Grand Academy of Natural Sciences (Glan Natural Science Academy)

v1 Chapter 740: Asura blood refining

The human-faced spider mother, Kuriana, was once a female scholar who was persecuted by wizards.

The cruel wizard divided the famous female scholar's human body, and installed the head with a complete consciousness and soul on a hideous and ugly giant man-eating spider, in order to try to make a dark world comparable to the angel who came to the middle earth of Aurora. weapons of war.

He succeeded or failed.

The success is that this brand-new weapon of war does indeed have amazing potential and has achieved most of his envisaged conditions.

The failure is that this weapon has been out of his control, and even killed its creator. With the knowledge derived from scholars in the soul and a new physique, a new race created by wizards was born. .

Compared with other races, this highly potential race that has inherited part of the consciousness and habits of scholars is undoubtedly more terrifying in Lai Luo's view, so it will secretly install Meng Xiao as a restraint to prevent them from endlessly multiplying and growing until one day threaten humanity.

After all, in Lai Luo's view, although anthropologists have a relatively strong advantage, their disadvantage is that of ordinary humans. From the point of view of biological evolution, they are not the opponents of these cruel and ferocious face spiders anyway.

until now.

Kuriana saw those eyes.

He is like the supreme god, looking at himself with contempt, that is far more cruel, arrogant and disdain than the scholars, just like the wanton killing and plundering of the inferior inferior creatures by the superior superior creatures, all the pity in one thought.

But then.

The other party seemed to have discovered something, and was stunned.

At this moment, she only felt that the part of her human soul consciousness seemed to be hammered thousands of times. Disgust and disgust are like watching a rat in a dirty sewer.

"What are you! The noble human blood of Aurora has been so tainted by the low-level indigenous creatures here!"

Facing Shura Dao's sudden questioning, Lai Luo looked back in amazement.

After all, from the point of view of a scholar, whether it is said that the human face spider is a brand-new race or a brand-new scholar profession, it is all in the past. Although he does not regard the other person as a human in his heart, if he is a It is easy to accept it as a 'scholar' of a different race.

After frowning slightly, Lai Luo slowly said: "This is Kuriana, a scholar who was persecuted by the wizards of the dark world in the old days, and then was hunted down by the Holy See. The era has only received the influence of the academic world to return."

Lai Luo briefly introduced the situation of the human face spider for Shura Road.

However, compared to Lai Luo's open-mindedness, this Asura Dao seems to have great arrogance and obsession with human beings, and it is difficult to accept this way of combining his noble blood with indigenous creatures.

He stared at Kuriana coldly, the pressure was so intense that the air seemed to freeze.


He shot without warning.

Maybe it wasn't a shot to describe it, because he just glared at the creature he hated.

"The noble Aurora human bloodline will never be allowed to be tainted by the inferior and dirty creatures in this world. Since you can't protect your noble bloodline, then... go to death!"

Locked by the power of Shura's blood refining law, Kuliana, the mother-faced spider, felt that she was being oppressed by a majestic mountain almost instantly.

The space in all directions is firmly locked.

She didn't even have the strength to spit out the fire of the night and the poisonous spider web.

She barely opened her mouth, and before she could spit out the energy that was ready to go, high pressure from all directions recoiled into her body, completely imprisoning and suppressing her.

Her pair of frightened compound eyes seemed to see a giant mountain accumulated from the corpses of countless terrifying creatures that were extinct in the ancient mythology period, and she even saw herself from it!

Asura blood refining rules.

In ancient times, the ancient Aurora humans who fell in the star screen world, except for a few powerful explorers who were oppressed by the chaotic and strange laws of the exotic world, who could barely grasp some self-preservation power, the vast majority of the bottom humans lost everything. Strength, like melons and fruits in a greenhouse, can only be born secretly by relying on the time and space fortress, and die one after another in the process of accelerated aging.

As one of the countless bottom-level explorations, Wan Jie is unwilling to do so.

The reason why he joined this Expedition Corps at the beginning was entirely because of his inner pride and ideals!

After a series of changes, the high-level human explorers changed their powers and opened the age of mythology.

They changed their habit of trying their best to collect the resources and materials in the star core database, and began to collect a resource called faith, in order to break through the shackles of god-level, relying on faith to master the power of laws, and gradually their temperament began to become strange.

Wan Jie saw everything in his eyes.

Those high-level explorers seem to have gradually begun to settle down in the status quo of this world, and they have completely forgotten the bottom-level explorers who have made thousands of promises, but only use them as reproductive tools, which have provided them with more beliefs to collect. , let them fend for themselves.

Countless Aurora ancient human explorers stared at the starry sky day and night, and finally died in a foreign land.

Wan Jie is not reconciled, he should not have such a fate.

He firmly believes that as an excellent Aurora human being, even if he falls into this unfamiliar and hostile indigenous world, even if he loses the protection of the great emperors, he is still the best creature, and he can still find a way out by virtue of his own superiority. World, return to the world of Aurora with a full load.


An ancient Aurora human who kept killing, adapting, hibernating, growing, and breaking through the shackles of his own blood in setbacks, appeared.

He is like the protagonist of a mythical epic.

Possessing infinite luck and charm, there is never an upper limit for growth. With a body that was as fragile as a superhuman at first, with a body that is weak and even energy backlash just by appearing in the atmospheric environment of this world, step by step it dominates the surroundings. On top of all the indigenous creatures he could touch, the Aurora human blood controlled the blood of thousands of indigenous creatures, forming the protective shell in Quanzu's eyes.

speak up.

Kuriana's human-faced spider bloodline is also a cornerstone of his growth!

"Wait a moment!"

Unlike Kuriana.

As one of the three cornerstones of academia, Lai Luo is not a low-level creature that can be killed, even if the opponent is a fifth-level creature comparable to the existence of the main god, it is impossible.

The distortion of light and darkness, the terrifying law of gravitation instantly distorted and collapsed the energy substances in the air in all directions, shrouded in the substantive law wrapped in this fifth-level creature, and was also swept away by the great law of gravitation by Lei Luo. Most of the power , finally let this human face spider, who was completely locked and suppressed in an instant, breathe a little.

But what Laylo could do in a hurry was nothing more than that.

His expression changed involuntarily.

Although this is not his full strength, the opponent is also just a random blow, as if he just killed a disgusting fly.

But even in this indirect confrontation, he couldn't help but feel the almost gulf-like power gap between the two sides.

If you say that your astral body is a variant that far exceeds the ordinary fourth-level biomass change, and has already started the process of preliminary qualitative transformation, then the human being in front of you is an existence whose qualitative transformation is more pure than ordinary fifth-level creatures, and at this moment With only a projection clone in front of him, what he can do is like a relatively elite transcendental scholar facing a pioneer.


Although Lai Luo can perceive the state of Asura Dao, it is difficult for Asura Dao to experience the exact state of Lai Luo's real body through this projection clone. At the same time, he also underestimated the restrictions of the star screen world on Lai Luo's real body, even if At this moment, Lei Luo was determined to save this useful human face spider, but he was also powerless.

"Forget it..."

At this moment, another hidden powerhouse sighed secretly.

"This time, I've repaid your previous kindness. As for whether you can escape this robbery, it's up to you later."

Deep in the bottom of the lake, a brain that seemed to be immersed in a water tank suddenly opened countless eyes.

Immediately, the unbelievably majestic spiritual power suddenly turned into an almost substantive entity, like a glass lens, rushing up from the bottom of the lake.


on the lake.

The sudden change, not only did Lai Luo not notice this hidden powerhouse, it seemed that Shura Dao did not notice it beforehand, but this kind of spiritual power fluctuation, which seemed to be materialized, was all too familiar. It was the edge of the world. The power form released by the superhuman in the battle made him take a defensive stance almost at the same time as Laylo, mistakenly thinking that a superhuman hidden here launched a surprise attack.

However, after this amazing mental power enveloped Kuriana, and with the hysterical scream of the human face spider, with the help of this mental power, it finally broke free from the oppression of the law and turned into a dark fire of essence , with a "poof" sound after rolling in the air, it flashed a few hundred meters away, and after a painful groan, desperate, a few flashes would disappear into the sky.

at the same time.

The giant objects with exposed traces at the bottom of the lake also dived in the other direction in the spiritual power package that was condensed on the surface.

The Asura Road, who had reacted, looked at the sudden energy.

In his eyes, once again, there was an indescribable surprise.

"It's not a superhuman, but it can have the abilities of those spiritual creatures?"

With a bang, he immediately gave up the pursuit of Kuriana. Instead, he chased after him like a shadow at the bottom of the lake. Sensen laughed and said, "Hahahaha, whatever you are, give it to me. Your body, old man. wanted!"

With the loud laughter, in an instant, the distant lake was surging with wind and waves, and the waves surged into the sky.

the other side.

Lai Luo stared at the fire of shadows that gradually disappeared in the sky, and then glanced at the shivering and horrified Meng Xiaowang, then looked at the wind and waves in the distance, thoughtfully.

"The ability to control the essence of water with mental power in a short period of time should be spiritual super-incarnation, and the intensity of mental power physicalization seems to be far greater than that of one's own mental power, but some are not those The naturalness shown by the high-level superhumans is just to save this human-faced spider mother... Could it be... a multi-eyed demon?"

Suddenly, Laidlaw remembered a possibility.

It is not impossible that the multi-eyed demon has the power of a certain law and has been promoted to a god-level creature based on the information collected by the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences.

Rumble, rumble, rumble.

The battle seemed to be more intense. The Asura Dao also used some real strength. Not only the lake surface, but Laylo could even feel the fine vibrations in the air, as if countless electric flowers were constantly bursting. Affected by this, the dark gray bachelor uniform also conducts a layer of static electricity, and the hair floats.

On the lake, the ferocious aquatic creatures that mutated after the Wasteland Age kept jumping out of the water, as if they were in the deep high-explosive magnetic field space.

Laidlaw has photographed an ugly and ferocious fang-toothed lanternfish.

I saw that in the gaps of its scales, strands of blood actually overflowed, and these blood were affected by the power of the distant law. After the essence of the blood evaporated, it gathered in the distance.

All creatures with souls, without the protection of the power of law, are dying irreversibly and slowly.

"The natural environment of hydrology and geography has begun to be affected on a large scale, and the power of five-level creatures."

This time, Laylo waited for a few hourglasses.

Meng Xiaowang didn't want to stay in this dangerous place for a long time. Naturally, after obtaining Lai Luo's consent, he had already fled far away.

The more time passed, the more dumbfounded and surprised Lai Luo became.

With this information, the multi-eyed king who has just been promoted to the **** level to master the power of the law, can he persist for so long under a fifth-level ancient Aurora?

This is simply unbelievable.

However, after a few hourglasses, after the gloomy [Asura Dao] Wan Jie slowly flew back with a gloomy face, Lei Luo was even more unbelievable, did he let him escape?

This is not some death storm unknown land!

But then, Lai Luo seemed to have discovered something amazing, noticed a fleeting golden light under the other's skin, and his eyelids jumped wildly.

"That's right, the churning breath in its body just now is indeed a layer of angels descending and summoning the ban, and it is said that he is also an eight-winged fallen angel under the creator's command, why is he unable to make waves in the middle-earth of Aurora , is it because of the restriction of this summoning ban? Is this also the reason why other ancient Aurora people have not tried to kill the sealed creator from beginning to end!"

On the surface, Lai Luo seemed to be nonchalant, and after greeting the other party casually, he flew off in the direction of Windsor Business Academy.

"Have you found it?"

Suddenly a voice came from behind.

"Found what?"

Lai Luo asked nonchalantly.

[Shura Dao] Wan Jie sneered: "Mental power is still so stable, which means that your spiritual soul is stable, but the reflex arc instinct of your body cells has betrayed you."

Laidlaw did not still flew silently.

The high-altitude star that seems to have shrunk by a few numbers is so abrupt in the sky of the Star Curtain Land that you can see it when you look up.

"The reason why Yaghua didn't get rid of me back then was because of this layer of ban on the arrival of angels. I took the initiative to inscribe it when I was helpless and desperate. Otherwise, how could it be possible to go from the devil's trumpet to the Bayi Fallen Angel King to be responsible for suppressing those Dangerous creatures in the underground world, those two old things also coveted and feared my power, so they never killed the Jaeger in the eyeball."

The secrets that Shura Road told plainly made Lei Luo feel even more jealous about the old turtle and the guy in the dream.

With a sigh, [Asura Dao] Wan Jie faintly said: "Boy, there are fewer and fewer ancient Aurora people in this world, if we die again, no one will remember our home planet. "

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