Great Demon King

Chapter 651: Secretly make bad

Fortunately, Gilbert left in advance, or else it was impossible to escape, and it was because of Gilbert’s escape from birth that Han Shuo was able to learn from him the path to the third layer of the underground world.

Leading by Han Shuo, Tang Na and his party followed him silently. Several people on the way looked strange and looked at Han Shuo with suspicion.

Only the lower gods in the low-level planes of the district can make such a miraculous move. This line comes from the strong players of the high-ranking planes, and they all have some curiosity about Han Shuo.

On the way, the sly Li Wei, who couldn’t help but knock on the side, wanted to get some reasons from Han Shuo’s mouth and suddenly showed great interest in Han Shuo. However, because of the tragedy of the Black Dragon family, Han Shuo was in a bad mood, and he did not take care of him at all, and she asked her how to ask, and she was all stunned.

Later, Li Wei also felt boring. She did not continue to stare at Han Shuo. Instead, she secretly whispered with Donna. From time to time, Han Shuo threw two puzzled eyes. It can be seen that the two women’s topics should be discussed. Related to Han Shuo.

Two brothers, Bolton Bowen, recovered from the previous doubts and misunderstandings. Looking at Han Shuo’s eyes is still faintly misplaced. Perhaps these two spoiled young people found that the two women showed too much to Han Shuo. More interest, make them unhappy.

Han Shuo slowly adjusted himself on the way. After spending a little time, he recovered from the demise of the Black Dragon family. After the nine realms, Han Shuo's ability to control the mind has been significantly improved, and Gilbert did not die, so he can recover so quickly.

According to the regional orientation provided by Gilbert, Han Shuo took five high-ranking planes and walked through many sinister areas on the second floor of the underground world, heading towards a dark and damp area.

In this layer of the underground world, in addition to the ancient dragons, there are other high-smart super-order Warcraft. But all the way up, perhaps those super-order Warcraft perceived the space anomaly. No one dares to approach.

As he approached the path more and more deeply, Han Shuo found that there was no life in the surrounding area. After entering a narrow canyon, the air was humid and there was no bright stone lighting on the top of the head.

Han Shuo, who has been moving fast, has suddenly slowed down. After the first few people saw Han Shuo slow down, they all adjusted to the same pace as Han Shuo.

"What?" Donna stepped forward. Ask softly.

"The location is not far away. I think that the ice and snow temple is a pedestrian. I must have come one step ahead. Just in case. I think we should be careful. Don't be harmed by others." Han Shuo does not look at it. Behind him. Just watch carefully around. Focus on moving forward.

"Everyone is careful!" Donna immediately grasped the meaning of Han Shuo. The face is positive. I hurriedly told me.

"Afraid of anything. Eriksson guys. The Black Dragons are gone. Maybe we thought we couldn't find it!" Bolton walked lazily. Not at all nervous.

"Yeah. Don't make a fuss. They must hurry and get in. There is martial arts ambushing us in the dark." Li Wei agreed. Han Shuo ignored her on the way. This made her heart very angry.

"You guys. Go behind!" At the crucial moment. As a leader, Donna. Calmly commanded.

Li Wei and Bolton Bowen, listening to Donna, said that they did not dare to refute, and the pace slowed down, falling behind Donna and Han Shuo Cobbert.

Both Donna and Han Shuo stood side by side, Coberte later, and Li Wei was close, Bolton and Bowen brothers. Be alert at the end.

"Be careful, those guys may not lurk in the dark, but maybe they will arrange some hidden seals and enchantments. Both Caesar and Eriksson are median gods, and the traps they make, too It won't be easy to break." Donna was on the side of Han Shuo, and her slender eyebrows squinted softly, whispering to Han Shuo.

The two walked side by side, close by. Han Shuo can even smell the faint fragrance of Donna. The smell is faint, like orchid scent. Very good smell. However, at this moment, Han Shuo did not think about it, concentrated his attention, and felt the changes around him with Donna.

Suddenly, Donna jerked her hand and softly grabbed Han Shuo’s right arm. Han Shuo, who was preparing to step forward, was forced to pull it back.

Han Shuo was awkward and his footsteps were somewhat unstable. He immediately looked back and looked at Donna.

"Don't mess up, those guys are still setting some traps just in case. Step by step in advance, it really takes up some cheap!" Donna snorted, indicating that Han Shuo stepped back a few steps and suddenly reached out. The palm of the hand was launched, and the endless darkness suddenly enveloped the entire canyon.

Han Shuo couldn’t see the situation around him. He could only perceive the feeling that in the area where he was about to step, the temperature suddenly reached the extreme. It should be triggered by Eriksson’s water system. .

Endless darkness comes faster, goes faster, just a glimpse, the canyon is back to normal.

"Well, let me guide you, I am going to the front." Donna smiled at Han Shuo and walked over to Han Shuo.

"Good!" With the previous incident, Han Shuo knew that Donna was really good at this because he was good at it and did not insist on it. He immediately agreed.

Han Shuo paid attention to it and found that Donna was holding a crystal compass full of magic symbols. All the way, Donna swayed the crystal compass all the way, and it seemed to measure what was through this crystal compass.

Donna didn't look back, but she seemed to find Han Shuo's interest in the crystal compass. While continuing to walk forward, she explained to him: "The crystal compass held in my hand is a tool for testing the power of the element. The abnormal changes in the range of the circle can be seen through it. Many seals and enchantments, because of the need to apply the power of the circle, there will always be some changes, with this crystal compass, I can find the hidden dangers around."

"Oh, yes, very useful tool." Han Shuo whispered.

"Hey, the guy with no vision, how precious this crystal compass is, you must not know!" Li Wei disdain.

Han Shuo lazy to her, not to talk. Silence followed Donna and didn't look at her.

"Crystal compass is indeed very precious, because the materials used for smelting are very rare, and there are not many people who know how to smelt." Donna noticed the front and said with a chuckle.

From the location of Han Shuo, to the entrance to the third floor of the underground world. Only a few kilometers away, but Han Shuo and his party walked cautiously, using the crystal compass in Donna's hand, and in such a short distance, they discovered three traps arranged by Caesar and Eriksson.

It took half an hour for these gods to finally reach the entrance.

This entrance is actually just a broken cave covered by dense vines. If you don't know this specific location, it is hard to detect the dense vines behind. There will be such a cave to the third floor of the underground world.

As soon as I arrived, Han Shuo observed it a little and found that the vine had a trace of breakage. He knew in his heart that Eriksson and Caesar and his party must first enter the cave.

"Just here, do you see if there are any traps in the hole." Han Shuo pointed to the back of the vine and asked Donna for proof.

"No, they no longer have traps in the hole. They must not want people to find the location of the hole through the trap." Donna dialed the crystal compass and inquired about it, explaining to Han Shuo.

Donna said this. Han Shuo immediately started to move those dense vines and expose the deep caves.

Looking back at Donna and others, Han Shuo stepped forward and signaled them to follow.

"The last person who came in, restore the vines to their original state!" Donna told me that the whole man had fallen into the cave.

The two brothers Bolton Bowen followed up, and Li Wei followed. Cobert was deliberately pulled to the end, cautiously restored those vines to their original state.

When the vines were densely packed, the moment that the hole was blocked, the dimly lit hole suddenly became darker and the fingers disappeared.

Without any lighting tools, Donna, who has only cultivated the darkness of the darkness, and Han Shuo, who is amazing in magic, can be in the darkness of this five fingers. See the surrounding landscape with the naked eye.

In front of Han Shuo. Donna, holding a crystal compass in her hand, suddenly looked at the crystal compass with amazement. Han Shuo and Donna rely very close, and at first glance, they saw a beating of a pointer on the crystal compass, and immediately stood still in place.

Sure enough, Donna suddenly said: "There is a light system enchantment arranged by Caesar in front. Because the cave is too narrow, I am afraid that after the cave collapses, it will block the road we are going down. I will cover them with the darkness, you are all Be careful, don't use anything that illuminates, just have a light here, no matter what light, it will trigger that enchantment."

As soon as this was said, because of the darkness of the fingers and the darkness of the fingers, I was about to take out a few people behind the lighting tools, all of them stopped, and the black light screamed and darted forward.

Han Shuo looked back and found that in this absolute darkness, except for Donna, the remaining few people were all affected, and they looked very cautious and looked very cautious.

"Don't worry too much, as long as there is no light, this enchantment will not trigger. Well, you should be careful not to be covered by stones, just go inside." Donna saw them carefully over the head, could not help but speak out Reassuring.

"That, the people in front don't want to block the way." Li Wei walked behind Han Shuo and deliberately said so.

Han Shuo saw her face stunned, grabbed both hands, and dared to deliberately rush with him, sneer in the heart, sideways sideways, next to a small stone, with his foot to the foot of Li Wei.

In the darkness of the darkness, Han Shuo’s such a bright-eyed person secretly makes a bad, Li Wei does not suffer from blame. Every step of the way, it will be smashed by a protruding stone, and the body will continue to smash and scorn. : "It's unlucky, how come so many stones!"

After Bolton and others followed Li Wei, they often repeated the same steps as Li Wei. After those stones smashed Li Wei, they also followed each other. Some people took a step and licked them.

Donna, who walked in front, listened to a few people in the back, and my heart was strange. She walked all the way, although she found that there were some stones in the surrounding area, but most of them were on both sides. According to the truth, they should not be picked up so often.

With this thought, Donna looked back and found that Han Shuo looked free behind him, and there was no sorrow on his face. Watching it, Tang Na found that Han Shuo’s mouth evoked a sardonic smile, and the heart immediately moved. What is it?

In fact, Han Shuo did not marry her. Seeing her looking back and wondering, Han Shuo also grinned at Donna, which was the smile of the mischievous.

Donna stunned, and immediately reacted, and shook her head with a good and funny voice. This guy really didn't lose money. She used this method to avenge Li Wei and his party. Giving them a stumbling block will not cause any damage to Li Wei and others. Donna also thinks that it is not a bad thing to give Li Wei and others some pains. It is the default Han Shuo’s action.

Suddenly, Donna wakes up and realizes the darkness of her own cultivation. It is normal to see things in the darkness. How can this guy see the surrounding scenery? Think of it this way, Donna is more and more curious about Han Shuo.

Seeing that Donna defaulted on her own actions, Han Shuo was bolder, with a malicious smile on her lips, and secretly under the soles of her feet. She set up one roadblock after another for Li Wei and his entourage, making them complain and complaining all the way. Words!

"Hey, Brian, how is this guy okay?" Suddenly, Bolton found an abnormality and exclaimed.

"I am not less than you, but I feel that I am lame, not hurting, it seems that there is no need to yell." Han Shuo walked, and looked back and smiled at a few people, Yin Yang grotesque .

"Hey!" Han Shuo is also a jealousy. He also subconsciously whispered, and immediately realized that he had just said something, and he was very embarrassed.

"Hey! Who is calling, I didn't get it wrong!" Li Wei obviously heard Han Shuo's whispering, and immediately smugly attacked. With Han Shuo screaming, several young people were gloating. Up, but there is no doubt that he secretly made a bad.

Han Shuo, who has played his own face, is also somewhat confused. He has just seen the front. He clearly did not find the stone. How could he be crippled?

In the heart, Han Shuo looked up at Donna in front and found that Donna was facing her back, but when she was sideways, Han Shuo found that her mouth was smirking and laughing.

Han Shuo shook his head and laughed, and Tang Na, who looked like a dignified and serious man, would have such a trick to tease people. This made Han Shuo a little dumbfounded, and of course he couldn’t say anything.

Monthly ticket, I want me to!