Grand Academy of Natural Sciences (Glan Natural Science Academy)

v1 Chapter 404: Derivatives and Cataclysmic Civilization

He opened his eyes.

Sun and Moon Eyes!

It's just that it is completely different from the power nature represented by the sun and moon eyes.

The pupil of the sun represents the macroscopic physical rules of Lei Luo Star, and represents that Lei Luo Star's material properties are cast by the first gold plating, releasing a steady stream of third-level gravitational ripples into the universe, representing that it is in the vast and empty space of the universe. In, the attribute power of the essence.

The pupil of the moon represents the natural vitality inside Lei Luo Star, the source of life of the star, the evolutionary will of nature, the miracle of incalculable and infinite evolution.

boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom ! ! !

After a short period of violent vibration, the flaming flames continued to weaken, and countless resentful spirits died, but this incomplete star finally calmed down.

It came to the star curtain layer.

Countless floating islands are accompanied by it.

Some of these large floating islands are far above it, while some small fragments are only the size of a fist. They are all continental plates in ancient times.

TIP: Find Laylo Star Essence 75g.

"The eighth time the astral body evolved, it was a success!!"

Laylo murmured.

As long as he is on this star, as long as the resentful spirit is immortal, he has the power of a fourth-level creature, the physical laws that cause qualitative changes in materials, and the natural laws that nurture natural vitality!

He looked at the barren world.

There are completely different laws. Here, the flame is the water that nurtures life in the star screen world, the source of power for life, and the resentful spirit is the most basic plant!

"The source of natural law is already there, but... there is still a lack of variables for continuous evolution."

The body of flames, the broad military uniform cast by the insulating power of the surface layer, the outline of Lai Luo's body became clearer and clearer, and with a "squeak" sound, a three-phase rat exotic life came to this world.


Under the stimulation of high temperature, this cute little life instantly transformed from a flesh and blood cell organism into an elemental energy body. It instinctively absorbed the high temperature energy around it, and greedily looked at the resentful spirits around it that were born in accordance with the laws of nature.

Laidlaw put the three-phase rat on the ground, and it quickly disappeared into the flames.

"Xiao Bai, come out to work!"

As Lai Luo's media partner, this mutated ginseng elf also gained some growth. At this moment, it was greedily enjoying the evolution process Lai Luo gave him, and was summoned by Lai Luo, and finally woke up.

"Gaga, you succeeded!!!"

Feeling the evolution of his media partners, Xiao Bai was very excited, and he cheered and greeted instinctively. He had long forgotten the prayers in his heart that he had prayed for Lai Luo's failure to evolve and die 10,000 times.

At this moment, they have finally become truly intimate partners, fertile ground for mutual growth!


Lai Luo showed a long-lost smile.

"But if you want to return to the star screen world and Gran, it depends on your efforts."

"Wow quack, understand!!!!"

In the raging flames, Xiaobai not only did not feel any discomfort, but instead jumped happily with the flames as if he was bathing in a hot spring.

After the excitement, it will stick its roots and feet into the ground, take root in it, and use its own herbal ginseng elf physique to influence the growth and mutation of the 'wraith plants' in this world.

"Then it's time..."

The relaxed and happy Lai Luo seemed to sense something suddenly!

His expression changed slightly, and he looked towards the sky, Haoyue.


A superstar is a special kind of spiritual energy life form.

Mastering the unparalleled catastrophic weapon of macroscopic physical laws, in the course of the magnificent ancient war, the history of the war between the superstar and the astral world civilization is far from being as simple as a few words.

After the superstar coasted and destroyed an ancient continent in the star screen world, he launched the star screen blockade and star siphon catastrophe weapon attack.

This is also of course.

After all, this is the ultimate weapon for them to continue the activity of the natural laws of the mother planet. They have been preparing for this for a long time, and all activities are carried out based on this.

The terrifying power that a continent was destroyed in an instant deeply shocked the ancient times, two five-level lighthouse-level civilizations at the peak of the continent were hostile to each other!

It is different from the super body star to study the power of the macroscopic physical laws of the universe.

The civilization of the star screen world is famous for its research on the power of microscopic natural laws.

In order to save the star-curtain world at stake, the lighthouse civilization on another continent at the end of the distant ocean launched an Alpha Cataclysm attack, which violently turned the originally mild ancient natural energy, prevented the loss of natural energy, and delayed the speed of star siphoning.

But this still does not stop the loss of natural energy.

The natural energy was continuously depleted, and the ancient creatures that used the collection of natural energy to create an incomparably huge body gradually became extinct.

After that, it was the counterattack of the Mandalasha civilization of Stormwind Continent.

Some kind of microscopic energy is sown into the natural energy. In the cognition of the laws of the Mandalasha civilization, they seem to be coordinates. While absorbing natural energy, the astral siphon also absorbs these microscopic coordinates, which leads to spiritual The superstar of the living body was sealed into a seed that Mandalasha broke through the blockade and threw it on the moon.

This is the ancient war process Laylo learned from the superstars.

What Laylo didn't know was.

After Alpha activated the natural energy to be violent, before the Mandalasha civilization sealed the super star, the history of the birth of the derivative after the failure of the super star arrival war!

After the natural energy of the star screen world was violently turned by alpha, it was calculated that it would take tens of thousands of years to complete the siphon of the star, and the superstars who mastered more powerful macroscopic physical laws and technologies naturally wanted to descend into the star screen world and destroy the alpha rampage. The basic structure of chemical weapons to accelerate the astral siphoning process.

In this way, the two lighthouse civilizations in the star screen world had to join forces and launched a tragic war against the invaders.

The war has begun, and the creatures of the star screen world are of course on the disadvantaged side.

It is precisely because the main battlefield is located on another continent in the depths of the distant ocean, that this once glorious and powerful level 5 lighthouse civilization has disappeared first.

But before its destruction, this mighty civilization, which researched technology in the field of microscopic natural laws and even had to surpass Mandala, paid the heaviest price in order to protect the only trace of dignity and hope left in this world. Within the activated star screen blockade layer, a self-protection layer was formed.

That is, the first blockade layer that Laylo just finished breaking through!

In this blockade layer, it is the absolute rule of the natural law of the star screen world. The natural law repels all foreign creatures, including tens of thousands of years later, accidentally fell into this world Aurora human.

In this way, the powerful superstar invaders were finally defeated by Mantra.

But the superstars didn't give up.

They have an absolute advantage, thinking of the derivative plan, using the creature's desire to survive, beguiling the betrayers who are afraid of death, and continuously attack the mandala, whose power is declining.

In desperation, Mandrasha completed the final seal counterattack, forming the history of the star screen world today tens of thousands of years later.

The so-called derivatives are also derived from this.

The natural law of the star screen world rejects exotic creatures. Since Aurora humans can think of neutralizing through media partners, and then prosper in this world full of unknowns and despair, even if the powerful superstars are sealed off most of them The main army, as a higher civilization, has no reason to think of other ways to break through the protection of natural laws!

After a long time, they finally developed a technology to invade the star screen world and speed up the process of star siphoning, that is, pollution and house grabs!

This technology first needs to cast a curse on some specific things through the derivative.

The surrounding of the derivative spell will be under the monitoring of the coordinates of the superstars. Once some targets are found that are suitable for the spiritual body superstars to seize the house, the superstars will destroy the target's spiritual power and occupy the opponent's body. Avoid the exclusion of natural laws.

But it is not easy to launch a pollution attack.

First of all, the superstars, as spiritual beings, come to the superstars after long-distance attrition and avoid the natural laws of the star screen world. Therefore, the target groups that can be seized need to have some specific restrictions. They are all very rare mutant life groups, and the individual Can't be too strong.

Therefore, they need to complete a sufficient number of advents to realize some plans.

Secondly, in the process of seizing the house, in the process of destroying the target's spiritual soul by the superstar, there will be various horror events accompanied by the spread of pollution, and it is easy to cause vigilance in the process.

The superstars gave this task to those ancient dragon derivatives, and successfully established a cataclysmic civilization in the center of Stormwind Continent!

But there are always exceptions.

Old Demon Du of the Wind Spirit Clan, by chance, came into contact with the superstars in the death holy mountain, became a derivative, and obtained the power of the derivative spell.

It is a pity that, as the elemental energy body of the Wind Spirit Race, there is no possibility for the superstars to complete the capture of their homes.

As for the Mushroom Clan, they also do not meet the various conditions for polluting the house.

Finally, the opportunity came.

The reason why Old Demon Du was desperate and cast a derivative spell on Lei Luo, in addition to his own hatred, was naturally the excited roar of the superstar behind him, and the two happened to have the same goal!

Human beings, as creatures from other worlds that were also rejected by the star screen world, have successfully reproduced and survived. Naturally, they are the best targets for superstars to contaminate their Maybe this will become the birthplace of the second cataclysmic civilization. ?


The superstar who was originally monitoring the targets around Lai Luo because of the derivative spell, along with Lai Luo to the floating island layer of the star screen between the law of the star screen world and the super star law, he sensed the real body of Lai Luo's star body. After the astral essence it contains...

The superstar ZZ1387262, who is in charge of monitoring Lai Luo, is completely boiling!

Because according to the researchers of superstars, the reason why the cold and dark superstar gave birth to life was probably a meteorite containing the essence of the star that accidentally hit the inside of this dead star. , and then derived today's superhuman!

The essence of the astral body is likely to be the foundation for maintaining the natural law of life Yunquan!

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