Grassroots Glory

v3 Chapter 33: Alternative

On the evening of the same day, Zhou Tiancheng was invited to attend a meeting at Kagawa’s apartment. This is the first time Zhou Tiancheng has come to Dortmund's new teammates' home. In fact, when Schalke was there, there were not many such parties.

Zhou Tiancheng is actually very curious. Will he sit on the tatami and eat together as shown in the domestic movie and TV series? Think of a group of five big and three thick guys who took off their shoes to eat...

Zhou Tiancheng couldn't help praying in his heart, if that was the case, he could only expect everyone's beriberi not to be too heavy, otherwise, the meal must be sour!

Kagawa Shinji opened the door, and after seeing Zhou Tiancheng, he greeted him with a smile on his face: "Chou, please come in now, please come in soon! Huh? You must have encountered something happy today."

Kagawa's observation ability is still very strong. At first glance, he can see that Zhou Tiancheng's face is much looser today. Can you be upset? Chu Yunling's wake up is a great event for Zhou Tiancheng.

But Zhou Tiancheng just said, "Come to you to come to the party, you can't throw your face before you enter the door? We don't have any hatred. Well, I didn't think about what to bring, you reminded me that day. Bring some special moon cakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival in China, and everyone will try them later."

Kagawa Shinji took it with a smile and ushered Zhou Tiancheng into the house: "Come in, Zhou, they are all here."

As soon as Zhou Tiancheng stepped into the door, he really watched Weidenfeller, Hummels and Groscroix sitting in the living room.

But what surprised Zhou Tiancheng was that not only were they alone, but also a pair of female companions sitting beside each other.

Well, let’s say it’s a female partner for the time being, because Zhou Tiancheng can’t figure out what the relationship is, just like Groscroyz’s consistent style of style, like this kind of hook-and-shoulder beauty, I don’t know how many. .

Zhou Tiancheng hadn't responded yet. Everyone on the sofa had stood up and led their female companions. GrossKreuz said: "Week, you are not so ridiculous. It seems that this is our first activity. Why are you late, why can't you be as active as training?"

"That's right, Zhou, you have to punish you later, even if you punish you for alcohol, how to punish you, think about it for a while, don't you want to run anyway."

Zhou Tiancheng glanced at his watch and unceremoniously returned to the past: "Kevin, Matz, just listened to the two of you being forced there. You want to be the master, Kagawa is the master, no one else has spoken, you what's up?"

Hu Meiers grinned: "Kagawa is the master, he is not easy to say, we help him punish you."

"Kagawa, someone is doing things on your site and you are not taken seriously, do you mean that?" Zhou Tiancheng took the opportunity to shift the contradiction.

Kagawa Kaji can only laugh: "All the guests are coming, please sit down, and everyone will have fun for a while."

"Hey, by the way, Zhou, you must honestly explain why you came alone today? Didn't you say you have a girlfriend?" Groscroix suddenly felt troubled.

Zhou Tiancheng said solemnly: "Correct, Kevin, is a fiancee. Do I have any problems alone? I thought it was just a few of us."

Kagawa Shinji was next to make up the knife: "Zhou, I didn't say I couldn't take my girlfriend."


Zhou Tiancheng turned his head and snorted at him. Kagawa Kawagawa immediately realized that he had lost his word and stopped talking, but only changed a good expression.

Gross Kreuz pressed on the occasion: "Why, Zhou, tell me what's going on! Don't you want to get through the hurdles, don't you think you're very strange when you look at this situation today? In fact, we are very curious, even if we look relatively good ...Well, you can rest assured that we will never laugh at you."

Although he swallowed the word "ugly" back, Zhou Tiancheng was definitely not stupid and said, "Next time, this time, I will give you some psychological preparation. I won't blind your eyes when I get it."

Several people groaned at the same time and said to the beauties next to them: "My dear, this is the week I told you about, he is so arrogant."

Several beautiful beauties approached Zhou Tiancheng at the same time, and one of the long-legged beauties first reached out to Zhou Tiancheng: "Zhou, I am Roman's wife. You can call me Lisa. It is really special. I have also been to China. , But for the first time, a Chinese as strong as you is."

Weidenfeller's wife, Lisa, is a highly educated model and often participates in fashion shows around the world.

Another pure-looking beauty was generously reaching out to Zhou Tiancheng: "Zhou, please call me Casey, as you can see, I am now Matz's wife, and we have known each other for a long time."

Humels and his wife Casey have a long relationship experience, and they have known each other since he was still in the Bayern Second Team.

When Zhou Tiancheng and Kathy finished shaking hands and were ready to smile at the third beautiful woman, what he did not expect was that this beautiful woman in red and white dress with long hair fluttering and having a charming style between her eyebrows came directly. Hug: "Do you mind hugging you, handsome?"

Zhou Tiancheng laughed bitterly, you have cut the beauty first, then what can I say?

However, Zhou Tiancheng glanced at Groscroyz slightly nervously, squeezing his eyes, the meaning is very clear: brother, don’t blame I am completely passive! It's not appropriate to miss it.

To Zhou Tiancheng's surprise, Gross Kreuz didn't feel uncomfortable or embarrassed, but squeezed his eyes.

Zhou Tiancheng suddenly understood the relationship between the two, and it was absolutely abnormal!

He immediately felt disgusted with the woman he was embracing. Although she was wearing a very good perfume, Zhou Tiancheng did not want to have any contact with her at all, immediately separated from her, and was on the road Going to the toilet for urgency.

The three people in the living room saw Zhou Tiancheng walking into the toilet and closing the door, only to get together to avoid their female partners and discuss in a low voice.

"Hey, Kevin, are you sure Zhou really has a girlfriend? Doesn't it look like that?"

Weidenfeller did not respond: "Marts, how do you see it?"

"You didn't see Kevin's girlfriend just hugged him for a while, and they separated after less than three seconds. As a normal man, it's normal to see a beautiful woman?"

Gross Kreuz also admitted: "It is indeed not normal. With this resistance, either it has no feeling for women at all, or it is super-willed to resist all kinds of temptations, although I believe Zhou’s will on the court. Power, but as a normal man, I prefer to believe the first possibility."

Weidenfeller is very experienced: "Kevin, I guess your girlfriend was so active just now, Zhou must be sold like that...but I still want to ask you, is this time serious?"

Gross Kreuz vowed: "This time absolutely."

"Well, Kevin, the longest cycle of each serious is one month, this time strive to break the record!"

GrossKreuz: "..."


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