Gou In the World of Gods

Chapter 148: serve

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The flying sword pierced through the monster's eyes like an electric shot, and the remaining momentum continued, turning the brain inside into a mess.

The monster's huge body froze suddenly, and its whole body began to twitch.

Chen Li withdrew the flying sword, and then felt relieved. Holding the sword, he jumped onto the body of the monster. Using Zhou Tiangang's strength, he cut off the huge head, which was nearly a person's height, with several consecutive sword strikes.

At this time, a few foundation builders in the distance finally flew over.

Chen understood the removal technique and jumped off the monster to salute.

"Chen Daoyou, it's really hidden." The first person who established the foundation laughed.

"Where is it? It's just a **** courage. I didn't expect this second-order monster to look majestic, but it's so vulnerable!" Chen Li said modestly: "I also want to thank everyone for coming to help. . "

"Hey, Fellow Daoist is too modest, this melee combat method is clean and neat, really amazing."

A group of people exchanged pleasantries for a while.

Among the foundation builders who came over, there happened to be someone who teased Chen Li the day before that he had never seen a second-order monster, and his smile was embarrassing at this time.

Fortunately, Chen Liti didn't mention it, which saved his face.

The two sides chatted for a while.

The foundation builders took their leave consciously and left.

"Ah, it's over again?"

Not long after this group left, Feng Qi flew over in a hurry, and when he saw the corpse of the monster and Chen Li beside him, he immediately flew down with a look of annoyance.

"Chen Daoyou, why are you the only one, where are the other fellow Taoists?" Halfway through the conversation, a surprised expression suddenly appeared on his face: "Could it be...you are the only one!"

Chen Li smiled and said nothing.

"Tsk tsk! I'm really mistaken!" Feng Qi stared at Chen Li for a while, and said with a look of surprise, and he couldn't believe it when he left.

He failed twice in a row, but got nothing, and he was also very bad.

Next, some acquaintances or half-acquaintances came one after another, and Chen Li greeted them one by one. Hearing that he solved this second-level monster alone, everyone became more enthusiastic. Most of the invisible diaphragms that seemed to exist and seemed to have disappeared.

"It's finally over."

Chen Li took out a porcelain bottle from his storage bag, uncorked the bottle, took two Qi Gathering Pills, and recovered his spiritual power. Looking at the crowd hiding far away, he stretched out his hand to call a few Zhenzong disciples, and ordered them to take The team continued to burn the wasteland.

He himself emptied the low-level monster meat in the storage bag, threw it on the ground, and began to decompose the huge corpse.

This second-order monster is much bigger than the second-order snake monster last time.

Standing up to about six meters tall, the length is thirteen meters long without the tail, and the weight is estimated to be twenty tons. If it is not disassembled, his two storage bags can't be packed much.

Next, Chen Li peeled the skin and deboned to get the meat, so he didn't mention it.

"Another demon pill!" He took out a hot substance from the smelly sewage that he dragged out.

Counting this one, he already has three.

The Yaodan just taken out is relatively soft, its surface is dense and glowing, exuding strong energy fluctuations, it beats faintly in the hand, as if it is alive.

Chen Li played with it for a while, put the demon pill into the storage bag, and continued to disassemble it.

The bones of the second-order monsters are extremely heavy.

Almost all of them are semi-crystallized spiritual materials, quite dense in texture, as heavy as gold and iron, accounting for almost a quarter of the weight of the entire monster, and the weight of blood accounts for another tenth of its weight.

A 20-ton monster weighs about 13 tons with its bare flesh and internal organs.

But even so, his two storage bags with a total of eight squares couldn't fit them.

What's more, these spiritual materials are also valuable, almost all worth the flesh and blood of a monster.

"Oh, next time, I must buy a large-capacity storage bag! It's too late at the critical moment." Chen Li sighed.

Leaving aside this Tier 2 monster, this time it was unexpected.

In other words, the low-level monsters that he killed these days did not add up to eight, but there were seven. Except for one of them who took the meat, the rest were either left in the wild or given points to the casual cultivators of the team.

These casual cultivators are happy.

But he couldn't be happy.

It's all his money!

A low-level monster is worth at least a dozen or twenty middle-grade spirit stones, and as many as thirty or so. Seven monsters are equivalent to one hundred and forty middle-grade spirit stones. Even for Chen Li, this amount of money was not a small sum.

It took him more than a month to paint the Golden Light Amulet.

Adding up all the savings, there are only six top-grade spirit stones.

Seeing that half of the monster meat and a mountain of bones and fur were left, Chen Li had no choice but to go back to Fangshi, put a few longer leg bones and part of the meat in a temporary hut, and freeze them with ice , I am going to find a way to deal with it when I come back at night.

As for the emptied Tier 1 Monster Beast Meat, it can only be given points to these casual cultivators.

After returning from the wasteland burning in the evening, Chen Li followed the established rules and gave more than a hundred catties of second-level monster meat to each of the foundation builders one by one. Fortunately, this trip was not in vain. solve.

When he came to the door, Zhou Yuanpeng proposed to buy the spiritual material of this second-order monster.

This matter was in Chen Li's hands.

"I didn't expect Zhou Daoyou to be not only a formation master, but also a craftsman." Chen Li complimented.

"I don't dare to be called a master. It's easy to laugh when I say it. I just learned a little bit about refining weapons." Zhou Yuanpeng smiled wryly and waved his hands again and again:

"The first-level magic weapon is okay, but I am still struggling to find out the second-level magic weapon. If you have any second-level spiritual materials you want to sell in the future, you can come to me. Don't worry, the price will definitely not be lower than the market price."

Chen Li immediately agreed and added a few compliments.

Zhou Yuanpeng's lightly twirled long beard was praised by Chen Li. Although he was humble, he kept smiling. When he looked at Chen Li, his eyes became a lot closer.

Chen Li then fetched a large pile of bones and furs from the temporary hut.

Zhou Yuanpeng appraised the price face to face, and finally sold it at the price of two top-grade spirit stones.

This price is indeed fair, much higher than the market price. If it were replaced by a magic weapon shop outside, it would probably be estimated at 150 middle-grade spirit stones.

There are twenty-five people in total who came to build the foundation this time, and each delivery of meat to the door had to chat for a while. In the end, the polite words became a pattern, which was very smooth. It was already night, but it was more tiring than fighting during the day.

But it feels good.

Looking at these Jiji's enthusiastic, surprised, or disbelieving gazes.

Chen Li felt that the meat was worth the gift.

Each Foundation Establishment shared more than a hundred catties of meat, and three tons were gone at once, and the remaining ten tons of pure meat could barely fit in two storage bags.

But it's also packed full.

After a simple dinner, Chen Li practiced his sword skills as usual, reminiscing about the battle during the day.

'I don't know what level that second-order monster is? It is said that many monsters have innate abilities, and the innate ability of the monster in the daytime is obviously related to fire...'

‘Hey, the battle ended too quickly, that’s why it’s not good. I can't figure out the strength of the monster at all! ’ Chen Li sighed in his heart.

"Senior, the room has been tidied up, please tell me if you have anything else to do." A female disciple said respectfully to Chen Li with a blushing face.

Perhaps it is difficult to build a foundation, and the chances are not high. There is no master-apprentice system in the Zhenzong. The only difference between inner disciples and outer disciples is that the former will be provided with the best resources and the best spiritual land. They only need to practice and do not need to be responsible for tasks. sundries.

As for the outer disciples, it was more difficult, and those who were responsible for the corvee were these outer disciples. Some female disciples also serve the daily life of the foundation builders, almost no different from servants.

"Well, you've worked hard!" Chen Li stopped practicing his sword, and said gently: "There's nothing to do here, go back and rest early."

"Senior, let this junior serve you. This junior has never been touched by another man." The female disciple gritted her teeth and trembled shyly.

As he spoke, he began to loosen his robe, revealing the tender green robe inside.

The bulging chest is ready to come out, trembling and trembling.

Chen Li took a look, then avoided his gaze with a serious face: "What are you doing, put on your clothes quickly, I don't need your service here, go back and rest."

It was rare for this girl to muster up her courage, her face flushed immediately when she heard the words, big tears fell down, she hurriedly put on her robe, covered her face, and ran out as if fleeing.

Smell the fragrance left in the air.

Chen Li shook his head and couldn't help laughing, what's the matter?

He stopped the thoughts in his heart and continued to practice the sword.

At noon the next day, Feizhou came over again.

A batch of supplies and thousands of sallow and emaciated mortals, including men, women and children, were brought in.

The supplies are mainly some building materials, food seeds, various agricultural tools, living supplies, etc. Obviously, these mortals are the first batch of pioneers who came to settle here in Green River Square.

When Chen Li returned in the evening, all the tree stumps left by the burning in Fang City had been dug out and burned.

A large number of mortals chanted neatly, pulled up huge wooden stakes tied with ropes, and tamped down the ground to level the ground, ready to build houses and build a city.

"In this world, mortals are like ants!"

Needless to say, this newly opened land is dangerous, not to mention that it is surrounded by forests.

For these mortals, not to mention monsters and evil spirits, even ordinary beasts, poisonous insects, and even simple acclimatization can be fatal. In ten years, half of these thousands of people will survive, which is already very good.

Time passed day by day~lightnovelpub.net~ A month has passed in the blink of an eye.

Autumn is getting stronger and stronger, the scope of burning wasteland has expanded to the original forest area, and the teams they lead are getting more and more scattered.

During the period, other teams encountered a second-tier monster again, but this time it was not as smooth as before. A member of the Foundation Establishment family died in the battle.

He died a miserable death.

The corpse was bitten into two by monsters.

The half of the upper body was found in the belly of the monster, and it was corroded beyond recognition when it was cut open.

The corpse was not buried in Green River Square, but was frozen and put into the coffin, ready to be taken back to Luanluo City when returning.

For this reason, the team deliberately rested for a day and did not continue until the next day.