Grassroots Glory

v3 Chapter 265: Mourning

The national team is now the focus of attention of all domestic media. For this national team that will play in the Asian Cup, the media's expectations are higher than ever. Although the tone of the media has been set very high in every previous competition, the optimistic media has confidence. The Internet is not all about bad news, at least everyone is still looking forward to the few players returning from the Bundesliga.

How many years have the national team’s lineup not been so “luxury”. The number of players in the five major leagues is even more than the strongest national football team in the history of the O2 World Cup.

The domestic media particularly like to use a standard to measure the lineup of Asian teams, that is, how many players in Europe are there. In this way, the team of Japan and South Korea is enviable every time the contest lineup is almost enviable. In the whole set of travel to Europe, some domestic media used to use the fact to insinuate the lack of self-improvement of the players of the national team: to see how many players are in Europe, it is no wonder that we have not been able to rush out of Asia.

So most people's expectations for the national team this time are concentrated on Zhou Tiancheng's several Bundesliga players.

Especially when Zhou Tiancheng and several of their overseas players returned to the team, after the team began tactical training, the media became more interested in the main framework of the Asian Cup.

In fact, there shouldn't be much suspense, but what is surprising is that there is no captain Zheng Zhi in the final training list of the national team. In addition, the very loud World Cup defenders Li Weifeng and Shao Jiayi were also not selected. The five overseas returnees are the biggest players, and the others are mainly the Mesozoic players who are 24 to 25 years old. There is no veteran over 30 in the entire team.

Not all media can understand this change. Although everyone knows that the coach is in the group's layout for the impact of the World Cup in Brazil, the Asian Cup can only be regarded as a "middle entrance exam", but in this way, the national team's midfield will change its face. The midfield configuration is very confident. Zhou Tiancheng Zheng Zhi, at least in Asia, this combination is not inferior to any opponent, but now there is an important part missing, and everyone can not understand what the coaching staff is doing.

Although Gao Hongbo has already explained: "Zheng Zhi has just returned from Europe to play for a whole year, and he has not rested for a whole year. At this time, he continues to let him deal with the high intensity of the national team. The effect may not be as good as everyone thinks. And the team’s The final goal is not the Asian Cup right now. It is the 32nd place in the Brazil World Cup. For this final goal, the Asian Cup is a good training stage."

Gao Hongbo is indeed already thinking about the Brazil World Cup qualifiers that will start in half a year, but this feedback to the Internet, after the interpretation of the fans can be completely different.

Take Asia's top intercontinental competition, the only top-level event that the Chinese team can currently participate in to train?

"Haha, that's easy! Since this is what Zhou Tiancheng is doing, let these returnees toss together and simply send Guoqing to play, isn't it a more thorough exercise?"

"Even South Korea and Japan are the main force, the Chinese team is too strong! The captain is directly let go."

"Gao Hongbo's statement, with a familiar feeling, saw the shadow of the gamble on the World Cup."

"It is absolutely necessary to kneel. Playing in West Asia is a history of blood and tears, it is unbearable. The big deal is just another addition."

"The nth tragedy of the national football tragedy is about to begin!"

Gao Hongbo's remarks made the pessimists quickly replace the optimists and became the mainstream of public opinion. There are even media that have defined this national team: the most declining national football team in history.

It turned out that there were at least two bold words, whether it could be achieved or not, at least to make everyone happy before the game, and now they dare not say anything.

A team that doesn’t have the confidence to climb to the top can look strong on the board, and it can never achieve results.

In addition, during this time, the national team was closed for the whole training, and the reporters were completely blocked from the training base. It also contributed to this stale public opinion. The door is closed, the screen is blocked. What happened?

Many fans said they would take a look at the Asian Cup, but only for Zhou Tiancheng, as for the national team, love it.


Gao Hongbo deliberately suppressed the heat of public opinion, and used a completely closed training method to make the national team disappear from the sight of the public to the maximum extent. Because he is very clear, the best way to reduce stress is to isolate outside interference.

During this time, the national team's training is not only "water", but also maintains a high-intensity rhythm of three exercises a day.

If you understand the content of the Chinese team’s tactical training in the past few days, it is evident that Gao Hongbo’s ambitions are by no means intended to train the Asian Cup. In the 4-2-3-1 formation, the Chinese team’s attacking combination in the frontcourt is Zhou Tiancheng, Hao Junmin, Chen Pengfei and Jiang Hao, the main lineup is currently the strongest offensive combination of the Chinese team. Zhou Tiancheng moved the national team directly from the lower back to the front.

In Schalke, Zhou Tiancheng still needs to take care of some of the defensive tasks, but in Gao Hongbo's tactical design, Zhou Tian's achievement is a pure 1o offensive core.

In the absence of Zheng Zhi, this is the way Gao Hongbo can think of to maximize the offensive ability. Compared with local players, the frontcourt four-member team composed of players from Europe is the closest to the consciousness. Combat power.

Watching several of them play a smooth offensive in training, Liu Dianqiu smiled a little and said to Gao Hongbo: "Xiao Gao, according to your ideas, the public opinion has gone down now, now let's watch this group of kids. Ha ha, Your move is indeed quite risky. If you don't play well, you bet on yourself."

Gao Hongbo smiled: "Anyway, the expectations of the national team have never been higher. Simply let us defeat this image. I believe this group of kids let them relax and kick."


The first stage of domestic preparations is coming to an The team is about to go to the UAE for the second stage of preparations, adapting to the weather in the Middle East, and not going to Qatar until the opening of the Asian Cup.

Before the team came out, the national team officially announced the list of twenty-three people, and internally, Gao Hongbo handed the captain's armband to Zhou Tiancheng. In the absence of Zheng Zhi, Zhou Tiancheng will assume the captain during the Asian Cup Responsibility.

If it was before, the media got such news, maybe two more points are expected, but now, many people's ideas are: find a perfect pick-up again.

When the national team left the airport, there were only dozens of fans off the airport. There were quite a lot of media, but their eyes did not feel any excitement at all.


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