Great Demon King

Chapter 258: Base area

A steep cliff, surrounded by clouds, can not see the bottom, the evening glow of the clouds like the clouds lining the sky, the cliffs shine like a large red burning iron.

The cliff is a long way from the Sun Valley, and it is not uncommon in the cliffs of the Korland Mountains. The bare cliffs are full of strange stones and no plants.

Standing on the top of the cliff, Han Shuo jumped down and fell down in the clouds, and a breathing time settled on a large piece of raised rock.

This piece of rock is in the middle of the cliff. There are thick white smog on the top and bottom. The rock is horizontally protruding to have a large flat land. Although it is steep, it is not dangerous to pay attention to it.

"Who?" exclaimed, a brave man with a shirtless upper body and a beard with a beard, holding a sharp axe forged by the dwarves, and staring at Han Shuo badly.

"I am looking for Trunks." Han Shuo said with a smile.

The Enemy Mercenary Corps is on a broad flat surface below the cliff. On the flat ground where the clouds are floating, the rich fog is not affected by the influence, and it does not spread to the central part, but the upper and lower sides of the flat are white. It looks very strange.

Rows of bamboo-made houses are spread over the flat ground. On a large football field, many bare-armed mercenaries are practicing martial arts. There are also some wide caves excavated behind them, which can also be used as a living room.

This flat land is magical. The upper and lower sides are filled with dense fog. The central part is simply woven with sound insulation and has a natural barrier of dense fog. No one can find this flat land covered by thick fog in midair. But in the flat, the air is fresh and the fog is not seen, it is a good place to be quiet and hidden.

The soft girl in Han Shuo’s hand has been restrained by her, and she cannot see it. When Han Shuo fell to the ground, he immediately sensed the existence of Black Dragon Gilbert.

"Premier master. You are finally here!" In the center of the show, the skin is black and green like Gilbert. The naked muscles were black and bright, and the two mercenaries who had been entangled were thrown away and yelled toward Han Shuo.

The man with a sharp axe, not looking good at Han Shuo’s strong man. Upon seeing Gilbert, he yelled at Han Shuo’s master. Immediately grin, friendly: "Your weapon is very easy to use, thank you."

Because Han Shuo was also provoked by the Church of Light and the Church of the Scourge, in order to guard against the two churches, Han Shuo did not let Trunks express his identity. For these mercenaries, Han Shuo was only a good friend of Trunks. I don't know the real insider. Lei

"You're welcome, where is Trunks?" Han Shuo nodded. Ask this brawny road.

"He has something to go out, he should be able to come back at night, the noble master, you can come back." Gilbert was naked and walked all the way. Many mercenaries on the ground. I can hear his broken voice, and many people come out of the bamboo house and the cave. Amazed to look at Han Shuo.

Gilbert should stay here for a while, and even if his black dragon's tyrannical body is turned into a human form, it is not the mercenaries that can be dealt with. It seems that Gilbert must have established among these people for this period of time. Strong image.

Such a powerful figure, so humblely called Han Shuo as the master, immediately stunned the mercenaries who remained on the ground. They naturally couldn’t help but want to see how the characters who can surrender to Gilbert are so powerful. !

"Thank you for your weapon, it's very easy to use!"

"Yes, this wide sword is really great, it is a weapon forged by the dwarves!"

"Yes, yes, my double-edged weight is just too good, thank you!"

He screamed and shouted from the mouths of these mercenaries, looking at Han Shuo’s eyes one by one, all with gratitude and friendliness. It seems that the weapons brought by Black Dragon Gilbert are indeed very satisfying to these mercenaries. .

"You're welcome, I am the best friend with Trunks, huh, huh!" Han Shuo nodded friendlyly and looked at the mercenaries with a gaze.

The mercenaries who stayed on this flatland had about a hundred people who had seen Han Shuo’s eyesight. These mercenaries looked mature and calm, and the swordsmen occupied most of them. Another ten magicians added thirty. Many archers, from the perspective of their momentum, should be good and unyielding.

Compared with the group of robbers led by Janet, the mercenaries of the same hundred people of the Mercenary Mercenary, the strength is even more outstanding, some of them are slightly older and seem a little mercenary mercenary, Han Shuo last time at the door When the Luo family met, they knew that these people were formerly the Rainbow Troopers. Their kind of calm and unrestrained temperament made Han Shuo look more.

"Hey, you call Brian, huh, since you are the owner of Gilbert, then you must have superb strength, are you interested in coming to play?" A veteran mercenary about one meter tall and naked, naked The upper body muscles were raised high, and a one-meter-long broad sword was twisted with one hand. Han Shuo looked at the eyes and issued an invitation.

When he spoke, as if to prove his strength, the giant sword held in his right hand waved easily, and the dark blue temper suddenly emerged, and a fierce swordman loomed.

"Alright!" Anyway, Trunks has not returned yet. In order to show his identity in the future, there is no obstacle, and a strong image is deeply engraved in their hearts. It should be the most effective way.

Han Shuo walked toward the martial arts field and untied the upper body of the clothes. It was also naked on itself. The height of one meter and eight is a piece of muscle carved like a knife and axe. It is full of vigorous power, the muscle lines and The perfect coordination of the size is definitely formed naturally after tempering.

As soon as the clothes themselves faded, some of the mercenaries who watched around immediately shouted, and each one was excited and shouted: "Grant, you are in trouble."

They are all people who know the goods. From the perfect combination of the strength and the lines of Han Shuo's own muscles, it is known that this coordinated and strong body is the most suitable for combat. The weight of the Grant's muscles with the giant sword is large, but the muscles of some small pieces are not obvious. With his body, the muscles can have strong explosive power, but the speed is inevitably affected.

On the other hand, Han Shuo, every muscle is so obviously coordinated, even the most difficult part of the muscles on both sides of the waist bar, the knife axe is generally shaped, this perfectly coordinated muscle shape is the most suitable for combat.

Grant also showed a surprised expression. He saw Han Shuo coming from an empty hand. He slammed the giant sword in his hand and threw it aside. He said: "So, we don't apply vindictiveness, purely based on the physical strength. Let's plan."

"As you wish!" Han Shuo laughed and walked toward Grant, not mentioning the slightest magical power.

Grant Yixi, not waiting for Han Shuo to come close, an accelerated run, the body of a meter of nine rushed to Han Shuo, grinning his fists, straight to Han Shuo.

To everyone's surprise, Han Shuo came back without any action, staring at the iron fist, and his mouth still had a strange smile.


The bombardment of the drums was generally muffled. From Han Shuo’s body, Grant’s imposing punch fell on Han Shuo’s chest. Han Shuo’s body stood still, and even the smile on his face was unchanged.

"Oh, my God, is your body cast in steel?" On the contrary, Grant, who hit Han Shuo, punched his fist and swayed his fist, looking like a miserable look.

"Hey!" Han Shuo shot like a lightning bolt, slamming Grant's shoulder and slamming it. The one-nine-nine-shaped scorpion-shaped man, the feathers flew up in the air, swaying a few meters in the air, just falling on a large cushion. Above.

Easily swept a few mercenaries next to him, Han Shuo said: "There is also a brother who tried it, whether it is a physical attack or a vindictive magic, I can accompany it!"

As soon as this was said, the mercenaries of some of the Enemy Mercenary Groups, one by one, were speechless, a dull appearance, and looked at Han Shuo with surprise, but no one stood up.

"Wow, you fools, actually compete with my master for the flesh. In the taboo of the dark forest, my great master has beaten the most powerful golden dragon, and you guys are crazy!" Gil Burt smugly stunned, and the mercenaries who were surprised were even more shocked and stunned.

"Great master, come here, how come you bring me a woman, you are more and more considerate now!" Gilbert screamed, suddenly found that Han Shuo was left behind. The woman, excited to go over.

"Stand up, this woman can't touch, I have a big purpose. She is a female robber, Janet, I have to rely on her to talk to Janet!" Han Shuo glanced at Gilbert and yelled.

When Han Shuo called, Gilbert immediately became honest. At this time, there was a scream of wind on the cliff. After a while, Trunks took a group of Odyssey and fell from above.

"Hey, you can come!" When Terences saw Han Shuo, he immediately smiled and said that when he went to Han Shuo, his eyes glanced unintentionally, and suddenly he looked at the man who was Han Shuo. The looming girl, the look is strange to the extreme.

Half-sounding, Trunks yelled an "Annie" and went crazy to the girl. Some people next to some of the original rainbow trout mercenary groups were ecstatic first, then looked at the girl with some doubts and muttered: "Not quite right!"