Grassroots Glory

v7 Chapter 161: Holiday

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At Wembley Stadium, nearly 20,000 Manchester United fans witnessed this moment, and Rooney gave the opportunity to win the cup to Zhou Tiancheng.

Speaking of Zhou Tiancheng, Chengdu feels lucky. In Dortmund's previous season, he was not the captain. At that time, Captain Kyle also gave him the opportunity to win the cup.

Zhou Tian’s cost came to refute, but Rooney came up with a god-level reason that made him inescapable: “Look at our height, Zhou, don’t you think it’s weird to shoot the picture? So you come to stand in the middle, I’m in you Beside, don't delay the photoshoot."

Zhou Tiancheng didn't say much anymore, and patted his shoulder: "OK, then I treat guests, do you have time for the holidays? How about going to China to play?"

Rooney's eyes lighted up at once: "I'm fine, good place, where to go, Beijing?"

Zhou Tiancheng nodded.

"Wow, the Great Wall! The Great Wall! It's great." Rooney was very excited, and even asked Zhou Tiancheng: "Week, a few more people, is that okay? I'll help you ask others."

"Do you think I will say no? The Chinese have always been hospitable." Zhou Tiancheng naturally has no problem.

"Then, wait for the slaughter, Zhou."

Everyone knows that Zhou Tiancheng currently holds the first week's salary in the team and even the Premier League.

"Relax, I'm sure you won't be disappointed. But now we have to finish the procedure first. Come, put on a handsome pose, don't lose our aura of championship."

Liverpool fans have long since retired, and they no longer belong to them. When Zhou Tiancheng held up the championship trophy in front of all Manchester United fans, the fans first sang the Manchester United team song first, and the wind was turned sharply. Singed the hymn that belonged only to him and only to the Manchester United Prince.

"This season, Manchester United is destined to be the biggest winner. I hope it will be the same next season. Of course I hope that Giggs will be on the sidelines next season."

Carragher quickly retreated from Liverpool's defeat. After saying this, he also ended a season's event broadcast-of course, the Champions League final Sky Sports will also be broadcast, but the narrator will not be him and Yang Cheng Too. Yang Cheng whispered to his ear and said in a low voice: "Jamie, in fact, when you are fair, you are still cute."

He didn't care what Carragher thought, and just slipped away.

After returning to Manchester, Giggs immediately took a holiday to the team: "Gentlemen, I wish you a happy holiday and see you next season."

The base soon became empty, and even Zhou Tiancheng didn't stay and needed to practice. He is busy this holiday.

He told Chu Yunling that he was going to invite his teammates to go back to China to play, but there was no objection. Chu Yunling also wanted to take the little guy back, but the old man called to warn him that he must bring the little guy back to him for the holiday Take a good look at the grandson. The two of them took the time to negotiate and agreed to take their children back to each holiday as long as they were free. Zhou Tiancheng had his own considerations and said in his words: "Our family can't produce a complete foreign devil, don't we? We have to take this kid back to recognize the ancestors, even if he wants to play football and play well, then it can only represent Is it possible for the Chinese team to return the British guys as Angelic players?"

Of course, this is only one of the things. In fact, Zhou Tiancheng did not have much rest time on his trip back home, and basically did not take care of himself at home.

As a professional player, the holiday is a rare time adjustment, but Zhou Tiancheng is not an ordinary player, he also has an agent who likes to do things.

A domestic company in the artificial intelligence industry found Roca and they hoped to invite Zhou Tiancheng to speak for their translation machine products. It is said that this translator has been implanted in the domestic TV series. The strength is very strong, and the reason they invited Zhou Tiancheng is simple: Zhou Tiancheng can speak German and English fluently, and is among the huge fan base in China. Zhou Tiancheng is definitely a god-like existence, and even an idol for teenagers and young people.

What is the implantation of film and television dramas? That's soft broadcasting, how much traffic can there be? But Zhou Tiancheng is different, this is the hard and wide!

Zhou Tiancheng didn't refuse. At first, he rejected Loka from arranging various endorsements for him. But now, I'm used to it. Anyway, I have to run an endorsement for Adi every holiday, more or less.

This endorsement added Zhou Tiancheng's income of 8 million yuan a year, but as far as Zhou Tiancheng's current income is concerned, this can no longer make him emotional, at most it is only icing on the cake.

After completing the signing ceremony, I was busy for three days. This is really the time for Zhou Tiancheng, but the busier things came next.

Zhou Tiancheng just raised a mouthful with Rooney, but did not expect to come to Beijing to find him actually... the whole team!

To be precise, the main lineup is basically here. These are the people who get along with each other and Zhou Tiancheng.

"Ha, Zhou, we're here, and I'll listen to your arrangement. You're in charge."

Although Zhou Tiancheng feels big for a while, what can he do?

At the unanimous request of the "mass of the masses," Zhou Tiancheng arranged for them to climb the Great Wall at the first stop, and also gave them the popular science: "We have a saying in China, if you can't climb the Great Wall, you are not a hero...that is not a man's Meaning, chubby, it's time for you to prove yourself."

Zhou Tiancheng changed the phrase "not a great man until the Great Wall", and revenge for Rooney a little bit-it's awesome to pull so many people, okay, chubby, I think how much you can do Excellent!

Rooney originally promised to swear, but Zhou Tiancheng counted for him, so he only climbed more than two thousand In fact, he only walked a section of Badaling. Rooney stood on the Great Wall and saw the small mountains. The beautiful scenery, but he, and these teammates who follow, can't understand how the Chinese built fortifications with such a long span-Zhou Tiancheng told them that the Great Wall is more than 20,000 kilometers long.

Everyone's eyes widened.

"Gosh! How many rounds can I make around Europe?"

"The Chinese are too crazy!"

"I finally know why China has so many people, and I can't make it even if I bring together labor from all over England."

Zhou Tiancheng was very proud.

The second activity, Zhou Tiancheng’s plan is to take all of them to Tiananmen Square to see the flag-raising ceremony. This is a popular project for foreigners. As for the Forbidden City... Zhou Tiancheng thought about it or not, what the ancestors left behind, I myself haven't figured it out yet.

Rooney still has opinions. He doesn’t know that Zhou Tiancheng will knock at the door at four o'clock and pull himself up to see what the flag-raising ceremony is and what to see.

But he saw the neat flag guards appear on the stage, taking a uniform step forward, put the five-star red flag on the flagpole handsomely and neatly, and when he raised his hand, he did not think so, and quickly took out his mobile phone to take pictures . Also curiously asked Zhou Tiancheng: "Are they all machines? It is totally unimaginable, like a person."

Zhou Tiancheng would like to return to him: Of course you can't understand... At that time, the rabbits of our flower gardeners singled out your eighteen (liu) (gangsters), and you have a copy of your fat mouth.

Of course, this is a teammate after all, a trip to eat, drink, and play is a must. Originally this week, Tiancheng had arrangements, but after four or five days, he received a call from the national team coach Lippi. Tell him to prepare to participate in the national team training, the holiday must end early.

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