Great Demon King

Chapter 150: I can help him.

"You don't owe me anything. Lisa is a friend in the college and I am a friend. This is what I should do." When Han Shuo spoke, he saw Emily and Chester in the distance. Lisa, who wrapped her body in a black robe, walked outside.

"Leave here first." Lawrence followed Han Shuo's gaze and noticed the movements of Emily and Chester. The eyes suddenly lit up, then whispered and turned and walked outside.

Entering this slave line requires some formalities, and it is not so strict to go out. After Emily and Chester, Han Shuo and Lawrence’s departure did not encounter any blockage. Emily was escorted by the guards of the two slaves. When she got to the door, Emily waved her hands and retired with respect.

Next to the carriage, Emily saw Lawrence appear a little surprised, Han Shuo looked calm, said to Lawrence: "The last time in your home, I met Mrs. Emily, this time to the city of Waren Hired by Mrs. Emily to help her do something."

Lawrence knew something, but he said nothing. He said to Han Shuo's kind smile: "These are yours. You don't need to tell me anything. I think we should first look at my cousin. ”

Opening the carriage curtain, Han Shuo and Lawrence went in. The two just entered the carriage. The tearful Lisa had already plunged into Han Shuo’s arms and cried: "Brian, they killed my family." My father and mother and grandfather were all killed."

Lisa at this time, weak and heartbreaking, Han Shuo gently patted Lisa's shoulder. Whispered: "You are safe now, and those people will be punished."

Hardly holding Han Shuo, Lisa seems to have made all the strength, and it seems to prove the authenticity of this moment, sticking out the little finger and biting it in the mouth, only crying and crying: "I am not dreaming." I am still alive, I want revenge, I want to kill those cruel people."

Lisa, who has been savage in the college, experienced a tragic change in life, and the whole person suddenly changed. The innocence on the face was replaced by hatred. It seems that revenge is a courage to live at this moment.

"Lisa, what happened in the end, you give me a detailed account, I will avenge you." Lawrence's eyes burst into a cold-like cold light, Lisa, looking at the tearful tears, asked.

It seems until this time. Lisa noticed that in addition to Han Shuo in the carriage, there was another person. Lisa wiped the tears in her eyes. After seeing Lawrence in the blink of an eye, she cried again and again: "Lawrence brother, I am not too clear. What is the matter, but the father said that my mother is sick, let me go home to visit my mother.

When I first returned to Waren City, I knew from my father's mouth that the home might be dangerous. The mother was not sick and he did not let me go home. Then, after a day, the running dog of the head of the Griffin army of Karl Fett, people rushed into our house, killing people everywhere, and they died except me. All were killed, hehe. ”

"Do not worry, I will help you revenge." Lawrence's chilly face assured Lisa.

"Help me kill Carl Fett, I must help him kill him." Lisa said helplessly. First look at Lawrence. Then I stared at Han Shuo with a gaze.

A complete family, all relatives were killed in an instant. This is too fierce for Lisa's stimuli, and Lisa, who is quite arrogant on the weekdays, reveals the pitiful weakness and helplessness of the whole person.

"I will help you." Lisa's gaze made Han Shuo silent for a while, then nodded and promised.

"If you want to kill Karl Fett, we have to discuss it." Emily outside the car suddenly shouted, then looked up at Han Shuo and Lawrence and said, "At the very least, let's start first. Let's leave here."

"Lisa, come with me." Lawrence got out of the carriage, then nodded to the two people standing in the air, the swordsman of the two left, and another carriage, Lawrence glared at Lisa. Drilled in, the groom slowly started the reins.

"Follow him." Han Shuo told the outside Chester, and then looked back at Emily with a look of apology, saying: "Maybe there is some difference with your plan, but I have to do this."

"I understand you, and killing Karl Fett is also our goal. This is not a big difference with our plan. We have a little more help. Isn't it?" Emily said with a smile, then Some dignified openings said: "This Lawrence seems to be the son of the imperial finance minister, but the two people behind him are good, and Lawrence's performance seems strange. How do you know this person, do you know his details? ”

Shaking his head, Han Shuo hesitated, and replied: "Candida told me that Lawrence's identity is not simple. If I am too close to him, it may cause trouble. But I am in contact with Lawrence. For a while, I think this person should be fairly reliable."

"Candida's old fox knows Lawrence's identity, but he doesn't tell him his identity. This shows that Lawrence's identity will never be so simple. It seems that I have to ask my brother." Emily frowned. It seems to be a bit confusing.

Suddenly, at the corner, Lawrence’s carriage stopped. Lawrence poked his head and waited until Han Shuo and Emily took the carriage alongside him. He said, "Brian, I don't think there is a direct relationship with Mrs. Emily, if you are good for her. It is best not to involve her inside."

Han Shuo stayed in the car and exchanged a look with Emily in the car. Emily frowned and thought about it. She said to Han Shuo: "You go with them, see what you are going to do, and then come back. It’s okay to look for me at the dark spot, and I’m going back to explore the bottom of Lawrence.”

Nodded to Emily, Han Shuo walked out of Emily's carriage and walked over to Lawrence's car. He smiled and said, "I still feel thoughtful."

Mrs. Emily does not need to be involved. ”

"I am sorry Mrs. Emily. But you know that I am for you. In the city of Waren, Aski will not be afraid of anyone, even if you have something in your position, you will not be able to intervene." Lawrence directed at Emily. The wagon that was in the air snorted and then told the person in front to say, "Let's go."

After Han Shuo came in, Lisa was persuaded by Lawrence for a while, and it seemed that her mood was somewhat stable. Lisa was here, Lawrence didn't say much, and she didn't know what to think. At this time, Han Shuo did not know what to persuade Lisa. It is also silent all the way.

The carriage stopped in front of a house. Lawrence softly said to Lisa: "You will get off the bus and stay in the house. I will go out with Brian and do it soon. You will be back soon. You can rest assured that you will be very safe in that house."

Lisa, who experienced a tragic disaster, was too much obedient than usual. It was a smooth nod, and Lawrence fell in the carriage. Lawrence slammed the door and walked out of it. The body was hidden in the shadow. Han Shuo immediately discovered that he was the master who had spy on Clark.

"Take her in, let him protect him, and you will take a walk with me." Lawrence commanded, and returned to the carriage, Lisa entered. After a while, the man came out and got into the carriage. He sat silently in front of Han Shuo and Lawrence.

When the front side was opposite, Han Shuo looked at it carefully and found that the person's length was ordinary. His face Han Shuo looked at it and found no special features. But this person can follow the land knight Clark. Not being discovered is enough to show that his strength is extraordinary.

"His name is Rachi, an assassin. There are two people outside with the driver, the senior swordsman Divac and the earth-based senior magician Adela. We will kill Carl Fett now." Lawrence introduced Han Shuo. Then I said the words to kill Carl Fett.

"What plans do you have?" Han Shuo was silent for a moment. Then the opening said.

"Karfet is the loyal running dog of the Griffin Army leader Aski, managing the distribution of food in Waren City. He was also an officer of the Griffin Legion. He was originally a senior knight at the age of forty-three. Only one The name of the only son named Carl Nand, who tried to **** Lisa, was turned off by Lisa, so the two had a hard-to-resolve vendetta. Karl Fett as a senior knight, there are more than a dozen in the house. A servant, most of whom are soldiers of the Griffin Legion, are not too difficult to deal with." Lawrence slowly said this, proving that he must have been investigated in detail beforehand.

"I just got the news that Clark has returned to Waren City and seems to have arrived at the Karl Fett home, as if to help his father to give Calfet instructions." At this time, the assassin Rachi, who had not spoken, Suddenly said.

Suddenly, Lawrence frowned and looked a little hesitant. Han Shuo was also shocked in his heart, his face showing a thick murder.

Lawrence’s hesitant appearance shows that now that Clarke’s appearance has become unsure, Han Shuo, who entered the real devil’s realm, and Xiaolu and the undead magic, dare to fight against Clark, but Han Shuo also Unsure to win the land knight Clark, so it is silent.

"Uncle Rach, if you kill Clark by your shot, how many times do you have to kill him?" Silence for a while, Lawrence opened his mouth and asked Assassin Rachi.

"I think only 50%!" Rachi answered indifferently.

Nodded, Lawrence said: "Well, it is up to you to assassinate Clark. I believe that with your strength, even if you can't get it, you can withdraw from the whole body. At that time, we decide whether it is necessary according to Clark's physical condition. A starter."

"Well, if I want to leave, Clark can't find me!" Rachi replied.

"I think if I cooperate with Mr. Rachi, I can at least increase the odds by 30%." Han Shuo looked at Rachi and suddenly said.

"Brian, you are sure that you will not be discovered, will not affect Uncle Rach?" Lawrence looked positive and looked at Han Shuo with dignity.

"I think that my joining can help him. If you believe in me, I want to act with him." Looking at Lawrence, Han Shuo is also saying.

"Well, Uncle Rach, take him to give it a try. If you can't do it, give up halfway. We have a manipulator when we choose another." Lawrence thought for a moment and said to Assassin Rachi.

"That's good!" Rachi replied, looking at Han Shuo, Zhangkou said: "We will leave here. If the Carpenter family ignites a fire, then it means that you can act. You can directly come in, otherwise you should not approach. ""

"Do not worry, I know what to do, you are careful." Lawrence nodded and agreed.

"Let's go." Rage looked at Han Shuo, and the body floated down the carriage. After jumping, he fell to a roof three meters high and did not make any noise.

Han Shuo took a deep breath and concentrated on the magical force. After using the "Magic Nine Days", he also flew and jumped out. He jumped out of the air and was even higher than Lach, which was also silent. It fell to the side of Rachi.

"Hey!" Rachi turned back and looked at Han Shuo with a strange look. The face of the indifferent face was slightly pulled, and said faintly: "Very good, maybe you can really give me some help."

After the words were finished, the old assassin Rachi did not continue to look to Han Shuo, and his body was responsively swaying through the roof of the night street, like a lonely ghost, so Han Shuo admired the agility of this person.

However, Han Shuo, who has reached the realm of magic, has the same flexibility and flexibility. With the superb facial features, Han Shuo follows Lach closely and does not pull down at all.