Grassroots Glory

v3 Chapter 228: Why absent

   No one thought it would be the result. Real Madrid had just met Dortmund, and only one round later, the Galaxy Battleship was completely destroyed.

   And Zhou Tiancheng, the strongest nuclear weapon, basically didn't open the attack system, but the deep-sea torpedo Lewandowski suddenly broke this luxurious giant wheel into four big holes.

   The game just entered the injury stoppage time, Mourinho has turned to leave the coach seat, walked toward the locker room.

   This score is too exciting, he had to calm down and think about how to face the reporter.

   doubts must be indispensable, Mourinho also has a hunch in his heart, it is estimated that his days in Real Madrid are not much.

  Although he is nominally the commander on the Galactic Battleship, everyone knows that he is only working. The real helm is Florentino, who is called "Lafayette".

  With his ambitions and the right to speak at the club, all he needs is results and commercial value. You can create two generations of galaxy warships by entering the main twice, and no one is unchangeable.

  The Madrid media realized that the storm was coming when they walked out of the Westfalun stadium. I am afraid that the position of the coach on the side of the court will be replaced soon.

   And Dortmund media, and even the Bundesliga media are crazy.

   They all want to shout: Zhuangzai my big Bundesliga!

   There was Bayern in the front and Dort in the back. The Western Super Twins were sometimes pressed against the floor and rubbed.

   No big surprise, the Bundesliga Civil War will be staged in the Champions League final.

   At the end of the season, both teams are in a fierce state. The UEFA Champions League final can be put aside for the time being. Everyone is concerned about who the league champion will be.

Dortmund may also have a chance to face Bayern in Westfalun. In their status, the confidence of the Dortmund media seems completely understandable-"Welcome to the Munich people will be a massacre, Dortmund will Defend our honor in this way."

   Do not blame them for their confidence, how much can Bayern be better than Real Madrid?

   And the Munich media is more confident, is Westfalun harder to conquer than Nou Camp?

   Both sides have their own logic, but before the head-to-head victory, both sides dare not care about the league.

  The two rounds of the Champions League are only a week apart. In the weekend league, Dortmund defeated Düsseldorf 2:1, Bayern Munich 1:0 Freiburg.

   The second round of the Champions League semi-finals came in a flash. According to the unanimous thinking of the German media, as long as the two teams do not make mistakes themselves, the opponent will definitely have no chance.

   But since the team returned from Düsseldorf, Dortmund reporters were keenly aware that Zhou Tiancheng disappeared from the training ground!

The first time I saw Zhou Tiancheng did not appear on the training ground, everyone did not take it seriously, but the next day, Zhou Tiancheng was still not there, which caused some doubts to the reporters, but he never missed it. Yes, they started to inquire news through various channels.

   Zhou Tiancheng's personal social account is empty, the earliest news is half a month ago. Some reporters couldn’t hold back, and even waited at the gate to stop Dr. Braun, the chief team doctor of the team medical team. They just wanted to know the exact news. Even if Zhou Tiancheng had an injury, even if he was injured in the next round Bernabeu, they can all accept. Who is not a professional player? Zhou Tiancheng is definitely a strong category. But there was no news, which made them unacceptable.

   "Zhou is very healthy, he has injuries? Ha ha, should I suspect that you are more suitable for this position than me? Actually have the ability to know the prophet..."

   slightly jokingly denied, but made the reporters more unreliable.

   "What happened to Zhou? Did you see him?"

   "I don't know. I hope there is no big problem. There is not much to say now, which is really worrying. I'm going to Bernabeu soon."

   "What nonsense, crow mouth! Can Real Madrid stop us? Don't you care because you are worried about Zhou?"

   "Wait, anyway, I'm going to the Bernabeu right away. Willn't Mr. Zhou still play missing at that time? Ha?"

  After the weekend, it was time to approach the team to go away, but it was also at this time that Dortmund officially updated the roster.

  At first glance, everyone didn't care, but everyone took a closer look, and his eyes were straight.

   Did not find Zhou Tiancheng!

  A large number of Dortmund reporters intercepted the team at the airport and just wanted to ask Klopp for an answer.

   It's just that Klopp's answer didn't make everyone think.

"What is the matter? I can’t tell you this. Zhou is the most professional player I have ever seen, but professional players also have their own lives. They not only have careers. Some things, even if I am the head coach, can’t stop it. stand by."

   These words made all reporters confused. The next day all the media that followed Dortmund published a news with similar headlines enough to make some suspense in the second round.

   Zhou could not go to Bernabeu due to unknown personal reasons!


  When these news reports come out The most unbearable thing is not Dortmund fans, but the media and fans of Real Madrid.

   did allow them to see the chance of a home game, but even if they created a miracle, it would be disgraceful to win this way. After all, Dortmund "let" one of the most important cores.

"As a professional player, nothing is more important than the Champions League semi-finals. It is only one step away from the finals. Isn't the Champions League trophy no longer attractive to Zhou? Obviously I don't believe so. Zhou is always eager to win. Players. Even injuries are not enough to destroy him. Is there any reason for Klopp's inconvenience to disclose the "personal reason"? Maybe he thinks that holding a three-ball advantage and not having enough time to do everything is enough?"

  The title of this article in the Maca newspaper is.

   When this article fermented in Madrid's mainstream Real Madrid fan community, this effect is not ordinary.

   All the fan organizations are in action. A few hours before the game on the day, there have been several incidents of Dortmund fans being attacked by Real Madrid fans outside the stadium.

   As these Real Madrid fans, they have experienced the peak and the trough, they can be crazy if they win, they can also carry it after losing, and finally they can accept it. But the only thing they can't stand is such contempt.

   Bernabeu’s white beliefs must not be tarnished, they must be taught some lessons.

  This is the original intention of the Maca newspaper to deliberately incite and misinterpret.

   Fans have already done it, it depends on the players on the field.

   They believe that Zhou Tiancheng is not there. There is nothing Real Madrid cannot do.

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