Grand Academy of Natural Sciences (Glan Natural Science Academy)

v1 Chapter 893: Broken

The depths of Stormwind Continent.

Compared with the famous Honkaiju civilization, outsiders know very little about the Primordial civilization. They only know that the number of ethnic groups in this civilization is quite rare, but each of them is extremely powerful, especially the famous Primordial One, who is also the only one on Stormwind Continent. Confirmed sixth-level lifeform.

The Taikoo people rarely show up and are extremely mysterious, which is quite similar to the magnetic pole people.

But compared to the mystery of the ancient civilization, the Honkaikai who often act in ancient names are undoubtedly too high-profile.

This is a group of born fighting people. They were born with the ultimate goal of constantly fighting to become stronger. Before encountering the ancient civilization, their history was a process of constantly fighting for various employers. It was not until the appearance of the ancients that it was completely Bring these fighting creatures into submission.

Hundreds of years ago, in the war of siege and suppression of the natural disasters in the mainland, the Honkaikai could also be regarded as the main force. The scene of its patriarch 'Liyou' tearing the golden holy dragon king by hand is still regarded as the most famous totem statue, standing in Helma. The top of Zara Mountain is for future generations to worship.

The world always remembers the glory of the victors, but never cherishes the pain behind them.


The humanoid creature with horns let out an inaudible groan.

It is about two meters tall, and its body is as majestic as a **** of war. Every muscle in its body seems to be full of explosive power. Its long scarlet beard and hair are scattered, and its face shows uprightness and majesty.

And the reason why it made this muffled hum is because of the trauma left after the battle with the Golden Holy Dragon King hundreds of years ago, the right chest was penetrated by the dragon claws, two-thirds of the lungs disappeared, and the erosion of the holy flame The wound still shows no sign of healing, even with the unparalleled regeneration and recovery ability of the Honkaiju family, it cannot resist the curse of the Golden Holy Dragon King, and the pain may accompany it for the rest of its life.

Although he knew that these medicines were useless to him, Li You still endured the pain in the face of his wife's care and let his wife wipe the wound.

The wife looked at the penetrating wound that could see through Li You's back. The only remaining lobe of the lungs required strong muscle manipulation, constantly overloading the body, and she couldn't help shedding tears again.

"do not Cry."

Li You impatiently put on the animal skin coat and casually placed it on his body, which also covered up this hideous wound. As for the shocking scars on other parts of the body, compared to the wound of the holy flame here, it is It doesn't matter anymore.

"Honkaiju will never allow weakness, not even women, because only the best women can give birth to the best warriors!"

Li You's voice was a little dull, this was due to the air leakage caused by the wound.

As the patriarch of the Honkaiju clan, a symbol of anger and strength, Li You will never allow any cowardly emotions to appear in his life.

The wife wiped away her tears and put away the medicine.

Weird emotion.

This is obviously a kind of torture, but for his wife, Liyou at the moment is full of infinite charm. This is the belief of the Honkai people. The blood of the enemy ignites the fire of anger, and continues to erupt with stronger power. , this is the culture of the collapsed civilization, the violent aesthetics of blood and anger!


Outside Liyou's room, a mechanical bee appeared along with a faint ripple in the space.

It ignored the doors and windows of the room, passed through as if nothing, and appeared in front of Liyou.

Such ingenious manipulation of the power of time and space is simply beyond the reach of the academic world!


The metal mechanical bee began to expand and deform, and various mechanical devices folded against each other. In the eyes of this powerful bull, it turned into a circular screen with a diameter of one meter. During the deformation process, even the shape of the metal material changed. It has changed and it has become this unknown substance between plastic and glass. If this technology is seen by scholars, it must be stunned.

However, the crashers, whose minds are filled with all kinds of violent aesthetics, never care about such details.

"Come here."

A figure appeared on the screen. After simply conveying the will, the circular screen was folded again, and the material between plastic and glass was transformed into a mechanical bee, and the spatial ripples disappeared in a flash. .


Li You showed a look of incomparable reverence, and his body revealed a spirit that was ready to go.

After just an hourglass time.

Li You took a fully transparent time-space flight device and appeared in a mysterious space. The sky here was filled with warm sunlight, and the ground was a spotless blue screen, and sometimes a few white clouds slipped past.

After a while, he appeared in front of a person, it was the Primordial One!

This is an old turtle with a pitch-black crystal bead hanging on its chest, sitting motionless on a raised wooden branch, showing an incomparably mysterious artistic conception of natural harmony.

If Lai Luo was here, he would definitely be surprised.

Because of the same kind of old turtle, he has seen it before, that is the body occupied by the continuation, the so-called turtle fairy, it is also relying on the other party's special bloodline, the continuation can be just like Pirates of Dreams, barely remain immortal state, but in the end it is also not worth the erosion of time.

"The Ancient One."

The bull actually respectfully saluted the old turtle sitting cross-legged on this wooden branch, with an extremely respectful gesture.

"Liyou, this is the magnetic pole, a creature from the Frost Continent."

Only then did the bull notice the mysterious life form beside him.

This is not because its perception is weak, but because of the bloodline of the Houkai family, it will automatically ignore the weak, and in their eyes, the weak are equal to air.

"Patriarch Liyou."

The voice of the magnetic pole man made Li You recall some of the past, and a smile appeared on his face, and he said proudly: "Every time your Excellency comes, you will provide a good opponent for the Honkai people. Our clan already has The two patriarchs died on the battlefield provided by your Excellency, and I was hailed as the strongest warrior at the time, and it was also obtained on the battlefield of the natural disasters provided by your Excellency!"

In the culture of the Honkaiju clan, it is an honor to be able to die in a war of equal opponents.

"This time, I do offer you a new enemy."

Due to the short time here, the magnetic pole person's body has not been able to reflect the color of the surrounding natural environment, so it is only a transparent phantom like water waves.

Li You's eyes lit up, showing a scarlet color.

Suddenly, even the surrounding air seemed to freeze, showing the roar of the corpse mountain and blood sea battlefield.

It couldn't help but ask, "What enemy?"

The magnetic pole man seemed to sense the opponent's fighting intent and was very satisfied. He said faintly: "Its name is called academia. Like the natural disaster, it is a smuggling carrier of superhuman beings. The garbage in the world needs to be cleaned up in time."

"Academia? Hehehehe!"

Li You murmured, and let out a sinister grin with a voice deep in his throat, and the muscles of his whole body also showed a **** red color, like a volcano that could erupt at any time.

Then the old turtle spoke up.

"How strong is the academic world?"

The magnetic pole man turned around and responded respectfully: "It's just a civilization that is less than five thousand years old, but it has strong development potential. This should be regarded as the compensation method of the world balance rules for the garbage. There have been true god-level creatures in the academic world, and the law has become a cataclysm. In-depth application of weapons, access to space-time power technology, and some unknown technologies that breed defeated species..."

While talking, the magnetists began to introduce all the information in academia observed by the magnetists in the form of imaging, combined with various three-dimensional dynamic pictures.

Unconsciously, the day and night passed.

During this period, the magnetists analyzed almost seven or eight of the information in the academic world, which involved more than 200 technical factories, 34 academies, 11 secret research institutes, and more than 100 academic pioneers, just like Lai Luo Thinking about it, the entire academic world is like an exhibitionist, showing it in front of the Houkai.

Especially in the face of the strange situation of the Eye of the Observer, it feels as if it has lost something important, and it focuses on describing it.

It wasn't until the magnetic pole man stopped talking that the old turtle opened his squinting eyes and said faintly: "It's only less than five thousand years, it's really scary to have such a civilization as an enemy, and it really needs to be dealt with as soon as possible."

As he said that, the old turtle opened his mouth, and a blue light point floated towards the bull.

"In the first battle of the cataclysmic civilization, you charged at the forefront and suffered the most damage. Only seven of the sixteen elders are left. You too... the little warriors below still need time to grow. Use this to put this dangerous civilization's habitat. , Cover with fissures, and wipe out their remnants completely, this time don't be stubborn, the council needs your strength, don't spend it in useless sacrifices."

The bull took the blue light, turned it into a huge wrench, and clasped it on its thumb.


The bull bowed his head in response, but there was an indescribable shame in his heart.

It looked at the ring on its thumb, and at the moment felt like a clown, a cowardly bug, who only knew how to hide in the distance with a gun, and felt unspeakable sadness in his heart.

No, the Broken should not rely on this kind of stuff.

This is not the culture of the crashers!

Honkai only have soldiers who died on the road of charging, not cowards who are scared away by death!

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