Grand Academy of Natural Sciences (Glan Natural Science Academy)

v1 Chapter 409: Endless Dreams (middle)

According to incomplete statistics, the number of principalities in the Land of Stars has remained between 70 and 110 for a long time.

The reason for the incomplete statistics is that most of the principalities are too small in size and the situation is very unstable, which has led to the country being in the process of division and reunification for a long time, and countless royal families in exile.

For hundreds of years, the civilization centers of many duchies have been headed by the six duchies and radiated by the great Aurora Empire in the remote central plain. However, with the continuous exploration of truth by scholars for hundreds of years, the scholar system has become more and more perfect and powerful. , In recent years, a situation of academic competition between the two duchies of Gran and Zeeland has been completely formed.

Standing behind these two major duchies, are the grim figures of scholars.

At this moment, these three people are from the Principality of Sealand and the Small Principality of Satya, which is controlled by the puppet of Sealand.

Ai Lan was born in a small aristocratic family in the Principality of Sealand. The family ran the maltose business in the northeastern part of the Principality, but as she became a well-known beauty magician gradually matured, it gradually attracted the idea of ​​a son of the Lia family in the Principality.

The Leah family, which operates the most profitable slave business in the Principality of Sealand, is inseparable from the royal family.

With the support of the Leah family, she also successfully entered the Royal Sealand Academy of Natural Sciences, where she learned more advanced knowledge of the laws of nature. Now that she is less than 50 years old, she is trying to get a bachelor's degree as an extraordinary scholar.

This kind of achievement can already be regarded as the genius level of one person in every thousand scholars!

Although it cannot be compared with those legendary monsters, it is also a very rare genius.

Recalling the past, in the sandcastle shelter, she held up her tea, and by flickering the firelight, she looked at the two companions who were gradually falling asleep, and estimated her duty time.

"Mr. Sike, wake up."

She called out to the old scholar, the most cautious and decisive old senior of the three.

In the past month, several crises have been relied on his decisiveness to survive without any risk. Similar to yesterday's strange situation, he was also the first to take precautions before it happened.


The old man moved a little, but it seemed like a snooze baby was still sleeping.

This is very unusual for scholars.

Ai Lan's face changed slightly, she stretched out her right index finger, and the energy rune on her nails radiated a pale silver light. This is the ink she carefully prepared with 1.5g of mithril and three kinds of high-grade magical beast bone powder to strengthen her self-confidence. influence of the natural environment.

The moisture in the melting pot desert is too scarce!

Even if she did her best, after consuming a lot of energy, the amount of water she could gather was really poor, and a "pop" landed on the face of the old man.


Surprisingly, after the old man woke up, his first reaction was incomparable anger.

Although in an extremely short period of time, the old man rationally controlled his emotions, but Ailan knew that at that moment, he almost wanted to kill himself out of instinct!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Ai Lan gasped, staring at the old man.

The old man gradually relaxed, and then he pressed his head angrily.

"How long have I slept?"

"It's an hourglass time."

Ai Lan also relaxed, and wanted to wake up the black-clothed female scholar in the same way, but saw the female scholar leaning on the black wolf raising her eyes under the shadow of the cloak, and said in a low voice, "No need, I didn't sleep."

Ailan was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and the two looked at the elderly who were worried about gain or loss.

He murmured absentmindedly, "Has it only been an hourglass time? Just in a dream, we have already passed half a month..."


The female scholar in black asked.

"Yes, the three of us left here together, and luckily found an ancient ruin, and we are discussing going back."

The old man kept looking at his old palms, shook his head angrily and said, "There is a pond that can restore the vitality of cells, I seem to be back in my twenties, and you too, keep sighing at your own beauty, everything is so beautiful. "

He raised his head suddenly, full of desire, and looked at the two of them.

"Tell me, is it reality now, or was it just now? Why is it so real there! I've never had such a real dream! If this is reality, why is it so short and there is so long?"

Ailan and the female scholar in black looked at each other.

This erudite, decisive, and cautious old scholar is so flustered and fragile at this moment, even a little crazy, which makes them even more afraid of sleep, or the dream after sleep...

Especially female scholars in black.

It was because of fear that she didn't fall asleep.

"Master Sike, I can tell you responsibly that it is the real world now!"

Alan insisted.

"Is it?"

The old man muttered in a low voice, and then seemed to have thought of something. Looking at Ai Lan, his expression gradually became strange.

"Then how can you be sure that this is the real world, and you haven't fallen asleep?"


Ailan was about to deny it of course, but suddenly felt a sense of weightlessness, and then the world was spinning, and she suddenly woke up.

"Ai Lan, you finally woke up!"

Opening her eyes, what Ailan saw was the concerned face of the old scholar Sike.

The female scholar in black on the side explained anxiously: "You fell asleep just now, and we can't wake you up no matter what we call you. The moisture in the air here is very scarce. As a last resort, I can only use weightless inertia to wake you up."

"Wait, I remember..."

Ai Lan rubbed her forehead to hide the fear deep in her eyes.

"Looks like it's my turn to be on duty, but I fell asleep? How long have I slept?"

"In less than a minute, I kept reading because I didn't dare to sleep. I tried to wake you up when I found you fell asleep, but I didn't expect you to wake up. By the way, how much time did you just spend in there? ?"

Ailan raised her head and looked at the two seriously.

Now, she is still not sure whether this is a dream in a dream or a real reality.

It is like an invisible devil, disturbing the shadow of his spiritual cognition, disturbing himself behind his back, absorbing the fear in his soul, and destroying his rational will with fatigue.

"An hourglass has passed."

Alan answered affirmatively.

"An hourglass!!?"

Sike said in disbelief: "If you compare the time flow of dreams and reality, you sleep for one day, and four months have passed in it! In this case, even for us, I am afraid it is difficult to distinguish between reality and dream, right?"

Ailan frowned, staring at Sec.

She said slowly: "Then how can you be sure that this is the real world, and you haven't fallen asleep?"

Sec stared at Ai-ran, he was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them looked around at each other, and they all felt the strangeness and fear that the other party had never experienced before.


Deep underground.

Laidlaw couldn't move a little finger, but he wasn't dead.

Silent and boring, in this maddening darkness, he seemed to be the countless ruins submerged in the ground, quietly waiting for the baptism of time, gradually annihilating and disappearing.

"It's the fifteenth day."

This essence clone, although it will continue to strengthen with the continuous improvement of the natural law of the closed cycle of the star body, even if it wants to be promoted to the second-level biological level, I am afraid it will take two years.

The desperation is that the environment he is facing at the moment is that even if he is promoted to the third-level biological level, he should not try to escape easily.


Suddenly, Laidlaw in the gravel opened his eyes.

"The pressure above seems to be getting lighter."

Lai Luo felt right.

After a while, with a beast-like gasp, a palm yanked him out of the ground.

"Jie Jie, quack quack, you devil, you really are here... this must be the real world!"

Laiduo stared at the past eyes narrowed slightly.

The dark skin and the scrawny figure were almost indistinguishable from walking skeletons.

He... or her sunken eye socket, one eyeball was missing, and the other eyeball lost its divine light, without a trace of waves.

With such an image, if it wasn't for the black bachelor's uniform on her body, it would be difficult for Laylo to recognize that she was the beautiful young bachelor under the black robe.

"What have you done to us! Ailan is crazy, and Sike is crazy. They can't tell the difference between reality and dream. I sacrificed my eyes, and the answer I got was because I was too close to you!"

The monster pinched Laylo.

"Tell me! You devil! What have you done to us!!!!"

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