Grand Academy of Natural Sciences (Glan Natural Science Academy)

v1 Chapter 906: scorched earth

a month later.

It has been a month and a half since the Honkai Impact invaded the academic world.

In the eyes of scholars, the mode of war displayed by the Honkaiju is not like an army, but more like a swarm of locusts overwhelming the sky, destroying everything along the way regardless of the focus.

Although they were destructive and easily destroyed the frontiers of the academic world, in the next month and a half, they began to wipe out all the scholars in the vast land almost in a flat sweep.

With the help of the Lava Dogs who smelled the emotions, the places where the Honkaikai passed, whether it was the underground forces that turned from light to darkness, or the individual scholars who were lucky, were all killed one by one.

They seem to want to use this absolute violence to completely kill all scholars in the academic world, and achieve complete destruction in the true sense.

Although this kind of behavior seems to have brought a devastating blow to the academic world in the occupied area, in the view of advanced scholars in the academic world, it is really unprofessional. So much time wasted to bring the academia well-prepared to trade space for time.

If, with the fighting power shown by the Honkai, after destroying the front line, all the important gathering points could be destroyed as soon as possible as soon as possible, X Progress Academy might have entered the war stage at this moment.

After all, in the initial plan of academia, the ideal state of X Progress Academy is to do everything possible to persist for three months. At that time, with Laylo and Anlia as the pioneer core, they will take the lead in gathering some of the strength of the academic community and try to compete with the crashers. They have a real head-to-head battle.

But this is only the ideal state.

In fact, the academic world has no certainty about this at all, and has even arranged a backup plan. Once the X Advance Academy of Sciences fails to obtain three months of assembly time for the academic community, the decisive battle for the academic community will be positioned in other backups. Central College.

And after the collapsers took only a day and a half to tear up the frontiers of the academic world, the academic community was almost completely opposed to whether the X Progress Academy could last for the academic community for three months. Yes, even the dean of X Academy himself expressed a pessimistic attitude.

After all, although the information on the Honkaikai obtained by the academic world is only the tip of the iceberg, the number of fourth-level and fifth-level creatures displayed by it is not of the same order of magnitude as the X Progress Academy of Sciences!

But now!

It has been a month and a half since the cutoff was opened.

However, the Honkaiju just flattened the 30 or so affiliated college cities and thousands of towns and villages in the area occupied by the Profound Light Academy of Sciences and the Blue Sky Engineering Academy.

Although this was a devastating blow to the occupied area, it did not hurt the entire academic community.

As a result, the two academic masters headed by Lai Luo and Anlia are mobilizing more scholars to gather at the X Progress Academy of Sciences, confirming that this is a stronghold as a bridgehead plan to resist the collapse of the army.


Any creature, even the so-called rational, will often try to judge the other's code of conduct from its own standpoint in the process of thinking.

Scholars who have become completely independent, even the senior scholars who claim to be the oldest generation, have completely forgotten the history of the academia once being a vassal of the Holy See, assisting the Holy See to fight against the Bloody Demon at night at all costs.

They had forgotten the days when the former scholars were just auxiliary members of the Holy Knights of the Holy See, under the command of the Holy See.

During that time, the will of the Holy See, that is, the will of scholars in the Principality, never dared to think otherwise.

As such.

The scholars who once understood the war were just following the plan of the Holy See. First, the wind eye smuggled in, then built the temple of the gods, and then removed the blood nest gathering point of the blood demon, and followed the belief in the temple to push everything along the way. resistance forces...

Although the strength of today's Honkaiju is far stronger than that of the previous academic world, why is the status of the two not the same?

Because above the heads of the collapsers, there is also an ancient civilization that is more powerful than them.

The significance of the existence of the Honkai at this stage is to make up for the fact that after the large-scale technological cataclysm strikes the war, it is difficult for the few ancient ones to completely destroy some remaining individual creatures and scattered strongholds in various places. The role of it is to extend the will of the ancient civilization, to wipe out everything that the ancient civilization can see.

That is to say, where the ancients are pointing.

The collapsers have become completely accustomed to the days of being vassal thugs of the ancient civilization.

In this war mode, the Houkai do not need to consider strategic issues, all they have to do is focus on the battle in front of them, focus on finding traces of the enemy, and focus on completely destroying all enemies.

It is not difficult to understand why the Honkaiju at this moment took more than a month to eliminate the meaningless small-scale villages and towns in the battle of civilization.

"Woooooooo, mom..."

The girl's cry resounded in despair in a burning house in Sheepshead Village, but no rescue was received.

Because the whole village is crying.

Scholars with combat power are all gathered in the center of the village at this moment, doing their best to fight against the suddenly invading lava dogs.

Under the high temperature distortion emitted by the lava dog, these houses without the protection of energy prohibition can easily burn.

Now more than 20 lava dogs are raging, and almost the entire village is caught in a sea of ​​fire.

A lava dog who was going to the central battle area of ​​the village seemed to smell the fear and hesitation in the burning room. This is their favorite food!

in this way.

This lava dog couldn't help but stop, its size was like a bulldog magnified hundreds of times, and walked slowly into the burning room.

After a while.

In a hasty scream of despair from the little girl, the voice stopped abruptly, and then the lava dog left the burning house, chewing in its mouth, and ran quickly towards the center of the village.

Every time it ran, it left a dark footprint full of ash on the ground.

In the center of the village, there were scattered corpses and ashes all around.

More than 20 lava dogs are rampant, surrounding the remaining strong ones, and the weak ones have been slaughtered by them. Now the dozen or so scholars surrounded by these lava dogs are all profound scholars with witchcraft. The strongest fighting force in the village, but surrounded by these lava dogs, it is only meat on the chopping block.

Among the dozen or so remaining scholars, several of them looked rather embarrassed and pale.

"Why did they stop?"

A female scholar who asked the question, the magic weapon in her hand is a rattle, which has the ability of sonic attack.

This kind of magic weapon, which is quite strange to the ancient scholars, is relatively common in the third wave of the golden age of academia, which is now joined by the Star Melters.

"Probably already eaten."

The one who responded to the female scholar was a dark-skinned man, holding a mirror, which could summon icy cold fire, and was also the most powerful witch in the village.

Of course he wouldn't think that these terrifying beasts were afraid of them.

You must know that even though they have tried their best to cooperate with each other before, and even used the means of ambush and attack, they have not really been able to kill a lava dog. The vitality of these lava dogs is so tenacious that even those radiated creatures in the wasteland People, only the top ones can be compared to these guys, right?

At this time.

From outside the burning village, more than 30 tall and muscular tauren warriors walked slowly.

The lava dogs stuck out their tongues, slapped their tails wildly, and gave way out of the way.

These bullhead warriors, exuding suffocating pressure, reached out and touched the huge head of the lava dog, and the scholars surrounded by the lava dog group, after seeing such a scene, their faces suddenly changed Extremely ugly.

Obviously, they have become prey.

Excellent hunters often let the hounds drive the prey to the hunting area when hunting, and finally start to enjoy the process of hunting.

"Hey, there are so many warriors in this village, much stronger than the previous ones, almost half of us can get it!"

"This kind of thing is also worthy of being called a warrior?"

"Don't say that, the combat effectiveness of these scholars is far inferior to those in the city, but according to the rating, it has reached the standard, but it is relatively weak, but even so, it is much better than some previous civilizations. If you're not careful, you can still get hurt."

"It's always better to talk than nothing..."

"Humph, this time it's my time!"

"Compared to the boredom of sweeping scholars in these villages, those curvature space-time creatures are even more threatening. Fortunately, there is the technical protection of the ancients, otherwise these strange space-time creatures are really hard to guard against. I saw a guy's body with his own eyes. It was weirdly pulled into the tube and turned into a sausage."

The Honkaikai spoke indifferently.

In the end, what the Honkaiju refers to is naturally the shadow demons unique to the Star Curtain Land. It seems that the collapsers have suffered a lot because of these shadow demons. Maybe they are advancing so slowly. The reason for the Wall Shadow Demon is included, right?

Relatively speaking, anthropologists have gradually adapted to the strangeness of such creatures because of their long-term coexistence.

Soon these Honkai people were hunted and distributed according to the number of anthropologists.

Less than half an hourglass.

With the death of the last villager, the Honkaiju turned around and left without saying much.

In this battle, there is no pain, no despair, and there is not too much excitement. The collapsed people naturally do not feel the anger of the desire, and they do not experience the joy of over-secretion of dopamine.

Extremely boring, boring and disappointing.

"Just hold on, I heard that going forward, there is a big city established by scholars called Lantian Academy of Engineering. Unlike those small cities, this is a central city, and many advanced scholars have gathered in it. The blood-boiled chief is personally responsible for the attack, and our tribe has also begun to The strength of these anthropologists is very different, and some guys in the city are indeed quite good, hum hum hum."

The words of this Honkai Impact finally made everyone feel better.

The Hindus boarded the metal aircraft parked outside the village.

And the lava dogs who had been waiting for a long time could no longer hold back, and swarmed up, tearing up the dead human corpses in the center of the village, and devouring them.

After they were full, several of the lava dogs roared loudly on the spot, and then slowly fell down, their bodies gradually divided into two, and they began to divide and reproduce themselves.

This sheepshead village, which is less than a thousand miles away from Lantian Engineering College, soon became completely ashes in the raging flames.

And this is just a picture of thousands of human villages and towns.

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