you should wipe it for yourself."

Liu Hanhan quickly opened the medicine, wiped away the tears and carefully bowed his medicine.

Looking at this scene, Lin Shiheng sneered, and his eyes looked at his son with sarcasm: "Look at your wife, then look at you."

Lin Zhenfei’s body trembled and almost immediately meant his father’s meaning.

I just felt that Lin Zhenfei, who "the people of the world don't love me, except my wife," pleaded for the father, for fear that he would shake things out of the track.

"Dad, I know it is wrong, I won’t dare again next time..."

"There is a next time."

Lin Shiheng’s eyes pointed to Lin Zhenfei’s lower body.

"The next time, even if Liu Hanhan asks me, I can't keep you."

Obviously, he was anesthetized. When he heard this, Lin Zhenfei still felt somewhere hurt, as if he had been cut down.

Relatives are not talking about playing, he is really able to start.

If today is not the case, I am afraid that he has lost two eggs now.

Even if it is half a step late, at least one egg has been unloaded.

He shuddered and swears: "I swear, I will never have another time."

Whether it is because of fear of being defamed, or because I finally saw the truth that "the world only my wife loves me", Lin Zhenfei’s vows are absolutely true and sincere, and there is no adulteration.

"It is best."

Lin Shiheng took a cold look back. "I have given you the same temporary suspension as Liu Hanhan. When will she return to college, when will I return to college?"

Lin Zhenfei, who had just escaped from the dead, did not feel that there was anything at all. He quickly agreed.

"Then I stayed at home with me during this time?"

"Think of beauty."

The indifferent old father is expressionless: "From tomorrow, you will come to the company and be my assistant."

"If I told you to give you something you didn't do well, let the things you learned postpone for a second and didn't learn."

"You don't have to be so lucky this time."

Said, Lin Shiheng slowly hooked his lips.

Looking at his son in horror, he waved a scalpel with blood in his hand. Something went wrong, please refresh and try again