Grand Academy of Natural Sciences (Glan Natural Science Academy)

v1 Chapter 605: auctions

The auction was held on the seventh floor of the tower of the Academy of Sciences on the other side of the Blue Lake.

In the venue, there are guards from time to time walking by with large hand-held high-power UV lamps.

For more than 20 years, human beings’ cognition of the Wall Shadow Demon has gone from being extremely fearful from the unknown to the present, and has gradually adapted to it. After more than 20 years of unremitting research by major academies of science, scholars have yet to find this. The weakness of this creature has been able to limit the law of the range of activities of these creatures through some methods.

For example, searching for ‘black dust’ pollutants through ultraviolet lamps, and then dispersing them with a high-intensity magnetic field.

The so-called black dust is exactly the mysterious phenomenon that caused the black ice phenomenon under the abyss of death.

It is not a matter, but a mysterious natural phenomenon. It is also the key that scholars most want to solve, the relationship between the black dust and the wall shadow monster.

But one thing is certain.

Where there is no black dust, for the Wall Shadow Demon, it is like the death storm area in the eyes of human beings, and the shadow of the Wall Shadow Demon is rare.

There are more and more people in the venue.

People have become accustomed to the guardian's inspections.

Lei Luo, wearing an X mask and a simple black-gray bachelor's uniform, sat down casually in the back row of the venue.

Look around.

Scholars only make up a small part of the people who come to participate in the auction, and most of them are soldiers and non-commissioned officers in the belly of the mountain.

not difficult to see.

Among the people, most of them are men, and only a small part of women, and most of them sit in the front row.

Next to Leiluo, sat down a middle-aged man wearing armor. His strong body pressed on the chair and let out a "squeak". After he glanced at Leiluo in surprise, he immediately smiled apologetically. Focused on the auction stage, stretched his neck as if waiting for something.

After a while.

As time approached, a group of scholars wearing beautifully patterned bachelor uniforms descended from the elevator at the venue. After they sat down in the empty seats in the front row of the venue, behind the scenes of the high platform, came a gentle and gentle Hu man. Auctioneer at this auction.

He stood in front of the auction table, smiling and bowing to everyone.


The man said enthusiastically: "Dear ladies and gentlemen, welcome to participate in the monthly auction event on the other side of the Blue Lagoon. I am your old friend Su Ke Lando!"

Shattered la la la la la la...

There was warm applause from the audience.

Seeing this scene, Lei Luo was slightly surprised.

This Academy of Sciences seems to be very civilized and harmonious on the surface at least, even more harmonious than the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences. Unlike the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences, where everyone is in a hurry, there are few holidays and such large-scale events.

"Let me introduce here solemnly, the fair teacher of this auction, our beloved dean, [Three-eyed Magic Frog King] Master Amway!"

As the auctioneer signaled, a gentle old man waved to everyone with a smile, and there was another warm applause.

In the crowd, Lei Luo looked at the strange old scholar.

"Almost, it has the strength of [Blood Rebellion]."

If it is said that before the Radiation Wasteland era, there were at least dozens of such powerful scholars in each major duchy, but now, dozens of large and small schools of ophthalmology in the land of the duchy add up. , Such a strong man who barely touched the edge of the legendary creature, at most more than a hundred people.

The applause gradually subsided.

With people's enthusiastic look forward to watching, the auctioneer started the introduction of the auction.

"First of all, the first item we are going to auction is a magic weapon that we found from the site of the Old Gran Battlefield, the secret of summer!"

As everyone watched, the auctioneer took out an earring.

Name: Summer secret language.

Quality: Inferior magic weapon.

Increase: For flame academics below 150 degrees, an increase of 18 degrees.

Limitation: a secondary energy magnetic field is required.

Defect: The other earring is missing.

Obviously, after the auctioneer took out the earrings of the auction item, most of the people present were interested. Most of these people were soldiers and non-commissioned officers in the belly of the mountain.

The scholars in the front row all shined, showing considerable enthusiasm.

"Hehe, everyone knows that since the evil wizards destroyed the Principality of Finland decades ago, the alchemists have suffered heavy losses, and a large number of alchemy techniques have been lost. Then, with the war in the Old Sealand Principality, the old style The war between the Principality of Lan and the ancient monsters in the ground, and the chaos caused by that... ahem, that taboo man, now this radiation wasteland can be called a great alchemist scholar, almost one hand can count It can be concluded that this has also caused a serious lack of magic weapons, and the preciousness of this summer secret language is self-evident. With it, everyone will..."

The auctioneer began to introduce this magical weapon that was quite tasteless in Lei Luo's eyes, and then started the first auction.

"I announce that the summer whisper earrings start at 300 cents, and each bid is at least 1 cents. It can also be replaced by goods of equal value. The specific value of the goods will be verified by the dean of the justice division and the exact value will be given. "

"355 West Flower Coins!"

"358 Western Flower Coins!"

"500 Western flowers!"

After a front-row scholar directly raised the price to 500 Western Flower Coins, everyone was obviously taken aback, and they hesitated after watching them.

After several biddings, the scholar wearing a purple cloak was bidding away for 550 gold coins.

Western flowers?

Relo frowned.

The so-called Western Flower Currency refers to the Zealand currency.

Unlike the Grand Gold coin with a gold content of more than 90% promoted by Grand, the Zeeland coin is a currency of the Principality of Zeeland made with copper, nickel and a small amount of gold. Because its pattern is a western flower, it is also called It is customarily called the Western Flower Coin.

Once, this kind of currency represented the dirty slave trade. Unless it is the United Front of the Sealand, this kind of currency is difficult to circulate. Today, the Blue Lagoon Academy of Sciences is using this kind of currency?

Lei Luo very much doubted that the dean of the Academy of Sciences here had already reached some cooperation with the Sealand Academy of Natural Sciences.

"Ahem, next is the second product, a lady from the great Principality of Sealand, Linda, due to the hardship of life, she voluntarily demoted to a slave and came to the Blue Lagoon Academy of Sciences to survive!"

Following the shouts of the auctioneer, a tall woman slowly walked onto the auction stage.

She is about 175cm tall, has short light red hair, and the contours of the brow bones and the bridge of the nose are very clear. At this time, after being finely dressed up at the auction, she is full of exotic customs, and her milky white skin seems to drip water.

She looked at the enthusiastic soldiers and non-commissioned officers in the audience, seemingly at a loss.


There was a commotion in the audience, and the auctioneer had to stop the crowd many times and maintain order.

"Dear ladies and gentlemen, the Blue Lagoon Academy of Sciences has inherited the glorious traditions of the Grand Duchy. We respect the freedom of every people and will never allow the emergence of slavery, so in a moment this lady Linda is walking down the auction. After the stage, she will become a legal citizen of the Academy of Sciences, and she will never allow her to buy and sell and restrict her freedom in any form. She will have all the right to find freedom, including the dissolution of marriage. Then...Who wants to rescue this beautiful Linda? The price is 15 silver coins, and each bid is at least 10 silver coins!"

With the transaction price of the first magic weapon, the bidding of these dozen gold coins seems to be a matter of course, and the bidding price continues to rise.

"25 cents at a time!"

"Twice for 25 cents!"

"Twenty-five cents, sold!"

The person who spent 25 gold coins to complete the bid was actually the sergeant next to Lei Luo.

After getting the deal information, his smile never stopped.

"When you get off the auction table, you will be free again. You are just saving, so you are not afraid of her running away?"

Leiluo suddenly said something for no reason, the sergeant looked astonished.

"Running? I served her with delicious and delicious food, so I asked her to give birth to a few babies without treating her wrongly. Where would she go?"

The auctioneer seems to have endless enthusiasm and has already begun to introduce the third auction item.

The third auction item turned out to be a scroll of portraits from the royal family of St. Granburg.

The portrait above is a king of the old Grand Duchy, King Chen!

If ever, although this scroll is not a priceless treasure, it can be regarded as priceless. The starting price is at least a thousand gold coins, but now, the starting price of this scroll is only 5 cents, which only means that Once a glorious and great principality, a historical memorial.

"5 Western flowers and 20 silver coins!"

"5 Western flowers and 30 silver coins!"

"5 West Flower Coins and 40 Silver Coins!"

"5 West Flower Coins and 50 Silver Coins..."

Even though the auctioneer is still so passionate, but it can not conceal the fact that this auction item is not sought after.

For more than 20 years, people have already accepted reality and gradually began to forget that period of history. Only a small number of aristocratic scholars still have some thoughts and tentative bidding.

"Six Western Flower Coins and 50 Silver Coins at a time!"

"Six Western flowers and 50 silver coins twice!"

"6 West Flower Coins and 50 Silver Coins Three...

"600,000 Western Flower Coins."

Suddenly, in the back row of the auction hall, a black-robed scholar who was sitting among the sergeants raised auction No. 1411 and reported his bid lowly.


The auctioneer was stunned and looked over in disbelief. The people in the auction room were in an uproar, focusing on the mysterious person.

This person is Relo.

After a while, the auctioneer said again: "This sir, please confirm that you just quoted 600,000 Western flowers?"


Lei Luo's voice was still calm, as if to say one more trivial matter.


The auctioneer quietly turned his head and looked at the [Three-Eyed Magic Frog King] Dean Amway.

After receiving the hint from the other party, the auctioneer smiled and said: "I'm really sorry, this sir, because your bid price is too high, and the entry deposit you paid is not enough to support your bid, in order to prevent deliberate disturbance of the genre. , So please also show the corresponding gold coins or goods of equivalent value to ensure the smooth progress of this auction."

What is the concept of 600,000 zeranian coins in this era of radiation wasteland?

It can be calculated like this.

At this stage, in the wasteland, one gold coin is enough for a family of one month to live.

At the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences, a qualified engineer and scholar has a full-time salary of about 2 to 3 gold coins a month.

The price of a heavy balloon airship from the Vladic War College is about 200,000 to 300,000 gold coins.

In other words, Lei Luo directly bid for this picture at a bid price that was 10,000 times, and the cost was about the price of two heavy balloon airships!

Inadvertently, Lei Luo took out a glass bottle and handed it to the staff.

" is this?"

"Is it some kind of legendary magical material?"

"Is it impossible, six hundred thousand gold coins, such a small amount? Even the highest gem-level magical materials, it is impossible..."

Soon, the vacuum glass bottle was delivered to the appraiser [Three-eyed Magic Frog King] Dean Amway.

After a while.

When Dean Amway raised his head again and nodded solemnly, amidst the incredible excitement of the auctioneer, he shouted: "Six hundred thousand western flowers once!"

"Six hundred thousand western flowers twice!"

With a "bang", the auction hammer fell.

"Six hundred thousand western flowers coins three times, sold!!"

Everyone at the auction was in an uproar. What happened?

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