Great Demon King

Chapter 186: Magic

In the cold winter, the cold night, some low-lying ice on the street. The cold wind of the drunken school knives is like a screaming, like a goblin who wanders in the darkness, giving a kind of deterrent on the mind.

On the wide long street, Han Shuo Yu Ma Feng Chi is in the forefront, followed by a group of people, all of them are awe-inspiring, ready to encounter big troubles.

The heavy and dense iron hoof came from the front of Han Shuo. I haven't seen the figure yet. The madness of the horses and horses has been accompanied by heavy iron hooves.

At this time, the demon front has already been held in the hands of Han Shuo, a cold-faced Han Shuo, throwing all the distracting thoughts away from the brain, and the whole person's attention has never been concentrated. The gentle breathing and heartbeat, as Han Shuo's calm seems to have adjusted to the best state, even the original injuries, Han Shuo did not have any pain.

When Han Shuo calmed down and planned to rush out of a **** road with killing, Han Shuo’s whole person was awkward, as if suddenly he fell into a strange state. At the same time, Han Shuo’s brain slammed into a shock, and a mysterious slogan was gradually blurred and reflected in Han Shuo’s heart.

"False Devil" is an evil magic that can be mastered when the magical power reaches the realm of "real magic". The effect of "devil" is embodied in the words "chemical" and "complement". The magical demon body of the real magical realm is already tough enough and has a magical baby. Once it is injured, you can use the "devil" to directly devour the enemy's flesh and blood to repair your physical damage.

At this time, if the baby wants to grow up quickly, he can rely on the "devil" to devour the enemy's soul, the baby boy, but in this world, because there is no other cult or monk, so no There may be other magical infants and Yuan Ying to let Han Shuo swallow.

Before a living person is not dead, the residual power of the soul has not been annihilated. At this time, the soul of a living person is directly melted and absorbed by using the "devil", and the use of his soul to supplement the magical baby is the current state of Han Shuo's advancement. The quickest way. Drunk College

If a person dies for a long time. The power of the soul will quickly disappear, and the power of the soul remaining in a very short period of time will completely disappear between heaven and earth. Therefore, it is totally unworkable to supplement it with the "worry spirit" summoned by the undead magic. Because "worry" is the product of another space, I don't know how long it has been dead. The power of the soul has already disappeared, leaving only the simplest traces of life.

In fact, Han Shuo used the Yuan Devil Cave and the Yin Magic Cave. The refining of the Yuanmo and the Yinmo, because Han Shuo's life and blood and magic power. It is for these "respiring spirits" that have no soul power. By re-giving the power above the soul through the formation method, the meta-and the evil spirits caused by this kind of re-enactment of the power of Han Shuo’s life and a large amount of magic power, regained that kind of power, with some incredible magical power. .

A mysterious mouth. At the time of Han Shuo's horse racing, because of the calming attention, it magically reflected in Han Shuo's mind. Wait until Han Shuo will "reform the magic" in the mind quickly. Han Shuo’s body is still riding and riding.

The sound of the front iron hooves is more dense and heavy. It is like a gong-and-drum strike in the heart of Han Shuo. When the eyes are sharply staring at the front, Han Shuo calmly uses his heart to shake the magic power, according to the trajectory of the "devil". Try to see if it can have any effect.

Out of Han Shuo’s surprise, when Han Shuo quietly ran the magic power, he magically discovered that the magic Yuan force was running smoothly and unimpeded according to the trajectory of “Devils and Decisions”. There was no obstacle in the middle.

Then Han Shuocai realized that most of the meridians in the body that reached the real devil were expanded and expanded. This time, the meridians at the trajectory of the "devil" are just like those of the "Xuanbing Moya". Some different meridians have also been unblocked, which caused Han Shuo to feel the changes in the body immediately. Drunk College

When Han Shuo ran the "devil" and moved his mind to the left hand, a black magical scent radiated in the palm of his hand, forming a black hole-like atmosphere. The whirlpool seems to have a strange adsorption rotation, which has a black radiance that shines, revealing the fear of evil.

The whirlpool of palms condensed by the dark magic is not big, but Han Shuo understands that this "devil" has already been mastered. The specific effect is that Han Shuo can only really know if he takes a knife.

"The person in front stops immediately to accept cross-examination, otherwise it will kill you!" At this time, from the forefront of Han Shuo

A violent drink.

The intensive knight, riding on the horse, roared, the silver pistol in his hand burst into a dark blue grudge, and it was very dazzling in the dark.

"Hey, who killed who in the end, I just want to try!" Han Shuo haha ​​laughed, the two legs made a force, the speed of the horse running faster, directly rushed to the knight.

At the time of the encounter, Han Shuo had sang the undead magic in a low voice. The first few knights who tried to attack Han Shuo suddenly found that the bone spear attacked by air and hurriedly lifted the weapon to resist. Another stabbing rifle was sung by Han Shuo, and the white bone shield formed on the left shoulder was blocked.

Under the cover of the undead magic, Han Shuo pointed to the former screaming knight, waiting for the sharpness of the sorcerer's front, and his rifle "铿锵", not as good as Han Shuo, his long shot on the spot In two. Taking advantage of this knight's instant stay, Han Shuo, who was screaming from his side, suddenly reached out and grabbed the knight.

Han Shuo, who was physically strong and metamorphosed, caught the knight in his left hand, and he squeezed the force, causing the skeleton of the knight's shoulder. Then he took the right hand of the 戮魔锋, with the thick front of the smashing front, facing his head, all of a sudden, causing his brain to immediately splash blood.

The knight, who had been stabbing the call, was so slammed by the scorpion, and the screaming voice was more intense, but the struggling body had no strength, like being directly beaten.

Holding his left hand tightly, this time he took the opportunity to run the "devil". At the time of the encounter, the flesh and vitality of the knight's body, centered on Han Shuo's left hand, was quickly lost from his neck into the vortex of his left hand.

A strange power of sorrow, through the transformation of the magical baby and Han Shuo's body, suddenly poured into Han Shuo's body. The body that has just been injured, because of the influx of this force, like a panacea, magical and rapid recovery, Han Shuo can clearly feel that some of the previously broken blood vessels in the chest, in this force Under the moist, the connection is incredible.

At the same time, the knight captured by Han Shuo, the body is gradually drying up and becoming taupe because of the disappearance of flesh and blood and vitality. When Han Shuo absorbed his flesh and blood, his soul was also sucked away by the magic baby like a drop of water.

When Han Shuo let go, a cold wind blew, and he lost his body of flesh and vitality, and turned into a flying ash in the sky. A living life, because of the complement of the "devil", the soul flies between the blink of an eye, and does not leave a trace in the world.

As a caster, Han Shuo absorbed the flesh and vitality of the knight in a short period of time, repaired the previous injuries, and now he began to feel paralyzed.

The magic and evil of the "devil" decided to scare Han Shuo himself. He did not expect that because of the role of "devil", he would be able to take this in just a few breaths. The knight's flesh and vitality are taken away to supplement his wounded body.

This is a typical practice of harming others and self-interest, but it is the true meaning of the demon. Regardless of the life and death of others, through killing and devouring, using the soul and vitality of others to quickly restore and advance, it is the practice that the cultivators have been used to for thousands of years.

"Devil, he is a demon!" Several knights blocking Han Shuo, watching the leader, were so scared and stunned by Han Shuo, they were all shocked, and one of the crowd shouted. .

Just Han Shuo’s evil practice is obviously beyond their understanding. Especially when Han Shuo’s left hand swallows flesh and blood, blood and broken bones splash, and Han Shuo’s demon-like left hand is like a human-like absorption scene. I feel uncomfortable.

Now Han Shuo has penetrated into this group of knights, because the road is not wide enough, the knight in front almost completely blocked the road.

Han Shuo’s speed has been slowed down. Han Shuo, who is already prepared for the brutal attack, suddenly finds that the enemies in the surrounding area are in a state of sluggishness, and they are looking at themselves with fear. There is no one who dares to start first.

Ps: The devil and the old book's enemies are a bit like, but not the same. The Promise of the Promise is the power of the real power, mainly to cultivate and increase their own cultivation. The transformation of the devil directly targets the flesh and the soul, the main role is to repair the body, to the soul to supplement the magic baby.