Grand Academy of Natural Sciences (Glan Natural Science Academy)

v1 Chapter 410: Endless Dreams (Part 2)

"Your mental state is very bad right now."

Grabbed by the ferocious palm like dead tree bark, Lei Luo did not struggle and spoke tentatively.

It's just superficial calm.

At this moment, deep in his heart, he was about to roar.

Obviously, this is the follow-up effect of the mysterious magic that Du Lao Mo of the Wind Spirit Clan encountered on the ruins of the Longevity Tree Realm.

"Ha ha?"

Under the black robe, the rib dents are clearly visible, and the youthful beauty is now like a devil, his mouth is showing two rows of sharp fangs along with the laughter.

"Until now, are you still making excuses?"

"You dug me out, didn't you hold the last hope, hoping for a miracle to happen? Otherwise, just leave me in the ground to fend for itself. This is the last struggle of your remaining rationality deep in your heart, isn't it?"

Lai Luo was dragged in an imageless manner.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

The monster-looking female scholar gasped heavily, and after a long while, she roared "Ah" and threw Lai Luo out.

"you win!"

She said: "Don't think that you can do whatever you want when I lose my eyes. My spiritual power is far higher than yours. As long as I find something wrong with you, I can kill you at any time! Hmph, if I guess correctly, you must have He is a powerful scholar who studies the profound meaning of evolution, but he was weakened by the unexpected energy backlash, so he can survive in this death storm entirely by relying on that magic wizard uniform?"


Lai Luo smiled awkwardly, not caring.

At this moment, although he was embarrassed, his eyes were extremely hot.

Through this precious specimen, I can indirectly understand the unknown curse form that I have suffered.

"I see your current situation, it should be some spiritual pollution, first try my privately prepared medicine."

With that said, Laylo took out a glass bottle from the space ring, which was filled with light cyan liquid.

After a little discrimination, the other party drank the potion.


She moaned and groaned comfortably, but soon followed by a groan, and she threw away the bottle in annoyance.

"We have already tried it. This is not just a simple mental injury. Otherwise, with the adequate preparation of Master Seike, we would never have fallen to this point!"

Lai Luo thought deeply.

Just after she swallowed the spiritual potion, it was immediately absorbed by a strange spiritual force. Not only did the bottle of spiritual potion not treat her, but it became a tonic for that thing.

And that thing...

Ordinary people may not know what it is, but he definitely did not feel wrong just now, that is the strange and wonderful spiritual characteristics of superhuman!

Are those other world lifeforms sealed by ancient civilizations able to affect the creatures in this world, or is this some individual unsealed superhuman trying to exercise some kind of mind control?

Even more directly, this is Advent! ?

With a slightly serious face, Lai Luo slowly said: "I think, I should know the cause of your illness."


On the one hand, it is the desire for self-help, and on the other hand, it is the desire to seek knowledge. The female scholar like a skeleton monster roars with a hoarse voice deep in her throat, her sunken eye sockets are really hideous.

Lai Luo said calmly: "You can understand them as a mysterious spiritual life creature in a different dimension world. This kind of creature lives in a different world from us, and they can only be found through some mysterious clues. I used to be incredibly powerful with just a little contact with them, but as I've grown up, I've gotten out of their influence because...they're just too dangerous."

"Like a world spirit?"

The other party's muttering world spirit, Lei Luo didn't know what it was, probably caused her to sacrifice two eyeballs.

Lai Luo continued: "In this world, there are many strong people who are greedy for the power they give easily, and the ability atmosphere they give is varied. Unfortunately, I was cursed by such an existence a few months ago. I haven't noticed the characteristics of the curse myself, and now it seems... it should be a source of pollution."

"In that case, what can you do to help me!"

The female scholar's tone was somewhat pleading.

"I don't want to die yet."

"Three ways!"

"As far as I know, the one who is best at researching mental power among humans is the Great Witch King of the Dark World Cursor. According to legend, he mastered the existence of dream puppet art. He should be able to help you, but I'm afraid you don't have time to go. searched."

Before the other party was angry, Lai Luo looked up at the moon in the sky and continued: "The second method is to block the perceptual harassment of these strange creatures, but this is only a temporary method. You can't imagine their strangeness. Powerful, in the way they exist, we are like people in a picture scroll, so ordinary means have no effect on them at all."

"Say the third method."

She clenched her fists tightly and gritted her teeth. It was not difficult to see her fear of the mysterious, weird, powerful, and alternative life in the other-dimensional world that Laylo said.

"Using the most primitive cognitive methods of our scholars, understand everything about them, the purpose of them disturbing the dream, the results they produce, and then find a way, you have to believe in the power of scholars!"


Desperate laughter, the female scholar said lightly: "You are as confident as Mr. Sike, you kept saying this until he fell into madness, but in the end, it was the first of the three of us to fall into madness, and I and Ailan joined forces. beat."

Lei Luo's eyes lit up.

"What about his body? Maybe I can find something useful from him!"

"After Miss Ailan went mad, she was eaten by her."

Her eyes were empty and cloudy without any brilliance. She 'looked' sarcastically to Lai Luo: "Maybe after I go crazy for a while, you will end up like him."

Lai Luo's face stiffened.

"This joke is not funny."

He added: "Then use the second method. Although there is no way to cure you for the time being, it can at least delay your attack."

"any solution?"

"You only need to go to the places where they are difficult to perceive, and there is only one thing that can effectively block their perception, and that is the power of law, or the pure natural rules of this world. The purer the more effective."


"Deep underground!"

"You mean... After I dug you out, UU read and buried himself?"

"Well, so to speak, don't you believe it?"

"Do you think I'm an idiot!"

After a few hourglasses.

"You really are a devil."

The female scholar who jumped into the underground cave laughed at herself: "I worked so hard to dig you out, but you used words to easily let me bury myself. This isn't a devil, what is it? The scary thing is that I actually I completely believed what you said, Mr. Syke was right and shouldn't have given you any chance at all!"

"So he died first."

Lai Luo apologized: "Buy it yourself, I want to find Ailan as soon as possible and see if I can find a way to crack it."

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