Grand Academy of Natural Sciences (Glan Natural Science Academy)

v1 Chapter 742: cervical cancer cells

After half an hourglass time.

Invited by Laylo, Lina Yaan, who was the patriarch of a guard inspection team at the Grant Academy of Natural Sciences, came to the office on the top floor of the tower.

I have to say, this is indeed a graceful, graceful and charming character beauty!

Laura, who was making coffee for Lai Luo, was about to hug and kiss Lai Luo and leave, but when she saw that the visitor was such a charming and beautiful woman, the smile on her face suddenly stiffened, and she turned her head to face again. Lai Luo glanced at him with a warning, which made Lai Luo look slightly embarrassed.

After all, Lola didn't say anything more. She walked out of the office quietly with a tall figure and graceful steps.

She looked at the scenery outside from the window of her office. This is the most beautiful place in the Glenn Academy of Natural Sciences, which made her feel fascinated and imagined how wonderful it would be if she could work and live in this environment every day in the future.


Lai Luo recovered his expression, took a sip of the coffee made by Lola himself, and signaled that the other party should not be cautious.

The female scholar was still a little nervous, and her sitting posture was a little stiff.

"I got your news from Dean Animo, saying that you want to exchange the secret of "Alienation Psychic" for the so-called support of me?"


The female scholar said cautiously: "My elder sister offended someone because of some things in her early years. I hope you can mediate or find a solution."

"Sister... So, all this is what An Liya means? Since that's the case, I have gone to Corleone Biospecimen Academy a lot over the years, why didn't she come to see me in person, and I'm very curious, your sister has offended you Who?"

The female scholar gritted her teeth.

"The person your sister offended is your good friend, the dean of Xiao Kang Business School, [Zijin Pig] Xiao Kang."

After hearing Xiao Kang's name, Lai Luo almost forgot the coffee in his mouth and looked up at each other in amazement.

It is really difficult for him to connect this simple, honest and timid fat man with An Liya who offends and fears.

After a brief stun, Lai Luo frowned, another look of stunned expression.

Xiao Kang is no longer the Xiao Kang he once was.

Today, the business resources in his hands are no longer limited to a few nearby colleges. It is said that a stable business route between the seven central colleges is being established. Even without Lai Luo's relationship, he has already become a giant in the academic world. Big brother, the number of strong men under his command is enough to form a deterrent for all academies to be cautious.

Thinking of this, Lai Luo slowly said: "Then, how did An Liya offend Xiao Kang? After all, my good friend is usually unwilling to have a grudge with anyone, not to mention that Master An Liya is the two of us who used to mentor."

"It's all because of ... cervical cancer cells with terminal mitochondrial mutations."

Lai Luo is no stranger to cervical cancer cells with terminal mitochondrial mutations.

This is a kind of magical mutant cell body that suddenly spread after the wasteland era. Even his own laboratory has stored and cultivated this kind of specimen, and there are not a few.

Ordinary cells will die out due to loss of cellular memory after being cultivated in a laboratory environment for at most several generations after leaving the host. This is the shackle of the nature of natural biological evolution.


In the wasteland period, a test product called terminal mitochondrial mutant cervical cancer cells suddenly circulated in the market. It only needs a small piece of cell tissue and cultivated in a laboratory environment to multiply indefinitely and obtain a steady stream of organisms. .

This is simply an immortal cell!

In this way, as soon as this strange experimental material appeared, it was infinitely replicated and studied by laboratories of various sizes, and from the initial scarce product, because of its infinite replication and splitting characteristics, it became a guinea pig in the microbiological world in the laboratory, and the number was amazing. At the same time, it is a necessary experimental consumable for almost every laboratory in the field of microscopic cell research.

you could put it that way.

All laboratory cervical cancer cells with terminal mitochondrial mutations were originally derived from the same cell.

And this cell has been cultivated and multiplied by many laboratories and scholars for many years. Even if the amount consumed by the experiment is not counted, it is only stored and cultivated in the hands of countless scholars. I am afraid that there are hundreds of millions of tons, and this number will still be With the continuous growth of academia, it continues to expand.

Lei Luo suddenly thought of something.

"So, the cervical cancer cells with terminal mitochondrial mutations are from Anlia. Is this a plan arranged by her?"

Seeing Lai Luo like this, the female scholar knew that the famous president of the Grand Academy of Natural Sciences had already guessed the mystery, so she didn't say any more.


Laylo took a deep breath.

"By the hands of all the scholars' laboratories, to master the mystery of the power of the law, it is worthy of being the master of Anlia, who actually spied on the power of the pioneers under the eyes of all the scholars."

It is exactly the same as Laidlaw's mastery of the radiation destruction law.

Generally speaking, the knowledge and cognition mastery of scholars often needs the support of amazing wealth resources.

It was precisely because of the resource constraints of the nobles that the scholars of the old era had to become dependent existences. In order to gain power from the management of the Holy See, the nobles of the Principality often invested in some obedient scholars.

The cost of casting a real body by a third-level extraordinary scholar is by no means a small amount. The magic materials involved cannot be raised by hundreds or thousands of gold coins, not to mention the research or even promotion of the power of law.

At the beginning, Lai Luo relied on the finances of the Grand Duchy to vigorously build radiation cataclysm weapons, mastered the power of the law, and even gave the secret of the radiation law technology to the dark world, most of which was to make a wedding dress for himself.

Now, the same is true of Anlia.

She used the entire academic world to cultivate a hotbed of the power of law for herself!

"Alienation and Spiritualization, I have also read and studied it. It is all about the control of various intensified and mutated cancer cells. There are many insurmountable defects. People who practice will inevitably fall into some kind of disability. Judging from the size of the terminal mitochondrial mutant cervical cancer cells, the strength of the law mastered by Master Anlia is probably beyond the reach of Master Corleone, right?"

Now that it has become an established fact, Lai Luo no longer wants to worry about this matter.

In this second golden age when scholars, civilization and technology are flourishing and technology is booming, it is a good thing for academia to have one more powerful pioneer.

In this way, he puzzled: "Then what does this have to do with Xiao Kang?"

The female scholar sighed: "Because the terminal mitochondrial mutant cervical cancer cells obtained by my sister originated from a woman named Bai Xing, who is Xiao Kang's wife."

White Star?

Of course Lai Luo knew about Bai Xing and Xiao Kang.

It's just that this incident has a connection with cervical cancer cells with terminal mitochondrial mutations, which is too bizarre.

But the more bizarre thing is yet to come.

Lina Yaan continued: "During the period of the wasteland catastrophe, it was not only the extinction brought about by the death storm, but the large amount of radiation pollutants in the air dust caused all living beings to undergo some radical mutations to a greater or lesser extent. After death, there are also many low-level creatures that gradually begin to deform and evolve, becoming very dangerous, and "Alienation" refers to the uncontrolled radicalized and mutant cells in the organism as cancer cells. We humans are also unable to avoid radiation pollution. Although the vast majority of people die because the cells in the body lose their ability to reproduce, there are countless people who die because of uncontrolled cancer cells produced by radiation pollution."

Lai Luo listened carefully.

Although the other party's words reminded Lai Luo of the cruel and unbearable past, he always believed that the evolution of civilization must pay a corresponding price, breaking the old and establishing the new.

"Unfortunately, Bai Xing, who lives in St. Granburg, also suffered from cervical cancer, but fortunately, she relied on family connections to find my sister, who is the strongest scholar of cancer cell research in academia. She asked My sister treated her and paid a considerable amount of money for it, my sister agreed. After my sister extracted the uncontrolled deformed evolution cancer cells in her body, she was back to health, my The elder sister received the reward. It was originally a mutually beneficial transaction, but after the treatment, the elder sister originally wanted to seal up and discard these cervical cancer cells, but on that day, for some unknown reason, she took out a small part as a specimen for research. As a result, she unexpectedly opened a door to the hall of knowledge and obtained the first generation of cervical cancer cells with terminal mitochondrial mutations."

Hearing this, Lai Luo was amazed and couldn't help showing a puzzled look.

"The discovery of terminal mitochondrial mutant cervical cancer cells is the result of Master Anliya's unremitting research for many years, so how does this matter continue to be related to Bai Xing and Xiao Kang?"

The female scholar sighed bitterly.

"My sister thought of a method of using the terminal mitochondrial mutation of cervical cancer cells to recognize the power of the law, and then secretly promoted this cell characteristic. The result was exactly as she thought. This unprecedented experimental specimen quickly It was popularized in the academic world, and all the laboratories were changing from initially wanting to explore the mysteries of immortality to using them as the cheapest experimental specimens. My sister finally achieved her dream for many years. Relying on the terminal mitochondrial mutation of cervical cancer cells, I obtained The power of the law pioneer, but this is not a good thing for the original host that produced this mutant cell."

Lai Luo frowned.

For the research on "Alienation Psychic", he is limited to the most basic surface layer.

Linaya settled down and continued: "With the terminal mitochondrial mutation cervical cancer cells are getting stronger and stronger, and the power of my sister is getting stronger and stronger. At the same time, these cells that have spread out are due to the experiments of countless scholars, some of which are even lacking. The high-level curse experiment actually began to have an impact on the original host of the cell, Bai Xing, and began to subject her to various tortures at any time. It was almost equivalent to a patient with a disease who lost her immunity. Fortunately, her husband Xiao Kang relied on amazing financial resources. She barely saved her life, but the resources invested in this way of life extension every day are simply beyond the imagination of the outside world."

"There is such a thing!"

Lai Luo had never heard Xiao Kang mention this, and when he found out, he couldn't help but be in disbelief.

But Lina Yaan continued: "In addition, with the increasing number of cervical cancer cells with terminal mitochondrial mutations, the number has reached a level that is unimaginable for ordinary people. As a result, the law of its cohesion is The power is also getting stronger and stronger. They used to be just out of control deformed mutant cells, but they have turned against the guests, and the power of the law has begun to use the former host as an 'out of control body'. This situation not only affects Bai Xing himself, but also The selfish offspring carrying her cellular memory had an impact. As the power of the law created by the terminal mitochondrial mutant cervical cancer cells grew stronger, all creatures with white star cells once approached the laboratory and the terminal mitochondrial mutant cervical cancer cells. Individuals will be stimulated by the power of the law, resulting in all kinds of unpredictable consequences."

Even though he was already a pioneer in academia, Laidlaw couldn't help but stunned when he heard such a bizarre incident.

It's no wonder that Xiao Kang and An Liya have become mortal enemies, and neither of them have found themselves before.

On the one hand, when An Liya learned about the relationship between Lai Luo and Xiao Kang, she did not dare to tell the matter because she was afraid of Lai Luo's strength.

On the other hand, Xiao Kang's enemies are quite numerous. Lai Luo is the center of the vortex in the academic world. I don't know how many people are spying on it. I am afraid it will be a disaster in an instant.


Since Anlia broke the secret balance between the two sides, there is only one possibility.

She believes that she has acquired the strength to be able to fight against Laylo, at least she no longer fears the power of Laylo.

"I wanted to arrange a secret meeting in a few days, and then search for the secret connection will of the sword of creation, and try to forge the magic wand and holy magic weapon, and at the same time prepare for the real mastery of the embodied power of the law and promotion to the master. Now there is another It's no wonder that Shiraoshi hasn't been seen for such a long time."

After understanding the cause and effect, Lai Luo was thoughtful and did not reply for a long time.

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