Great Demon King

Chapter 677: a village [souvenir monthly ticket]

When Han Shuo took advantage of the magical power of the body, Bonnie and his party apparently could not catch up with him, and the distance between the two sides gradually opened.

Akeley was very curious about how Han Shuo escaped from the hunter, and how to rescue him from Bonnie. He constantly asked Han Shuo about these two things. Han Shuo lied to him that Dolores had come over early, and the hunter who chased him was run away.

As for the rescue of him from Bonnie, Han Shuo said that he used a psychedelic remedy and experienced everything in Akeley. When they saw a faint mist around them, they only came out and did not More doubts about Han Shuo.

For the location of Shenjing Mine, Akeley generally understands that it is unfortunate that both of them are unfamiliar with the mainland. They don’t know where they are. Although Akeley knows the approximate location of Shenjing Mine from the scroll, it has nothing to do.

"We need to find a town where people gather and ask about the situation!" Akeley was silent for a while and asked Han Shuo for advice.

"This is definitely to be done, but before that, we must first remove the mark on you, otherwise the Bonnies who are chasing afterwards may not be able to catch up again." Han Shuo nodded and agreed. Views.

"Of course, you should choose a safe place first, let's check it again." Akeley was rescued twice by Han Shuo, and he did not recover from serious injuries. He is mainly based on Han Shuo.

"No problem!" Han Shuo's knowledge extends, and with the power of Ding Ling, you can see the movements farther away.

Another barren hill was chosen by Han Shuo. Soon, he took Akeley to the barren hill.

"I look at it myself!" Sitting down on a dark green rock, Ackley whispered such a sentence, closing his eyes and looking for his mark.

Under the severe injury, Akeley had just recovered a little strength, and his mental state was poor. He could not find the mark on him.

Seeing Akeley is a bit embarrassing. Han Shuo knows what to do. Focus on Ackley. A little spy on all the abnormal conditions in Ackley. God knows nothing. There are more hidden things in the realm of the demon. Ackley could not detect Han Shuo’s move.

quite a while. Han Shuo suddenly said: "In your vest. Close to the chest and inside the bone! Looks like. You have been hit a vest. The imprint should also be left at that time!"

"Damn Bonnie. He could have killed me. But he didn't do it. He wanted to wait for me to spend all his power. I was ready to take my life and catch it. It was a good idea!" sound. The words by Han Shuo. I immediately understood Bonnie’s plan.

Bonnie can hit his vest with a single hit. And leave a mark in the bones near his heart. This means that Bonnie can completely break his heart and kill him! The reason why it is not done. It is because Bonnie does not want him to die. But want to get everything in his soul. A slightly sacred soul. It's easy to get what you want from an ordinary human soul. However, the stronger the strength. The more complex the soul will be. An ordinary lower god. Maybe you can get everything from a half-god soul. But I want to get the message from the gods of the same level. That is absolutely impossible.

Bonnie apparently couldn't get what he wanted from Achille's soul. So I never dared to kill him. I just want to live and catch Arkley. Bring him back to the blue continent. Let another person get Akeley’s brain

"Learn the mark. Clean it up. Otherwise they will be able to find it again soon!" Han Shuo urged.

Akeley no longer talked about it. According to Han Shuo’s statement, he slowly adjusted the collective destruction power, and gathered a little bit later. When he found the target according to Han Shuo’s instructions, he suddenly made a force and only heard a crisp sound. Ackley snorted.

"No problem, we can try to get out of here, find someone to ask the current position, and the direction we want to reach!" God knows carefully and carefully, Han Shuo ensures that the mark is really destroyed by Akeley. After going, nod.

"Well, the location of the Shenjing mine is in the divine **** god domain. According to the description on the scroll, the location is not far from the transmission point I came over. So I will escape here!" Akeley revealed to Han Shuo. .

"Let's go. Let's hurry to find someone to ask!" Another twist of Akeley, Han Shuo continued to fly.

"You can't do this next time. Every time I get screwed up, I feel very uncomfortable, like a prisoner!" Akeley rolled his eyes and complained to Han Shuo.

"I will pay attention to it later." Han Shuo replied casually, apparently did not put Akeley's words in mind.

On the mainland of the gods, Han Shuo was deeply aware of how vast this plane was. It was just a valley where the plane of the plane was set. It took him a long time to fly out. This is unimaginable in the mainland of Chio.

According to Donna's description of Han Shuo, the mainland of the gods is simply not marginal. It is a thousand times larger than the Qiu mainland. It is the most vast and magical plane of the universe. Han Shuo did not believe it before. He came to understand it. Donna said nothing.

Flying from the valley all the way to the present, Han Shuo did not find any animal trails, only some strange plants, which makes Han Shuo very curious, can not figure out what is going on.

I finally left the valley, and I saw a loess plain, and I could not see the end.

Han Shuo heard Dolores said that he could see the village through the Loess Plain and be able to ask about the location of the shadow city. At present, Han Shuo does not intend to go to the Shadow City, but people still have to find it, so he took Akeley again and took the road. It took him two days to cross the plain and immediately sensed the breath of life.

After flying for a while, it was always on the ridiculous road, without any traces of life. This suddenly found human existence, and Han Shuo rushed to speed up.

Not long after, a small village similar to the Qiu mainland appeared in Han Shuo’s line of sight. Before entering, Han Shuo’s sense of God sensed that the soul power in the small village was high or low, not as imagined by Han Shuo. That's all powerful gods.

"Let's go, find someone's village, rest assured, the strength of the people there is not too exaggerated, it should be very safe!" Han Shuo put Akeley down, the two walked together to the village.

Not close to the village, Han Shuo heard the sound of laughter inside. With a mysterious demon, Han Shuo found that a religious ceremony was being held in the village. According to Han Shuo’s understanding of the Scourge Church, people in those villages were immediately recognized. It is praying to the three main gods of the Scourge Church.

Perhaps because of the strongest strength of the various gods in the mainland, the people here are much more powerful than the civilians in the Qiu mainland. Just a little induction, Han Shuo found that most of the villagers have semi-god strength, and several With the strength of the gods, some young children have the same strength as the swordsmen of the Chio mainland.

"You may not know much about the details of the mainland of the gods. In the village here, once someone has cultivated to the lower god, they will not stay in the small village. They will definitely go to the big city and invest in the powers of all the families. Seeking to go further and gain more status and money.

Like these staying in the village, most of them are mediocrity, or children who have not really grown up. In this situation, of course, there will be no good hands in the village, and the hunter will not come to this village without real gods, where they can't get what they want! After Akeley was put down by Han Shuo, explain it to him.

"You also came to the mainland for the first time, but how do you seem to understand this?" Han Shuo asked.

"Although I came to the mainland for the first time, my master has been to the mainland of the gods several times. When he came back, he told me about the things of the gods in detail, so I will know more than you know. More!" Ackley explained.

"Your master, at this time, why not be with you?" Han Shuo stunned, logically asked:

A little stunned, Akeley sighed and said: "Dead, seriously injured in the mainland of the gods, not long after returning to the blue continent, they were besieged to death by those of the Bonnie family. My master is not dead, the state How can those people dare to start with me?!"

"Sorry!" Seeing that Ackley was saddened by inadvertently, Han Shuo apologized.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Arkley said: "It doesn't matter. This time I came to the Chiao continent. On the one hand, I want to get the Shenjing mine. On the other hand, I have to figure out who seriously injured my master. Once I let the person find it. I will definitely avenge my master!"

For Ackley’s pledge, Han Shuo is undecided, even his master has been hit hard. What can he do with him alone?

"What eyes do you look at!" Akeley glared at Han Shuo and said with angrily: "Yes, I am really weak now, but when I found the Shenjing mine, I got enough Shenjing with the power of destruction. It will be totally different!"

To Akeley said so, Han Shuo nodded secretly, the heart of Akeley was originally playing this idea, it seems that looking for Shenjing mine is not just as simple as making a fortune.

"It’s here!" The words of Han Shuo and Akeley have left the village. Some children who are playing around have laughed and asked, where the two men came from.

"A far away place!" Akeley impatiently.

Taking out some scattered gadgets from the space ring, Han Shuo gave them a one-man smile. The children took Han Shuo's gadgets, and they were very happy. They jumped around Han Shuo's clothes.

A few adults in the distance, seeing Han Shuo so kindly treating the children, I have a good impression on Han Shuo, and far away, saying hello to Han Shuo.

"We have to ask for people, don't always have a stinky face, let's relax!" Han Shuo walked and taught Akeley, but it seems that Arak did not listen.

Three, ten thousand words are completed, slamming, is there a monthly pass?