Good Man Operation Guide

Chapter 92: Big Devil in Holographic Games (2)

The "Xiantu" world channel suddenly fried the pot.

[This star is the star I want! The first full service before that]

[It is him, Xiantu does not allow the name to repeat, how he lost the magic, no, how can he not think of the magic]

To say the "Xiantu" game, the first month of novice entry into the novice village is protected by the novice period. There are eight races to choose from this month. The most popular one is the fairy, the most unpopular is the only one. The flying people.

After all, everyone can enter this game. At least for 18 years, the Terran can't practice. It can't fly and fly, and there is no special skill. It is just like ordinary human beings in modern society.

To say that there is something special, that is, the Terran can purchase from the system and then resell it to other professions. Although this is the case, players who are willing to pay for the game port are rarely willing to be human. After all, everyone plays games. The picture is a cool, in reality, walking on two legs is already bad enough. In the game, of course, it’s still awkward to play.

What many players are curious about is not the demon of these eight races.

"Xiantu" was released as a propaganda, and the banner was to make a real world of Xianxia, ​​and the Mozu also carried out the impression that everyone used to do.

The devil can only be converted by the immortal. After the conversion is successful, it automatically forms the opposite of the immortal. No matter what kind of mentor, relatives and friends, love, if one party belongs to the immortal and one belongs to the demon, it will automatically break the relationship.

Most of the players who want to turn to the demon family feel that the pitfalls are that the immortals can turn to the demon, but the devils can not enter the immortality for life, and the two sides belong to the enemy camp, even if there is no copy war, it is common to kill each other. Can also harvest [Tiandao] rewards.

All the operations of the Mozu are the same as the immortals, and even the various attributes buf are basically the same.

What is the meaning of the turn of the devil?

Think about it, the Mozu should be converted from the fairy, and the system stipulates that the immortal is not fully convertible, that is to say, before the full level, the people who want to repair the demon are in the fairy.

If you don’t talk about the mentoring, the relatives and friends, or the relationship between the two, it’s enough to hesitate to face the opposite of the two camps.

Many gangs of the Xian family have been operating, and they are looking forward to the thriving, who is willing to give up everything to the Mozu.

Those who are not good at business and want to abandon the identity of the immortal, there are fewer people, and the cultivation is low. There are so many players in "Xiantu". It is good to think that the game has been played by yourself, and there are also unscrupulous means for the spiritual stone.

The Mozu people are less cultivated and lower, and they are also opposed to the Xianzu. Those who have been friends and relatives are not willing to start. The strangers can not have this jealousy.

Kill a demon once to get a reward, then hesitate, up!

According to the original idea of ​​game planning, you are killing me and killing you, but now no one wants to convert the demon, which causes the immortal family to be alone, two or three of the Mozu kittens, and become a little pitiful. .

The Mozu was originally less, was so tossed, and did not lead a powerful person. It soon became the most vulnerable party in the game. Just like Lin Shiheng, basically it was dead and resurrected, resurrected and died, and was killed. No temper.

This little devil is unhappy, this is a game, of course, the game is to play, so that the line is killed, then how to play.

After the complaint, the mall quickly came out of the invisibility cloak.

After wearing the cloak, other people can't see the racial attribute of the cloak owner, because it is a cloak made for emergency, the price of the mall is set low, causing many other race players to buy.

Everyone has a cloak, and no one knows who is who, this farce of "gathering the devil's little poor" is to calm down.

The transformed Mozu regrets, but the system settings can't be changed. They can only pretend that they are fairy in a stealth cloak every day. Fortunately, the Mozu and the Immortals are similar, but they are similar to the previous ones.

With this lesson, the newcomers will not convert the Mozu again, and many players will be ridiculed in the forum, and the Tianyou Group will also have a leak.

In the original plot, Huo Jingzhou's holographic game used the setting of "Xiantu", which will be removed by the Mozu, who has been squandered many times. He calls it perfect.

Not to mention how this kind of "perfect" is shameless, just to say that the immortal devil is set up. The game planning group originally meant to create a hostile camp for these two unique races. After all, the quiet and peaceful game is Great, but fighting camp battles can inspire players.

Now "Xiantu" is popular in the country because of the unique hologram. Once other holographic games come out, some players will be attracted. If there is a belonging camp, it will give players a real sense of belonging to the game.

They planned very well, but unfortunately at first, only the immortals were able to convert the demons. The fairy tales have their own personal powers, and certainly will not turn. Other immortals turned to the Mozu. It will only be rewarded by the masses of the immortals.

If you remove the mutual killing, you will be rewarded with this one. The camp battle will be meaningless. If you join the Mozu in the eight major races, the immortal will be big. If the novice demons have not grown up, they will be killed and complained. In the end, they will only become such a A situation that does not mean nothing.

According to the plan proposed by the planning team, if there is a leading figure at this time, leading the Mozu and the fairy to compete, it is perfect.

Unfortunately, no one is willing to take risks, even those who come to the game to relax and find excitement, are not willing to abandon their relatives and friends to convert the demon, this thing will be put on hold.

Now, the star that has been repaired and equipped with space is actually a demon.

When he was a fairy, some people were still unwilling to go down the stone, and the group of players who went to the equipment to stop the killing. Now he is falling, and everyone becomes a rival camp. It is not a good excuse for the Xian people to start. !

Although the star is already very miserable, his equipment is really eye-catching.

If you don't say anything else, just drop a sword from him and take it out and sell it for 100,000.

Although the non-removable equipment needs to be repeatedly slashed to fall, but if it falls, for ordinary players, it is a fortune.

There is a variety of fairy artifacts that are not operated and have high value. In addition, the lords of the first fairy tales of the Xian family openly oppose the stars, and no wonder he can become a target of public criticism.

If it is a few hundred thousand, then it is okay to say, but 100,000 up, people will not be blind.

Four words: the crime of blasphemy.

In the past, he was a genius with many people chasing and killing. Now he is stunned. Isn’t that rushing to find death?

The world channel has been arguing over the sky, and there has been a rapid alliance of the Fairy Players, aiming to block the stars.

Everyone is playing games, and no one is arrogant. What are the immortals? They are straightforward. Everyone is going to reward the system and the equipment on the stellar. When they go, they will block people first. If you can get it, then you have the skills.

The devils and each other kill each other. The higher the level, the higher the system reward. The horror before the horror is Da Luo Jinxian, killing him once, and the benefits are much.

Ai Wei really looked at the players on the World Channel who killed the stars. A pair of exquisite eyebrows couldn’t help but squint. "When Heng Ge is too impulsive, he will fall into the devil."

Huo Jingzhou now knows that the person who lost the demon is Lin Shiheng, and the restlessness in his heart is swept away. He is his practice. Of course, Lin Shiheng never practiced the game skills. This is the big Luo Jinxian repairs. Even if it is a monster, you can't afford to have too much spray.

It’s just that Ai Wei really cares about Lin Shiheng’s disappointment. “He estimates that he still hates us.”

"It shouldn't be, when Heng Ge's temper is the best. I used to break the pottery that he personally made and he was not angry."

Ai Wei really said something guilty: "It’s these days, I am afraid that when I am looking for me, my mobile phone is changing cards. Now I am hiding in my girlfriend's house. He can't contact me. I don't know if I will be angry."

Hearing this sentence, Huo Jingzhou’s heart was swept away.

Lin Shiheng is really a fiancee, what is it, not really for him not to see him.

He raised his mouth and comforted him: "You are doing right. If you don't like him, of course you can't see him give him hope. Right, next month, help the face, I am the East, are you coming?"

Ai Wei’s face was red and red, and she was ashamed.

She really likes Jingzhou. Although she knows that she is sorry, she is so good to her, she will definitely help to break the marriage contract. After a few days, everyone will cool down. When Heng brother is not so angry, She will go find him again.

Huo Jingzhou is looking at his girlfriend and thinking about it.

I spent 100,000 in one breath, it was really painful. After a while, I bought a stealth cloak and put on a mask to stop Lin Shiheng.

The immortal confrontation, as the lord of the first Xianmeng, killing Lin Shiheng is also reasonable.


Huo Jingzhou had not had time to go to Lin Shiheng invisibly, and he first heard his news.

At the beginning, when the players of the World Channel who blocked the stars cried and were killed by the spike, he did not care, thinking that Lin Shiheng must rely on the level of suppression.

Until he was carrying a new, beautiful girl in the gang, the mechanical system sound suddenly appeared in the sky.

System [Tiandao]: The Mozu star, the cumulative killing of the opposing camp 999 people, automatically upgraded to the devil.

System [Tiandao]: The demon lord issued a decree, summoning the world's demon to the Wanmeng League, and the online Mozu will be transferred from the Mozu to the Magic League.

System [Tiandao]: The Xianzu Mozu camp is completely opposite, please Devil players to view the system tasks.

Wan Meng League?

How have you never heard of it before?

The immortals are confused, and the Mozu quickly checks the system tasks.

Ai Wei is still wondering how Lin Shiheng suddenly became so powerful that he can kill a thousand immortals, but Huo Jingzhou has immediately opened the forum.

From Lin Shiheng's enchantment to his becoming a demon lord, it was only one night. Last night, he was busy helping the school sister move. After moving the family, they went to the rooftop to watch the stars and watch the moon. They never went to the forum.

It stands to reason that if there is something big about "Xiantu", the forum must have been spread.

Sure enough, once the forum is opened, it is a few red posts.

[Your creator is a weak chicken! I was spiked when I met! Also, I am equipped, ah! 】

[The star is too chicken thief, killing people without equipment, they are on the ground, I watched the eyes sneak past and planned to lick a few pieces, he did not know where to pop out and killed me]

[Send the attention of the players, don't be close to the desert of the stars, see more celestial artifacts and don't go! ! ! 】

[The first hand line report of the whole forum brought by the danger of life, with video inside, please help the chin - and, for the sake of stellar weak chickens, I have reason to suspect that you are a Mozu sent to dispel my fairy alert. Undercover

Huo Jingzhou's eyebrows jumped and opened the last post.

It turned out to be a video. At the beginning, almost 30 immortals with equipment rushed to the man standing in the middle of the desert. The person who recorded the video should be squatting, the angle is somewhat low, and he can still hear him quietly saying: "A big battle will start soon."


A loud noise, the flames of the sky fell with the sky and the yellow sand, and swept away to the more than 30 immortals. When everything was over, only their bodies and equipment were left on the ground.

From the perspective of the video, you can also see that the soul of the player in the black and white period stood up, and the face of the face was as if it was not clear what happened.

The player who recorded the video took a breath and whispered: "I didn't see what happened. I will go back to the whole slow motion playback. It is too dangerous here. I am going to retreat now. The first line of entertainment, the reporter of Xiantu. The **** yellow is reported for everyone, please like the audience to help me like it, what?

The second floor of the post is a video of slow motion playback.

Huo Jingzhou can clearly see that Lin Shiheng first jumped in two stages, and then successively produced three fire spells. After stacking together, another wind system spell was added, and the fire was blown to the more than 30 by the wind. On the player.

Even if the player has a protective cover, the effect of the four spells superimposed so that they can't stand the one second burned, only the equipment and the black and white soul.

This is absolutely impossible!

Superimposed spells can rarely be made out. Even Huo Jingzhou himself, the highest record is just superimposed with two spells, and it is still a wood system, a fire system, three sibling spells superimposed, "Sendway" game has never been after People have done this.

Moreover, he also made two jumps before this, avoiding all players attacking and then starting to superimpose spells.

Huo Jingzhou held the fist in his death, even if he knew what the contents of the post were, he still couldn't hold back. He started to look at the player's comments.

[No, is it so ferocious? ? 】

[Take the slow-motion playback three times to see that there are four layers superimposed. Is the star not a weak chicken? I don’t look weak.

[Do you forget that the stellar was to find the first Xianmeng lord before doing the training to Da Luo Jinxian, maybe he was looking for a substitute, hey, envy the rich]

[Upstairs, really is not, **** yellow from the stellar falling magic has been with the film, witnessed him from the only can rely on the spiritual force to slowly turn into a research spell and then to the current spike phase, that really It’s a little progress, although this progress is like a rocket, with the “Star Battle History” link, thank you.

[I also watched the history of the battle. People did find out a little bit. People who have seen it know it, but he is so bullish. Why do you still want to find Jingzhou? I don’t think he is better than Jingzhou. Bad 】

[Who knows, when this incident was a big problem, it was not all said that Jingzhou helped the star to practice, but did the star like his girlfriend? It’s Mrs. Xianmeng, that’s true】

[The version I heard was Jingzhou's creation of Xianmeng. As a result, the star saw that Xianmeng had to cross the river to dismantle the bridge. However, he did not have the strength and was defeated on the spot. The elders in Xianmeng were standing in Jingzhou.]

[However, I remember that the Xianmeng could be created at the beginning, relying on the star to be generous, Jingzhou is just a substitute, and it is always his money. If he is so rich, he will do it. What to do]

[Slag yellow has broken the news! Said to find the information of Jingzhou just entered Xiantu, don't say anything about the fairy, there is no instrument on the body, and he is registered from the computer, which means that he did not have a game bin at that time]

The post has covered a long tall building, but Huo Jingzhou’s heart is getting more and more uncomfortable.

Since he defeated Lin Shiheng to completely replace him, he has been deliberately spreading some rumors that "the stars are crossing the river and breaking the bridge", "the stars are not strong enough to smash the corners", and the relatives and friends and Ai Wei are firmly on his side, and public opinion is only Will be one-sided to him.

According to his previous understanding of Lin Shiheng, he is in poor health and rarely touches electronic products. The game warehouse is only on the line for two hours every day. He has always been with Ai Zhenzhen, but he has not played in the game. Any friends and relatives, the forum will not enter.

As long as Ai Wei is really on his side, Lin Shiheng is a hundred words.

In addition, when you get on the line, you will be chased. Maybe he will give up the game directly. In reality, Ai Wei really helps him. Even if this vicious person wants to start with him, he will be stopped.

And now he has Xianmeng, even if he does not do the practice, he will also get a lot of money every day. He left Lin Shiheng, and he is still the rich second generation in everyone's eyes.

Huo Jingzhou's plan is very good, but he did not expect that the first thing that appeared different voices turned out to be a forum he always thought was well controlled.

Seeing more and more people began to discuss in the direction of [the one who made a good deal to make friends all over the world is the star or Jingzhou], he jumped wildly and directly closed the forum.

Even if it is Lin Shiheng’s money.

The person who made friends was Huo Jingzhou. The person who established Xianmeng was also Huo Jingzhou. Everyone who accompanied the true brush copy every day was always him.

If it weren't for him, can this star have such a prestige? Can be the first in full service?

Huo Jingzhou kept convinced himself in the bottom of his heart.

Now, when it is not because of these rumors, the most important thing is to stabilize the situation.

He quickly logged into the game bin, and planned to discuss with his friends and relatives how to restrain the growth of the current Mozu.

As soon as the results went online, all kinds of news slammed.

[Jing Zhou, you once said to me, the people who have been with us have always been you, but I want to ask, the establishment of Xianmeng’s wealth, and the best tools you gave us, the flowers are yours. Money, or a star? 】

[I have read the posts in the forum, Master, can you tell me, the exquisite feathers that you gave me, who is the Lingshi? 】

[Helper, I don’t want to ask you, but I really want to figure out, when I need money for a real accident, you gave me a fairy and let me sell for money. Because of this, you go. Where did I go, but at that time I felt that you were the second generation of the rich, and you couldn’t look at it with a fairy. I thought so until yesterday, but I saw you. Into the record of the game, then you also sent a help to practice on the world channel, you are so short of money, how can you directly give me a fairyware]

Most of these people have been sent to various kinds of spiritual weapons by Huo Jingzhou. They were handed over because of Huo Jingzhou's generosity. If he has any difficulties, he will definitely help him in the first time and make people feel reliable.

It is precisely because of this that after Huo Jingzhou’s self-certification of his own swordsmanship on the spot, these people stood on his side without hesitation.

But if all his generosity and all his arrogance are the money of the stars that are driven away?

Huo Jingzhou only saw a few news, and the rest would no longer be open.

He has been shaping himself as a rich second generation image. Even if it was later practiced, the relatives and friends asked him why he should practice, and he said it was fun.

But now, someone actually found out that he had just entered the path of the fairy, and took a screenshot of the order.

No, don't panic!

He is not the little rookie who lacks money at the beginning. Now he can make a lot of money every day.

As long as the black water is poured onto Lin Shiheng, he can...

I think that Lin Shiheng never pays attention to the forum. Huo Jingzhou bites his teeth and opens the forum. He intends to say something to save the situation.

You can open a post a bit, but the entry is a bright red top post.

[I am a star, regarding the violation of the practice regulations of Jingzhou, the information on the squandering account Lingshi is as follows. If there is any doubt, please check it]

Huo Jingzhou trembled and opened the post.

At the beginning, it was his chat with Lin Shiheng.

[Boss, please consider me, I am a student, I am in short supply of money at home, I really need this job, please, please, I play the game very powerful! 】

This is the time he has to forget.

Humblely praying for a job of training, just to earn money that I can’t see now.

He desperately concealed himself, but Lin Shiheng directly exposed it to everyone.

Huo Jingzhou's eyes are red, and they are soft on the ground.

He knew that he was finished. Something went wrong, please refresh and try again