Great Demon King

Chapter 890: Differentiation

When Tyre and Rogge were surprised and confused, Han Shuo and Wabi were in full swing. Han Shuo and Vasis, who were close together, became two blurred phantoms. The voice was not heard between the two.

Vasis covered all the flesh with ice, condensed the ice power into a sword, and stabbed him on Han Shuo, but he was shocked by Han Shuo Tian Mou, who could not really hurt Han Shuo.

Han Shuo Tian Mo Lijian bombarded on Vassis, but also left a white scratch, deep into less than a few inches, can not penetrate the ice defense of Vassis, causing heavy damage to the body of Vassis.

Whether Han Shuo or Vassis, I know in my heart that nothing in this world is absolutely firm. Han Shuo’s demon body and the layer of Vassis cover the whole body’s ice defense, all need magic power and With the support of divine power, when their bodies are attacked once, they will consume part of the magical power and power of the defenders.

Once the power of both of them is exhausted, the defense will naturally be torn. By that time, the seemingly incomparably strong defense would become vulnerable.

This is actually a war of attrition, which is the strength of which side.

Han Shuo will naturally not be willing to spend his power on Vassis. Next to Tyre and Rogge are watching. Once he has consumed too much power in the battle with Vassis, the two guys have seen it. The awkward machine might have swarmed up and joined hands with Vassis to deal with him.

Although Osoi is also on the side, Han Shuo did not expect much from him. He did not think that Osoi would help him resist the siege of Tyre and Rogge at this moment, so Han Shuo had to guard against it.

At the same time as Vassis continued to consume, Han Shuo moved and began to use another attack to deal with Vassis.

His ignorance suddenly formed a wave that was hard to see with the naked eye, and suddenly locked the Vassis, suddenly shocking the soul of Vassis.

Vasis, who is fully resisting Han Shuo’s attack, suddenly has a stinging sensation in his mind. He feels that a sharp soul force has directly entered his mind and began a terrible attack on his soul.

In the face of a sudden soul attack, Vassis suddenly panicked and panicked in his eyes.

Among the twelve major power systems, the three forces that are best at attacking the soul are life, death, and fate. The gods who cultivate the power of the water system are at a disadvantage in this respect, and the soul of Han Shuo attacks the mysterious and unpredictable. The three major strengths of death and fate.

After Han Shuo’s sacred attack broke into the mind of Vassis, it became like a large net, and it was directly trapped by the soul of Vassis, which was condensed by thousands of gods. The gods know the web, a little shrinkage, so that the soul of Vassis is as painful as a needle.

The magical power is not only outstanding in the physical forging, but also the use of the gods is far beyond the imagination of the average person. The defensive power of the Vassis body is indeed extraordinary, but the attack of Han Shuo is only aimed at the soul of Vassis. In this respect, there is no such thing. Vassis, who was too rumored, was immediately at a disadvantage.

The physical defense and attack are greatly affected by the soul. Once the sorrow is immediately reflected in the action, when the attack of Han Shuo’s knowledge is issued, Vasis’s back is immediately affected by the enemy, and the action becomes a little confusing. It is no longer as confident as it was just now.

Looking at the face of Rogge, he cultivated the power of death, and he did not know how to use the power of the soul. When Han Shuo attacked and attacked the mind of Vassis, he first felt it.

Rogge’s soul felt it carefully, and suddenly found that he did not know the power of Han Shuo’s knowledge from that department. Han Shuo’s distracting power of the gods and spiders was the same that Rogge had never seen before. Unexpectedly, this made his heart full of fear, looking at Han Shuo’s eyes with deep scruples.

"It is the attack of the soul!" In the eyes of Tyre's eyes, Rogge whispered: "His savage in the soul attack is extremely deep, and the use of the power of the soul is very mysterious. The soul of Vasis is so tempted by him. Will directly affect his strength!"

Tyre’s face was amazed, his eyes flickered, and he exchanged a look with Rogge, secretly wondering what he wanted to write.

With the help of the gods, the battle between Han Shuo and Vassis has already prevailed. The thick layer of ice on Vassis seems to have begun to crack, as if it would break apart at any time.

With this situation going on, in the indiscriminate bombing of Han Shuo, it will not be long before Vassis can resist it.

However, at this time, Han Shuo suddenly pulled back and retired. Not only did he give up the attack on Vassis in the flesh, but even the power of the gods who had broken into the mind of Vassis recovered, and no longer stared. Vassis stalked.

The extremely difficult Vassis, who has been dealing with it, has become more and more frightened. He has already made plans for being hit hard by Han Shuo. Suddenly, he feels that the spirit is loose and the whole person is relieved.

With a chuckle on his face, Han Shuo and Vassis opened a distance and said indifferently: "I don't think it is necessary to continue. The strength of Vassis is indeed extraordinary. Oh, we have no deep hatred. We have tried it."

Han Shuo’s attitude was not friendly before he fought, but now he has the upper hand, but he has become modest and courteous.

Vassis first checked the body and the soul. After confirming that Han Shuo did not do anything in his back, he looked at Han Shuo with a complex look. "I don't need you to leave me a face, I admit, I Not as good as you!"

Han Shuo suddenly, suddenly think that this originally boring Vassis, perhaps the most easy to get along with Ossoi, Rogge, and Tell, this guy has at least not too much instinct, just dare to admit defeat At one point, Han Shuo gave birth to a good impression.

"There is no life and death battle, who wins and loses forever is not allowed. There are too many variables in a battle, maybe a small detail can change the situation, this battle can only be considered a tie, you are not lost." Han Shuo smiled Laugh, gentle attitude.

Listening to Han Shuo’s saying, Vasis felt a little strange in his heart. He didn’t quite understand Han Shuo’s thoughts. He looked at Han Shuo with a fox, as if he wanted to see what Han Shuo had made.

In the chaotic land, every monarch wants to prove that he is better than others at all costs, because it will make the fierce gods who come from the twelve great gods first trust him, so that the power he has in his hands will become more and more Strong.

At the time of the Magic Valley, Ossoi saw that Salas consumed a lot of power in the Magic Valley, and immediately challenged Saras to shoot him. He was defeating Salas to prove his stronger idea. He and Rogge came to the Valley of Magic and also had this plan.

However, Han Shuo today

Every aspect overwhelmed him. Not only did he have no arrogance and sarcasm, he would calmly say that he was just a tie, which made Vassis somewhat confused.

After a deep look at Han Shuo, Vassis did not see disdain and sarcasm in Han Shuo’s eyes, which made him even more confused.

"Oh, it’s over, is it too fast?" Rogge suddenly said, laughing and saying: "This has not yet won the game!"

Vasis was angry and looked at Rogge with a cold eye. He said: "I think Brian has the strength to replace Salas in the deep valley. If you think he does not have this qualification, you can try it yourself!"

Rogge stunned, apparently did not expect Vassis to actually talk to Han Shuo, he looked at Vassis strangely, and knew that Vassis must be angry with himself and Tell let him lead. Hehe chuckled, Rogge said: "I don't have to, Brian has just fought with you. At this time, I am not fair with him. I will have a chance to talk about it later."

"Hey, when did you become so rules?" Vassis sneered, he knows that Rogge likes to do this kind of thing, and now there is no immediate deal with Han Shuo, there is only one possibility - at this time, He is not sure he can beat Han Shuo!

Rogge was not awkward at all, still smiling, looked at Tyre and asked, "What do you think of this thing?"

Now, Tyre has some estimates that Vasis’s thoughts are not allowed. If Vassis is unwilling to deal with them with Han Shuo, Tell and Rogge have no absolute certainty over Han Shuo, let alone There is also a sinister Ossoe next to it.

Tyre understands that Han Shuo must have seen through their calculations, and this will take away when he has the absolute upper hand, and then take advantage of Vassis’s grievances in their hearts, and he will hesitate in Vassis’s mind. Create contradictions among the three of them and break the union between the three of them.

This kid is really not easy to deal with! In the heart of Tyre, he secretly made a judgment on Han Shuo. After the change of Vasisi, Tyre felt that today is not suitable for the situation as planned. He thought about it for a moment, and Tyre gave birth to another plan, laughing. Dao: "Sure enough, the hero is a teenager. Just the younger brother has proved his strength in the war. According to the truth, we should not say anything more, but..."

"Oh, is there any problem?" Han Shuo brows and asks.

With a smile, he nodded. Tyre said helplessly: "But Salas did not die. He just temporarily hid and recovered. We put you in the deep valley. Once Salas returns, things can be difficult!" Tyre shook his head and sighed. "Unless you kill Saras, so there is no such hidden danger, then we really have nothing to say!"

"You don't have to worry about this. If Saras really returns to the deep valley, he will be the first to find trouble. It will be me. Oh, without you, I will naturally flatten Salas. If I am dead, I will The return of things to Salas has nothing to do with you. Is there any trouble?” Han Shuo certainly won’t be fooled by Tyre’s reasons. He had thought about this problem for a long time. Hesitated without hesitation and answered directly.

"Yeah, the most hated person in Salas's heart is Brian. He really wants to come back. He will definitely find Brean for revenge. Whenever he wins, who will take over the ten king stores and continue to do deep valleys." Another owner!" Ossie smiled and said: "But Saras doesn't know when he will come back. Before that, Brian was in the deep valley. I don't see anything wrong with it."

Tyre knew that Osoi and Han Shuo had the same camp. They nodded and said nothing. They glanced at Vassis. Tell tried and said, "What do you think?"

Tyre is not sure what Vassis wants to think. He needs to judge his meaning through Vassis's answer, and then decides whether it should be a risk.

Vasis was hesitant. He looked at Han Shuo deeply and thought about how he should make a choice. He knew that Tyre and Rogge would not want Han Shuo to enter the deep valley. Now he will look at his attitude, as long as he agrees. Down, the opinions of the three of him, Rogge and Tell are naturally more deterrent than the ones of Ossoo.

However, with the calculations of Tyre and Rogge, Vassis is angry with the two guys and is thinking about how to retaliate against them.

Looking at Han Shuo, who was full of smiles, Vasis hesitated. Suddenly, Han Shuo seemed to be more energetic than the two. The ghosts made a difference. Vassis nodded and said, "I think Ossau said rational!"

When the words came out, Tyre’s face changed slightly and nodded to Vassis. He laughed and said: “Since both Vassis and Ossau agree, this thing is easy. Well, Brian, I I will find the owners of the shops to talk about them and make things clear."

"Hey, thank you!" Han Shuo chuckled and nodded to Vassis, expressing his gratitude with his eyes.

"But before you enter the deep valley, I hope that you can do something for the chaotic land, which is related to the interests of all the monarchs in the deep valley!" It seems that Tyre does not intend to be so smooth, let Han Shuo enter the deep valley, and then Asked questions once.

Under Han Shuo’s gaze, Tell looked angrily: “The Hunter League has always wanted to use the deep valley as their base. Recently, the people of the Hunters League have become more and more mad, and many of the twelve great gods come. The masters of the chaotic land, who have not come to the chaotic land, have been absorbed by the Hunter League. The real masters who have come to the deep valley in recent days are getting less and less."

"Brian, I know that Han Hao has a very close relationship with you. He now has the greatest power of the hunter in the chaotic land, and I heard that Han Hao himself has a relationship with the Hunter League. I hope you understand. If the Hunter Alliance really uses the chaotic land as a base, it will only ruin the chaos!

For a long time, our chaotic land has become a mess, but it has never been chaotic in the twelve major realms. But those of the Hunter League are different. They have already caused public outrage in the Twelve Great Gods. The 12 families of the Divine are chasing the Hunters. If they really use the chaotic land as the base of the Hunter League. The land of chaos is over! ”

"What do you mean?" Han Shuo has some headaches. The problem with Telti is really not targeted. If the chaotic land becomes the base camp of the Hunter League, the guards of the Twelve Gods will never turn a blind eye. The gods will be sent to destroy the chaos.

"Either let Han Hao leave the Hunting Gods Alliance, or let him leave the chaotic land with the group of hunter-hunting hunters! Otherwise, one day sooner or later he will bring disaster to the chaotic land!" Road.