Grand Academy of Natural Sciences (Glan Natural Science Academy)

v1 Chapter 736: Gakuin no Riki (above)

Rumble rumble.

A dull noise came from the atmosphere of the star screen world because of the oppression of a behemoth.

It's like the devil under the volcano, struggling with everything he can.

That dark red star is trying to resist the assimilation pull of this world's huge gravitational pull, and at the same time doing everything it can to penetrate the power of its projection into the atmosphere of this world.

After all, there is no vacuum area left by superhuman beings draining the vitality of the world.

Small stones, dust, paper, and tiny insects on the ground were affected by the chaotic law of gravity in the sky, and gradually floated up, or were directly crushed and turned into dust.

The surrounding temperature is also rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.






Seeing this scene, [King Zang] prisoner took a deep breath.

Now compared to the guy who fled and the mysterious existence that shrouded the entire Gran Academy of Natural Sciences before, this dean of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences, who has entered a state of anger, is the real crisis in front of the Academy.

In this way, he didn't care to say anything more to Animo who was on the side, the figure turned, no longer chasing after the fleeing figure, but speeding up to the restless energy at the top of the academy tower.


After Aoun placed the two guardians, he saw that Laylo hurriedly stepped forward to remind him to dissuade him with the dull and suppressed anger at the moment.

At this moment, the prisoner outside the window also came into the room, and looked at Lai Luo anxiously and solemnly.

"No matter what happened, the academy has already turned on the highest alert mode, so leave it to us."


Staring sideways at the two of them, Lei Luo gradually exhaled the stuffiness in his chest, clenched his fists, and controlled his emotions.


Extending his index finger, Lei Luo pointed to the erratic figure that was swaying with lightning. At this moment, he was trying to break through the siege and completely break through the sphere of influence of the Grand Academy of Natural Sciences.

"He's here. If you don't want this place to become that person's battlefield, go and capture him immediately. This is our academy's last chance!"

Of course, the prisoner knew who Lei Luo was referring to.

The GRAN Academy of Natural Sciences can never afford such a disaster!

"I see."

Without further ado, under Aoun's astonished gaze, the old man just stood here for a few seconds before flying out again.


Rumble rumble.

The high-altitude dark red fire cloud formed an oppressive impact cloud ring with a diameter of several kilometers.

With this cloud ring as the center, the high-altitude chaotic energy particles were affected by the magnetic field, forming a giant face that was more than 500 meters tall. His boundless majesty and solemn expression overlooked the ground.

Even its two eyebrows are giants spanning 100 meters, and the giant pupils shine.

The projection of the true body of Lei Luo's body!

The eyes of the giant face, constantly scanning the ground, finally focused on a group of small dots between the buildings.

"Hey... gudu!"

On the ground, the figures looking up at them took a deep breath, and couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

Wuming tried his best to restrain his exaggerated and horrified expression, and couldn't help but look back in the direction of the tower, and murmured in a sensational tone: "Are you a monster!"

Without thinking about anything else, he has two white beards and long eyebrows, and every movement of his thin body seems to have undergone a thousand trials and vigor. He tried his best to move towards the guardian line of the Grand Academy of Natural Sciences, which was surrounded in all directions in the light, dark and thunder. Try to break out.

"Who is coming, is it Your Excellency who deterred the academy?"

The figure closest to the nameless figure is a tree giant who has opened up the true body of lush green light and green leaves, but if you look closely, it is not a tree giant, but a fern creature, whose body is covered with wriggling vines. Peng Bai's breath of life is about to come out.

The people of the academy naturally regarded the law coercion that had just been shrouded as the means of this fugitive.

"The mantis arm is the car, get out of the way."

Wuming glanced slightly, and he had a position on the strength of this person, but he was just a lucky one who barely broke free from the oppression of the law just now. The existence between the senior transcendental scholar and the royal academician is at least different from the two guardians of the tower. Two grades, not worth mentioning at all.

In this way, he waved one arm, and with the flash of a red-red lightsaber, he continued to fly forward without any decrease in speed.

"The creation of flames is just to restrain such guys who are known for their endless and majestic vitality."

And the next development is as expected.

In the blink of an eye, the giant sphere of wood covered the sky shone out dazzling rays of light from the cracks. The next moment, with a "huh" sound, the high-temperature molten fire spewed out, and the majestic breath of life continued in the flames. eaten away.

"Youmu Tiejie!"

In the history of the Little Glacier buried in the geological layer of the Star Curtain Land, in the short-lived civilization years, a tree that was far harder than the three types of alloy metals was born in the layer.

After archaeologists discovered this plant fossil by chance, they even thought that it might have become so strong because of the metallization of a special geological change.

However, the opposite is true.

But with the emergence of the second mysterious tree, archaeologists completely rejected this speculation and made a bold guess that the civilization born in the Little Ice Age in the Land of Stars seemed to use this kind of tree as the basis of civilization, similar to Due to the effect of magic materials on scholars, the extinction of this sturdy and mysterious tree was caused.

From this point of view, the reason why this mysterious tree is so strong is not only not the reinforcement of geological changes, but the decay of millions of years, and it has become what it is today.

Archaeologists have named this tree yumu.

As for Yumu's strength, it has become unknown.

This 'youmu iron world art' is the original high-level secret art created by the archaeologist named Yutata!

"Iron Bite!"

Suddenly, the five fleeing Lei Ting felt the strangeness beside him. He looked sideways and saw the tree man with flaming flames all over his body, like a monster from the underground world, and he was suddenly shocked.

"Hey, but I underestimated you. You deserve to be a holy place for scholars in the new era."


Suddenly, with the stroke of the sword of Thunder Creation, the sky burst into dark black thunders almost out of thin air, and under the eyes of the old man's forehead in Lesson 3, these dark black thunders were integrated with some mysterious power. In an instant, it was integrated into a three-headed beast with a height of more than 30 meters, showing its fangs and claws.


The thunder giant beast and the chasing tree people fought together and stopped the tree people's footsteps.

"Scorpio descends!"

A scholar whose real body is quite similar to the Bone Abyss Flying Scorpion. The speed is extremely fast, leaving almost only a series of afterimages in the flight path. Come.

"Bone erosion whirlwind."

The green whirlwind shrouded it, but it was cleverly avoided by Lei Ting, and he counterattacked a thunder spear with ease. Although it was also avoided by the flying scorpion, it was a little rushed.

On the abdomen of Fei Scorpio's real body, a coquettish and beautiful face appeared, looking towards the surface of the real body.

A few meters away from the Thunder Spear, the surface of the real body was still scorched black.

"Poison Shadow Clone!"

Although he only fought a blow from the air, he already realized that the strength of this uninvited guest is far above his own, but this [beauty under the moon] Naliyah is very unwilling, because this is likely to be her approach to Grand Nature. The best chance for the dean of the Academy of Sciences, a chance for her to be proud of her wish.

In this way, this worry-ridden poisonous scorpion actually launched this academic with great anti-repulsion power, divided into two, and attacked Wuming from different angles.

Poison Shadow clone is not a simple split.

The profound meaning of this advanced academic is to condense the essence of one's own highly poisonous power in the form of high-purity energy day after day, and release it at a critical period to form a poison clone, and achieve the effect of one plus one greater than two.

And the [Beauty under the Moon] from the Grant Academy of Natural Sciences is also one of the few bachelors who are not known for their speed.

But when the old man saw this, he just sneered.

"Tips for carving insects."

I saw the third mysterious eye on his forehead blinking, and the extremely fast poison clone started to fester gradually like sludge, and the horrified [Beauty under the Moon] Na Liya just felt as if she had been inhaled. The bottomless swamp in the pool, under the endless suction, she screamed 'ah', and her body fell to the ground involuntarily.

"huh huh huh huh."

Sen Ran sneered, but as Wuming raised his head and looked at the huge, somewhat exaggerated giant face in the sky, it was so powerful that it was almost like a real star falling, and the corner of his mouth suddenly condensed proudly.


Wei Wei's mind wanders and Wuming seems to have discovered and stops abruptly, trying her best to avoid it, but she can't help but let out a "woo", a hidden part of her body seems to be penetrated by something.

This kind of weird feeling is as if he is being threaded and imprisoned in this world.


Painfully pondered, Wuming stared at the sneak attacker, his pupils shrank suddenly.

In a trance, he seemed to see an invisible chain running through the world, and he was like a grasshopper penetrated by the chain, imprisoned by the opponent's blow.

"Who are you!"

The nameless voice was unprecedentedly dignified.

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