Grassroots Glory

v7 Chapter 249: Juvenile Juvenile

Manchester United really did not reinforce, and there was no major move in the Premier League player transfer market during this winter transfer period. The biggest deal was actually from the relegation team Stoke City, which was introduced from Porto to the French midfielder for 18.3 million pounds. Janelli Imbra, this dude is also the king of the winter window Premier League.

But the real Premier League BIG6s are collectively quiet, except for Arsenal's introduction of El Nene, which has attracted a little attention. Perhaps the biggest news is Manchester City.

But it was not a transfer of players, but about the head coach. Pellegrini issued a statement during the Winter Window. After the season, he will officially hand over Manchester City's coach. After all, I still feel powerless, and I can only sigh that Pellegrini is indeed out of luck, and the lineup is strong enough, but he encountered Manchester United at the most wrong time. Like Bayern in those years, the strength is strong enough, but in the end, Schalke and Dort were forced to take the four coaches out of class.

Pellegrini doesn't have to worry about going anywhere, and he will also have an intersection with Chinese football. A young local tycoon team who has just advanced to the Chinese Super League is very fond of this tactical master. Although this will be far from the mainstream, from the news frequently disclosed by the English media recently, "Peigong" does not seem to be exclusive.

Having said that, the official website of Manchester City quickly confirmed the news, and the official announced his successor, which immediately caused an uproar.

From next season, Guardiola will take over from Manchester City.

That's right, the big bald man who played Barcelona's Tiki-Taka to the top, but coached Barcelona and Bayern to lose to Zhou Tiancheng in succession, he is coming.

Far away in Munich, Guardiola is still the coach of Bayern. The German media does not understand his choice. The Süddeutsche Zeitung and Bayern are close, so these reporters asked him directly: "Mr. Guardiola, Why do you plan to give up Bayern, is it because you can't get enough champions here?"

Guardiola shook his head: "If it was because of these, I would not have left Barcelona at the beginning. It gave me a lot of good memories, and I wanted to win the championship there. No one can stop us... I just want to find another place and seek challenges again. , I am still young and can challenge myself."

The reporter frowned: "But to Manchester City... Manchester United are now in a very strong period, and Zhou is also here."

Guardiola snapped his fingers: "Yes, that's why, I can't return to La Liga, although Cristiano still makes me feel troubled. Then the only place in the football world where the king exists is the Premier League Of course, Zhou is very strong. I have eaten his losses. I know better than you, but that’s why I have to beat him."

Probably Guardiola doesn't want to leave him an unbeaten opponent. As a perfectionist who has always been pursuing perfection, it is not perfect to have such a sum in his coaching career resume.

Except that Manchester City is about to usher in drastic changes, the other Premier League BIG6 is generally stable, and among them, Manchester United is the most stable.

Of course, the team regained its streak after experiencing a serious setback. This is what Mourinho valued most. At the beginning of the new year, Manchester United stabilized the situation with four straight victories on all fronts.

In the fourth round of the FA Cup, when it was the Premier League team’s turn, Manchester United defeated Derbyshire 3-1 away, returned to the league to beat Swansea 2:1, 3:3 away and Newcastle on the evolutionary ball battle, 1:0 Lectra Southampton.

Although there seemed to be a draw that should not appear in the middle, it did not drag the back of Manchester United, because at the same time their direct rival Leicester City had a tie more than them. Manchester United is flat from the standings and one point ahead of its opponents.

The pressure for Manchester United to compete for the championship this season is much greater than last season. It is an opponent eager to make history behind them that is far more difficult to deal with than Chelsea and Liverpool, and they are not the same as their opponents unless they can give up the Champions League and try their best to keep it. In the league, no opponent can compete with them. But this is impossible for Manchester United. They are not the same as Leicester City. They are destined to fight for the final in the Champions League, which can satisfy the appetite of fans and the positioning of a hundred-year-old Premier League giant.

So even if you meet Juventus next, and then destined to have stronger opponents, this goal will not change.


Similarly, for Allegri, the team's achievements in the Champions League is what really interests him. The league's five consecutive championships are almost a foregone conclusion. They are 11 points ahead of Naples behind them. Even if they want to die, this cost is enough for them to have several consecutive waves.

Juventus fans have long lost interest in the league. They are now eager to be a head coach who can make the team go further in the Champions League.

In the quarter-finals of the Champions League, they face the schedule of home and guest first, just because they are second in the group. In the knockout stage, this is usually not a good schedule, meaning that the first game takes the home ball. The team is first burdened with the task of not being scored by opponents, otherwise it will be more difficult to go away in the second round.

Of course, Allegri already has a way, the first round of defensive pressure is great, but he is still very confident.

Close to the start date of the knockout, Allegri was very confident in an interview with the "Turin Sports News": "I am very satisfied with the team's recent state, especially the back line. Bonucci and Barzali are still Growing up, they contributed a lot to the team, and of course Buffon. Our defense has experienced the test of Serie A. Our defense must be tougher than Chelsea. That kind of intensity is just our normal level."

The Italian journalists all smiled, although there are now three big men on the Juventus defense line but they are not as good as Allegri said, but they are very willing to listen, because this is the Champions League knockout For a team like Juventus that breaks halfway through the season, morale is the most important thing.

And they really look forward to what Juve's defense can do. Speaking of the logo of Italian football, AC Milan is no longer representative. The best defense is in Juventus, Bonucci and Chiellini, the two major Italian countries. The team's current defensive backbone is in this team.

The most important thing is that these are the top two Serie A cruel men. When they appear in the back line, Juve's defense can be labeled with a label: iron blood.

Bonucci: "I really want to compete with Zhou. Manchester United is also a good opponent. In addition, I think they are the most threatening opponents in the Champions League, which prevents us from achieving our goals...Of course for the championship."

Chiellini: "I have to thank Luis Suarez, he once taught me a trick." Chiellini exposed his shoulders, a row of clear teeth marks, after two years, I can still vaguely see, "To deal with players like Zhou, you have to use every method you can think of."

Juventus is already fighting, and Manchester United is here.