Great Demon King

Chapter 201: Old dog, come on!

With a snarl, Diablo's mentor, Edwin, is like a catkin, swinging from the ground to the sky. The drunken Academy Han Shuo pointed a knife that was generally stabbed, cut in the air, and made a "beep" sound.

The sly magic front, which was inserted directly into the Edwin vest, was pulled by a huge force and suddenly flew out of the body and landed at the distant ground.

Edwin, whose blood dripped from his back, looked like a magical manga in the sky, a singer of a magical spell, and a death hand appeared out of thin air. It was like a mountain, and it was pressed directly toward Han Shuo. The huge atmosphere was shrouded in Han Shuo. On the body, Han Shuo almost breathless.

With a heart and soul, the sly magic front that has already flown far away has turned into a flying rainbow in the direction of Han Shuo. "Magic nine days" suddenly spread out, when the hand of death pressed to the top of the head, Han Shuo is like a sharp arrow, piercing the huge atmosphere shrouded in his body, flying in the direction of Florida and other people fleeing And go.

The second hit, Edwin and himself have already opened the distance, just Edwin's speed from the ground flying the sky, significantly faster than the Emily of the magician realm.

If you are against Florida, Han Shuo’s strength may still be able to resist, but Edwin, a dark magician’s mentor, is definitely not able to deal with the current Han Shuo’s strength, so he immediately withdraws when the situation is not good. .

"Insidious young man, you must die!" Edwin over the air, hoarsely drank such a sentence, actually did not care Belinda, body straight to Han Shuo.

Playing is not a fight, but if you run away, the high speed and mobility of the "Magic Nine Days" immediately showed an advantage, gradually opening the distance with Edwin.

Suddenly, a group of ten people appeared in front of them, and the long-haired fluttering Florida floated in the void, and the masters of several rainbow trout mercenary groups below. Running lightning fast in the jungle.

This time, the rainbow troop mercenary group left the Ye Yao Valley, and the target should be Han Shuo, so they only sent a few masters. I know that I will be so lucky, and I met Edwin, the Dark Lord of the Devil with the grandfather of Florida, which ended in a miserable end.

Escape from one direction, Han Shuo's speed is obviously faster than several people in Florida. Being able to catch up with these people in the middle is also expected by Han Shuo.

Sneering sneer. Han Shuo, who is approaching from the rear, uses the mobility of "Magic Nine Days" and hangs on the land of Florida and others. With Han Shuo's singer, one after another, a bone spear, in the void, cold power generally shot to Florida.

"Damn!" Florida, who was escaping quickly, heard the whistling sound of a broken bone spear in the ear. He turned around and saw three bone spears, and shot at his back, and then found a sinister Han Shuo. I was sneering at myself and couldn’t help but cursing.

A glaring glare came from the magic wand in Florida, and the appearance of the lightsaber smashed the three bone spears. But at this time, the difference between floating surgery and Han Shuo's magical nine-day technique is revealed. The same sings of magic, Han Shuo's speed is unaffected. Drunk College, but the speed of Florida's rapid flight, has plummeted one of the three parties.

The strange winds in the distance are quickly approaching. Han Shuo understands that Edwin is approaching quickly, with a sly smile on his lips, and Han Shuo's speed slows down again. He still hangs behind Florida in the same way as the soul, once again sings the bone spear magic. Another three bone spears flew out.

Florida is not afraid of Han Shuo. However, he was very afraid of Edwin, if there was no Edwin chasing after him. Florida will certainly stop without hesitation and fight with Han Shuo in a thunderous way. However, now he obviously does not want to be caught by the comet Edwin because of Han Shuo, so he has to helplessly continue to defend, and the speed of flying quickly has dropped.

"Head, we will help you stop him, you should leave here first!" At this time, the masters of several rainbow trove mercenaries who had already rushed to the front of Florida, one of them screamed and suddenly fell in place. .

Just Edwin was strong and they all saw it. If they stayed, they might be able to block Han Shuo, but they must not escape Edwin’s poisonous hands. At this time, they said such a thing, it seems that they have already made a plan to die.

"That's good, I will definitely avenge you!" Florida really did not care about the hot-skinned characters, although some could not bear it, but still decisively agreed with a few people's proposal, swearing Han Shuo glance, then continue to be in full swing Forward.

The two strong scorpions suddenly aimed at Han Shuo, and the two mercenaries were sharp-eyed, making Han Shuo feel the danger of bones. The two sounds of "嗖嗖" broke through the air, and the two arrows carried the horrible waves, and they shot directly at the high altitude of Han Shuo with speed and accuracy beyond Han Shuo’s imagination.

Han Shuo, who was rushing forward, retired quickly and did not dare to step forward. In the process, several archer's bows and arrows were put on, and one branch was on Han Shuo. Compared with Belinda's archery technique, there is a clear difference. Even if Han Shuo has already flown high altitude, it is hard to escape. The threat underneath, have to back off again.

However, at this time Edwin's figure has been approached from a distance, and it seems that it will take a long time to get here.

Han Shuo hesitated, and he planned to immediately shift his direction. At this time, the mercenaries of the rainbow troop mercenary groups under him suddenly panicked. A group of milky white swordsmanship, bursting out in their center, I saw the ride on the lions above the lions, a cold-faced sword felling, the forced death of the rainbow servant group No energy to deal with Han Shuo.

"Tranks!" Han Shuo over the sky, suddenly seeing the following changes, surprised and stunned, high-altitude figure can not help but sigh.

"Through the sky, continue to catch up with Florida, the following tens of thousands of traitors, I will be responsible for helping you intercept. After returning to the Ye Yao Valley, we will continue to talk about it!" A brilliant smile, handsome and extraordinary Trunks, continue to ride the lions and attack the masters of the rainbow troop mercenary group. Drunk College

"Tranks, don't you deceive too much!" The former master of the rainbow troop mercenary group who spoke earlier, suddenly glared at Trunks.

"Deceive too much! Haha, the old head is so good to you, you are in Florida after the beast is in power. I don't ask him to be behind him, you still have a face and I say this now!" When it came to a funny joke, Trunks laughed, but the smile was even colder than the cold night wind, and the tone was full of bitter hatred.

Edwin’s figure is getting closer and closer. A sneer, Trunks, once again looked up at Han Shuo. He urged: "Brian, hurry up and leave here, it's best to kill Florida!"

"Well, the old monster behind is very difficult. If he comes over, you will immediately go out and don't touch him!" Han Shuo didn't know why Trunks hated Florida, but guessed it must be with the Rainbow Troopers. Related, these few followers of the Rainbow Trout Mercenary in Florida, it seems that they have known Trunks. This shows that there must be some connection between them.

Seeing that I can't catch up, I'm afraid it's too late. Because of the tyrannical trust of Trunks, Han Shuo is like a lightning strike through the sky and continues to catch up in the direction of Florida. Shortly after Han Shuo left, Edwin, who used the floating technique to catch up, suddenly flew over the sky.

Edwin just looked at it from below. I found that there was neither Florida nor Han Shuo, and I did not continue to stay. Followed by Han Shuo's body and flew out, it seems that he is not interested in the following Trunks and those of the Rainbow Troopers.

This Florida resort, Han Shuo has already learned, this person is not dead Han Shuo is a dream. The water in the ruined land is in the Sun Yat-sen Valley. Han Shuo needs to stay here for a while. When Florida is not dead, there will be endless troubles, so even if you don't have Fiji's hatred. Han Shuo also wants to let Florida die!

The magician's flying technique allowed Han Shuo to stay in the middle for a while, but when the magic force was pushed to the extreme, Han Shuo slowly caught up with Florida.

When the scream of the bone spear reappeared, Florida bleeds blood directly. He now clearly believes that Han Shuo will die with him and die in the hands of Edwin. The grievances really want to stop and fight with Han Shuo.

"What do you want to do, Edwin's old monster catches up, we can't escape!" The scene just repeated, using the lightsaber to block Han Shuo's bone spear, Florida's speed is slowing down once. Then he angered and angered. "Hey, my uncle, I am happy, I will die with you today!" These two days were sullenly suppressed by Florida, and now suddenly vented, Han Shuo has a kind of hearty feeling, haha ​​laughed and shouted.

Even if Edwin catches up, Han Shuo is confident that he can use the magic to escape. In addition, Han Shuo’s understanding of the spiritual power of the magician can confirm the time of Florida flight, and it will not last long, so he will deliberately do so.

"Mad, really **** is a madman!" Han Shuo's words, finally angry Florida, could not help but scream.

At this time, because of the slowdown in the shape of Florida and Han Shuo, Edwin's figure has appeared from behind, and the screaming laughter has also been passed first.

"Old dog, come over soon, I will wait for you!" Haha laughed, Han Shuo still had time to look back at Edwin, and loudly angered him.

"You better pray not to be caught by me, otherwise I will make you regret that you have lived!" Edwin, far away, was mad by an "old dog", as if the wound on the back was more painful.

Originally, Belinda shot an arrow on Han Shuo’s calf, which had already been pulled out by him. The toughness of Han Shuo’s body played a role, which stopped the blood of the wound, except for some minor pain. Master's actions have no effect.

When the three bone spears were fired again and Florida had to resist, Han Shuo took the opportunity to release the magic of dark fog. Originally in the night, except for a round of crescent moon, the sky does not appear too bright. When the magic of dark fog appears, the area centered on Han Shuo and Florida is completely shrouded in the darkness of reaching out.

"Damn!" Inside Florida, the magic wand in his hand stunned the light, but only able to illuminate the surrounding light. The magic against the bone spear was a bit confusing, and the speed of flying was slower.

"Kid, let me take your life first, let your grandfather pay back the debt that owes me!" Edwin finally arrived. Then Han Shuo was like a light smoke, and quickly disappeared in the direction of Yao Valley in the past. Only Florida, which had just blocked three bone spears, was left in front of him.

In front of the Dark Magi, Han Shuo will not stupidly hide the traces around him. The monster's enormous mental power is covered, and even the real dead are invisible. Therefore, Han Shuo only used the advantage of speed to leave this dangerous zone as soon as possible. Leave Florida to give him a mat.

After Han Shuo’s figure gradually faded, the magical effect of the dark fog disappeared. When Florida saw the bright moonlight, it reappeared in the cold night sky, and also saw that the seven-year-old smoke that Han Shuqi was planning to take. Edwin was opened.

"In the name of the **** of light, bind all the darkness, light and shackles!" When Florida saw Edwin, his heart was in chaos, and he didn't think that a light shackle of light magic was released.

The size of a hula hoop is bad. Shining with holy and beautiful light, rolling in the bright moonlight, surrounded Edwin in the center, that one light is full of pure light elements, with strong binding force.

"The young boy is very young, and he has such a high degree of accomplishment in the magic of light. If it is time, it will become a big worry for our natural disaster church. It seems that today you must not let you leave alive!" Facing the **** of light and bad, Diablo's mentor Edwin is not in a hurry. Just the horrible face of Han Shuo’s anger, he has returned to calm.

A dark magic sings out, Edwin waved his magic wand toward the bright shackles of the ground, a powerful force, like tearing everything. The two light defects that are close to one step ahead are crushed.

Suddenly. A few of the remaining lights were broken, and they suddenly came together. Then the power of the thunderbolt rises, and every light breaks up and suddenly bursts into the radiant lightning. It was only a bright shackle that bound the enemy. It instantly became a powerful killing weapon that destroyed everything, and Edwin was swept in.

"Oh, sure enough, there is a hand that can combine the magic of the lightning system with the bright shackles of the light system." In the direction of the radiant current and the glaring light, the direction of Edwin, which was completely covered, came out Whisper.

Then, the black magical hood covered Edwin completely, and the three dead hands appeared out of thin air, grabbing the shackles of light that covered him, and screaming hard at all. Tear open, the lasing current seems to be unable to affect the hand of death.

"Hey," a burst of blood spouted in the mouth of Florida, and then continued to run wildly, seemingly not willing to stay here.

This magic, which combines the light system and the lightning system, is obviously beyond his control. The reversal of the magical power consumption has immediately caused a heavy blow to his body. However, such a powerful and magical blow is actually easily broken by Edwin, a level gap, the distance above the strength is really difficult to pass, Florida knows that for a moment, he must not escape.

It took the magic of Florida's full strength, and although Edwin was hard-boiled, it obviously took him a little time. When Edwin used his strength to remove all the magical power, it was discovered that Florida disappeared again.

At this time, Florida’s mental energy was huge, and even when it was flying, the body was crumbling. However, after a long journey of chasing, the Japanese Yao Valley finally appeared in the front. As long as there was a little time, he would be able to enter the day. Valley.

Regardless of how the Garro mercenary group and Florida are intriguing, but some rules of the Rizhao Valley Iron, the Galois Mercenary Corps had to comply. So once Florida enters the Yoshiro Valley, anyone who squats in the Sun Yat-sen Valley will face all attacks.

In addition, the large troop of the Rainbow Troopers is in the Nikko Valley, so as long as you enter the Yeats Valley, even Edwin will have nothing to do with Florida.

Then, just as he saw the Rizhao Valley Fence, Han Shuo’s body with a cold and ridiculous smile also appeared in his sight, just stuck in his imperative road, obviously not intending to let him live. Go in!