Great Demon King

Chapter 499: You are a scorpion who is looking for a

Han Shuo walked out of the field step by step, and his eyes seemed to be unintentionally aiming at the ice **** Branch, and his heart was ready to make an explosion.

Unlike natural gods, Han Shuo is the kind of person who does not falsify the means. The despicable behavior of this sneak attack is generally not self-respecting, but Han Shuo will not be in charge of the mess, as long as he can reinvent the enemy, Han Master does not hesitate to resort to any means.

In the battle with the Temple of Ice and Snow, the reason why Han Shuo can prevail, destroy the god-making plan of the Ice and Snow Temple, and kill the holy-level powerhouse of the Ice and Snow Temple, thanks to the practice of Han Shuo.

The natural gods and the ice and snow temples have been fighting for many years. Not only have they been driven out of the Kathy Empire, but they have also suffered heavy losses. That is because the religious organization of nature is too bright and has no such means of savage and ferocious.

Han Shuo, who hides the whole body, has all the fluctuations in the flesh and the same as an ordinary person. The magic power is silent in the baby, and it is not forbearing. The gods are empty and there are no strong signs. Everything is done with ordinary people. Generally ordinary.

It’s a bit like laughing and not looking at Han Shuo’s Kelly. Seeing Han Shuo slowly moving towards Ice God, it seems to have guessed Han Shu’s heart, and the corner of his mouth evokes a strange smile, as if Han Shuo’s cover is general, opening to Corey. Road: "So, this time, how are you going to deal with me?"

"Ha!" Ice God Cory looked up and smiled as if he felt that Kelly was very interesting. He saw that Cory looked at the snow **** Tiana at the auction house and immediately smiled and looked at Kelly. Zhengzheng said: "Although we have no explicit restrictions on the two sides, but many years ago, they also have a tacit understanding. The heads of the two sides generally do not easily set foot on the other party's power center. This time, you quietly came to the capital of the Kathy Empire, which is a violation of tacit understanding. It is also natural for us to take your shots. *****"

"Oh!" Suddenly, Brak, who is about to leave the auction house. Looking back at the seemingly honest Han Shuo, then the exit reminded: "The ancestors. The fat man is a very dangerous person!"

When this was said, when I was planning to move closer to Ice God, I suddenly seemed like a **** sun. The whole body violently explodes a scarlet blood awn.

Han Shuo's marble floor shattered in an instant. His whole body was like a raging big hedgehog. His body was covered with blood and sharp edges. Like a sharp spike on the big hedgehog, he suddenly slammed into the ice god.

This time, the violent incident occurred suddenly, when Han Shuo’s blood was booming. Ice God Core has instantly known who he is facing! after all. Han Shuo’s magical work is too special. Any strong person who has handed him a hand will never forget that special power.

Once Ice God Core knew that this sudden attacker was Han Shuo, he immediately concentrated on the enemy. I don't even have time to think about why Han Shuo will appear here.

The hand-held sword was on the ice **** branch, the brow was deep and locked, and the unprecedented dignity, when Han Shuo hit it, his pupil slammed and suddenly vacated. Such as a fierce super-order World of Warcraft, Han Shuo a hit, all-round bursts of blood. The momentum climbed to the top. Along the way, the marble floor was crushed into stone chips, and the strange sound of “啪啪” was heard in the air.

If this hit is a real hit. Han Shuo guarantees that Ice God will die, but unfortunately Han Shuo is ready to launch a horror blow, because Braques has to remind him that he has to start in advance, because the distance and time are not in the best state, there is a evasion in Ice God Local time, Han Shuo wants to hit the Ice God Branch is not likely. ^^ starting


The top masters decided to fight, a small negligence can reverse the overall situation, although Han Shuo missed a chance to kill the ice **** Corey, but because Han Shuo also calculated this time, and the ice **** Ke Li body injury has not disappeared Therefore, Han Shuo still has the upper hand.

Fiercely slammed into the ice **** Ke Lidi Han Shuo, suddenly like a high-bombed big ball, violently rushing to the sky, hundreds of powerful blood like a sharp blade usually smashed out, like dozens of large scissors To the ice **** Corey, catch up with Ice God in the air.

At this time, the ice gods are inevitable, knowing that if this is not answered, then Han Shuo will follow suit, and a series of more fierce attacks will come, he will bear more hot attacks. Therefore, when I just flew into the sky, Ice God Cory had condensed all the divine power in the body, and the most simple straight slammed down.

For a time, the cold current spread all over the corner of the auction floor. As the ice **** Keli waved in his hand, the sound of "squeaky" came from the air, as if the space was frozen by the ice, and the sword was straight. The next is forced to cut the same. \\\\\\\\\\

Han Shuo’s violent spurt hit the ice **** Cory, and immediately sensed the spatial change. He really felt the impact of a sword in the ice **** on the space. It was like a lightning bolt to the ice god. Corey’s offensive, the speed was obviously affected.

At the same time, Han Shuo screamed and didn’t know what to do. The **** horns of the snakes suddenly entangled each other and became a dragon.

In this way, the scattered forces are concentrated together, and the dragon-shaped strike is like a broken bamboo. The sound of the "beep" in the air is more vigorous, and it slams into the long sword that comes from the ice god.

The explosion of the landslide broke out from the auction floor. The two deities of the gods and the hands of Yu Wei stirred up. The space was like a real fragmentation, and even the entire auction site could not withstand the collapse.

Brak, who had previously arrived at the door, twisted his mouth and nose, but this was because the Paladin Sulu took a shot. \\\\\\\\\\

In addition, some celebrities who have not completely withdrawn from the auction site were instantly killed by a dozen in the hits of Han Shuo and Bing Shenke. Some people are physically intact, and the internal organs are completely rotted, and some people are also ruined. Was bombarded by the real Yu Wei, and was on the spot.

Just a hit, a good auction site is like a collapsed mine, which has become a terrible scene of **** on earth. The stones of the size of the head are smashed down, and there are still a few strengths that have not died. The dignitaries, one by one, screamed and fled.

Paladin Sulu looked blank and looked at Han Shuo as if he saw a demon coming out of hell. He couldn’t help but pull Brak, who was like a wooden chicken, and dragged him out.

Contrary to the conservative practice of natural gods, Han Shuo once he saw the opportunity, no matter how much damage it caused, those of the Cassidy empire were killed and killed, Han Shuo did not care, decisive shot Can kill but kill, can not kill but also seriously hurt you!

This is where Han Shuo is terrible than natural gods!

Two equally powerful enemies, one of which has a lot of scruples, the other is the means of accomplishing the goal, the omnipotent, the terrible, at a glance!

Under one blow, the body of Ice God Core under the strong inertia, directly broke the roof of the auction to fly high, which is also an important reason for the collapse of the auction site.

In contrast, Han Shuo, his feet buried deep in the depths of the earth, looking up at the top of the head, staring at the ice **** that is a white point, seems to be ready to prepare for a more fierce blow, for The boulder that fell around it turned a blind eye, and the rock was as calm.

At this moment, Han Shuo’s mediocre and noble momentum disappeared. Although his appearance did not change, he gave everyone a terrible sense of fierceness like a sword. In the past, some Druid Lilans, who looked at Han Shuo’s back, was incredulously covering his mouth with his hand. He looked at Han Shuo like a monster, and his heart was filled with fear and fear.

Fortunately, fortunately, we did not rob him of the goddess, otherwise, I am afraid that even the sage can not restrain him, this person, who is this person? How is it so horrible?

As if to know what Lilans thought, Kelly, the strong **** of nature, looked dignified and looked at Han Shuo: "Lancelot Empire, Breit City City Lord Brian, really worthy of the name!"

"Brian? Is he? The young master who defeated two holy powers?" Lilans exclaimed, and it seems that Han Shuo’s identity is also known.

"In addition to the legendary Brian owners who have exotic martial arts, I really can't think of anyone else!" Kelly looked at Han Shuo with dignity and asked: "Yes? Brian City Lord?"

At this point, Han Shuo knew that his identity could no longer be concealed, so he cleaned up the appearance as it was, and smiled heartily: "Yes, Kelly Sage, I helped you, oh, that ice god, this The next child can hurt and hurt!"

"Oh? Thank you, huh, huh." Kelly smiled and looked at Han Shuo, his eyes flashing and looking at the ice gods that slowly landed on the top of his head, I don't know what to think.

"Sure enough?" Above the top of the head, the misty snow **** Tiana, staring coldly at Han Shuo below.

"Oh, it’s been a long time since I saw you, and you are a scorpion who is looking for a glory!" Han Shuo stared at Tiana with a sinister poison and cursed.