Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1496: The man behind the dog [second]

A peerless dog!

Really a peerless dog!

The black armor felt the terrible, beastly smell of the beast, and was really shocked.

His body was tight and he only felt that a big horror was surging.

Although it is only a high-spirited black dog, but inexplicably makes him feel guilty.

Of course, perhaps because of the match at the moment, people feel cold involuntarily.

The ruined king of the gods that permeated the void, the terrible murderous dog bathed in the blood of God.

Inky hellfire, blood-stained **** bones, at this moment, set the black dog, as if walking from **** to the fate of the general.

The strong men of the Faerie dynasty were stunned.

They never imagined that the Titans had acted at the same time as many powerful men, and eventually they ended up in such a miserable end, and many inferior gods died on the spot.

You know... the king of God is important to a god.

The guards behind the black armor also sucked in air.

Pingyang Wang, Tianlong Wang and other strong people also felt a chill.

It’s terrible, the black dog bathed in the blood of God completely changed them.

This black dog really dares to kill like this.

But... they have to say, killing is good!

The messenger group of the Titans, after coming to the Xia Dynasty, was quite humble at first, but after a few days, it became more and more rampant.

Perhaps it is because I learned that the Emperor’s limit is coming, so I dare to let it go.

Because the Pingyang kings did not dare to cause trouble to the gods, they attracted the Titans and waged war.

So they are all swallowing, but this time, they are really hooked.

The pace is also very enjoyable.

The fire of the gods is devour, and countless laws are integrated into the fire, making the fire more and more silver.

It is as if the silver melts and burns.

The hot high temperature distorts the void.

Of course, at this moment, everyone's eyes are not above this flame, everyone's eyes are locked on the black dog that is holding the bones of the gods.

On the scorpio, the terrible breath is coming.

That is the breath of the superior god, this is the true superior king.

It is much more powerful than the original black and white.

This is the top powerhouse of the Titans.

Responsible for protecting the genius enchanters of this trip.

However, the strong man is burning in anger at the moment, roaring, and his body traversing the sky, as if to tear the sky.

Scorpio is twisting.

This is really a big horror!

The air of the entire dynasty dynasty seems to have boiled up at this time.

"It is the Thai space king!"

"We have saved! This **** black dog!"

"Awful! The black dog who understands the law of time and the bones of the gods... is invincible!"


Those **** Titan gods, the gods, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, the eyes are showing the joy of the rest of the robbery.

They are not dead, they have survived.

The appearance of the Thai Space King can definitely save them.

The Thai space king is the superior king of the gods who have learned the thousand rules!

Strong strength, thorough!

As for the Xia Yu Shen dynasty.

The middle gods of the Titans did not care.

If they have won the bones of God, they should be afraid of the Emperor's bones. Even if the Emperor is late, the Emperor is still the Emperor...

However, they did not win the bones of the gods, and the meaning is completely different.

If you don’t win the gods, if the Emperor asks them, there are Thai Airways elders who can definitely save them.

Moreover, if the Emperor insisted on killing them, it would certainly lead to the contradiction between the Titans and the Xia Dynasty.

This is what the current Xia Emperor can't bear!

So they understand that when the elders of Thai Airways appeared, they survived.

It is a pity that...the **** of bones has no chance to get it.

The law of time is matched with the **** of the gods, it is terrible!

A dog can also stir the clouds.

The terrible voice carries questions, causing constant tremors and cracks in the void.

The three heads of the dog's head raised their heads at the same time, and the **** eyes burst into the stream, staring at the void.

There, a red fruit upper body, the strong man who painted the lines on the road came out.

The body is magnificent, full of hair like a needle.

The eyes are shining and the breath is floating.


Superior God King?

There was a dipping in the eyes of the dog.

But... it’s just tight.

Today's dog princes are still struggling with the upper-class gods, but they are more than self-sufficient.

What's more, the dog lord really does not believe it. In the dynasty of the dynasty, under the eyes of the Emperor's old man, he dared to let go!

Although the old man of the Emperor is old, but... not dead yet.


Step by step, such as the morning bell, every step, is to ignite the blood of everyone.

The blood of terror, such as Hong Tao, is constantly slamming the coast, and the reef seems to be cracking.

The superior god, the terrible!

Some of the demigods that are hidden in one side and secretly pay attention, some of them are unable to withstand the traction of this breath, and they are sulking and blood is ejected.

The family of the family, the flow of less princes, are all showing the color of horror.

The superior gods of the Xia Dai gods have entered the remains of the ancient gods.

Therefore, on weekdays, they also did not have the opportunity to see the best gods.

I saw them this time, but they surprised them.

The Emperor is stronger than the superior god, but... the strength of the Emperor has reached a level of returning to the true, the momentum does not break out, as the ordinary old man is no different.

And the superior king of the Titanic dynasty, but it is arrogant, forcing the audience.


The void seems to be stagnation.

The king of Thai Airlines, his eyes are like a torch.

On top of his head, the law rounds up. There are countless laws in this law round, and there are thousands of them. This is the reliance of the superior king.

His eyes glanced, almost letting some demigods, unable to withstand the pressure, the body cracked.

The Thai Space King is the top powerhouse in the Titanic dynasty.

The Titans have four kings.

And he is one for it.

The Titan Emperor valued this exchange very much, so he sent him Thai Airways.

However, today, the **** of the Titans was slaughtered by a dog.

of course……

The Thai space king also knows that the king of the Titans is not ruling.

But... what about fear and fear? !

He is here at Thai Airways, it is reasonable!

Didn't grab the gods and bones, can the gods not be able to kill them?

He is the king of the Titans, and the Emperor killed him. There is no doubt that he is fighting the Titans!

The late Xia Wei, he dare? !


The terrible breath is like a sigh of relief.

The Thai space king Wang Wu walked unscrupulously and forced the dog to go.

"Dead dog! Kill me, the Titan god, and take the life to accompany the fun!"

Thai Airways exhaled as if it had set off a gust of wind.

Leading to the tremor of the void.

The voids around him were cracked, and the emptiness of the sky was on the body of Thailand and South Korea, but it was unscathed.

His flesh is too strong, and as a king, not only is the power of the law strong, but the flesh is even more terrifying!

Those who can become kings are also top in the ranks of the superior gods!

The three dog heads of the dog's head grin at the same time, making a sneer.

In the void.

The middle king of the Titanic dynasty fled in the distance.

"To **** the gods and my gods, you must be prepared for death... This is them... you can take it!"

The dog said softly.

“What do you want to do yourself?

"That king will kill you, but you will take it for yourself!"

The Thai space king, the gaze seems to tear the sky, shouting out, the hair seems to tear the sky.

Take a palm.

With the palm of his hand, he actually rushed to the storm and grew bigger and bigger in the void...

Just for a moment, it was bigger than the high-rise buildings, covering the sky and covering the sun.

Around the body of the dog, the hellfire is burning, and the eyes are erupting.

A shit, swaying the sky!

The law of time suddenly broke out!

boom! ! !

The void around them seems to be stagnation.

This is a means of going against the sky.


"The rule of time?! Give me broken!!"

The Thai space king blew his blood and snarled.

Actually, the hard body of the flesh, the impact of the law of time, the real horror!

This is the king of the Titans!

One palm continued to take pictures.

Black armor and others have already changed color.

The King’s shot has already exceeded his control.

In fact, the Xianling dynasty and the Titans led this ambassador to lead the gods, not the general gods.

Every shot is enough to provoke the volatility of the gods.

Of course, the black armor did not think that the two kings would easily shoot in the capital.

boom! !

There are rants in the terrible palms.

However, the Thai Space King broke the dog's time rule.

However, others cannot be broken.

A few middle-aged kings who fled, felt that they had stepped into the mud and could not move at all.

This scares them.

A three-headed black dog appeared in front of them with a enchanting cat.

Blood-stained bones squat.

A bang.

A medium **** king is finally overwhelmed, the body is cracked, and it is shattered by living!

In the restaurant.

The eyelids of the step are bright.

The gods are surging, urging the fire, and moving toward the body of the middle god.

Soon, it is to swallow the power of the law of escape.

The steps only feel refreshed.

"One person, one dog, all looking for death!"

Thai Airways is cold.

The eyes locked in the steps and the dog, all exposed to killing.

A dog, killing the king of Titan.

And that person is the law of engulfing the king!

This is licking them Titan Protoss!

Covering the sky, I shot directly to the restaurant, wanting to destroy everything!

Black dog, can't run away.

In the void.

The Xia Wei gods, the strong people of the Xianling gods are a burst of heart.

Black armor is secretly anxious.

Why did the Emperor of the Emperor still have not shot? !

No more shots, the entire dynasty will be turned to the bottom!

Step by step, looking at the big hand, expressionless, the power on it, the concession feels guilty, he really can not stop.

After all, he is only a half god, killing the gods and fighting the gods. The middle king of war is already the limit.

Moreover, it is necessary that these gods do not understand the law of the strongest.

The superior king, there is no possibility that the step can be played.

Perhaps crushing the kitchen gods can make a hard blow.

The step does not know where the limits of the kitchen gods are...

The three heads of the dog's head turned.

The line of sight seems to be sharp.

Is the old man of the Emperor still not shooting?

The old man also took care of him.

I am very happy with my skin.


The old man forgot, but behind the dog, I stood a savvy chef!

The figure flashed.

The dog was suddenly in front of the restaurant.

"Step by step kid...made a cake!"

The soft and magnetic sound of the dog's voice is full.

Standing on the top of the building, the gaze of the bird's robe hunted for a moment.

Making a cake?

Steps also understand the meaning of the dog!

The corner of the mouth is slightly twisted.

Step by step.

Raised his hand.

The silver fire returned, burning in his hands.

Three pieces of made-up cakes emerged and were engulfed in silver fire.

The gas around the cake is entangled.

The next moment, the step is a shot.

The three pieces of made-up cakes are turned into streamers and rushed to the scorpio on the burning of Hellfire...

As a man standing behind the dog, the step is consciously adding material to the cake!

God fires baked cakes!

Dog, let's break out!

Tear off.

Three pieces of made-up cakes are made into a silver streamer.

The dog's dog's eyes shed light and opened his mouth.

The three dog heads opened their mouths at the same time, and the three pieces of cakes were swallowed by him.


Make a cake entrance.

Looking at the indifference of Thai Airways in the sky.

Looking at the horror palm of the shoot.

Looking at the gaze of the sky...

The dog’s dog’s mouth is pulled.

Slightly opened and hit a full.

These people... I don’t know the real power of the step-by-step kid!