Grand Academy of Natural Sciences (Glan Natural Science Academy)

v1 Chapter 739: Quanzu reappears

The relationship between the human-faced spider and the dream owl became a natural hostile relationship almost due to the artificial interference of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences.

Especially in the past year.

The contradiction between the two is close to Cheng Dieyi, who can no longer coordinate. The Human-faced Spider Mother and Meng Xiaowang will come forward in person every few days and lead their clansmen to fight each other. From the very beginning, both sides were reasonable. Restraint, it has become more and more difficult to restrain by now.

And the source of the irreconcilable conflict between the two is the source of one's eyes.

Huh, huh.

Two figures flew from far and near.

They looked out towards the endless lake.

The water and grass here are lush, birds and beasts are endless, and the clear water and blue sky are almost in stark contrast to the desert Gobi, which is being artificially transformed. It took only a few months to complete the century-old land restoration project planned by the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences.

Laylo looked at a wasteland creature in front of him.

Its skeletal shell is gray-white, with six thighs. Its body is about three meters in height and five meters in length. It has no eyes on its head, and its cheeks are like frogs. The warning that hit the heart directly, the tail opened like a peacock class, and the dense eyes were frightened at first glance.

Not only in the wasteland, but also in the middle earth due to radiation pollution, this kind of acutely mutated new creatures have become very common, so Shura Road did not pay too much attention to such low-level creatures.


Disturbed by the voice of Asura Road, Lai Luo retracted his gaze.

He nodded silently in response.

The man looked around, except for the creature that was barely tens of meters in front of him, who had barely entered the third level, there was almost no energy aura worthy of its attention nearby, and he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

In his opinion, whether it is to specifically stress that the purpose of coming here is to visit someone, to coordinate with him, or to design a secret ambush plan to deter himself, there should at least be a high-level lifeform worthy of his attention.

Even if the other two so-called cornerstone controllers of the Academy Alliance are hidden here, Shura Road will not be surprised at all.

Even taking this opportunity, he can have a comprehensive understanding of this rapidly growing indigenous human civilization. After all, he is not restricted by his beliefs like Jaeger, and he is afraid of the so-called natural disaster weapon.

But there seems to be nothing here?

Lai Luo suddenly released a breath of law.

That's the radiant heat and light of the sun's stars, as well as the laws of gravity, the fundamental physics of the universe.

Ancient, vast, cold.

The icy cold that penetrated into the bone marrow instantly froze the souls of low-level creatures within a few kilometers nearby, and in that monotonous world where only black and white, light and darkness remained, the consciousness gradually became stagnant.

Asura Dao is naturally not affected by the power of the law that Laylo has not yet embodied.

He waited for Lei Luo with great interest, and even had some expectations in his heart.

Although these indigenous humans have not experienced the splendor of the Aurora world, nor the pride of inheriting the will of Aurora, but after all, the blood of the human beings in the Aurora world has been passed down. If it is unbearable, there is no need to destroy other civilizations. You might have to kill these 'heterogeneous' with your own hands.


Laiduo's palm, the tears of dawn condensed at one point, was peeled off layer by layer like a surgical operation.

This drop of essence, which was originally only a few centimeters, also appeared in Lei Luo's calm and elegant anatomy, and there was an amazing splash of water. As a carrier of human academic resources and wisdom, it was a holy magic weapon that condenses the power of law, as if Like a rootless source, an endless stream of water is stirred up.

In a short moment, a water mirror covering hundreds of meters was formed in the sky, floating as if alive.

"Hey, it's interesting."

Asura Road actually took out a uniquely shaped monolithic eye and placed it on his right eye. After a dim light from the lens, the lens immediately began to roll with data flickering. He looked at the law weapon that this anthropologist accidentally created. .

"It's almost as effective as a low-level divine weapon."

After evaluating the Tears of Dawn, he put away the unique glasses and waited quietly.

The weapon that nurtures the power of the law is wonderful for low-level creatures, but for high-level creatures, it is just a weapon.

Although I don't know why the other party suddenly took out this weapon, it is impossible to use it to cause a fatal threat to myself. After all, this is just a low-level magic equivalent to the world of Aurora. A unique low-level artifact full of exotic indigenous flavors.

If the other party really intends to use this to balance and negotiate itself, I am afraid that I will really be disappointed.

But then.

However, when Lei Luo pointed his right hand at the giant water curtain of hundreds of meters floating in the sky, the entire water curtain mirror seemed to vibrate gently.

Then, a drop of water floated from it.

It is like a key to a door, which was hidden in the Tears of Dawn by Laylo with special means.

"This is?"

Asura Road felt some discomfort from this drop of water.

And what could make him feel this way was the first time he encountered it in the Land of Stars after Jaeger was sealed.


The water droplets were lightly tapped by Laylo and merged into the endless lake below.

The water mirror in the air folded and collapsed again and again under the amazing power of space, condensed into a drop of crystal light again, and disappeared into Lai Luo's body.

Whoa whoa.

A miraculous scene appeared.

As this inexplicable drop of water merged into the lake, the huge lake surface began to roll in an instant.

The amazing thing is that the rolling waves did not hurt the creatures in the lake. Instead, they threw the creatures whose souls were frozen and fell due to the power of the law, and gently lifted them to the shore. Crazy gathering here.

In the eyes of Shura Dao, this originally bland lake, from the depths of the mantle, the will of a certain behemoth is converging here, it is a shadowy area full of mixed and mottled laws of another world, An extension of a terrifying will, it is like a huge octopus, with tentacles extending almost to the entire continent.

"I didn't expect you to master this level of summoning."

Even he couldn't help taking a deep breath after witnessing this aboriginal human who was less than a hundred years old and completed a summoning of such a high-level creature in front of his eyes.

"This kind of biological strength... It's really unbelievable. It seems that the Pirates did not deceive me. There are indeed some extremely terrifying indigenous creatures hidden in the depths of this world."

Speaking of which, his words were filled with undisguised enthusiasm.

And the vision here is exactly the will of Lai Luo to summon Quanzu to come.

On the one hand, he hopes to use Quanzu to deter Shura Road, and on the other hand, it is Lei Luo who hopes to use Shura Road to make Quanzu pay more attention to the value of human beings, pour more vitality into the wasteland, and turn the desert of death here. Restored to soil vitality.

"Master, don't get me wrong."

Lai Luo explained: "I brought the master here with no malice, and this is not my summoning technique. The power of a scholar comes from observing, experimenting, and using the natural laws of the universe, and finding ways to use the laws from the laws of order. , in order to uncover the mysteries of natural ecology to obtain knowledge and grow, and is not good at this kind of power similar to wizards communicating with alien creatures through sacrifice. This time, the will of the ancestor is summoned, just hoping to try to use the power of the master, for the waste The land of academia seeks a gospel."

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

The fountain rose into the sky, and a huge amount of waves gathered, gradually forming a huge face, overlooking the two people on the lake. From Lai Luo's body, it felt a familiar atmosphere, but its eyes swept away, looking towards the other. a human.

"This is... a tribe of humans?"

If it is like a giant octopus deep in the mantle in the eyes of this human being, it will extend to the surface through its tentacles and change the world, then at this moment, in its eyes, this terrible human is like a huge tumor cancer cell , the innumerable organic thin whiskers extending from its interior condense the blood of tens of thousands of creatures in this world into a shell, or a camouflage mask.

Even as the guardian of high-level rules, in addition to being able to feel the cold and terrifying will like a nightmare in the abyss, it can't penetrate the outer shell and explore the true essence of the opponent.

"Respected Quanzu, nourished by your vitality, this wasteland has indeed undergone considerable improvement in a short period of time. My partner and I can clearly feel that the land here is alive every day. All are recovering, and creatures are also adapting to evolution in a benign direction, and the number of deformed mutations has begun to decrease significantly, so I decided to bring the strong men from another land of human beings to express my sincere thanks to you."

Saying that, Lai Luo made a grand introduction gesture.

"he is?"

"Hum hum hum, the guardian of the ancient demon seal of Aurora, [Sura Road] Myriad Tribulations."

Asura Road took the initiative to introduce that this was the first time Lai Luo really understood the duties and specific names of Asura Road in Aurora.

"It seems that what you said last time is true."

After Quanzu nodded to Shura Road in response, he took the initiative to speak to Lei Luo.

"The facts are in front of me, I don't need to say anything to you, as long as you nourish and nurture this land, if there is any civilization in this world that can truly defeat superhumans and save the world, it must be human!"

"Boy, don't get carried away in front of me."

After Quanzu sneered, he sarcastically said: "On this continent, there are very few rule guardians comparable to me, but the number of civilizations has been out of control due to the protracted war in the depths of the continent, tens of thousands, so we must do our best You can find the best civilization, and as a primary low-entropy civilization, civilizations that have evolved to this level in the history of this continent can reach hundreds in almost every era. It is because of the special attention of body people to this place that they left a glimpse of the rootless source here."

It said leisurely: "I want me to inject more vitality into this place, it's very simple, go and destroy other civilizations and become the most powerful civilization. Our footprints are almost all over the continent, and any humble civilization may have ours. Attention, as long as we destroy them, we will continue to gain our attention, is there anything else?"


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Quanzu's giant face collapsed, and the water droplets in the sky formed a storm. All the creatures whose souls were frozen by the power of law also woke up one after another, and instinctively began to escape.

A little embarrassed, Laylo's plan failed.

But it makes sense to think about it.

"Please don't blame the master. After all, if the guardian of this rule can agree, it will undoubtedly be a blessing for the academic circle of the wasteland."

Squinting, [Shura Dao] Wan Jie sneered: "It is very weak. If I guessed correctly, it should be the same as you. Its true body has been severely damaged recently."


"What just happened here!"

"over there……"

The changes on the lake will naturally not be ignored by the tribes living nearby.

Soon, several human-faced spiders and Meng Xiao flew from far and near, and looked at the two humans from hundreds of meters away.

However, in this era, scholars have risen to the sky, especially the new generation of wasteland scholars. With the passage of time, their growth speed and life adaptability are far more than those of the old era Yes The destruction and extinction power of the creatures in the wasteland far exceeds the speed of evolution and mutation of these creatures, and a new round of mass extinction has begun.

The wasteland creatures that once almost caused the extinction crisis to human beings are gradually becoming beasts of frightened birds under the butcher knife of a new generation of scholars.

Humans are extremely dangerous creatures, even for human-faced spiders and dream owls.

"Hmph, since everyone is here, what are you hiding?"

Lei Luo's faint words spread to the ears of two hidden creatures thousands of meters away.

After a while, the human-faced spider mother Kuriana and Meng Xiaowang walked out of the shadows hidden in both directions, their faces a little frightened.

After all, Quanzu's breath is too terrifying for them.

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