Grassroots Glory

v3 Chapter 331: Napoli

Klopp found in the next few days of training that the impact of losing to Bayern at home is still there.

Everyone's body is tight during training, Klopp can realize that everyone is trembling in front of him, obviously afraid of making mistakes.

To deal with such a scene, Klopp's strategy is not to appease, it is not his style at all.

A lunatic never takes an unusual path.

"Move! Do you have breakfast without moving? Let me see who is the turtle. Go to the gym immediately, a hundred push-ups!"

On the contrary, Klopp increased the physical training in the morning. After the regular physical training, Klopp did not give any rest time, and ordered everyone to practice five kilometers around the Ames canal in Dortmund.

No one can be lazy, even the old captain Sebastian Kyle who rarely plays, there are absolutely no exceptions, which makes Klopp dissatisfied. After training, he just returned to the base and really let him report to the gym.

When everyone came back to the base, they were exhausted. When they saw Klopp smiling, they all had a common feeling: a devilish expression.

"How? Boys, does this taste good? Now what do you think Bayern is?"

Everyone can't breathe too much, like some players with poor physical fitness, this time completely soft on the ground, with their mouths open like dogs breathing fresh air.

Klopp laughed when he saw this scene, but assistant coach Boacci looked at the players lying on the ground, frowning and worried: "Juergen, it's a bit too much. Even if they want to help them eliminate the loss The influence of Bayern cannot be done like this!"

Klopp turned his head: "Zelico, old man, you're a thinker, I'm not. Since this team is mine, I have to obey my demands and follow my standards."

Bovac still insisted on his position and said aloud: "Of course I know your set. But Zelico, this is not the beginning of the season, look at everyone like this, you think they continue this state, can Did you play well against Naples? You are playing with fire! Juergen, if there are problems with the Champions League, I don’t think fans and media need to criticize you. You have to think about how to explain to the club. This is advice."

Klopp grinned: "There is no match in the game, isn't it two days left? If they can't get the best form, what professional players? It's time to get out of my team!"

Klopp's pressure is also very large, losing in this way, naturally there is no lack of doubt, even the Dortmund media is not merciless, and they are even more demanding. The source of Zhou Tiancheng's poor performance was added to Klopp.

Tactical rigidity, poor coping, and tight thighs are three counts. "Dortmund Youth" is a pioneer who criticizes Klopp. In their view, Klopp has no way to deal with Bayern's frontless array. He does not actively seek the lead on the scene, waiting for his opponent to make mistakes. Zhou Tiancheng lacks full control of the ball. The right opportunity is the most direct main reason.

As a result, some media further criticized Klopp's tactics as squeezing, and the ability to completely squeeze individual players. Once there is a problem, it will be completely out of control like this one.

The championship coach is so difficult to do, winning is due, and if there is a problem, it will immediately be suspected of ability problems. In particular, Klopp, who often stings at reporters, certainly doesn't want to talk about good things at this time.

He also has a lot of pressure, so Klopp can only slap the team at this time, and everyone must forget this game in the shortest time.

Ideological work? Not much time to do it.

Originally against Naples, Dortmund could not have so many demands, but now, Klopp had to prove that he lost to Bayern in this game was only an accident. Otherwise, the rumors may not stop at a wise man.

But this is not easy.


Naples is still strong in Serie A this season, but it is impossible to go further based on winning the runner-up last season.

In addition to Juventus at the top three in the middle class, the momentum of Rome should not be underestimated.

After losing in the last round of direct confrontation, Naples has been overtaken by Rome and has fallen 11 points behind Juve.

The championship is no longer hopeful. Benitez’s more realistic goal at the league level is to retain his current third place. Further down, the qualification for the Champions League next season may be dangerous.

At the Champions League level, the current situation in Naples is also very dangerous. Three points behind direct competitors Arsenal, a direct confrontation lost to their opponents, forcing them to qualify for the defending champion Dortmund.

The attitude of Dortmund fans is already obvious. From the time Naples arrived at the airport, "welcome" to the hotel all the way. When Naples escaped from the fans, almost no one was intact.

Chen Pengfei's white hair was covered with egg liquid and broken shells.

"I wipe Nima! Do you want to be so cruel?"

Dortmund fans said they must. Who makes you crazy at home?

But that's what it is, at least what Chinese journalists are looking forward to, this game will be more gimmicky.

But they saw a broken egg spilled on the head of Chen Pengfei with their own eyes. When interviewing him, he also accidentally mentioned this stubbornly: "Peng Fei, do you come to Dortmund for the first time? Do you have any special feelings? You are about to fight Zhou Tiancheng for the second time."

"Yes, that's too much." Chen Pengfei pinched his hair: "Did you see the yellow egg liquid? It's the first time I've grown up to say so, I will tell Cheng Ge, Dortmund fans are very enthusiastic~www I have learned."

As soon as the reporters saw it, they continued with this sentence: "Talk about this game. Is there any special way Benitez can face Dortmund?"

Chen Pengfei smiled: "Bai Shuai just told us that Dortmund is not that great. I heard they just lost the ball? Lost to Bayern 0:3! We won't lose so much in Juve. As for me... I know what you want to ask. Brother Cheng is definitely not in a good mood. As a brother, I will comfort him after the game. Hey, but I must wait until after the game."

The reporters all laughed. Although Chen Pengfei said it politely, his expression was in place.

Dortmund will not be given a chance to find comfort in them, they will win this game.

No one dares to say that they can't win. Now in Naples, the multi-line situation is like a trapped beast. It seems that all the prospects of the season have fallen into a dead end.

But such opponents are dangerous, and trapped beasts in cages are often the most dangerous, not to mention that this trapped beast comes from Napoli, which has a combat factor by nature...