Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1044: Crayfish brand abyss spicy strip [third

"Dragon bone kitchen knife?"

The words of the step made the opposite side of the oriental fire behind the silver cooktop a slight glimpse.

Later, the face of the oriental fire showed a smile...

"Not all keel kitchen knives are high-grade buds..." The East Fire Road, then his gaze fell on the kitchen knife in the hands of the step, blinking.

The kitchen knife in the hands of the big devil, showing the golden color, the fancy, the golden awning hurts the eye.

However, from this it is not able to feel the fluctuations of any higher fairy.

I can't see the lingering scent.

Perhaps its quality is good, but, look at this appearance, the big devil's so-called keel kitchen knife may not even be a fairy.

I want to win him with this kind of kitchen knife. It’s just... funny.

The hand trembled.

The silver-wing keel knife was turned in the palm of his hand, and the volatility of a mysterious spread spread.

The words of the East Fire seem to have caused a burst of resonance, and the audience in the audience have all made a loud laugh.

The laughter is full of sarcasm, which is the sarcasm of the step.

The Dongfang fire is right, not all keel kitchen knives can be called the upper class.

Silver pterosaur, which is the eighth-class beastmaster of the fourth floor of the kitchen.

The strength is very strong and has great destructive power.

However, when the silver pterosaurs wanted to attack Xiancheng, the result was killed by Mengqi Chengzhu. The keel was made into three keel kitchen knives as a reward for inspiring the fourth layer of genius.

His oriental fire talent is amazing and he has won the reward of this keel knife, so this is his pride and belongs to his glory.

He is not allowed to use the garbage keel knife to insult his kitchen knife.

Therefore, the next kitchen fight, he must win, to win the hand of the kitchen knife called the keel knife in the hands of the step, then in front of the big devil's face ... will mash the kitchen knife!

That's right, just smash it with the silver-wing keel knife in your hand!

"This silver-wing keel knife is the one that Mengqi Chengzhu rewards me... Don't use your garbage to compare with my kitchen knife..."

The oriental fire color became indifferent.

The next moment, he was put into cooking.

A portion of the ingredients were taken out and placed on the stove top.

Suddenly on the stage, the singularity!

These ingredients are undoubtedly the most beautiful grades!

This is the intention of the East Fire to completely kill the Big Devil!

Everyone's eyes are getting stagnant.

It seems that the Big Devil... has trouble.

But many people are more excited.

A chef from the first floor, who has been mad for so long, has finally been taught.

The face of the public class has already become bloodless.

Dongfang Fire, did not think that the opponent chosen by the boss is actually the East Fire...

Xiao did not lack a corner of his mouth and sneered.

He was very happy to see the failure of the step-by-step kitchen, the East Fire... This is even a taboo player.

Of course, compared to other people's sneer and sarcasm.

The steps are very calm.

Step by step, I thought, I had the choice of cooking dishes.

I looked at the opposite Oriental fire with deep thought.

The steps removed the ingredients from the system space bag.

Cooking... is proceeding in an orderly manner.


Xian kitchen world, the first floor.

The atmosphere became very stagnant at this moment.

Every city owner has an unexpected color in his eyes.

Fengcheng Lord can be said to be the top presence of the fairy kitchen industry, and its strength is second only to the landlord.

However, there is such a knives... I have not been able to split this small restaurant into two halves?

How can this be? !

What kind of ghost is this restaurant?

Invincible boy is also scared, he did not think that this restaurant can actually survive the blow of Fengcheng master.

Damn... Is the dog blaming it?

"Impossible...the dog has a dog hair here, indicating that the dog is no longer here...this weirdness is from this restaurant."

Mengqi City owner wrinkled a good-looking brow and said.

Above the beautiful face, it is also full of doubts.

"Meng Qi sister said yes, this small restaurant ... is absolutely weird." Holding a pot, holding the orchid finger, Zou Chengzhu took a deep breath.

The next moment, a burst of drink.

The black pot in his hand slammed out.

It seems to be tearing the air.

The black pot was galloping fast, and the void was constantly breaking.

Zou Chengzhu’s eyes locked the restaurant tightly.

boom! !

The black pot was in the restaurant.

There are no imaginary explosions and loud noises.

A bang.

The terrible power that existed above the black pot disappeared after being squatted in the restaurant, and fell to the ground incapable.

Later, from the restaurant, it was a terrible wave of volatility.

The fluctuations spread.

Zou Cheng, who took out the black pot, suddenly lost his color.

Squirt a blood and fly out.

It is also awkward with the Lord of Fengcheng.

"This restaurant... is really weird. It seems that there are very high rules. I can't move."

Fengcheng’s main squatting on his chest, said indifferently.

Later, the four city owners looked at each other.

Just a deep look at the restaurant.

The next moment, they were printed, and the energy fluctuations of the road fell down. One array of methods fell around the restaurant.

Blocked the restaurant.

"Everything that has something to do with the dog has become incredible."

Zou Chengzhu’s face was almost wrinkled into a chrysanthemum-like shape, and his eyes looked at the restaurant with some resentment.

"If it wasn't for the dog who took a bite out of Heaven, Lao Xue wouldn't be able to fall in the fairy space!"

Fengcheng said, with a deep hatred in his eyes.

"Yeah... It’s too weird to die with the repair of Lao Xue... It’s too weird!” said Mengqi Chengzhu.

"The thing about this restaurant, we have to sue the landlord, it is not a good thing to have such unreasonable restaurants in the kitchen."

Fengcheng said.

After that, the remaining three are nodding.

Finally turned and left, heading for the direction of the city government.

Invincible has long been scared, what happened.

That small restaurant... is it so powerful?


Boom! !

Above the ring, the **** flames are constantly rising, bringing a cool picture.

Many people were attracted by the picture, showing a shock.

They all exclaimed.

The cooking of the oriental fire is like an art. Whether it is a knife or a fire control technique, it has reached a point where it is handy.

The **** flame is like an arm, and soon, there is a scent that lingers over the entire square.


There are black clouds that are swiftly coming from, covering the sky.

There was a thunderous roaring sound.

Many people are looking up and looking at the sky, and their eyes are shrinking.

So far, the black cloud attracted by this game is the most stressful.

Everyone knows what this means, which means that the Thunder that was born in the Black Cloud may be more than one.

It may be two or even three.

after all……

Both of them are able to cook dishes that ignite the triple Thunder!


The dishes of the step are also coming to an end.

Someone saw the step dishes, and suddenly it was a while.

Because they found out why this dish is so familiar.

"What's special is a stick! Is this going to be a pillar of the sky?"

"Is it a dish of forty-nine? The big devil actually chooses this dish!"

"Hurricane... This is not to put the East Fire in your eyes. You don't have to show some cards in the face of the East!"


People around, oh.

The audience is more than awkward, and they feel that the East Fire will definitely win.

A stick... can it be a dish?

Of course, even if you can become a dish... can you compare it to the oriental fire dish?

There is no doubt that this is another killing from the East!

The fourth floor of the enchanting fairy kitchen, unstoppable!

What big devil, all fallen!

On the sky, the black cloud is extremely incompressible.

The thunder flashes in it.

Underneath, the dishes of the Eastern Fire are nearing the end.

His dishes are not small dishes, but a large dish. From a distance, it seems to be a piece of art, very delicate.

Every detail is dazzling.

When the final stroke was completed, the oriental fire dishes began to have a strong scent.

"Began to start cooking!"

Someone exclaimed.

The next step is the highlight.

Everyone knows that the two people in the ring are starting a kitchen fight.

And the kitchen...

The standard for assessing the outcome of a dish is the strength of the penalty.

Soon, the result will be there.

The cooking of this step is still a spicy strip, but naturally there are some changes compared to the previous spicy strips.

He added a lot of crayfish meat to this hot bar, so it tastes very good.


Lightning tore the sky.

next moment.

Above the Scorpio, there is a Thunder Dragon, and the claws of the claws are thrown down.

The audience exclaimed.

The next moment, they were stunned.

The thunder of the two was actually killed in midair.

The dragons bite each other, the picture is extremely fierce, the electric light is shining, and the roar is constant.

Many viewers are seeing this picture for the first time, and they are all shocked and unattached.

But after the shock, everyone is very excited!

Holding his fist, roaring toward the sky.

Some people even stood up and roared to the sky, cheering for the fire of the East.

Both the step and the oriental fire are ending cooking.

All that remains is the final result.

Both of them were holding hands and looked up at the picture on the sky.

Under the stage.

The nervous palms of the public class are sweating, and the eyes are full of worry.

The black robe raised his head and stared at the void with a strange look.

All the chefs are looking up to the picture in the sky.

The first brontosaurus, biting together, thunder and light, and finally with a roar, the same.

The audience exclaimed.

The second dragon, rushing out of the black cloud, killing straight, is also the same.

The audience was once again stunned.

The third brontosaurus, the shock, the terrible pressure sweeps across the audience.

Both of them cooked a dish that ignited triple thunder, and all the audience were exclaimed.

Under the eyes of the public.

Two dragons and three heavy thunderbolts were killed together, and a terrible collision occurred.

The horrific explosion swept the audience.

In the end, an invisible wave spreads out like a scorpion that spreads over the sky and spreads layer by layer.

Everyone is sucking in air.

What is the final result?

The black clouds dissipated, and the black clouds on the top of both of them almost disappeared at the same time.

The steps are slightly different.

Did you hit a tie?

The East Fire also sucked in a cold air.

His means to do it... actually only became a tie with the big devil?


All the chefs are exposed to the color of thought.

It seems that this competition... is interesting.


The dishes of the oriental fire are scented.

The dishes in the step are bright.

That is the familiar dish, a stick stuck in the heap of ice, a column of celestial dishes.

The wonderful food in the dishes.

What will happen to the final outcome?

The referee was a little excited.

What's special... I can finally evaluate the dishes of the Big Devil.

Since the Big Devils entered the competition, they have been crushed, and his referee is in vain.

The judges did not have the opportunity to taste the dishes.

Now, it is time to directly evaluate the dishes.

The referee's figure flashed and appeared in front of the oriental fire dish.

Carefully pick up the dishes.

The oriental fire dishes are picturesque, and the huge plates are piled with many ingredients. The combination of ingredients shows a sacred food painting, including phoenix, eagle, bird, bird, and cockroach...

A variety of poultry flooded it, just watching, a fierce rush of gas is to let people breathe.

"Three-paste fairy dishes... million birds phoenix!" The East Fire took the lead and was extremely confident.

The referee took the dish to the judges' table.

Turning around is to come to the front of the dishes.

The radiant light shines from the dishes on the side.

It was a stick stuck in the heap of ice.

"Dish name." The referee asked.

Step by step, playing with the knives of the golden knives, the corner of the mouth was slightly pulled, and looked at the referee, saying: "The name of the dish..."

"That's called... 'Crayfish Abyss and Spicy Strips'."