Grassroots Glory

v3 Chapter 230: Bayern's opportunity is here!

In the first 20 minutes, Real Madrid frequently played an offensive routine with infiltration and coordination in the middle.

Such a scene shows that Klopp did not sit securely on the coach seat after the game started.

He looked at the scene and felt helpless except for the nest fire, which was the result without Zhou Tiancheng.

Zhou Tiancheng's current role is not limited to the tactical level, but more important is strategic deterrence.

At least when he is on the court, Real Madrid will never want to try to plug behind the central defender from the midfield, the first round of the game is proof. Mourinho will never allow players to try rashly, because Zhou Tiancheng will greatly increase the probability of failure, which means that Dortmund's counterattack is always suspended above Real Madrid like the sword of Damocles. Lewandowski’s last big four happy state alone can make the Real Madrid defense line frightened at any time.

But his absence, Real Madrid midfielder's "waist" hardened, the disadvantage of the score seems to be selectively forgotten by them, in short, this opening gave Bernabeu see infinite hope. They should be familiar with Real Madrid.

"Sven Bender is like not standing at all. His partner Jing Duoan is also a German international, but he doesn't seem to find a sense of security." CCTV's commentary Duan Xuan laughed and laughed.

The commentary guest Xu Yang immediately nodded and agreed: "The lack of the backbone of the heart, if Zhou Tiancheng will not be like this... But we can fully understand Zhou Tiancheng. His choice as a husband, as a man who will soon become a father It’s completely human nature and has no problem at all. It can only be said that Dortmund is too dependent on him."

This kind of statement is quite polite. Chinese fans laughed and scolded directly on the Internet: "What kind of stuff is Dortmund playing? What I saw is that 11 heads of waste were beaten by Real Madrid on the neck, are you special? Tell me this is the defending Champions League?"

"Without Zhou Tiancheng, it is totally two teams. Straight from the king to bronze."

"It can be seen that Dachengzi is definitely more powerful than Cristiano Ronaldo. This game is a real hammer, all with a group of pigs alone. But Zhou Tiancheng can drive Dortmund, and Cristiano Ronaldo is also a real force in Real Madrid. Look at his team in Portugal... Dachengzi is awesome, even the Chinese team can drive this level, hahaha!"

Zhou Tiancheng saw the pin and looked at the game. Chu Yunling soon had abdominal pain before delivery. He immediately diverted his attention. When he turned off his phone, he gently shook his head and sighed. .

But Zhou Tiancheng just moved the idea, and immediately left behind, even if he was very worried, he could not help the team.

Hope the result is not so bad.

Zhou Tiancheng can only pray for the team in his heart.


Fortunately, Dortmund held the draw in the first half, which means that they still have the advantage of three goals. Real Madrid need to score three goals in the second half to be able to reverse. Dortmund fans have more confidence in their hearts: even if the bus is placed, Klopp also Should it be able to survive this half?

In the second half, Dortmund contracted more firmly to fight back, and Royce and Lewandowski nearly knocked Real Madrid's goal through a quick counterattack.

In the fifty-sixth minute, Mourinho replaced Kaka and Benzema in a row. This was his last fight, and "Come on, Madrid!" "The singing, the decibels and the game did not diminish at the beginning.

Fans still have enthusiasm, and the madman naturally has to be crazy at this time.

What team's honor is said to be too far right now, this is his last madness, just to save himself.

However, Real Madrid’s ability to seize the opportunity in this game is not good. Although Dortmund is offensively weak, the defense is still very compact. Seeing that Real Madrid is not very efficient in attacking most of the time, even Real Madrid fans have gradually been silent. .

There is not much time left for Real Madrid, and some can't bear to see the team's iron powder that has been killed by Dortmund for two consecutive seasons and has quietly left the field.

The commentators are also ready to congratulate Dortmund for the finals, but at this time, Benzema broke out.

In the eighty-third minute, Ozil received a Kaka straight plug, inserted into the penalty area and crossed the bottom of the right road.

1:0, the total score is 2:4.

"Gooooooal!!! Karim! Karim Benzema! He has a strong heart! Despite a lot of doubts, but at the crucial moment, he stood up to give Real Madrid a glimmer of hope!"

Benzema is not a real thigh. In the Real Madrid team, there is C Ronaldo in the front and Kaka, "God's darling", and even Argentine Di Maria has more key attributes than him, but at this time it is still him Standing up helped the team.

The goal at this point in time made Real Madrid players find their spirits, Klopp has not even put the countermeasures on the field-Felipe Santana is still waiting on the sidelines, did not wait for the dead ball to appear, 80th In eight minutes, Ramos received a knock-back from Benzema's big penalty area, and vigorously volleyed the net outside the penalty area, showing his true nature with a knife guard.

Moreover, it has something to do with Benzema.

This time Mourinho opened his arms and kissed Benzema's bare head.

2:0, total score 3:4

Hope to always leave the most loyal and determined person. Those fans who leave early will lose a lot. Until on the way home, the car radio was turned on with a fluke, and when he heard the result, many fans snapped the steering wheel and howled and ran to the stadium.

But it is clear that the time left for them will be over and the game will be over.

Similarly, there is not much time left for Real Madrid. Although they pulled the score to a goal difference, but the time left for them only left the last injury stoppage time.

It's just that the injury stoppage time is quite long, up to six minutes.

Real Madrid fans are starting to look forward to, in terms of scoring efficiency in these few minutes, everything is still possible.

"Let us look forward to the miracle together, and the miracle will come to Bernabeu! Cristiano, Kaka, Sergio or Karim Benzema, who will accomplish all this? Hero, let the miracle belonging to Bernabeu surpass Istanbul Night?"

Although the Madrid TV reporter did his best to roar to express his expectations, but after knowing that two goals were scored, the Dortmund players recovered, and the captain Weidenfeller roared angrily at the defenders: "Assholes, give me Cheer up! Do you want to play out? By the time Zhou comes back, he will definitely settle the accounts one by one!"

Fortunately Dortmund withstood these last few minutes and strangled the miracle belonging to Bernabeu.

But they won very much.

"There was no suspense advantage, because Zhou's absence has become so thrilling. Fortunately, Dortmund's teammates did not let him down. Zhou can feel at ease and everyone can rest assured that when Wembley's final battle, he will Come back." Marcel Leif is still very optimistic.

But at the same time, Bayern, who was concerned about the game, explained that Tuff Bowman was more confident: "This is the real level of Dortmund, and it is not enough to fight against Bayern. I don’t know whether Zhou can participate in the Champions League final, but there are three days left. The direct confrontation between Bayern and Dort! Can Zhou still catch up? Even if he catches up in a hurry, what is the state? Bayern's opportunity is coming! Let the Dortmund despair in the league first!"