Grand Academy of Natural Sciences (Glan Natural Science Academy)

v1 Chapter 335: Deep sea darkness (9)

at the same time.

Deep underground in Gem Island.

The Principality of Sealand is far ahead of other principalities in the study of the academic knowledge of natural laws, and the Balrog Roarer, as one of the top royal academicians of the Principality of Sealand, has a status in the Principality of Sealand, comparable to that of Vladick.

But the difference is.

He is not only the study of war academics, but also possesses unparalleled personal power!

The Royal Sealand Institute of Science has been committed to the study of the laws of nature for a long time. In the long time of hundreds of years, thousands of scholars have stepped forward, worked together, and explored in depth. Finally, led by the two universities, they created two This kind of completely different destruction of academics exists as the foundation of the kingdom of Sealand.

One of them is Gauss Adolf's elementary reincarnation war academic.

This academic, Lei Luo has seen the tip of the iceberg in the fortress, not to mention it.

As for the other one.

It is the continental plate concussion technique of Mie Molun!

The curly red hair, wrapped around in a circle, the top of the head is bald, and the face is mad.

The Balrog Roarer is located deep in the bottom of this extinct volcano, sitting on the stone island in the center of this smooth magma pool, with red light shining in the narrowed eyes.

In the Principality of Zealand, he has many registered disciples.

There was reason in the violence, and the Balrog Roarer was playing with something. This was the key to unlocking the kinetic energy law of the earth's crust, a stone of earth veins.

The Earth Vein Stone itself is not special, but under the high temperature and high pressure environment, the unit volume is heavier.

In the long-term research of the Balrog Roarer on the laws of nature, he learned from the air of Gauss Adolf that the golden age of eight hundred years ago was called the golden age because the three pioneers discovered a secret, the law of Mystery!

The so-called law is a higher energy state.

In contrast, natural energy is nothing more than the overflowing breath and appearance of the law during the operation of the law.

The laws of the world are endless, and the ways of expressing power are also completely different.

The quality of the law can be divided into sublime and inferior, and the means for individuals to control the law are not the same. The number of the power of the law is the key to the power system of the gods.

According to Gauss Adolf's observations, the gods collect the power of the laws that the souls and masters, without mentioning the quality of the laws, it seems that it is just a primitive and inefficient use of the means of control.

However, this method is inefficient, but in the case of a huge belief base, the number of laws that the gods can master is far beyond the reach of scholars.

That is enough to offset the number of better mastering methods!

Hundreds of years thereafter.

Scholars found some evidence through archaeological research.

It seems that in the ancient times, humans once mastered a certain way of using higher laws, and later did not know the reason for their extinction, and humans seemed to have embarked on the path of the gods.

There is also the depths of the continent blocked by the night, some terrifying civilizations, the use of the law, seems to have reached the stage of weaponization, and is spying on some higher and magnificent power.

After hundreds of years of development.

Scholars who master the power of the law are no longer limited to the three former pioneers. Among them, the Roar of the Balrog is undoubtedly the most eye-catching one!

He took a deep breath.

"Time, it should be almost."

Muttering to himself, his body surface gradually swelled.

The surrounding magma pool, which was originally as calm as stagnant water, also "gurgled" and "guckled" bubbles, like boiling water.


The flame body of more than a hundred meters is blazing, and four long narrow red eyes are shining with cruel and ominous light.

The real body is an extension of the scholar's control over the forces of nature.

The Balrog Roarer stands in the center of the real body's head, and the Fire Giant's structure is very stable. This is his long-term energy structure created by the Institute of Natural Laws.

Silent ripples spread around the fire giant.

It is different from the power of flame as most people understand.

That is just the spillover of the laws he studied and mastered, and the resulting natural energy manifestations. Similar to the explosion of a chain reaction radiation weapon, it is only the basis for the argumentation of a fission radiation weapon, just the form of appearance seen by the naked eyes of lower creatures.

This ripple is the power of the law he controls.

This is a star screen world full of life, the law of kinetic energy for drifting between continental plates!

But because of this power, the quality is too lofty, so his study of this law is only a branch of the law of kinetic energy.

During the release of the kinetic energy of the continental plates, the volcanic eruption brought destruction, and the law of vitality was bred in the destruction!

If it was only the power of this law, the Balrog Roarers would be no different from other universities.

But his strength is...

He was able to use the laws of mathematical cornerstones to amplify his own laws through the domino effect conduction, artificially cause natural catastrophes at the weakest continental plate nodes, and temporarily enhance the quality of the laws of his own control, jumping to the middle level. Level, the pinnacle of anthropologists at this stage!

咚, 咚, 咚, 咚...


The slow movement of the continental plate is like the heartbeat of the heart of the earth in the sense of the law of the Balrog growler!

He must work hard at this weak point to conform to this fluctuation of the law.

After this, only a slight change is needed, even if it only causes one thousand percent of the kinetic energy of the continental plate, the terrorist force that will erupt at that time will be devastating to the creatures living on the continent.


A slight noise of plate movement came from the movement of the mantle.

The Balrog Roarer, who quietly sensed the laws of kinetic energy of the mantle, suddenly opened his eyes, as if he saw the new vitality brought by the destruction of the earth.

"Hmph, hum, hahahahahaha! Shake in the shaking of the earth! Continental plate concussion!!!"

The boiling lava under his feet burst out!

That is a trace of energy from the mantle deep underground.

During this process, his true body, constantly absorbing the power of the rules stipulated in it, became more and more massive, and followed the turbulent eruption of magma deep underground, surging to the surface.

He stood on the top of molten lava, looking up at the top of the cave.

Before he broke into the depths of the earth, breaking through the insignificant narrow entrance of the volcanic rock, a large amount of volcanic ash and black smoke gushed out.

The violent lava flow continued to rise, refilling this volcanic cave that had been silent for tens of thousands of years.

The face of the magma giant has a cruel and violent grin.

The calm before destruction is always so intoxicating, fascinating, and unable to extricate itself. The destruction of ancient civilization will be the beginning of the germination of a new civilization. The white energy of the volcano represents the most primitive life in the star screen world. Opportunity!

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