Great Creator

Chapter 401: Create the world (one/two)

At first, everything was chaotic and unknown.

Matter, energy, mixed into one, are compressed into a very small space.

There is no structure in this world, not even atoms.

A consciousness swept across this chaotic world.

"Light and darkness should be separated."

With this voice, the chaotic world began to become distinct.

The light appeared, piercing the chaos and unknown world.

With the emergence of light, darkness is also born.

Consciousness guides light and darkness, gradually separating them. Light is arranged above and darkness is arranged below.

With the division of light and darkness, the world has gradually become larger.

"Matter and energy should also be separated."

After the sound sounded, masses of matter began to condense in the chaos, and light and darkness were no longer the concepts of nothingness, and began to produce entities.

Large tracts of light condensed and rose upward, splitting a small part of it, and forming a large celestial body and many small celestial bodies.

Large areas of darkness gather below, forming a deep lake.

In the large area between light and darkness, matter begins to be born.

With the emergence of matter, the world becomes bigger and bigger.

It started to layer.

The middle one is the material level, which has all the attributes. There are continents, and there are oceans, which extend infinitely toward the edge of the world.

The next point is the underground level. There are mineral deposits in the underground world, as well as countless cavities and passages. They are set to not easily collapse the ground.

Down below the underground level is billowing magma.

Below the magma is another level, this level is empty, but with a strange style and a blood-red color.

This level, and further down, are six consecutive levels that are exactly the same. These levels are extremely dark and invisible to light.

Continuing down, the lowest level is the dark foundation of this world, the dark abyss.

The dark abyss is not calm, it is swaying slightly, and waves are rising like a real lake.

However, there is no wind here.

That is the ultimate darkness restlessly.

If you go up from the middle material level, it is the vast sky level.

The sky above is a layer of light colors, and there is also a vast land here, with a fresh and dreamy style, and colors everywhere.

From the top of the color layer, there are seven consecutive layers that are almost exactly the same.

The basic tone of these levels is pure white.

At the top is a dome-like level, where most of the light in the world gathers, and the light constantly shines through, illuminating the entire nine white levels.

But beyond all levels, it is the void, and the void is dark.

In the void, a large luminous celestial body is quietly suspended.

There is also a smaller celestial body on the opposite side of the void.

Countless small dots of light scattered farther away.

The light above and the surrounding light shines out of the world through the transparent membrane wall of the world, illuminating a small world in the dark space.

Huang Si looked down at the world.

After he created the basic structure of the world through the world creation novice bag, he reduced the world to a size that is convenient for observation.

Nowadays, the world is just one person tall, and every layer inside is as thin as the layers of a cream cake.

Under his gaze, two celestial bodies, one large and one small, began to move.

This is the sun and the moon.

There are more than a thousand small star points, which must be operated according to their own rules.

Therefore, the upper part is the eternal day, and the lower is the eternal night, and only the material plane has the change of light and darkness.

"This is the world set by the geocentric theory. Should the trajectory be calculated in this round of equalization, or should I simply force the celestial body's orbit into the world setting?"

"In the latter case... you have to change the physical rules of this world."

After watching for a while, he reached out to the inside of the world.

Neither the material structure of the world nor the energy composition of the world hindered his hands.

Hands submerged in the world.

This is not actually touching the world on a physical level, but touching on a transcendent level.

Huang Si fumbled for a while, and finally caught what he wanted to take.

He retracted his hand, and when he left the world, he held a Tai Chi-like sphere in his palm.

Half of this sphere is transparent and the other half is solid.

On the solid half, a double yin and yang fish pattern similar to Tai Chi can be seen on the cross section, half black, half white, and even in black and white, there is the inverted fish eye.

However, this double yin and yang fish, as if alive, are swimming around each other vigorously, and the fish's eyes are also very smart and energetic.

Beside the yin and yang fish, there are still some unidentified fluids of different colors, layered on top of each other, just like the gossip around Tai Chi.

"It turns out that the core of a new world looks like this."

Huang Si thought of the core of the green world, colorful, like a slime, and extremely stupid.

Compare this sphere without any self-awareness and intelligence...

The core of different worlds is very different.

As the creator of the world, Huang Si's consciousness can easily enter the core.

He perceives the composition within the core.

The structure within the core has two main parts, one of which is the underlying law. These are the world rules that Huang Si previously preset through the starter bag. The second is the authority of each department, that is, the specific composition of the world.

Because Huang Si chose to divide the world into two opposites of light and darkness at the beginning, therefore, the two most powerful powers in this world are light power and dark power.

The rest of the permissions are around them.

Huang Si is conscious of connecting the core bottom layer of the world, while opening the world to create the interface of the novice bag.

The original complex underlying rules suddenly became an easy-to-understand visual interface.

If you don't have a novice package, you have to write the logic of the entire world from scratch.

With the starter pack, it is like the interface of s7 from binary and machine language all at once. It is visualized and easy to operate. There are various preset templates that can be applied and modified.

Not only can you change settings such as temperature, air pressure, background radiation, gravity, etc., even if you have mastered the writing of the law, you can even modify the lowest-level physical and chemical rules.

Furthermore, he can set the time flow rate of this world.

However, it can only be set to 14 times at most.

Huang Si glanced at his consciousness space, and sure enough, the law of time was 14.

It seems that the dark space is the reference point of the normal flow rate of time, and when creating the world, you can set the multiple of the flow rate of time up to the percentage value of the law of time that you have mastered.

The next step is to refine the details of all levels of this world.
