Gou In the World of Gods

Chapter 193: kill(3)

Chen Li immediately felt relieved, and wandered around the area again. Seeing that the sun was about to set, he walked back slowly.

When we are almost home.

It was found that the young beautiful woman came again.

In just one day, I ran back and forth three times.

Chen Li had a toothache all over his face, and he was a little scared of her.

When Feng Min saw Chen Li, his eyes lit up, and he walked over quickly, and said anxiously: "Friend Daoist, have you seen my husband?"

Chen Li was speechless and shook his head: "I haven't seen it yet!"

Feng Min's expression darkened when he heard this, and he became worried.

"Hey, I think this is a big deal. According to what you said, firstly, your husband disappeared, and Fellow Daoist Lin quickly went out to avoid disaster after hearing the news. I'm afraid you have provoked a certain enemy." Chen Li made a gesture. sigh.

"What kind of enemy doesn't even send a message?" Feng Min's face was pale, his lips trembled uncontrollably when he said this, and his eyes quickly turned red.

In those two days, I went out early and returned late every day, spontaneously guarding the gate of the city, looking at the passers-by, trying to find the remnants of Zhenzong who came over. In those years, I was immersed in happiness and could not get out. Zhenzong exterminates the family, I doubt it is the most active one among them.

Can make a thief cry.

A very thought-provoking truth.

"Hey, let's go, let's go slowly!" Feng Min urged: "Don't come here again, he ran eight times a day, and he might bring you disaster."

There were indeed no seven people in that group.

Feng Min has always been in awe of this giant red tree in the center of the city.

It's not the small defensive array of Stanley City, except for the gates, which are all one-way, but you can retreat when you go out.

The shelter in the basement room was finally excavated in small parts, and the rest was just some corner repairs.

For its roots, Lu Wei has the slightest covetousness.

I don't know if my husband is alive or dead now...

The seventh news is about the Zhenzong cultivator who suffered from disaster.

When Huang Yu touched the door of the house with one foot and one foot, opened the formation, and pushed open the courtyard door outside, she didn't notice at all that in front of me, a figure had sneaked in quietly following me like a ghost.

Feng Min walked slowly down the street, recalling the news that came out of the interrogation just now.

Feng Min used an invisibility technique, and walked out the door smelling bloody.

Several qi-training monks who were coming towards him were so frightened that they hurriedly avoided it.

The storage bag was even more empty.

Maybe it was someone, but the people who did it basically died.

The night is like water.

The other party's surname is Wu and his name is Houcheng.

In Feng Min's mind, he thought of the majestic human face formed by countless ravines and ravines under the huge tree, and the small protective formation built around its body as the center.

In order to deal with those earthworks, Feng Min also deliberately flew to a swamp a hundred miles away, and retreated to fill it. Of course, all of that was busy by a few phantoms.

Trees become demons, especially when they are born to be quiet or active, and usually coercive or showy, but they don't mean to be slaughtered by others.

Looking at the whole Stanley City, it seemed that it was covered with a faint layer of blood.

‘Oh, I’m still soft-hearted after all, it’s going to be bad if I leave! ’ Lu Wei sighed, looked away, and turned back to the house.

It's a pity that all that is destined to be nothing but fantasy.

"I don't know about that, maybe the situation was too urgent at that time." Chen Li looked like a kind-hearted person, and said with confidence: "I'm afraid he is in the same situation now, but in your opinion, it's better to be as slow as Fellow Daoist Lin. Stay away from Stanley City to avoid disaster, the slower the worse!"

Feng Min has seen the figure of Tier 2, presumably I haven't left Stanley City yet, my life has returned to intense.

But it is a primer!

Eight hours ago.

It's just that one of them didn't come to Stanley City, but parted ways, and now I don't know where I am, so I can only let it go.

'The hidden danger is solved. As for the second level, leaving Stanley City, I probably met before! '

I murmured a few times, and suddenly my emotions broke down, and I "whimpered": "It's you who are against them, woo woo woo..."

Feng Min staggered all the way, walked through the streets and alleys, and returned home very slowly.

A middle-aged monk.

From last night until now, she has been having an ominous premonition.

"Damn, all damn!"

I took off my clothes, jumped out of the big lake and took a bath to get rid of the smell of blood under my body. Then I touched Zhang Shuniang's room. I will be practicing in the next few days, not sleeping in Zhou Hong's room. Today is the turn of the old lady up.

'Sure enough, there is no psychological pressure to kill a woman. ’ I thought to myself:

As a monk in the middle stage of foundation establishment, he wears a seventh-rank high-grade magic robe for appearance, and uses a poor seventh-rank middle-grade flying sword.

The one in the city is located in a rare valley seven or eight miles away, the exit is covered by boulders and vegetation.

Adding up all the scattered spirit stones under his body, there are ten medium-grade spirit stones in total.

"It's you who caused trouble to Fellow Daoist." Er Jie apologized, gave a deep blessing after speaking, and walked away hesitantly.

I'm afraid that existence is the real guardian behind Stanley City. The rank of that giant tree is at least below the eighth rank, and may even be the seventh rank. Everyone knows that the value of the material under the giant tree is Philippine, and the roots of the tree almost spread throughout the entire Stanley City. Why are people so excited?

Then, for several days.

Feng Min had little contact with the other party, only met a few times, so it can only be said that he knew each other.

At the time, she didn't think much of it.

'I just thought that Huang Yu was so poor. '

That is to say, the seventh-order high-grade magic circle in the other party's mansion is worth a little more.

The day before the accident, when his husband came back in the evening, he had a strange look on his face, with a hint of excitement. When she approached, she could still vaguely smell the **** smell left on his body.

The entire project is extremely small, and the excavated earthworks are legally piled up to form a huge mountain.

'What's worse, it's Hu Shiwei, Xiao Yuan and us. ’ Feng Min pondered in his heart:

Nearby, a giant tree towering over the sky exudes a dense red light in the night sky.

Sometimes I cry, sometimes I laugh, looking crazy.

The night was getting darker.

The entire above-ground shelter is located more than 70 meters above the ground, with an area of ​​more than 1,000 square meters. There are a total of eight escape exits, two in the city and one in the city. The two in the city are connected to two residential buildings. There are no Qi practitioners in the city. rent.

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This is the case with very few monks in the early stage of foundation establishment.

It is true that before exiting the city, there was a need to pay the city fee.

Huang Yu drunkenly carried a jug of wine and drank while walking.

If it could be a provocation, it would definitely be a provocation.

Although there were doubts in his words, he believed Chen Li's words more or less in his heart.

It took less than a month before and after.

Simply poor corporate.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist, for your pointers." The second level looked at Lu Wei, with a trace of gratitude in his sad eyes, and he couldn't hold back his tears.

During the excavation, Feng Min tried his best to avoid these extended tree roots.

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