Great Demon King

Chapter 534: Soaring strength

Ren Han Shuo wants to break his head and doesn't understand the soul shuttle space. Just a few seconds, what kind of magical event happened, can make such a strange, but it makes him ecstatic!

The lower **** Dadala, the death **** base Heili, the original imprints of the two evil souls were all erased, replaced by Han Shuo's memory consciousness.

That is to say, from this moment on, the next **** Dada, the death **** base Heili, will disappear forever. Their souls are occupied by Han Shuo's demon, in a way that Han Shuo can't understand, attached to the scorpion's magical front and the scepter's staff, so that Han Shuo has three souls, forming the so-called body incarnation of the magic road.

The lower **** Dadala has become a lower **** with the ability to plunder power as the source. However, after all, the looting power is not as good as all the planes of the eight elements. After he has become a lower god, he has made slow progress and can no longer go further in tens of thousands of years.

Five thousand years ago, the battle that covered all the strong players in the Chio continent, Dadala, the plundering subordinate god, also participated, but Dadala did not stand on either side, just waiting for a thief to plunder . In the end, he was destroyed by a median **** who refined the laws of life in the natural church, and the soul was sealed in the eyes of the purple magical condensed by his corpse.

The gods who cultivate the power of life are not forced to do anything, and generally do not make things that are devastating. In addition, Dadara did not mix with the evil gods led by the death system, so he I was lucky enough to escape. It was only sealed and sent back to the forest trolls.

After all, Dadala is also a god, although it has been sealed with an eye mask. His divine power is still there. In the long history of 5,000 years, the forest trolls have always believed in Dadala, so even if they are sealed, due to the power of faith contributed by the forest trolls, Dadala Still slowly gaining power.

In the seal, I don’t want to rush out of the Dada, and I was torn through the eye mask in the forest troll holy place, and it was dug out and placed in his hollow hole. At that time, Dadala was ecstatic and immediately tried to seize the souls of Han Shuo and Xiao Xiao.

Later, Xiao Yan and Han Shuo couldn't bear it. Han Shuo reminded Xiao Xiao to wear the goggles of Dadara. The seal of Dada's eye mask felt the nature of Dadala's looting. Finally, the one would The power of the median **** who cultivated the power of life was released, and immediately ruined Dadala.

is also like this. Dadala suffered a lot of hard work and settled a few Japanese books. Slowly, after the last force was released, the seal that sealed his eyes finally lost the power of the seal. Xx first x hair x was injured once in Dada, did not dare to act recklessly, for fear of suffering another irreparable blow. Always waiting for a suitable opportunity.

Han Shuo’s use of God’s knowledge to transmit memory to Xiaoyan’s time is precisely the long-awaited opportunity of Dada’s long-suffering, so he will suddenly start to contact Han Shuo’s and Xiao’s soul. At the crucial moment, all of them are occupied by one temper.

If there is no later death, the foundation **** Haley joins, Dada, who has been forbearing for a long time, has successfully occupied the souls of Han Shuo and Xiao Xiao.

Unfortunately, his luck does not seem to be very good, and eventually Han Shuo is cheaper, and he is working together with the evil spirits. Wipe out his soul master. Han Shuo’s knowledge of the devil forms a complete memory consciousness, replacing all of his soul. The murderous soul in the enchanted magic front merges into one, and the scorpion magic body forms the body incarnation.

He not only did not get anything, but also accompanied everything. Memory, divine power, and soul, under the combined attack of Han Shuo and the murderous soul, were completely occupied by Han Shuo, and all of them were reached by Han Shuo, so that the sorcerer’s magic was forged by magic power and combined with the ruinless elements. The murderer has become a demon of the destructive system with magical features, extremely magical and strange!

Haley is also similar. He was cultivated by the soul of a soulless magician. After a long and long period of time, Haley was trained to become the foundation of death. In the Valley of the Dead, where he lives, there is a huge monument of dead souls that I did not know how to form. The soul of the dead has the function of gathering elements of death, but it seems that it cannot be removed from the Valley of the Dead. He found the magic of the Valley of the Dead and stayed there. Accelerate the gathering and cultivation of elements of death through the soul of the soul.

From the memory of Haley, Han Shuo has obtained a lot of useful information. The Haley of the realm of the gods is cultivated by the necromancer. He uses far more than Han Shuo for the use and understanding of the elements of death. After all his memory was occupied, he had not been able to release the aging enchantment before, and some unseen knowledge of the undead magic, all suddenly clear.

This is the second time to possess the soul of a death mage. The last time was Crowder, which made Han Shuo directly become a magician and learned a lot of unintelligible knowledge. This is called the death of the sea. The understanding of the knowledge of the undead magic is far from being comparable to that of Claude. Many of them are difficult to understand the knowledge of the spirit.

I don’t know what happened in the empty tunnel at that time. Han Shuo also wiped out the soul of Haley’s soul. The gods know all the memories and forcibly occupy the consciousness and memory of Heili’s original soul. The foundation, with the shackles as the body, has formed another body incarnation with the strength of the gods. ||首-发||

At the same time, the secrets of the other two skulls in the scepter were also merged with Han Shuo, the soul of the body, until this time, Han Shuo discovered that one of the two skulls was about some undead magic knowledge. The realization and understanding, another skull details all the secrets formed and used in the death cemetery, including how to carry out the plane transmission through the scorpion staff...

The original owner of the scepter was a median **** of death. His knowledge and understanding of the knowledge of the undead magic was completely suitable for Han Shuo, the death-based **** who had seized all the memories of Haley and then practiced. This is simply a perfect thing.

The only thing that Han Shuo regrets is that the death cemetery was not made by the owner of the original scepter. He only knows how to use it but cannot recreate one.

The death cemetery was created by the main **** of the death system and distributed as a tool to the gods. Let his men and women of all sizes pass through the death cemetery to all planes, spreading death and destruction, increasing the faith of the Lord God, and making him more powerful in the process of death.

As long as you find a plane-transmitting array in the abyss, or another death cemetery, the memory that Han Shuo now gets from the scepter can be used to shuttle the plane by coordinates. When thinking about it, the way back is Far away, but once you find the plane of the plane. It has become very simple again.

"Father, father..."

The consciousness of Xiaoyan came from the mind, Han Shuo stunned, and immediately responded, and hurriedly worried: "How, you have nothing?"

"No, just. My soul is separated from my body." Xiaoxuan replied, paused. Xiaoyan suddenly wondered: "Father, how do I feel. You become three people, this is how it is." What about the other two forces? They, where did they go?"

From the beginning of the soul shuttle, Han Shuo’s knowledge is only for Dadala and Haley. Xiao Yan did not participate in the fierce and ultimate soul war from beginning to end. When his soul came out in the space tunnel, he returned to normal. It was only the aftermath of Han Shuo and Dada's last soul shock.

"Haha, there are no three people, only me." Han Shuo is cool. Not much explanation. Road: "Come on, we return to the undead world. I will return your soul."

This time, Han Shuo’s body did not move. It was shot by the incarnation of the body with the shackles and the Haley soul. After a brilliance flashed, the scepter was still in the palm of the hand, but the main soul has crossed The plane of the plane descended to the undead world. The body of the skeleton, the big bones still on the shoulders of the little skeleton, just after losing the soul, the two without any consciousness appear a bit weird.

Han Shuo and Xiao Xiao’s two souls fell in, and the two cockroaches returned to life again. The purple magic eye in the left eye hole of the little cockroach was broken, and a little purple starlight was sucked in by the bones of Xiaoyan’s jade. .

Now, Han Shuo is the soul of the death system. This soul has a wonderful sense of death. When the Korean soul moves, the death element will agglutinate and release the power with all kinds of wonderful magic.

However, although this soul has all the memory of Han Shuo, consciousness, memory and the body of the gods, this soul is not a **** after all, Han Shuo can not instill his memory into the small through this death system. Hey, memory transmission must be achieved through the knowledge of magical power.

Han Shuo did not rush at a time, the body that was condensed with death elements, to look at the death army that came with Heili in the distance.

There has not been any change here. In front of the corpse of the corpse of the corpse, a cloud of green smoke is suspended, and the three scorpions and two skull dragons are quietly waiting for the master's orders.

Han Shuo, who absorbed all of the soul power of Haili, abandoned the body that had previously been gathered up, turned into a shadow book and fell into the green mist of smoke. The green mist that had been lingering gradually dispersed, revealing a Diamond-shaped green crystals.

The rhomboid green crystal is the body shape of Haley, but after the combination of Han Shuo's soul and the scorpion wand, this green crystal, which is highly condensed by the death element, is no longer needed. This crystal is the same as the original crystal of the element. The only difference is that it can be fused through the body. Once the creature of death is cultivated, the body and the green crystal merge to form the body of the death element.

Han Shuo does not need it, but Vanni is a necromancer who is extremely in need. As long as Han Shuo knows a set of methods for the body forging in the abyss, once he returns to the Chio continent, he passes this green crystal that is already an elemental body. It is possible to make Vanni a form of elemental body.

Han Shuo’s soul wrapped the green crystal and exuded the majesty from Haley. The three kings and two skull dragons, including those of high-level undead, immediately surrendered and did not dare to move.

The memory of Haley’s soul is all occupied by Han Shuo. This moment is Haley. Those undead creatures naturally have to be quiet under the pressure of his place. Han Shuo is also nonsense, pointing to the distant little sister, saying: After this, besides me, he is also your master!"

These high-level undead creatures already have wisdom. Listening to Han Shuo suddenly said that they all have a puzzled and incomprehensible consciousness. They are only deeply rooted in the undead creatures. Although they are confused, they dare not violate Han. The master command, one by one respectfully bowed to the ground, the same call: "Yes, master!"

"There is a strange soul monument in the Valley of the Dead. There are some complicated patterns on the tablet. You will practice faster here later. Take some time. You can see if you can understand something." Han Shuo looked up. Xiao Yan, Ci He said.

"I know my father, congratulations to my father. I have already understood some things. On the father, there has been an incredible change. I know that my father is very strong now." Xiao Xiaodao.

Sure enough, the most intelligent one, Han Shuo said, and then said: "Well, I will leave first, wait until there is time, my body will transfer the magic memory of the undead to you."

Immediately, Han Shuo first handed the Haili green crystal to the corpse, and the soul shuttled back, and then summoned the corpse to the front again. After collecting the green crystal, the corpse was sent back.

Han Shuo's soul can freely shuttle two planes, but he can't carry the real thing, so he uses the body of the body as an intermediary.

Han Shuo is still not very skilled in the two newly formed incarnations. Han Shuo will not disperse the three souls until the secrets of the incarnations are completely understood, so as to prevent the edicts from being able to make up for them in time.

"Oh... I forgot about the parliamentary things that Ba Luya said. I don’t know how long it has been, um, go see it." Han Shuo thought, the scepter and the sorcerer’s front turned into two rays at the same time. Into the Han Shuo body disappeared.

Now Han Shuo’s strength has skyrocketed tenfold. Crosius is no longer the object that Han Shuo needs to be particularly careful. Therefore, even if Han Shuo is late, he will not take this matter to his heart. If you have absolute strength, you can make it Others changed for him to wait for him, this is the rule of the abyss!

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