Gorgeously Enchanting Elementalist: Insidious Evil Emperor’s Airheaded Concubine

Chapter 1350: Little bit of being affected


Good new words...

The two words of the curtain cloud purple have raised questions in everyone's mind, but 90% of the people basically understand the meaning of the two words.

“Blank, flat,” means “please up and get up.”

The word "ping" is the person who is kneeling and the person standing, getting up and standing like her, flattening...

The curtain cloud purple Liumei picked up and saw that everyone was ignorant of the way he stood up, and his heart raised a smear, and his mouth twitched slightly, and he really regarded himself as an "emperor"...


Just as the curtain cloud purple eyebrows, the four elders came.


The curtain cloud purple nodded with a cold, "Hm", said: "Give the list of all the light elements to the Emperor." Change the previous uncomfortable appearance, cold words, with an irresistible order, domineering side leakage...


With the words of the elders, they stretched out their hands, and there was a list in the palm of their hand. The curtain cloud stood out innocently, and the jade-like hand took over the list of the elders.

Just when everyone thinks that the curtain will be collected, is this time not the successor time? So the time is tight, where will there be a list of time to watch... Who knows... Under the guise of everyone, the eyes and the ten lines, in just a few minutes, actually recorded the names of thousands of people in their minds. in.

Everyone thought that the curtain cloud purple only saw a general, including four elders, no one knows that Mu Yunzi has already remembered everyone's name in his mind.

"Get it and collect it."

Curtain Yunzi once again rolled the list in his hand into a book, carefully handing it over to the elders. Although this is not an important thing, there is no need to be “cautious”, but this is respect for people.

There are more than 1,500 people on this list. Everyone has light elements. These people will become important people in the future to be controlled and controlled. They are indispensable and careless. This is respect for others. The minimum quality problem.

At such a moment, what is required is not innocence and innocence, but also domineering and majesty, as well as calm and calm, and these are the things that at least accept the hearts of the people, especially the generation of emperors...


The elders are more respectful than usual, and look very serious.

After Yun Yunzi handed the list to the elders, the line of sight looked down to the left. There were more than 1,500 people with light elements. They stood straight, just like trained soldiers, standing only There are a lot of things, not a mess, except for the length of the hair, and the variety of colors.

In addition to this, looking at it, it really looks like an army...

After seeing the cloud, I noticed that there was a shock. She didn’t think of her own life. In the impression of everyone, it was so profound, so respected... I thought about the past life’s contribution to the Yanyue Mirror, and the mouth slightly leaked a touch. Satisfied smile, seeing this, what else is worth not worth it?

Originally, she went to the emperor only for her own lover, relatives, and friends to have a peace of mind. I can see such enthusiastic people, as well as those who respect themselves and have great expectations for themselves, her heart, little by little. Be influenced.

Especially when she went to the successor, the people in the audience were quiet, and the eyes of the awe, all of them moved her heart...