Grassroots Glory

v2 Chapter 34: Tina lacks security?

   "Wait! Wait! Don't go! I... fear." Tina begged Zhou Tiancheng with a vibrato.

   "Miss Tina, if you let me go, you're afraid I can understand, but I can't sit here with you for one night? I'm so sleepy!"

  With Zhou Tiancheng's power, it's not difficult to get rid of Tina's own power, but Zhou Tiancheng didn't dare to do it, otherwise I really don't know how the young lady would hate herself afterwards.

   Other people are landlords. If you want to find something to wear for your little shoes in the future, you can drink a pot every week.

  Zhou Tiancheng can only change her strategy. She sat down to stabilize her emotions and said, "Well, don't be afraid, I'll wait for you to fall asleep before you walk? Sleep."

  Zhou Tiancheng got close and pulled the quilt over her to cover it.


   There was a very bright lightning across the window, and then there was a thunderous thunderous sound, like a blast in the ear. Even Zhou Tiancheng's heart was trembling, not to mention Tina, who was afraid of thunder and dying, directly screamed, her body fell forward like a conditioned reflex, Zhou Tiancheng couldn't dodge, Tina just fell into her Arms.

"Okay, don't be afraid! It's thundering outside!" Zhou Tiancheng whispered comfortingly while pushing Tina outwards. Don't look at how calm he is on the surface, knowing that Tina must be Tina's stress reaction The fact is that now he is holding his girlfriend's girlfriend, and his heartbeat is accelerating.

But Tina was terrified. Because of the instinctive reaction of people to face fear, Tina shrank her entire head in Zhou Tiancheng's arms. Obviously at this time, he regarded Zhou Tiancheng as a protection. Safe harbor.

   But Zhou Tiancheng can feel bitter in this way. The beauty in Huai was originally the dream of all men, but now it is time to test Zhou Tiancheng's willpower. Fortunately, Zhou Tiancheng was firm enough to push Tina away, and then said, "You have a rest early." Then she hurried back to her room.

   Zhou Tiancheng had tossed to such a late time, and it was already sleepy, but after the episode in the living room, Zhou Tiancheng was awake a lot, and he also felt abnormal for Tina's reaction.

   Girls are generally less courageous. Girls who are afraid of thunder Zhou Tiancheng have also heard a lot, but they have never seen it, but wouldn’t Tina’s reaction be so overwhelming?

  Zhou Tiancheng thought of a famous psychology professor who once watched a TV show saying: Lack of security often stimulates a person to respond more intensely than ordinary people.

   Is Tina insecure?

  Zhou Tiancheng just came up with this idea, but soon he overthrew himself. Judging from the few limited contacts between him and Tina, this assumption is simply not true.

   However, Zhou Tiancheng admitted that after this unexpected episode at night, his curiosity about the beautiful landlord became heavier and heavier.


  The next morning, Zhou Tiancheng worked hard once, only slept for four hours, and got up to make breakfast before Tina woke up.

   "Oh! What day are you still working so hard today?" Tina woke up and was surprised to see the milk bread on the table.

Zhou Tiancheng deliberately intentionally or unintentionally half joked: "Isn't this touching? Last night, a big beautiful woman took the initiative to give me a hug and was flattered. Fortunately, I am a person with firm willpower and a strict bottom line, otherwise Maybe something special happened last night..."

Zhou Tiancheng deliberately made a joke, Tina's reaction was indeed different from the domestic girl, sneered: "You come, as long as you can hide it, I don't care. In fact, you are a person, except for your tender age, other It's still pretty good, I don't see a little ass. Giggle!"

  Zhou Tiancheng once again found that Dou Zi Pi Zi was not really an opponent, Tina's mouth was too damaged!

Putting the plate on the table, Zhou Tiancheng deliberately lowered his face to put on a serious look and said, "I knew I shouldn't care about you by myself. But you see I did so much for you, last night I haven’t slept for so long and wake up early for breakfast today, can I share a little secret for me?"

   "Look at my mood. Ask, what do you want to know?"

   "Why are you so afraid of thunder?" Zhou Tiancheng went straight in, throwing out the questions he was most interested in.

  Tina's hand stopped for a moment, but she didn't answer Zhou Tiancheng's question positively.

  Zhou Tiancheng watched Tina not answer, and further asked: "Why? This question will not be the reason for privacy?"

  Tina looked at Zhou Tiancheng impatiently and said, "Are you always asking Chu the same way? This is my privacy. You are not a policeman. I have the right to remain silent about your question."

Zhou Tiancheng was anxious: "Hey! Although you are a, but you can't be so unreasonable? I'm also a famous man, and I am so confused and hugged by you, even if I am Don't care, if Xiaoling knows? Then it will be staged a realistic version of the dog blood plot of fire, anti-theft and anti-girlfriends, is it fun?"

  Tina bit her lip, tangled for a moment, looked directly at Zhou Tiancheng and said: "The next time you thunder, you can ignore me."

   After Tina picked up a glass of milk and took a big sip, she turned away from the seat. Zhou Tiancheng already had a record in her mind. Most of her guesses were correct. Either it was lack of security or Tina had a psychological shadow in this respect since she was a child.

   Actually, at this time, Zhou Tiancheng had two points of sympathy for Tina.

Whether it's her first time downstairs in Chu Yunling's dormitory, this time renting, or getting along these days, Tina's seemingly cheerful, independent, and strong personality is actually the disguise she uses to protect herself Perhaps, like the fear and helplessness of facing thunder and thunder last night, is this her true heart?

   And this kind of mental state is definitely formed at a very young age. Zhou Tiancheng couldn't help thinking what Tina's childhood would be like?

  Zhou Tiancheng could guess how many points he had, and when he looked at Tina again, there were two more points in his eyes to mourn his misfortune.

   "What do you see?" Tina is trying to cover up her mental state, deliberately glaring at Zhou Tiancheng.

Zhou Tiancheng quickly showed a smiling face of hippie, deliberately made a joke: "Suddenly found that you are pretty today, and the perfume you used last night, the smell is very fragrant, if you use that perfume again next time, As long as it is not known by the third person, I should not mind... Haha!"

  Tina picked up the knife and fork in front of her and greeted Zhou Tiancheng.