Grassroots Glory

v7 Chapter 255: Uncle Jun talks

It's not unreasonable for Juventus to always dominate in Serie A. For these giants, the five major leagues can only be regarded as a novice village, the only fight is plug-in-as long as the lineup is luxurious enough, it can basically achieve a flat trip. This is the case with Serie A, and now with the Bundesliga. Ligue 1 is even more of its own back garden for Paris.

But the Champions League is not the same. This is the king's bureau composed of strong teams in various leagues. When these teams that rely on plug-ins to go to the Champions League and find that their equipment packages cannot be rolled flat, they are not at all. Know what to do.

This is why the Champions League champions have long missed Juventus, Grand Paris and Bayern.

Among them, Juventus is the most tragic reminder. Bayern has tasted this taste anyway. The rise of Greater Paris is less than ten years, and the team building time is less than half a century. They have the time and can afford it.

Juventus is different. The expectations they have received have not been reduced since the establishment of the team, and they have indeed won the Champions League twice, the 1984-85 season and the 1995-96 season.

Since the "Silver Fox" Lippi era, Juventus has been missed from the championship and from the true tactical master coach.

And now it’s the same again. Alleger can only walk to the side and shout two throats when he is behind the two goals. Otherwise, he walks back and forth in the coach seat. As for tactics, everyone sees Marchisio in With a limited chance to get the ball, he kept scoring two sides. The left-winger Kwadwo Asamoah-of course not Zhou Tiancheng’s former Schalke teammate, but only the person with the same name-he won With enough space, Juve's wing was completely alive, and he also ripped out Manchester United's side defense. He Wei was all worried for a while: "Damian was broken through again, Manchester United's side defense It’s really...perhaps the only regret for Zhou Tiancheng is that none of the teams that have played is particularly strong on the side.”

Xu Yang quipped beside him: "It must be a little flawed, otherwise no one will play with it, haha!"

"This...doesn't exist, haha, Manchester United can only count their bad luck."

Every time He Wei explained Zhou Tiancheng's game, he always felt very relaxed, because he was always looking forward to this moment. Earlier goals, after entering the garbage time can be blown casually without pressure, fans are willing to listen, and now CCTV is allowed.

He Wei has even begun to look forward to the entire season. Which opponents can threaten Manchester United. The knockout begins. It is time to discuss this issue. Especially Zhou Tiancheng missed the Champions League for a season, and the pattern of the Champions League has become large. Not the same. Real Madrid no longer do the UEFA Champions League, Barcelona is still so strong.

Of course, Juventus can be excluded. Although they were the runner-up of the Champions League last season, they are close to the peak, but this season they met Manchester United, and their journey ended here. In Manjukic, he was double surrounded by Matic and Smolin. , When almost unable to play a pivot role, the frequency of Allegri standing on the sidelines to command has gradually decreased.

It can only be said that Juventus has never had the Champions League championship life, and even want to copy the height of last season, I don't know how long to wait. Allegri was full of confidence before the season, but the final score of this game was 0:3. In the second half, he became a direct rider in the second half of the week and then went to the next city.

The shot of Mourinho was not as good as Allegrido in the whole game. Juventus played so passively and unexpectedly, so the live broadcast focused on Allegri’s reaction. Only a few England came with away. The reporter did not forget Mourinho, the eternal topic.

However, Mourinho did not have any shocking remarks, but instead seemed very calm, just said: "We need to make fewer mistakes at home, of course I believe this is not difficult for my players."

At least this is what the reporters said, without letting the reporters catch any big news, but in fact Mourinho is not worried about the merger this time. As for the next opponent, it is still early. Mourinho will not do any precautionary work. The soldiers will cover up the water. When he is confident enough for his team, it can be so simple.

After returning to Manchester, Mourinho deliberately gave the team two days off, one day longer than the team's regular free time. Mourinhoti was not used this time, and all players remained in excellent physical condition after returning from the rest day.

They know very well that the Double Red Society at home and Liverpool will soon be ushered in. Manchester's mainstream media are all rendering this game. Although they are not directly competing for their opponents, the significance of the Double Red Society is no longer necessary.

During the rest day, Zhou Tiancheng had already made a video with Kloor, and even gave Klopp a photo: He was standing in the small garden of the stadium that was transformed into a stadium.

Klopp couldn't help laughing: "Ha, Zhou, you're done! I'm sure Mourinho will never play this for you."

"Hey, boss, you don't know me yet? When did I drop the chain in the game?"

Klopp waved his hand: "Don't talk too early, Zhou. You must be unlucky when you meet me. You won't fall off the chain, but you should also know that I won't make a second mistake."

Zhou Tiancheng smiled: "Okay, boss, I told you last time. When you come to Manchester, I will entertain you well. It is really hospitality, not what it means on the court."

Klopp laughed: "Then we had better be before the Um... I'm worried that you don't have this good mood after the game, I think you must not pay much attention to the standings, ha, You have always been such a person."

Liverpool are now ranked fourth, with a gap of nine points from Manchester United, it is almost impossible to win the championship, but Klopp does not think so.

All the reporter’s questions are related to Zhou Tiancheng, but Klopp put these questions aside and said directly: “We are preparing to win this game. The Double Red Club has always been fighting for teeth. At Anfield we lose. A 0:3 is indeed a disaster. It should be back now. After winning Manchester United, we are only six points away. I think anything is possible in the next seventeen league rounds."

"Mr. Klopp, don't you care about Zhou at all?"

Faced with a reporter's question, Klopp answered seriously: "I am still in contact with Zhou now, but this is a personal relationship, only the team's victory or defeat on the court-if we can get 3:0 Advantages, what can Zhou do?"

Uncle Zha said, they also have to spend the minimum!