Great Creator

Chapter 162: Heavenly Punishment (Tuesday/Tuesday)

After arriving in the capital of Jing State, Huang Si scanned the entire royal city with his consciousness.

"At this point, let me see... Well, most people are still up. As expected, they don't stay up much at night. They wake up quite early in the morning."

With that, Huang Si contacted Xiao Ke.

"Ring the bell, the hourglass animation opens, and my voice is recorded."

"Yes, master."

The distant bell sounded from the sky and rang in the entire human settlement.

Some people are still asleep, and some people just wake up, listening to the bell in surprise.

Some people realized what the bell means and hurriedly opened the door to look up to the sky.

"Jingguo Wenling is the reincarnation of a god, who went down to teach the human race, but was harmed by the human race!"

"Prince Jing, cruel to his brothers and feet, the crime is so heinous, God's punishment came to the world!"

As this indifferent voice sounded in the entire human race area, the hourglass in the air changed.

The third strand of gravel slipped from the top of the hourglass along the thin neck, licking another stroke of the gravel below, which means that the human race's guilt has been added!

Huang Si, with Wen Ling, stood in the sky above King Jing, watching the panicked crowd below.

Many people looked up into the sky, but it was difficult for them to see the people in the sky. After all, they were too far away, even if there was no cloud or mist, they would be able to see a small spot at most.

Their eyes were fixed on the hourglass, and they trembled at the divine words that accompanied the bell.

Is this the third time?

This time, the gods clearly gave two messages.

First, Wen Ling is the reincarnation of the gods.

Second, Wen Yuan mutilated his hands and feet?

Everyone understands that Wen Yuan must have tried to attack his own brother, but Wen Ling was the **** who went to earth under his mission, and this behavior angered the heavens!

Wen Yu also came out of the palace and looked at the sky in horror. When the words of the gods sounded, Wen Yu's heart was also painful.

His two sons, one of them killed their siblings, and the other killed?

Wen Ling, are you still alive now? Still injured?

Wen Yu couldn't wait any longer, he called out loudly: "Come here, mobilize the city guards for me..."

In the air, Huang Si decided to execute Heaven's Punishment, so the first thing to do was to find Wen Ling's younger brother. Of course, you don't need to ask who his brother is, even if you ask, it's useless. As the soul master of the dependents, of course it is faster to flip through the memories.

Therefore, Huang Si directly found Wen Yuan's appearance characteristics from Wen Ling's memory, and then he was distracted and compared with the looks of everyone in the royal capital.

Wen Yuan was in the Prince's Mansion, and he was yelling angrily.

"Shut up! That must be fake! That is the evil god! It is the demon **** that is bewitching people's hearts!"

"I do not have it!"

An invisible force pulled Wen Yuan out directly, past the window.

Wen Yuan had never been so terrified before, his figure dashed through the air, and then he was thrown on an altar in the center of the royal capital by invisible power.

This round altar has no specific signs of gods, but it is used by the human race in various sacrificial ceremonies.

In the sky, the voice resounded:

"Heaven's punishment Wen Yuan."

Then, everyone saw that above the altar in the royal capital, a black stone stele was emerging from nothing, filling and forming, and Wen Yuan was pressed against the altar by invisible power.

As soon as the stele was completed, it fell straight down, and then, blood was splashed three feet as expected!

Wen Yuan was directly killed by the stone tablet on the altar!

The human races around collectively screamed in fear.

From beginning to end, the gods did not give Wen Yuan any room for empathy and discrimination. The human race who witnessed this scene finally realized that this is a miracle that is completely close at hand!

No one dared to approach the altar, even if Wen Yuan's blood leaked out from under the stele, no one had the idea of ​​approaching.

The people knelt on the ground nearby and worshipped the stele. They were shocked by the miracle and feared by God's punishment.

No one can resist God's punishment!

Wen Ling's body fell at a high speed. He realized that he was being sent back to the royal capital, so he asked loudly, "God, will we meet again? When I am looking for you, can I pray to you again?"

"No, because I usually sleep."

Zhu Yao has been reincarnated for more than 20 years. He has not used the channel for praying to the soul master, causing Huang Sidu to forget to turn it off. This time Huang Si had already taken off his clothes and lay in bed ready to go to bed, but was interrupted by Wen Ling's prayers.

Considering that Wen Ling might be cold or socially dead when he wakes up, Huang Si went to help him solve this problem.

By the way, the reincarnation status of Wen Ling's **** was confirmed, so that he didn't have to worry so much and became his human mentor.

Since it's the age of mythology, how can there be a few Linfan gods?

After Huang Si settled his affairs, he immediately closed the prayer channel and went to sleep.

Wen Ling's body fell gently into the palace, and he couldn't help laughing.

It was a cold winter at this time, but the **** named Huang Si, although not his parents, made him feel the warmth of being cared for.

Wen Ling stabilized his emotions for a while, and then walked towards his father's palace.

In the royal capital, around the altar.

After a long time, some citizens dared to approach the altar and the huge stele cautiously.

At this time, the blood flowing out was completely frozen by the cold weather and covered the ground.

On the stone stele, two characters are engraved: "Heaven's Punishment".

Looking at these two words, and then at the prince Jing Guo who had turned into ice **** under the stone tablet, everyone only felt the cold wind pierced the bones, and their hearts were cold.

half year later.

"Father, mother, you should give birth to a younger brother as soon as possible instead of persuading me."

Wearing a civilian teacher's costume, Wen Ling sat in the palace, looking at his parents around him, feeling helpless.

Wen Yuan was smashed to death by a stele by Huang Si. It was refreshing, but the consequence was that Wen Yu had only one son, Wen Ling.

Originally, I had chosen the address today and bought a large manor in the royal capital to be converted into a teaching academy, but before he could arrange the reconstruction, he was summoned into the palace by the order of his father.

He thought it was something serious, but his parents took turns to persuade him to come back and become the prince.

After listening to Wen Ling's words, Wen Yu sighed: "In Jing Kingdom today, no one can inherit the throne except you. Even if you come back and hang up a name, it's okay."

Wen Ling was sane: "Father, if you want me to be named, you still want me to take over because of the situation someday, right? But I am not here. Please father not to persuade me. What's more, even father If you don’t have children, don’t you still have a younger sister? She is talented, and she must be a qualified queen. As for me, I just want to establish a Taoist school and teach it."

Yanyi actually hopes that her son can come back to be the However, she can't bear to force her son.

What's more... The couple looked at each other and both understood the concerns in each other's eyes.

Wen Ling is their son, but also the **** of Linfan!

Last year, when the destiny bell rang, the gods made it clear that Wen Ling went down to teach the human race, and this was his mission.

Even if Wen Yu and Yan Yi hope that their excellent eldest son can become the prince and inherit the throne in the future, they really have to consider the consequences of violating God's will.

"Dad, mom, really, you might as well start raising your sister from now on. My sister is now 15 years old and it's time to be educated."

"As for me." Wen Ling stood up, following his steady steps, a powerful aura followed. He smiled and said: "Father and queen, do you think this Great Jing Country can really restrain me?"

Wen Yu and Yan Yi were shocked. In their eyes, Wen Ling's figure was like a dragon among people, about to rise up in the wind and soar into the sky.