Grand Academy of Natural Sciences (Glan Natural Science Academy)

v1 Chapter 743: 10 giants

The meeting of the Big Ten of the College Alliance opened by Lai Luo, the time has been determined, will be held secretly at the Windsor Business College in a month.

The so-called Big Ten is a high-level meeting composed of the three cornerstone guardians of the academic world and the seven deans of the Central Academy. Not many people know about this secret organization that represents the highest power in the academic world, but all those who know it are. already famous.

All aspire to be a part of it.

Therefore, some people call these ten academic giants the ten men of the alliance.

When [Liancheng fo] of course.

The so-called ten giants and ten men do not mean that the organization is really ten people. Beings like Laylo and Sicily are both the dean of the Central Academy and the guardian of the cornerstone. Therefore, during the meeting, the two usually meet. Elected other well-known and well-known strong scholars in the academic community to represent the interests of the academic community and participate in the conference.

And before that, Laidlaw has a few other things to deal with.

First of all, invited by Laylo, Aoun took the initiative to contact [Humble Author] Sisido and [Soul Lens] McGana who came to the Grant Academy of Natural Sciences.

Haven't seen it in years.

Cicido is still the same lazy and boring look he used to be, with a Luohao rice ear in the corner of his mouth, sitting on the sofa in Lai Luo's office bored, telling about some of his opportunities in the death storm over the years, and after witnessing the **** demon cataclysm in the land of night. To survive, the civil war after the collapse of the social civilization system.

More than 98% of the blood derivatives have been extinct in the decades-long catastrophe, and less than 2% of the blood derivatives have been scattered into hundreds of tribes, large and small, or mother nests, and some advocates recuperating and adapting to new environments. There are brand-new civilizations, some who advocate escaping and leaving, and even those who advocate taking refuge in the human beings in the Star Curtain.

McGana remained silent.

She is already the wife of Cicido, but for this man who is both righteous and evil, who has become a pioneer in leading academia in the wasteland era, she still cannot forget the events of the academy.

"Hahaha, so, has Xue Yan started to adapt to the cataclysmic environment? That's right, compared to the continuous cataclysmic damage suffered by humans in the Star Curtain Land, Xue Yan has only been baptized by the black death civilization. Maybe After going through this cataclysmic baptism, they broke through theological constraints, embarked on the road of rational science, and developed into a stronger civilization after hundreds of thousands of years?"

Laylo talked and laughed about Cicito's words, and said with deep meaning.

"Who knows, that's not my concern."

Xixi Duo leaned on the sofa lazily, looking out of the window long ago, and even narrowed his eyes slightly, enjoying the warmth of the warm sunshine.

"But, this is what I should be worried about..."

Laylo looked at Cecido with admiration and said so.

Leaning on the sofa, Cicido looked sideways slightly and looked at Lai Luo, but there was not much emotion in his eyes.

Lai Luo has never dealt with this type of person before, seeing the other person like this, he couldn't help feeling embarrassed, and he had to continue: "Although we are very weak in the academic world now, but after we got rid of the theological oppression, we already have Given the inestimable potential, as long as there is enough time, I am confident that future scholars will surely create miracles that we cannot imagine now, ushering in the second golden age event in the academic world.”

Speaking of which.

Lai Luo, who was smiling all over his face, suddenly smiled, his words paused slightly, and he looked straight at Cicito.

"But who can guarantee that at this moment, the civilization of the Land of Night, which has been freed from the shackles of theology, will not be transformed from this, and has a stronger potential than our academic world? And who can guarantee that a civilization with a stronger evolutionary potential will not be transformed. They will suddenly find out in their conscience that they will be kind to the civilization that has been hostile for thousands of years here, and will they coexist peacefully?"

"you think……"

Cicito said halfway through, his eyes averted, and he looked out the window again.

He really didn't want to make trouble for himself.

"Yes, although the academic world is at a critical juncture of development now, I think it is necessary to pay a certain price to eliminate this exotic civilization that clearly understands our human beings. Otherwise, even if they do not have this potential, in the future What happened on the side, exposed our news to some terrible civilization in the depths of the continent, the consequences are really not what I want to see."

Cecido's eyes were still looking out of the window, and he said helplessly: "You asked Aoun to come to me, just to tell me this? I won't believe that the dignified president of the Grand Academy of Natural Sciences can't send the Land of Destruction without me. I am a scholar, and I am still a bit self-aware, although I have some strength, but in this wasteland era where talents are born in large numbers, hehe."

"Of course not just for this, but it would be great if you could be successfully invited to participate in this program."

After finishing speaking, Lai Luo's eyes turned to Angela who had been restless on the other sofa for a long time.

Aware of Lai Luo's gaze, Angela's heart jumped, but on the surface she stared at Lai Luo as if nothing had happened, with a look of doubt.

"The actual purpose of inviting the two of you this time is for Angela."

Angela was startled and looked at Lai Luo in disbelief.

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Cecido also looked at Laidlaw suspiciously like a cat who stepped on its tail.

"Hey, you guy, if you want to have an extramarital affair to develop a lover, don't be like this in front of her husband. I know there are some stories between you, but she is my wife now."


Lai Luo smiled bitterly: "You misunderstood, someone wants to use me as a guarantee to tell Angela an extraordinary secret, a secret involving her real life experience, and there is a great benefit waiting for her."

"Secret of life experience?"

Angela looked suspicious.

Lai Luo looked directly at Angela and said faintly, "Did you know that your father is not your real father?"

After Angela was stunned, she sneered.

She said slowly: "Master Lai Luo, no matter what my background was in the past, it is a matter of the old times. Even if my real father is the emperor of the duchy, it will not bring me any glory now."

"That was not what I meant."

Lai Luo continued to explain: "Your father is still your father. I mean, although your bloodline comes from your father, your soul is not him, but another great being."

After a few hourglasses.

Under Lai Luo's arrangement, the two went to a secret place.


After the Dream Thief entrusted Lai Luo to find Angela, Lai Luo summoned the human-faced spider mother Kuriana.

Her breath is still very unstable.

Although she escaped with her life that day, she also left some hidden dangers.

"Are you really sure that this matter has been dealt with, he won't come back?"

At this moment, Kuriana looked no different from ordinary people except for some spider veins and fine scales on her body skin, and she still looked like she had lingering fears.

"I have served the main **** in the underground world for many years, and I have long been accustomed to the power of the supreme law that changes the appearance through the essence. That human being must be another main **** besides the creator of light!"

"In academia, I prefer to call it a fifth-order creature."

Lai Luo finished speaking, relieved: "Don't worry, we have reached an agreement, he will not come back in the short term, and in fact he is not interested in you. And I called you this time, it is I want to ask about the multi-eyed king, how is it?"


Kuriana sighed: "Although it escaped by luck, the price paid for it is too great. Half of its eyes have been permanently blinded, and most of its talent has been lost."


Lai Luo said solemnly: "You go and tell the King of Many Eyes, if it wants to continue to hide like this, I will not stop it, but if it wants a chance, I will organize a campaign and launch a cataclysmic weapon to completely destroy the night sky. The battle of the land requires some strong people to cut the grass and root out the blood in the land of night. For this reason, the college alliance is willing to pay a certain amount of compensation and provide shelter within the organization. There are many evil gods born in the land of night. Even if it has been destroyed, it must be There are also some treasures of civilization left, which may be useful to it."

Speaking of this, Lai Luo stared at Kuriana and said, "Unlike you, that one is quite interested in the King of Many Eyes."

"Who is he, hasn't the creator fallen, why do humans still have such a terrible existence!"

Kuriana screamed almost hysterically, and every time she thought that she was as weak as a fly that was pinched to death a few months ago, she fell into an abyss.

"Ask the King of Many Eyes about this matter. Whether it's a legend or a guess, he should know more or less."

He waved gently, indicating that she could leave.


After quickly finishing the affairs of the college and inspecting the progress of various projects in the college, Lai Luo flew to Xiaokang Business School.

If you want to deal with An Liya, it is natural to start with Bai Xing.

As for the benefits of this matter, it is naturally An Liya herself. The blood-derived civilization in the land of night has already collapsed, and it has been scattered into dozens of large and small tribes. The real body of the astral body, completing the realization of the law and advancing to the fifth level, if Anlia can go to the land of night on her behalf, it will save a lot of time and energy.

During the flight, Laidlaw opened the crystal ball contact.


On the other side of the crystal ball, Xiao Kang looked inconceivable. After a moment's stunned, he smiled and said, "You busy man, why are you free to contact me?"

As expected of a business giant, Laidlaw could not see anything unusual about him.

With a mysterious smile, Lai Luo said: "This time it's on the I'll go to the business school right away to see you and Bai Xing."


After a slight hesitation, Xiao Kang said slowly, "I'm not in the business school right now, so I'm afraid it's a little inconvenient. Well, when I go back, I will visit you in person at the Grand Academy of Natural Sciences."

Naturally, Xiao Kang skipped Bai Xing.

Lai Luo pretended to be stupid and smiled leisurely: "It's okay, I went to see Bai Xing, the same is true, I haven't seen this old classmate for a long time, I remember she was quite contemptuous of you back then, but it came to you. hands, hahahaha."

The joke between the two, the fat man also laughed, but seemed to want to say something.

However, Lei Luo immediately restrained his smile and snorted coldly: "My friend, how long will you hide from me about you and Master Anlia!"

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