Great Demon King

Chapter 174: Identity exposure

Leaving the jungle, Han Shuo and Emily moved separately and went to the new place where Lawrence lived.

When I came here, Han Shuo saw Lawrence and listened to Lawrence. "Thank you for the last time, otherwise Lisa is likely to be in danger."

"You're welcome, in my relationship with Lisa, these things are what I should do. Right, how is Lisa doing now?" Han Shuo sat down and smiled and asked Lawrence.

"Do not worry, I have sent someone to send her back to the imperial capital of Orson City. The Griffin Legion is too big to dare to scatter in the imperial capital."

"That's great. Right. At present, your sister Feibi is also in Waren City. She has some deals with the Griffin Legion." After thinking about it, Han Shuo talked about Lawrence about Lawrence.

Lawrence was amazed, and Lawrence looked very surprised. He asked Han Shuo with a puzzled question: "How can she be in the city of Waren? What is this?"

Because of some previous understandings, Han Shuo found that Lawrence had a good relationship with Phoebe. As Lawrence was the Three Princes, the things that Phoebe did if he knew it first, he could be more safe, so after Lawrence asked, Han Shuo I will explain Lawrence once and for all.

When Han Shuo finished all this, Lawrence frowned and froze for a while, then he looked deeply at Han Shuo and said, "It seems that this time, Fei Bi’s business is also thanks to you. Your dark shadow is really enough. Wonderful!"

When this came out, Han Shuo was shocked. His eyes instantly condensed on Lawrence's body. After a deep gaze for a while, Han Shuo sighed and said to Lawrence: "When did you know my identity? ”

"The last time we left from the slave line." Lawrence smiled and replied, hesitating and then said, "Exactly. I know your identity now. I was suspected after I left the slave line last time. I went to the origins of Mrs. Emily, and I found someone to confirm it in detail. I realized the identity of Mrs. Emily, and then I doubted you."

There is nothing disgraceful to do things for the dark curtain. In the high-level empire, the existence of the dark curtain is not a secret, and its duties and actions will not harm the interests of ordinary people unless the person has done something harmful and empire. Otherwise, the existence of the dark curtain will also play a protective role for ordinary people. Han Shuo does not feel that something is wrong.

After a moment of indulging, Han Shuo looked as usual and smiled and said: "Yes, I just joined the dark screen soon. But I have already deeply realized that the magic of the dark curtain is vast!"

"So, you should know very well about me?" Lawrence's face with a light smile, suddenly stared at Han Shuo.

With a glimpse, Han Shuo laughed and said: "Of course, you are the son of the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lawrence, this is something everyone knows!"

The identity of the three princes, Han Shuo, even if his heart is bright, can not say, otherwise his relationship with Lawrence. It may change. At the very least, Lawrence will test Han Shuo's thoughts and may invite Han Shuo to work for him. This is a problem that Han Shuo is not willing to face at present, so it is the most sensible to pretend to be stupid.

Han Shuo said that Lawrence had a strange smile on his face and looked at Han Shuo for a while. Then he replied: "Well, we will not talk about this issue for the time being. This time you come to Warren City, you must I also understand Bobby; Aski has reversed the opposite direction. So I came to collect evidence. And I will come over. The purpose can be said to be the same as you. It is to defeat the commander of the Griffin Army. Know if you can tell me how your progress is now?"

Lawrence asked this question. Han Shuo seemed hesitant, and quickly measured the gains and losses in his mind. This said that he had to get evidence of siege equipment, and he was handed over to the high-level of the dark screen. The above person officially arrested Bobby; Aski. However, Han Shuo did not mention anything about the joint disaster church, and did not want Lawrence to know about this.

"Since our purpose is the same, then I think we can work together. What plans do you have, what can I help?" Lawrence asked Han Shuo.

When this sentence came out, Han Shuo could not help but glance at Lawrence and asked Lawrence, "So, what can you help us?"

Mysteriously smiling, Lawrence looked at Han Shuo deeply and said: "There are people in the Griffin Army. This person is only in the position of the Griffin Legion with the head of the army. Bobby; Aski, at some point this time. People can directly mobilize the Griffin Legion and do a lot for us."

The brain is turning rapidly. From Lawrence's sentence, Han Shuo knows a lot of useful messages. It seems that Lawrence came to Waren City this time, not only against Bobby; Aski is so simple, it should be after the withdrawal of Aski, to support his own position, completely control the Griffin Legion, for He later prepared for the position of the king.

"This is the best, I have to sum up, there will be action in these two days, I will inform you at that time, discuss with you how to cooperate!" Han Shuo thought for a moment, said to Lawrence.

"No problem, I will wait for your good news. Oh, we are friends, I am very confident about your style of work, I know that you are cautious enough, you should not appear big after careful consideration. Nothing, wait for you to fix everything, let me know, I will fully cooperate with you, we are mutually beneficial." Lawrence haha ​​laughed loudly and said to Han Shuo.

"Well, then I will leave first." Han Shuo said this, and Lawrence gave a speech and left the new home of Lawrence, and went to the hotel in Yilian not far away.

When Han Shuo came to the hotel, he found that the damaged room that Belinda had previously lived in was almost completely renovated, and it seems that he can resume use in a short time. The room where Han Shuo and Emily lived had not receded, so after arriving at the hotel, Han Shuo returned to the house.

After Han Shuo came in, the middle-aged fat woman Yilian went in and went in. She closed the door and smiled and said, "I would like to thank you for your help. Otherwise, this hotel, I have to destroy the woman’s hand in the natural disaster church. Not inside!"

"It seems that Emily has already told you about what happened." Han Shuo said.

Nodded, the owner of the hotel named Yilian said: "Yes, Master Emily has come once, telling me about the passing of things, and let me pay attention to the guests here. What are you coming over this time? Command?"

"At present, in the hotel, those guests have not left, especially the female swordsman of the mercenary group, have not contacted other people." Han Shuo remembered the agreement with Fibi, could not help but ask.

"The guests here have not changed. The big druid and the little female elf are still temporarily staying in the hotel. During the day, two people went out for a while and returned. Not long ago, the mercenary figure, in addition to the name In addition to the woman of Tis, several other people have gone out and seem to be looking for new tasks, and have not yet returned.

I observed it, and no other suspicious people walked into Candice's room, nor did she see her leave here. In addition, there was no abnormal situation in the hotel. The Griffin Legion sent people to inspect it once and asked about the collapse of the house. I was smothered by me. "The hotel that was not seen before was shocked. It didn't seem to affect her at all. Yilian's look was easy and slow, and the follow-up things were very detailed for Han Shuo.

"The people of the Griffin Legion will not be suspicious of this place?" After sinking, Han Shuo frowned and asked.

"Do not worry, I think there should be no problem. I have been in Waren City for many years. I have done a good job about the Griffin Legion." Elaine assured Han Shuo with confidence.

She said this, Han Shuo is not good at saying anything about this, otherwise it seems that she does not trust her. When I nodded, Han Shuo said "hard work" and told Yilian to do her own business.

After Yilian left, Han Shuo thought about it, but he still planned to come over to find Candice, and let her talk about it in advance, lest she suddenly leave the hotel.

Out of his room, Han Shuo thought about how to say to Candice, while walking to Candice's room. In the middle of the journey, I suddenly heard a "big bad guy", and then I saw the window of the room of Grand Druid Kiesbin. The elf Angelica excitedly pointed at herself and exclaimed.

Wry smile and made a fierce face toward Angelica, Han Shuo did not take care of her, and continued to go to Candice's room. However, Han Shuo heard the direction from Angelica, and there was a "squeaky" run. It was obvious that Elf Angelica had chased it.

"Big bad guys, how are you here?" In the blink of an eye, Elf Angelica, who has already rushed out, seems to be pleased to stare at Han Shuo.

"Come out and abduct a little girl like you!" Han Shuo blinked and snorted.