Grassroots Glory

v7 Chapter 57: 1 cent for 1 cent

Despite the close to zero degree angle, Sanchez was very confident in himself and directly volleyed the near angle, fully exerting his full strength, wanting to force the ball into the forcible by virtue of the powerful volley.

De Gea responded quickly in front of the goal and flew a side, but the ball did not save the bottom line, Sanchez kept up with the opportunity to prepare for a second treatment.

Arsenal fans are ready to cheer for the goal, a bunch of Arsenal players outflanked the door, has formed an absolute opportunity.

However, Sanchez was very calm at this time, looking up at De Gea's position, and Yu Guang also saw Zhou Tiancheng rushing back to the restricted area.

This did not disturb Sanchez. He dialed a bit outwards, flashed the shot angle, and kicked lightly into the far corner.


Carragher exclaimed subconsciously, thinking he was going to score. There was a scuffle in the middle and De Gea was helpless. The ball rubbed his toes and rolled towards the other end of the goal.

Sanchez is very confident. In order to circumvent Degea, who responded quickly, he deliberately chose to push the theoretical dead angle, and controlled it very much. He specially reduced the strength. Although the ball speed was slow, he easily disarmed Degea.

Sanchez had thought about how to celebrate after scoring a goal, but no one thought that Zhou Tiancheng was better than everyone when everyone was about to fall to the ground to touch the ball, or to find a chance to make up or try to make a clearance. It kept up with the ball more accurately, but it wasn't a one-footed save.

Even more surprising is that Zhou Tiancheng stepped on the ball, steadily stopped the ball on the goal line, and then looked up for a second, before he kicked the ball out of the sideline.

But this one second of stoppage made Sanchez's eyes widened and a cry of excitement broke out.

Can you still play like this?

It's not technically difficult, but it's a goal that I want to get!

Stopping on the door for a second... This must be a big heart, and a calm and confident psychological quality!

After the siege, everyone came up and hugged Zhou Tiancheng, just like celebrating a goal. Especially De Gea, Zhou Tiancheng helped him make up the pot, he was really relieved.

"Week, just now I thought you were going to take the ball out of the penalty area and pass them."

Zhou Tiancheng gave him a white look: "Do you guys look at me like a superman?"

Zhou Tiancheng, I'm not that big yet. I pretend to be a force on my own door line. I have to pretend to be a fool if I'm not careful.

But Zhou Tiancheng's operation is an unprecedented improvement in the team's morale.

In particular, Manchester United's defense, which cannot be driven at all, needs such stimulation.

"Like this, they are stable!"

Zhou Tiancheng yelled at everyone.

Van Gaal and Giggs were stunned on the sidelines. As the head coach, Zhou Tiancheng played this way, making Van Gaal startled with a cold sweat, slightly dissatisfied: "He really dare to play everywhere, and regard our goal as the opposite."

Giggs was still proud, but turned to persuade Van Gaal with a shocked and aftertaste expression. : "Louis, I'm not sure, does Zhou dare to play like this? Ha ha, I don't believe it. We have played it before, Rio Ferdinand did it once, but he only dared to play this on the training ground. Hahaha!"

Van Gaal was actually persuaded, but his face was a little brilliant, and Giggs' words were getting more and more awkward-you are calmer than me. Is this saying that I have no knowledge?

On the other side, Zhou Tiancheng's operation seemed a little provocative in Arsenal's eyes. Wenger called Ramsay alone on the sidelines to say hello: "Look at him! Aron, it seems that you don't understand me yet Meaning. You can't let him have such a good mood."

Wenger's eyes never left the field. After explaining Ramsey, he pulled the zipper of his shirt.

The scene with no dead ends just captured this scene-it seems to be usual, in fact, this is a key scene.

Wenger's iconic moves can be understood by old acquaintances in the Premier League.

"Wenger is nervous, he has arranged everything tactically, and can see the effect of Alexis Sanchez on the field. The Chilean is obviously the best choice to play on the right, but it is no wonder that Wenger is nervous. In the week, no one will feel the pressure."

Carragher said with a smile.

"Haha, normal, every head coach has his own personality, and Wenger doesn't know how many times he has been pulled over the years."

As long as Wenger is nervous, he will compete with the zipper, just like Sir Alex Ferguson's chewing gum and Loew's nostrils are public features. Used to relieve tension.

After Sanchez missed this opportunity in front of the door, his frequency of fighting with the zipper obviously increased.

Manchester United began to control the field, Zhou Tiancheng began to casually look for opportunities in the midfield dribbling laterally.

Ramsay stubbornly followed him, but Zhou Tiancheng knew there was someone behind him, one-on-one wanted to steal the ball from Zhou Tiancheng's foot, he did not have this strength.

Arsenal's formation maintains a high This is a scene formed by taking advantage of the opening for a period of time, and has not returned to normal. German central defender Mertesacker cannot retreat faster than Koscie. Erni.

At this moment of opportunity, Zhou Tiancheng found out, gave a gesture to the frontcourt, and then took a long pass to accurately send the ball to the air between the two halfbacks, and Di Maria completed an exquisite Connection.

In this situation of speed, the Argentine has proven himself countless times as the top finisher. Facing Shichensi calmly and single-handedly broke the goal.

One after another, it should have been Arsenal's upper hand, and now a fundamental reversal has taken place.

However, Manchester United is celebrating at the moment, which is a scene that everyone likes to see.

"Di Maria is happy to mention the fourth goal of the season, he should thank Zhou Tiancheng!"

There is no accident. As long as Manchester United scores a goal, Zhan Jun's focus will be on Zhou Tiancheng. This point, even if he was once an ESPN international narrator, it is inevitable in front of the appetite of Chinese fans.

"The two ends of attack and defense are omnipotent, the defensive return is accurate, the processing method is bold and novel, let alone the offense. Zhou Tiancheng showed his ability to understand the whole game, which is an instantaneous moment, but Koscielny and Mertesa The two have no chance to remedy! It is more complicated than Sanchez faced the goal just now, but it is enough. Where is the weekly salary gap of 150,000? Sanchez may understand it. One blow will kill, one sword will seal the throat, This is the real ability. For a penny, he is a little bit worse than Zhou Tiancheng."

This statement is quite heart-wrenching, but not Sanchez.

Wenger leaned back on the seat with a grin, no longer competing with his zipper.

It's no use pulling the zipper back and forth at this moment, so you have to pull back the situation in front of you.