Grand Academy of Natural Sciences (Glan Natural Science Academy)

v1 Chapter 799: 60 years later

Text Chapter 799 Sixty Years Later

The destruction mission of the Night Expedition initiated by academia lasted more than four years.

After paying the price of more than 50 people, nearly one-fifth of the number of scholars in this expedition. When these less than two hundred people who left the wasteland returned again after a lapse of four years and seven months, it was very Soon there was an uproar in the academic world.

Almost no one knows, no one knows.

For thousands of years, the Holy See has organized tens of thousands of mad believers on night expeditions at all costs, and the blood-born brood civilization that has not been able to conquer the night, but under the blow of only more than 200 people in the academic circle, Was destroyed.

This is how the higher civilizations crush the lower civilizations!

Although there are reasons for the sharp decline in power after the black plague in the dark place, victory is still a historic event full of changes for the academic world.

Trip log.

"After the collapse of the wind eye in the night, the expeditionary corps of the academic community discovered a total of 97 wind eyes, large and small, and conducted investigations on 9 of them, and conducted a comprehensive survey of the history, culture, and biological specimens. After analyzing the records, all 97 wind eyes were destroyed."

"During the expedition, scholars from all walks of life showed their magical powers, erupting countless heroic deeds, countless singular stories, and legends about the discovery of various secret treasures. It is a poem full of adventure and harvest. The most fascinating thing is the blueprint of the T genetic engineering that has made many pioneers greedy and crazy..."

"The four sacred magic weapons, in addition to the missing source of power, the Wings of Eternal Night and the Book of Death both reappeared in this golden age, and they shined in the first expedition and destruction mission in the academic world. Alchemy everywhere Teachers have become highly praised objects."

"Scholars returning from the expedition, regardless of their positions, have been cordially invited by various colleges after their return. Several of them were directly trained as successors of the college. It is almost foreseeable that in the future dozens of Within this year, they will serve as the successors of the second golden age of academia, unearthing the great potential of this new higher civilization."

"The biological specimens and some technologies obtained from the "Blood Embryo" civilization have allowed many colleges to gain unprecedented technical inspiration after being exposed to this novel knowledge. After they absorbed these inspirations like a sponge, they evolved into academic academics suitable for scholars. Knowledge has created a small-scale academic school and a new technology application system, and even many families have been born."

But these are just changes on the surface of academia.

After all, the scholars of the Expeditionary Corps are composed of the older generation. They are still bound by the ideology of the old age, and their hearts are full of self-excitation, patience, and cautious attitudes. Therefore, their worldview and attitude to work still keep the times in the first place. Under the legacy of a golden age, it belongs to the connecting stage after the second golden age.

But they were like throwing a torch on the dry grassland.

The victory of this expedition allowed the new generation of scholars, who were already extremely confident and surging, to completely release their deep enthusiasm, enthusiasm, and will to fight.

They have not experienced the darkest era suppressed by the Holy See, their pride in their hearts has been ignited, and they have adapted their cognition as an academic system based on the principle of higher goals. In this era of compulsory academic education for all people, they have begun to write the second golden age of academics. A real miracle!


Sixty years later.

Sixty years have passed, and the seven central colleges have supported the vast area of ​​academia.

In addition, there are some colleges that do not want to be bound by the seven central colleges, relying on their own means to independently support the small eye, scattered around like satellites.

The huge area they stretched together has even surpassed the area of ​​the once duchy combined with the thorn forest, the Hengduan Mountains, and the death swamp.

The large tracts of death desert shrouded by expanding phoenix eyes have been restored to life under the nourishment of the law and transformed into oasis near the colleges.

That is the nourishment of Quan Zu as the guardian of the rules.

Although Quan Zu stayed in the land of the star screen, it was only a clone, but as a recognition of the will of the world, this clone has increased the speed of the melting furnace desert soil in the wind eye by many times.

influenced by.

With the support of universal compulsory education and childbirth incentive policies, the number of people in the wasteland that had nearly collapsed has gradually been fully restored. Several major hubs have successively established cities with a population of one million, becoming a side of the economy, As the center of politics, education, culture, ideology and technology industry, laboratory operations supported by various business system contexts emerge in endlessly, and the products developed by various laboratories are dazzlingly promoted.

After sixty years of development.

The academic economic system has been completely tied to the honor belief system.

The front and back of each gold coin are engraved with the school motto of the students of the major centers, which is similar to "respect the teacher and pay attention to the fire", "knowledge is power", "learning is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, then you will retreat", etc. Wait for warnings that symbolize academic spirit.

Almost from the moment the children speak out, the pursuit of academic honor has been imprinted in their growth to realize their spiritual ideals.

After sixty years of development.

The political system of academia is more stable.

With the three cornerstone guardians and the seven central colleges as the supreme power centers of academia, a solid political ecology has been established. People have become accustomed to calling these ten scholars at the top of the academic circle the top ten, or the alliance ten. .

On this basis, the deans of the colleges and universities are doing their best to guide the tutors and freshman scholars of the college to go all out to watch the new round of the Central College competition after thirty years.

The rules of competition for the central eye once every 100 years make it hard for everyone who sees the huge benefits of it.

After sixty years of development.

There has been considerable progress in education, culture, and thinking in academia, giving birth to many educators, mathematicians, philosophers, poets, writers, artists, alchemists, etc.

Under the influence of the rational education system of academia in the new era, they have created works and miracles in their respective fields. Their advanced and open cultural concepts not only meet the needs of the people in the Wasteland, but even affect the Aurora Middle-earth People of the land.

The believers under the rule of the Temple of Star Gazing have been influenced by the cultural thoughts of the Wasteland, and they have gone to various universities to seek scholars!

Although the Middle-Earth Land and the Wasteland have not yet developed into a head-on conflict between the ruling class, in terms of basic strength, the academia of the Wasteland has undoubtedly begun to occupy the dominant side and has begun to penetrate the Middle-Earth land in all directions In turn, Middle-earth can only use a large number of judges and arbiters to exercise high-handed control over believers and maintain their own sphere of influence.

But this is just blocking the reef in front of Hong Tao, and only postponing the Renaissance.

After sixty years of development.

Academia technology has achieved a real big explosion!

Every day, brand-new convenience technologies are produced and applied. In these mega-city clusters built around the Central Academy, the eight-legged self-propelled spider vehicles developed and promoted by a small number of chambers of commerce are now seen almost everywhere and become the most popular The common short-distance transportation vehicles, such as horse-drawn carriages, beasts and carts, have long been eliminated, and they have become the original productive forces in the partial area.

on the basis of.

The Chamber of Commerce has also developed an anti-gravity robotic bee for people to replace balloon airships for inter-city travel. Although it is a bit more expensive, it is very fast and convenient.

The anti-gravity mechanical bee is not only the application of mechanical technology, but also the biochemical and flesh-based technology of the blood embryonic brood civilization, as well as the anti-gravity technology used in the sky fortress by Fladick College. The scientific knowledge contained therein Undoubtedly represents the great progress of scholars in the new era,

The take-off of the technological explosion is also shown in the application of war technology.

The most eye-catching among them is the Curvature Reef Project!

The academia has used its own cognitive breakthroughs in knowledge of time and space, centered on the seven major wind-eyes, and established a subspace mosaic zone covering hundreds of kilometers in the distant dead desert and storm sea area. It seems that scholars have built a circle of reefs artificially near the coastline of the gathering place. Any device that attempts to smuggle from underwater using curvature space technology will be in danger of hitting the reef and sinking.

of course.

This is when the space-time technology mastered by the smuggler civilization does not form an absolute generation gap with the academic world.

But no matter what, in theory, this circle of curvature space-time reef can still bring a great alert effect and a sense of security to the academic community.

For this reason, the academic community has invested more resources and precision almost regardless of the cost, and started the construction of vigorous curvature reefs.

In addition.

For the experiment of curvature space-time technology aircraft, there have also been some considerable breakthroughs.

Through the Black Death Civilization Flight Device left by Superman, and after decades of research and digestion in academia, under ideal conditions, the Windsor Curvature Space-Time Research Laboratory has initially been able to pass material within 1 gram through the shallowest gray matter layer curvature space-time. , Delivered to 3 meters away.

This is undoubtedly a historic technological breakthrough!

With this foundation, although it may not be possible to create a war platform similar to the ancient time-space fortress of Aurora that shuttles through the stars, but if it is only a war platform for short-distance time-space transmission within this world, it is undoubtedly only time. Problem!

Fradic Academy of Sciences [Sky Fortress] Ceratos announced a breakthrough in particle propulsion technology...

[The humble author] Cicido, [Soul Lens] Magana, [Flame Heart Power] Aoun, [Fire Phoenix] Angela, [Purple Pig] Xiao Kang, the five people once again started the annual private Hangout.

"A lot of new generations of strong people have been promoted in academia recently. Except for the prestigious pioneers, the number of registered academicians alone, I heard from insiders, has exceeded 800. It is incredible. It seems It is within these five years to break 1,000 people."

[Power of Flame Heart] Aoun said quietly.

Only he, as the deputy dean of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences, could hear the so-called internal news.

Sisido and Xiao Kang were keen to eat and drink. Both of them were sitting lazily during the party, enjoying themselves, and kept pointing to the desserts in front of them in private.

McGanna's decadence and loss have been wiped out!

She quipped, "So what? There is that person at the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences. Is there any concern that the central academy will not be able to compete in more than 30 years? If nothing else, even if there are 800 academicians in academia, I think I'm afraid there are at least one hundred people in your college, right?"

Upon hearing this, Angela rolled her eyes.

Aoun, who knew the truth, was also quite speechless. After the couple were drawn into the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences by Leylor, they completely knew what pressure was.

He reluctantly said: "It is because I know the specific situation of the college that I am so worried. Let me tell you the truth. Now there are 42 academician-level scholars under the name of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences. According to my secret investigation , The situation of the other six central colleges is not much better than that of Gran, that is to say, among the more than 800 academician-level scholars, more than half are scattered among the many small colleges. Now the centuries-long dispute between the central college is getting more and more time. It's getting closer, so the major central colleges have been so anxious these years."

Sisiduo was drinking afternoon tea and finally interjected a rare sentence.

"What are you worried about? I don’t know anything else. There are three pioneers in the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences. UU reading www.uukā plus the perverted guy who doesn’t know where to hide, you, the deputy dean Just wait patiently and calmly."

Mention that perverted guy, of course several people know who it is.

As for the three pioneer-level existences of the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences, in addition to following the ancient Aurora who participated in the ancient Aurora’s secret return after the Middle-earth War [King of Ksitigarbha], they are also the King of Many Eyes, and only recently used the fourth generation. Ankalev has made breakthroughs in energy source research.

That's right, the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences has also made great progress in this technological explosion!

Xiao Kang, who was chewing a piece of delicate pastry in his mouth, said: "For so many years, if his media partner were not in the Gran Academy of Natural Sciences, I would have to worry about whether he died outside. Hey, pity me. Godsend baby..."

In spite of this, Xiao Kang was not sad, but rather relaxed and humorous.

There seems to be something happy.

Just in time.

[Fire Phoenix] Angela mentioned what Xiao Kang had in mind.

"Have you heard that the reason why these new academicians have been in the limelight in the past few years, the older generation of guys have disappeared. Some people have speculated that it might be because of that...otherwise how could it be all? The old guys are like an appointment and have become so low-key. Even the three in our college have been the same. They have rarely appeared since ten years ago."

Speaking of which, the only [the humble author] Sisido among the people present who participated in the war, his complexion changed slightly, and a figure appeared in his mind.

"[Alienization and Psychic] An Liya, the blueprint for genetic engineering of T."

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