Grand Academy of Natural Sciences (Glan Natural Science Academy)

v1 Chapter 738: will connection

The distance of only tens of kilometers seems to be extraordinarily long at this moment.

While flying, Laylo poured the law of gravitation into the vial, stalemate against a force inside.


With Lai Luo's continuous efforts, finally, the suction force in the bottle could no longer resist Lai Luo's stalemate. With the sound of "咻" and "咻" breaking through the air, three light spots flew out of it, and the light spots left. The volume behind the vial is also constantly expanding, and it is extremely spiritually revolving around Lai Luo, looking like he wants to escape at any time.

Unblinking, Laidlaw stared at the four lightsabers.

After his eyes penetrated the energy magnetic field on the surface of the lightsaber, he seemed to sense a mysterious connection of will from the quaint and dilapidated case. The importance of the unity of the will and the law, I am afraid it is difficult to detect the mysterious will connection.

"Hey, these four swords of creation are really extraordinary!"

The four swords of creation are Storm, Thunder, Frost, and Flame. Lei Luo tried to control these four swords of creation in a unified manner, and further clarified that if there is a connection between the mysterious will and the mysterious will, they were violently resisted, which seems short-term. It may be difficult to complete in time.

And the fact that these four swords of creation can be used as the key for Gulan Demon to open the Pyramid of Dark Eyes also shows that in Gulan Demon's view, they can never be easily imitated, and they are likely to be accompanied by some bizarre historical origin.

After a long time.


Under the shadows of the dunes in the distance, with the blood-eyed man's gaze, Lai Luo's floating speed couldn't help speeding up. After a short turn, he came to this artificial forest and landed, looking behind the man. Comatose figure.

It was Shadra who had been seriously injured and unconscious.

"what do you want?"

Lai Luo stood more than twenty meters away from the man.

At first glance, the other party is almost the same as the former Grand Duke Capricorn, and there is nothing outstanding, just like an ordinary person who rests comfortably, but he has already seen his power in the Iron Curtain war that took place at the edge of the atmosphere. Of course, Lai Luo knew that he was terrible. I am afraid that he has far surpassed Archduke Capricornus, and even the creator of light at the peak of the power of faith in Aurora Middle-earth. I am afraid that is all.

Asura Road kept looking up and down Lei Luo.

He smirked and sat unscrupulously on the unconscious Shadra.


Lai Luo was angry.

The blood-eyed man sneered: "The reason why Gu Aurora was able to explore this world at the time was completely dependent on the power of the emperor to cooperate with the explorer's space-time fortress to be able to enter the deep space-time. Now the fortress not only lost the data star core, but also completely scrapped itself. Crash, I have to get the mystery of Capricorn mastering the power of the emperor in this world."

"Didn't you already know it from his mouth?"

Lai Luo looked at the figure under Shura Road, Sen Sen said.


After sneering, Shura Road said gloomily: "At the beginning, what Capricornus displayed was not the low-level power of time and space obtained by sacrifice! Hmph, as for the so-called power of Aurora to support the power of the emperor to open up time and space, It's just nonsense. After this world was blocked by the invaders in time and space, the laws of heaven and earth have undergone tremendous changes. Our ancient Aurora's power cannot be exerted in this world at all. Otherwise, how could we be trapped in this ancient times? In a small area, why did I bother to create the current Asura Dao, since he said that he told you everything he was referring to, then..."

How Capricorn can control the power of time and space, Lai Luo also can't understand, even more full of doubts than the other party.

After all, Lai Luo is a true scholar born and bred in this world. All the knowledge and power he has mastered are completely based on the history of the academic world. Pull all kinds of incredible abilities of human beings.

But if you rashly deny it, the result you get will probably inevitably lead to a battle.

This is by no means what Laidlaw wants.

Seeing that Lai Luo was silent for a long time, Shura Road casually glanced at the giant face peeping over in the sky.

Even though he had already seen Lai Luo's true star body, he actually built himself into a mini planet to survive in the void of the universe, a different way of living. Now he is trying to observe it for the second time, and deep down he still can't help but give birth to a little bit. admiration.

These indigenous people indeed seem to have opened up a new path of cultivation and evolution.

It is worthy of being an excellent human bloodline, even if it is born and raised in this wild world, it is by no means comparable to the civilization created by these inferior creatures.

Thinking of this, Shura Dao finally became interested in scholars who he had hardly paid attention to in this barren land.

And as his understanding of these scholars deepened, from them, he seemed to see himself as an ignorant soldier at the beginning. After being unaccustomed to the environment due to the harsh environment of this world, he was unwilling to fend for himself, and finally survived. the way it is now.

"I have no idea."

Lai Luo took a deep breath and added in a deep voice, "I really don't know!"


Shura Road narrowed his eyes and said casually, "I was originally interested in you, and I was also interested in this wasteland. Maybe it can help me in the future, and even planned to use it as a cemetery for a failed plan, but since... …”

"I know you don't believe me."

Lai Luo said solemnly: "But the experimental data will not deceive people. Although I do not have the mystery of the ancient Aurora people mastering the power of time and space, the academic world has officially opened the door to academic research on curvature space, and I will take you to the secret experiment. Room, when you see everything inside, you will believe what I say."


The man raised his eyebrows.

Lai Luo continued: "Every step of the growth of scholars must be based on the knowledge reserve of experimental data. After a while, you will see the most cutting-edge curvature space-time academic research laboratory in the academic world. If I really grasp what you say The power of the ancient Aurora the Great, why bother risking the near-destruction of the Academy Alliance to wage war with the Pangula Heights Superhuman?"

The wind is blowing.

Asura Road, who had already planned to use this meeting as a negotiation solution, frowned slightly.

"How about this."

Lai Luo took out a vial, it was the dark seal technique that sealed the nameless glass vial.

"What did you ask me to bring him to do, I also spent some weeks for this."

The gloomy man also seemed to give up the idea of ​​tearing his face temporarily, stood up from the unconscious Shadra, looked at the vial, and said with great interest: "I am interested in the way he steals the power of those spiritual civilizations, and other The derivative is different, he is not controlled by those alien beings, maybe it is useful to me."

Magic eye?

After frowning a little, Lai Luo seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly the color.

According to the Pirates of Dreams, this so-called Shura Dao seemed to be just one of the tens of thousands of ancient Aurora explorers in ancient times. The tribal groups enslaved by the orchid demons established a god-based civilization centered on the ancient Aurora human beings, and the ancient Aurora human beings also opened the age of myths and legends. The ancient Aurora people gradually began to adapt to this world. attached to the Holy See.

Ambitious Holy See, with the pride of an exotic civilization, even if the ancient Aurora people could not leave this world for a short time, naturally they would not be willing to live in this odd place. Of course, they started to explore the depths of the continent and soon Another powerful group of creatures that has been confronted with the Gulan Demon for a long time, the blood derivatives, was discovered.

So the Holy See started a long history of war against Xueyan.

During this period, the Holy See accidentally discovered ancient creatures hidden in the underground world. From the initial hostile slaughter to the later horror, astonishment, and horror, the ancient Aurora people trapped here gradually discovered ...

This world seems to be far from being as simple as I imagined.

And it was at the end of this age of myths and legends that the man who used to be named Shura gradually emerged and gradually entered the vision of the pirates. He stood out from the abandoned soldiers who were unaccustomed to the soil and became an adaptable man. the powerhouse of this world.

So it is not difficult to understand, he is unfamiliar with the magic eye.

Because he did not participate in the ancient war between the ancient Aurora people and the Gulan Demon!


Lai Luo responded immediately, pointed to the unconscious man behind him and said, "But you will use his safety in exchange."

"make a deal!"

No nonsense, with a wave of his hand, the unconscious Shadra floated towards Lai Luo.

After Lai Luo took it, he was relieved after confirming that he was in a coma. He didn't say much, and threw the vial directly.

After taking the vial, Shura Dao weighed it twice, and after hehe smiled, he swallowed one of the mouthfuls while Lei Luo was stunned!

Immediately, he licked his **** tongue wickedly.

"You, eat him!!!"

Lai Luo couldn't believe it.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, I just made him a part of Since he has the ability to steal the power of those alien creatures, if the time comes again in the future, maybe there will be a helped."

Asura said proudly, raised his chin and said, "Didn't you say you want to take me to see that laboratory?"

Lei Luo gave Shura Road a dignified look, then looked around, and after confirming the direction, he said slowly, "Since we're here, go see an old friend with me first."


Shura Road looked indifferent.


Lai Luo took out the crystal ball, contacted [Touch of the Starfish] Animo, and after telling the exact coordinates of Shadra here, he signaled to Shura Road and pointed in one direction: "It's over there."

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