Great Creator

Chapter 466: The auction house in Jieyuan (two/two)

Now that he heard that Lan Wen was dead, Angus almost cried and fainted.

When Angus got better, Huang Sicai began to ask him some questions.

The first is the earth.

Angus didn't know what earth, anyway, as the **** of the arc source universe, he only knew that there was none in his own universe, and he didn't know anything about other universes.

Huang Si asked him again, how can he survive in the realm and go to another universe.

But Angus didn't know either.

Angus also told him that only higher beings can survive in the abyss, and very few gods can go to the abyss, unless they make a spacecraft that can sail in the abyss, but Angus doesn't know how to do it.

As for the inability of the first universe to be connected, Angers speculated that either the **** who had traded with Lan Wen had died, or the universe was destroyed.

Huang Si asked him about the higher life.

"Huang Si, in fact, you don't need to be too afraid of higher beings." Angers persuaded him, "They also have different personalities and specialties. Most higher beings don't care about ordinary lives, only injured or weak. Higher beings will attack ordinary beings and even attack the universe."

"Higher beings are a group of arrogant guys. Their existence does not need to consume energy or material. It is said that sometimes it is purely for enjoyment to consume resources or devour the core of the universe."

"If you encounter a higher being, you can first observe whether it is hostile to the gods. If it is not hostile to the gods, then you can hide quietly and don't offend. If it tries to plot against you, it may be coveting your godhead. , Or simply want to eat the core of the universe, you can hide in your own universe and let the master **** of your universe use authority to drive it away. A universe with a master has strong defensive capabilities."

"However, if it is that kind of very powerful higher life... then I don't know. It is said that some higher life can destroy more than a dozen universes with just a few fingers."

After asking a lot of questions, Huang Si was also very grateful to Angus and said goodbye to him politely.

Angus smiled and said that he would welcome Huang Si to chat with him often in the future.

Then Huang Si contacted the remaining four universe numbers.

There was a silence, and the other three were connected.

There are gods on the opposite side, and another is the main **** of their universe.

One of these three universes could not speak Huang Si's side, and could not communicate. Perhaps Lan Wen took the initiative to learn the language of the other party to communicate with him.

The other two, one exchanged some knowledge about being a **** with Huang Si, which benefited him a lot. After listening to Huang Si's question, the main **** gave a very constructive opinion.

"Why don't you go to Jieyuan Auction House? I sent you the code of Jieyuan Auction House. You can find all kinds of things on it. There are drawings, information, and resource materials, but the handling fee is very expensive. , Remember to consider the transportation cost when you buy things. In addition, you should have no Jieyuan currency, the auction acted as a balance currency, and the virtual Jieyuan currency is used. You can only sell the things in your universe and get the boundary. Only Yuanbi can trade with others."

"By the way, remember to choose the hidden address mode when buying and selling, if you don't want to be targeted at the beginning, or the coordinates are discovered by higher beings."

After thanking the main god, Huang Si tried to enter the code of Jieyuan Auction House.

Sure enough, the pattern that appeared on the screen this time was not a video image, but a login interface.

At the very beginning of the login interface, it seems that Huang Si is required to select the interface language, and there is an automatic detection option.

Huang Si said a paragraph in the language of the Lingqi universe, and it was automatically recognized, and the language classification was filled in for him, and the interface language was automatically switched.

Click Next and find that some information needs to be filled in above, including the shipping address. However, it was also stated that this auction house is operated by artificial intelligence, and there is absolutely no risk of leaks. It has been operating stably for 1592 years.

Huang Si hesitated whether to believe it or not. Considering that it was introduced by the friendly Lord God, he still clicked on the automatic detection address.

The auction house’s automated program filled in the address information for Huang Si.

Next is the user level and user nickname.

There is an automatic entry button for "higher life special" in the level. If you don't click this button and there is no recommended user, it will default to the lowest level 1 user to enter.

To fill in the nickname, you need to enter the name with your mind. Huang Si originally wanted to choose a nickname for himself, but after thinking about it, he found that language easily reveals his identity, so he found it, and sure enough, there was an automatic name button. After clicking it, it changed. It becomes "User 238090491301".

At the bottom of the last, there is indeed an address hiding button, which will automatically help you hide the address and any information that may cause privacy leakage.

Check it and click OK.

After successful registration, Huang Si finally entered the auction house interface.

The interface of Jieyuan Auction House is very simple, divided into two categories: purchase and consignment.

There is also a line of explanation next to it:

"The auction house will automatically translate different languages ​​for users, and the parts that cannot be translated are kept as they are. Since language communication can easily lead to misunderstandings and disputes, this auction house only supports payment for goods and does not support evaluation and communication. If you encounter transaction disputes, Please click the report button, and the artificial intelligence customer service will handle it properly for you. Please pay attention to the integrity of the transaction. This auction house implements a precise account system. A life can only have one transaction account. Please cherish your account."

Really smart, Huang Sixin thought.

When I entered the purchase interface of the auction house, I saw a dazzling array of unrecognizable items.

Huang Si looked for it, and sure enough, the auction house had two retrieval mechanisms, catalog and label.

He entered the tag "Jie Yuan".

The auction house listed a large list of things related to Jie Yuan.

After several more searches, Huang Si finally found what he wanted.

"Jieyuan Spaceship Making Drawings", "Jieyuan Travel Guide", "Jieyuan Public Coordinates Practical Retrieval Manual", "How to Cross Jieyuan Safely", these are books or documents.

Each book ranges from 10 to thousands of Jieyuan coins.

There are also some resource materials such as Jieyuan specialty products for sale at different prices.

In addition to navigating directly in the abyss, there is also a way to go to another universe through the However, you must first know the coordinates of the opposite universe in the abyss, and you need to have space access skills. Requires strength that can at least be comparable to higher beings. Or, a **** with a powerful godhead, possessing a space godhead, extracts the core power of the universe, and opens the passage between the universe by consuming the core of the universe.

"Do you need coordinates?"

Huang Si looked at it and found that the auction house could also buy coordinates, such as "Recommended by Advanced Life, the coordinates of the most beautiful universe in the world" for 10 coins.

Others are just marked with "so-and-so universe, a number of resources, and the coordinates can be purchased".

Huang Si deliberately searched for the universe of his hometown, but he didn't know the name of the universe where the earth and the Milky Way were located!

In the end, he could only sigh and resignedly continue to check the product list.

After reading what he wanted to buy, Huang Si clicked on the consignment interface again.

Here, items can be placed directly through the Jieyuan Exchange Array, and the auction house will automatically detect the type and give a reference price. As for the specific price, you can decide on your own. Generally, it is recommended to sell a bit lower than the market price.