Grassroots Glory

v3 Chapter 239: Supporting actors

"Let Bayern be a real loser!"

After Zhou Tiancheng said this sentence, he was immediately quoted by various European media, and even quoted in the UEFA official website's forward-looking article on the Champions League final-let Bayern Hall lose one time-Mr. Golden Ball's expedition declaration , The ambition to defend the champion!

In the shortest time, Zhou Tiancheng became the protagonist of the Champions League final.

This is really no way. The reporter now wants to dig out some new material, because now these first-line media know that Zhou Tiancheng does not like the media.

But when he said something like this, and when it all caught the attention of UEFA officials, it was impossible for everyone to pretend not to see it.

But the question is coming, how does this wave blow?

After the league ended, Klopp began to conduct closed training for the team to sprint for the Champions League final. It is definitely not easy to interview Zhou Tiancheng, and with the hard work style he never likes to answer with his feet, it is estimated that he said After that, I will forget it, and I am sure I won’t get too entangled in such non-substantive issues anyway.

The reporters who came to the bvb training base with the luck of the accident did not accidentally eat a closed door. The patient reporters stayed until the end of the afternoon training, and they did not find any valuable answers. Finally, Zhou Tiancheng was stopped. Tian Cheng responded with a smile: "What am I going to say no matter how powerful it is? Bayern will be willing to give up this loss to us? Ha ha, I admire your professionalism, but you are better than this. Now go back to rest, when we go to Wembley, we will know all the answers... Um, of course, I can’t say that nonsense that day? It’s still necessary to call the battle before the war, but it’s good to hear it. Really, not really."

The reporters are very helpless. Do they really want to ask Zhou Tiancheng who deliberately made eyeballs like this?

This cautious state of Dortmund is destined to find nothing new, even if the reporters are curious, they cannot penetrate into the base. After all, they are not the English media, and they do not have the ability to act as agents in order to dig the news.

Two or three days later, there were fewer reporters at the bvb training base. Most of the media chose to focus on Bayern. After all, Bayern is about to play in the final of the German Cup, and there is little information to hide. There is no shortage of material for journalists.

Although everyone does not deny it, the real focus of this Champions League final must be the Golden Globe Award and the "Bayern Buster" in the title of Zhou Tiancheng. It is not surprising that the core of the defending champion has received more attention.

However, the performance of the supporting actors is also worth looking forward to. Ribery will come back in this final. It will definitely be able to catch up with the Champions League final. Only when Bayern gathers the "Robery" combination, the strength of this Bundesliga civil war can be worthy of the Champions League. The final stage.


"Bayern's condition is really terrifying. Although their opponent Stuttgart resisted tenaciously, the score was equalized twice. But Robben and Ribery are indeed unstoppable wingers in Europe. They did not Scoring a goal, but completely defeated Stuttgart's back line, defeated Stuttgart 3:2, these are several seasons...Maybe five seasons, Bayern won the first championship, it seems that since joining the Bundesliga in the week, Bayern missed the championship. But Heynckes was not excited at all. The German Cup champion, this champion was only a little excited for Bayern. The Champions League's highest honor big ear cup is what they really desire. "

"Heinks said he has a way to fight against Dortmund and he doesn't want to leave regrets when he leaves Bayern. Only when Wembley laughs in the end can he make up for the league's regrets. Robben and Ribery may be the biggest vigor."

Both sides won a championship, regardless of the quality, the number is a tie, naturally everyone is looking forward to the last trembling at the end of this season. The strengths of the two teams are completely different, just pinching the opponent's relative weakness. Although on the surface, the protagonist is definitely Zhou Tiancheng, but if Bayern is based on a quick counterattack and hits the characteristics of two wings flying, it is not easy to say.

There is also good news for Klopp, that is, Goetze’s injury is recovering well, and the team leader Dr. Braun confirmed that his physical condition can meet the requirements of the game.

So in Dortmund's official finals list, Goetze's name is there. Although many media speculate on this matter, they even think that Klopp will deliberately release some smoke bombs.

But with Klopp's character, he told everyone that he really disdain to do this, Dortmund relies on strength.


Yang Cheng walked into the gathering place of the Manchester branch. He was late and there were already dozens of people waiting for him

"Are you ready?" Yang Cheng asked with a smile.

Everyone held up the slogans, banners, and drums in their hands. There were a small number of people who took nothing but just tried to reach out their heads. Half of their faces were covered with Zhou Tiancheng's portrait pastels.

Yang Cheng nodded with satisfaction: "Let's go. Take our cry to Wembley!"

"Brother Cheng is the most powerful and must be the protagonist."

"Dott must win. Which is the first kill for Bayern? can't remember it... anyway, I can't remember when Bayern won."

"But I haven't won this season yet, all low-key, don't give Cheng Ge a bad character."

"What kind of **** are you? Low-key, are you still a fan? Cheng Ge still needs us to save character? If you counsel, stay here!"

"Fuck, Lao Tzu never knew what to be afraid of."

Dozens of people in the party killed London aggressively.

At the same time, a team like them appeared at London Heathrow International Airport.

This group of people was even more excited than Yang Cheng and they had hardly organized decent activities in the past few months. Now Zhou Tiancheng's family is stable, and Zhou Zhenyong finally took them to the scene to support Brother Cheng.

Zhou Tiancheng enjoys this kind of treatment every time. This does not count as fans coming from one after another. After all, London is also a tourist city, and by the way, it is also a tourist.

"Although Wembley Stadium is a neutral position, Dortmund will definitely get home treatment by then. Perhaps the number of fans expedition Wembley will not be more than Bayern, but Chinese fans are definitely a group that cannot be ignored. These two days At Heathrow International Airport, there will always be tour groups with obvious fan costumes, and this is Zhou’s appeal."

Chu Yunling is holding her child, all kinds of awkward, don't look at her very gentle, but the embarrassing problem is that she can't tease the child at all. The little guy cried in her arms.

"Don't cry, don't cry, baby, look, that's your dad, is your dad bad? Dad is the protagonist, they can't compare them, right?"

What makes Chu Yunling cry and laugh is that it is just a flash of the lens, and the little guy actually obediently put his head on his chest and gently sucked it up.


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