Great Demon King

Chapter 50: brutal reality

First, a shrill scream, followed by a variety of noises, coming from a house on the left side of the alley. For a while, Claude, who looked at his clothes, was dragged out by several people.

Irene was angry and stared at Crowder's teeth and angered a few words. She hated to say: "Claude, you are really disgusting, I will never want to see you again, Katie, let's go."

Up to now, Han Shuo knows that his purpose has been achieved and there is no need to continue to stay. When he saw that Irene and Katie quickly came to this side, they quickly hid their bodies and returned to the hotel without delay.

After coming to the hotel, Han Shuo washed it and sat down on the bed to start practicing magic. The magical force of the inch of the pioneering meridians, Han Shuo bite the body of the pain of the cone, over and over again in the way of "to expand the pulse" to run magic.

In the process of cultivation of this magical power, because it is often accompanied by unbearable pain, Han Shuo’s heart is also persevered from the previous arbitrariness, whether it is willpower or perseverance to pain, Han Shuo has been greatly improved.

Unconsciously, the character and mind of Han Shuo’s whole person has changed with the cultivation of magical power. At the same time as the strength gradually improved, Han Shuo, who used to be afraid of shrinking things, has undergone tremendous changes. The whole person’s understanding and understanding of things is quite different from the original one.

The dull "tread" sound suddenly sounded from Han Shuo's heart. Han Shuo suddenly stopped practicing the magic power, and held his breath and noticed that the whole body's function was in a state of stagnation.

"Treading" sounds from far to the present, from the intersection of Doro Town and the dark forest south, from the boring and rhythm of the landing sound, Han Shuo can judge that this should come from a fast speed of Warcraft, this Warcraft The weight is definitely a little heavier than the horse, and the number should be quite a lot.

Wrinkled, Han Shuo thought for a while, walked out of the hotel, and slowly walked in the direction of the Warcraft sound, want to see what is the case.

Just when Han Shuo had just left the hotel and came to the South Street of Doro Town, the two figures were also a panic, this is an old thin wizard, and a female elf archer with a green ear. When the two of them arrived here, they looked at Han Shuo with a look of surprise, as if they did not expect Han Shuo to be here.

"Little guy, how are you here?" The thin mage looked at Han Shuo and smiled and asked.

From the cautious attitude of these two people, Han Shuo understood that they should also be aware of the abnormalities in the South. They thought about it. Han Shuo was slightly stunned and replied: "The distinguished Master, I separated from my companion, they said that they would I am coming back these days, so I am waiting here."

The old mage nodded and frowned and thought about it. He said to the female elf archer next to him: "Blanch, you go to explore and see if it is an orc wolf cavalry. Every year when it is about to enter the winter, they will always The wolf cavalry was dispatched and looted in the village of the empire.

However, the town of Doro is special. There are a lot of adventurers and mercenaries. Over the years, the orcs never sent wolf cavalry to attack Doro Town. Why is this so weird, and it’s been a long time since winter. ! ”

"Okay, Mr. Felix." The female elf archer named Blanche, listening to the old Master Felix, immediately went south, like a gust of wind drifting from Han Shuo.

"Little guy, this town of Doro is not quite flat. Now it’s late at night. You should go back to rest early. Your companion should come back to you after you come back. It’s not necessary to wait until you wait.” Felix smiled. Looking forward to Han Shuo, and voiced persuasion.

"Well, then I will go back first." Han Shuo calmly replied, after the sound fell, he went to the direction of the hotel.

After Han Shuo walked away, Felix eccentrically stared at Han Shuo’s back thinking, and half a ring said to himself: "It should be my heart, how can this young man be more than my wind magician? Sensing power is great!"

When Han Shuo returned to the hotel, I saw a few of the roads, coming out from the nearby pub hotel, with the same amazing expression on his face, and quickly went to the South Street. It also seemed to be aware of the movement, thinking Go to the South Street to see what happened.

"Brian, I am looking for you a little things, you come with me!" On the way back to the hotel, Han Shuo met the Claude on the street leading to the hotel. Now Claude looks cloudy and looks like a mood. It should be extremely poor.

There was an unpredictable hunch in Han Shuo’s heart. From Claude’s body, Han Shuo felt his strong anger. Claude’s eyes were calm, but his teeth were slightly chewed. Shuo felt the strong ups and downs of his mood.

Looking at Crowder slyly, Han Shuo thought about it quickly. At this time, Han Shuo already understood that his actions in the pub were too reckless. After Crowder was awake, he must have noticed the condition of the body. He must have guessed that it must be a problem caused by the purple lyre in the hotel. Claude was not a stupid person. At the time, only Irene and him were on the table. Lin will certainly not do this kind of thing, and think of the sudden fall of the waiter, Crowder must have guessed the passing of things.

"Okay." Han Shuo thought carefully, knowing that he was going to suffer this time, and he was ready to be criticized by Claude. He followed Crowder and gradually walked out of Doro Town. Came to a jungle in the southwest of Doro Town.

The moonlight swayed in the jungle, and there were only a few squeaks of insects around it. However, Han Shuo, who is sensitive to the ear, can hear the deep breathing of Crowder's anger.

It seems that there is not a single beat, Han Shuo smiled, but did not feel too terrible, anyway, Han Shuo has been used to this time, for his physical condition Han Shuo knows very well, know the general assault fundamental damage No, he is still calm.


Han Shuo, who was smiling and thinking about it, was caught off guard and was slammed to the left by a slap fan. Fortunately, Han Shuo’s body is far more than ordinary people, and he has stabilized himself in a panic. The cheeks smiled and looked at Crowder.

"Damn servant, pig, what are you, dare to yin me." Crowder’s strong anger finally broke out, looking at Han Shuo with a stern look, the usual sunshine has disappeared in the clouds. It is.

"After 噼 ”" a rain-like attack, all fell to Han Shuo's body, Han Shuo held his head with both hands, and did not resist, just to bear the wrath of Claude Thunder, and finally burst into the ground, it seems that already Unbearable.

"How, is it painful? But I won't let you die so simple. Do you know who I am? I am the son of Bob Aski, the head of the Imperial Griffin Army, Claude Aski, you. The **** chores even dare to sin me, destroying the good things that I have with Irene, I will let you try the pain, slowly die, ah haha." Claude stared at Han Shuo, sneer and took out his body. Long sword, step by step toward Han Shuo.

Until this time, Han Shuo finally understood. He has always made a mistake. Whether it is for Fitch or Buck, his approach is extremely dangerous. As a servant, no matter who killed him, he would not bear much risk. Even if Buck killed him, I am afraid that at least the Babylonian School of Veterans blamed a few words for compensation for some gold coins.

Han Shuo thought that this kind of thing would be beaten up by Claude at most, but now the result finally makes Han Shuo realize the cruelty of reality. Claude will not only let him die this time. And let him die and die, this is the cruel reality.

It is also at this moment that Han Shuo really understands what kind of world it is. Status and class are deeply ingrained. The huge difference between the two people allows Crowder to kill him without any scruples, and does not need to bear too much responsibility. The reason why Crowder wants to call him to this uninhabited jungle is that he does not want to destroy his noble identity and temperament. Even if Crowder wants to kill him in the downtown town of Doro, no one will be surprised. .

Growth always comes at a price. Han Shuo curled up and lay on the ground. His mouth still mourned for mercy. A heart that was only slightly evil thoughts began to slowly become cold and hard.

"I will take you out for a few paragraphs, let you scream and bleed, and try your pain a little bit. You must remember your identity in the next life. You are just a servant, never try to challenge the superior. The temper." Claude sneer sneered, the long sword in his hand, stabbed to the chest of Han Shuo, who had already lost his resistance to the ground.

At this time, the constant mourning sound suddenly disappeared, Han Shuo's curly rolling body suddenly moved to the foot of Crowder's feet, and Crowd was caught off guard by the speed.

When Crowder wanted to avoid it, he suddenly made a scream of screaming. He saw a few steel needles tied down from his feet and directly nailed his feet to the ground. A bit of painful pain came from the lower abdomen. Crowder looked down and found a dagger in his lower abdomen. Han Shuo looked at him coldly and indifferently. The eyes in his eyes made Claude feel very strange.

"I am the son of the head of the Griffin Army. You **** the servant, dare to hurt me?" Claude was sore and painful, and his voice was weak and shouted.

"Thank you, let me know the cruelty of reality. It is because of your noble status that I will not only hurt you but also kill you!"

Indifferent to say such words, in Crowder's fear of shouting, Han Shuo has another steel needle in his right hand, directly piercing Crowder's throat.