Great Demon King

Chapter 771: Phantom

The Great King of the Seventy-seventh Chapter of the Phantom

And the curtain city could not be good, Hofs showed a killing idea for both of them, even if this time escaped from the curtain city, Hofs would not be willing to give up afterwards, if he could kill Hofs, The curtain city pattern will be reshuffled, and it may not be dominated by the current Huofu family.

In order to remove this threat, Han Shuo had the heart to kill Hoffsge in the mountains. In addition, Han Shuo also wants to try the "A Nasal Demon Swordsman" and the power of the Ding Ling can kill the master of the last stage of the gods. This is also a challenge for Han Shuo, so he is not willing to let go.

Rose was obviously scared by Han Shuo’s decision. It’s not wise for her to see that it’s hard to fight against Hofs now. Let’s not talk about whether it can beat Hofs, then the sound of the two people will make the curtain city The master is attracted. At that time, if Han Shuo is to be entangled by Hofs, he will fall into an extremely unfavorable situation.

Can Rose know that he can't persuade Han Shuo, seeing that he made up his mind to fight with Hofs, can only helplessly sigh in the heart, secretly complained about Han Shuo's daring, frowning asked: "That's good, I Give you a sideline."

As a **** who cultivated the dark power, Rose, the upper realm of the upper god, knew that he was never an opponent of Hofs. Once Han Shuo and Hofs really played against each other, she only tried to clear the threats nearby by Han Shuo. His own strength is to win time for Han Shuo.

"You are close to you, and there will be people near me who will be more than you. You don't need to worry too much about Shihoffs." Han Shuo is very confident, and Hoffs is at a loss. The whole person was completely overwhelmed by anger, but Han Shuo was extremely calm. This has changed, he knows that there is an advantage in no war.

Rose heard a bitter smile on her mouth and suddenly felt that she didn't seem to be able to help Han Shuo at the critical time, which made her feel useless. As a superior god, this useless feeling is rarely acquainted with Rose. This experience made her feel a little different.

Didn’t say anything to Rose, Han Shuo will decide to show that when people have started moving to the direction of Hofs, more than a dozen nearby devils will spread in the direction of Hofs, on the piece. The area performs the most detailed peeping.

Each piece of raised rock. Every tree in the sky, every bush is quickly reflected in the heart of Han Shuo, people have not yet arrived, the potential there has been well known by Han Shuo. Once the battle begins, Han Shuo can dodge or attack with the advantage he has at this time.

Unlike other superior gods who died in "A Nasal Prison", Hofs has a final strength, and the experience of combat is extremely rich. The dark magic power contained in the previous black pike is extremely fierce. Han Shuo knows that this is a Enemy. He had to go all out and use all the advantages he could master to arrange in advance.

Gradually. Han Shuo came to the area where Hoffs was located. The mad Hoffs was still screaming in anger, like the water ripples with the dark power of the ruin, and his bushes were crossed by the sharp edge. Fragmentation of the rows.

"You are nearby, don't come close!" Han Shuo suddenly stagnate in the void. Adjust your mind to the best condition and take a deep breath.

Immediately afterwards, Rose nodded indifferently and did not move on. She knew that she was not as strong as Hofs. If she was too close to him, she would be discovered, so that Han Shuo could not hide her own traces. I will immediately know that someone came over and worried about Han Shuo. After a moment, Rose immediately whispered: "Be careful!"

"Do not worry. There will be no problem." Smiled lightly. Han Shuo’s eyes are gradually getting colder, and all the emotions of the whole person seem to be absent. The mind is breaking into the absolute calm state that is most suitable for combat.

The next moment, Han Shuo's figure gradually blurred, and Rose looked at Han Shuo gradually and gradually disappeared. Suddenly, with the disappearance of Han Shuo's figure, the smell of his body disappeared a little, and eventually the whole person seemed to be absent. Existence, the soul of the soul can not feel the breath of Han Shuo.

Rose was a strange surprise. She smiled and shook her head gently. She said to herself: "How much secret is there in your body?"

Hofs went further and further, roaring in anger.

Suddenly, Hofs quieted down, his gaze gazing around, his brows wrinkled slightly. Suddenly he felt something wrong, as if someone was lurking in the dark, like a beast, watching him silently.

The suddenness of this feeling made him immediately raise his vigilance. "Isn't it, those two people really came over?" Suddenly raised such an idea in his heart, Hofs was even more surprised. He didn't have much hope when he was so arrogant. He didn't think Han Shuo and Luo. Both of them will really care about him.

However, the feeling of being secretly watched is so real. With many years of experience, Hofs knows that it will never be an illusion. Before coming over, some of the guards around him were repulsed by him, and even the strong family members stayed in his gestures. Those who lurked in the dark would never be the comers of the curtain city.

Such as the restlessness of the needle felt, Hofs suddenly quieted down, his eyes still with a thick color of madness, constantly patrolling around, the soul is also full of strength to feel the surrounding anomalies, a dark light smoke from his body Come out and gradually wander around the surrounding bushes and towering old trees.

After a while, Hofs had some doubts in his heart. The feeling of lurking in the dark did not disappear, but the dark power that escaped from his body did not find any traces of life nearby, which made his heart more uneasy. The more you come.

Hofs once again released the dark power, and he suddenly jumped into the sky, looking down from the top of the cold, trying to find the target that made his heart uneasy, feeling still, the goal can not always be found! Come out, you have to come over, don't keep hiding! Hoffs suddenly screamed, and he was a little impatient.

A figure suddenly appeared next to an old tree, looking up and looking up at the upper Hofs, said: "You have hurt me before, huh, I came over to try to taste the attack behind you! ”

"Sure enough, you!" Hoffs gasped and smirked, suddenly leaping from the sky, the endless darkness of the air formed on him, and another lingering on the black rifle, from top to bottom toward Han Shuo's top speed The thorns came, and the dark gas was attached to the rifle. The rifle came with a "squeaky" noise, like a black lightning. When the speed was mentioned in the middle, the long gun shadow could not be seen.

In the meantime, the endless darkness was covered by the head, and the white scorpion was swallowed up by the darkness. The area was plunged into the absolute darkness of the fingers. A strong black power was wrapped around the rifle, and the rifle was shot in the endless darkness. Lost the trace.


The earth-shattering blast sounded, and a huge hole was deep in the depths, and all the ancient wood rock shrubs were washed away.

However, Han Shuo’s figure disappeared out of nowhere!

In the endless darkness, Hofs fell, and in the huge hole standing on the fierce and sinister, the black rifle was put in his hand again. He was looking forward to the disappearance. shadow.

Hoffs, who caused this piece of endless darkness, was obviously unaffected. He also knew that his blow did not work, and he was even more disdainful in his heart. He really regarded Han Shuo as a close opponent.

"Change me!" A sneer suddenly sounded in the endless darkness. Suddenly, the shadows of the seven shadows suddenly shot from all directions to Hofs. Every shadow was the appearance of Han Shuo. breath.

Hofs was only an illusion at first, but he used the soul to understand it. He suddenly found that several figures were so real, and the atmosphere of the body also had a sense of superiority. This immediately made him somewhat unpredictable. .

Hoffs, who couldn’t figure out the situation, did not attack any one with a reckless shot. Instead, he took a defensive approach, and with a long shot in his hand, the layers of darkness formed rapidly, and the dark black air suddenly rushed to Hoff. S, the group will cover the area.

Each figure is transformed from a superior demon head. The devil head from the upper devil is extraordinary and real. There is nothing wrong with Hofs. It is not an illusion. It is not accurate. Hofs’s defense is also true.

However, Han Shuo’s goal is to make him take defensive measures!

In this way, he can fully manipulate the seventeen flying swords, so that the seventeen flying swords can have the opportunity to display the "A Nasal Demon Swordsman" to cover him. Once Hofs is covered by seventeen flying swords, Han Shuo You can safely and boldly attack, no need to consider other issues.

Seventeen flying swords roared out, and the shadows that were turned out by the devil head disappeared out of thin air. Only Han Shuo stood proudly in front of Hofs.

It is really just an illusion! Hoffs glimpsed, the disappearance of Han Shuo, the illusion of the devils, made him doubt the feeling he had just made. This is really the illusion of Han Shuo, who was transformed by the devils, so that Hofs went to Han Shuo again.

The 17-segment flying sword was smashed by Han Shuo under the movement of Han Shuo, and it was like a collision with the tough cotton squad. The seventeen flying swords did not pierce the dark power. To Hofs.

The **** of the last **** was really powerful. Han Shuo’s heart praised him. In the knowledge of God, he said: “Give me your strength. If you want to win him, I have to borrow your strength. The power of the head infused into Han Shuo's body, helping Han Shuo and Hofs to fight hard! (To be continued, if you want to know what happened, please log in, chapter more, support the author, support www.ptwxz. Com