Great Demon King

Chapter 985: condition

what's wrong? "This has not yet reached the deep valley, Han Jin yelled and asked Han Shuo."

Han Jin looks a little flustered, anxiously said: "There are many energy spar in the bottom of the deep valley. The last time I was here, it has not yet appeared. Those energy spar are used on the energy crystal cannon, with a strong explosive force. ”

"What does this mean?" Han Shuo looked dignified and began to face up to it.

"It means that once the underground energy spar explodes, the whole deep valley will be razed to the ground in an instant. So many energy spar explode together. I don't know who can live to escape." Han Jin is full of urgency. Exclaimed: "Isn't the big brother still in the deep valley? It's not good. He has to leave the deep valley immediately. Otherwise, I am afraid that even the eldest brother is in danger."

"The power of the explosion has an influence on the master of the Lord God?" Han Shuo smashed, and suddenly thought of a possibility, it would not be a fatal blow for someone to command the **** of hunting?

"I think even the Lord, in this terrible explosion, can't escape death," Han Jin hurried.

When this was said, Han Shuo was discolored. He contacted Han Hao, who was in contact with him in the deep valley, and told Han Hao of the anomaly in the deep valley, so that he would immediately leave the deep valley from the underground passage at all costs.

"Han Jin, is there any way to stop the explosion of energy spar?" Han Shuo calmed his face, and his tone was also anxious.

Deep Valley does not agree with the Magic Valley. This is the center of the entire mixed land. There are not only various shops, but also many gods. For Han Shuo, the existence of the deep valley is very necessary. He does not want deep valley. Destroyed once.

"But there are energy spar in the ground. There are many black crystal coins in some shops in the valley. The black crystal coins are also a special energy spar, and the purity is higher. Once the deep valley has a big explosion, those black crystal coins will make an explosion. The strength is intensified. All the life in the deep valley, I am afraid that will be destroyed in the evening." Andrina thought about the channel.

Suddenly. Anders Lena shot in the eye. Sneer: "Brian. Don't you think that the hunting gods are so good that they are so good? Oh. In a flash. They all die. What a wonderful thing." Andersa hates hunting. When she came to see the deep valley, it was optional. If you can afford a deep valley. It’s a wonderful thing to kill all the gods.

Han Shuo naturally won't do this. This place is very important. Secondly, those who practice the water system, the fire system, the life force, and the hunting spirit are still his targets. He needs to use the people of Kemo to go further for Hanshui, Hanhuo, and Hanmu.

Also. So many hunting gods. In the future, it is possible that some of them will become Han Haodi. If all the hunting gods die in the evening, Han Hao even rules the Hunting League. It doesn't make much sense.

"There are also ways..." Secretly glanced at Anders Lena. Han Jin whispered: "If Anders Lena is willing to help me, we should be able to stop the energy spar from exploding."

Anders Lena is a special life. There is wonderful control over the energy spar. Help with her strength and Han Jindi. It is indeed possible to control the situation. Do not let the underground energy spar explode.

"Xiao Jin" Anders Lena gave him a look. Hate said: "You don't help me"

Han Jinxi smiled and smashed his hand. It seemed that he was afraid of Anders Lena. Hesitated a moment. Han Jin suddenly blinked his eyes and said: "The underground energy spar is very large. If you can control the situation, you can use those energy spar. Take strength to further"

Anders Lena suddenly burst into a brilliant light, and she smiled and looked at Han Shuo proudly. "Brian, if you promised to give me all the energy spar on the ground, I promised to help." you.

"Give you, give it to you." At this time hesitant to compare those energy spar, Han Shuo pays more attention to other interests. Especially at this time, Xiaoyan is still in the deep valley. Although there are some heartaches, so many energy spars have become Anders Lena's snacks, but there is no way.

"Well, Xiaojin, we cut off all the external energy fluctuations." Anders Lena is pleased to force Han Jin and rush to the deep valley.

Outside the deep valley, Tyre and Rogge both had a cold smile, and all the men here were ready to go, and they were well prepared.

"Rog, let's go in the past, you can rest assured, as long as I am fascinated, the deep valley will be razed to the ground. There are still some distances from the deep valley. In order to maximize the results, we can start first." Unsatisfied, think about such a feat from his hand, the twists and turns of the chaotic land between the night, to turn the tide, he will not be able to suppress the excitement of the heart.

No matter how powerful the mind is, the person who is in the most fascinating things in his life will be slightly out of tune, and Tyre is no exception.

Rogge smiled and looked more like Tyre.

, said: "All are ready, let's go, right away, deep valley is us."

The two laughed at each other and finally evacuated the hidden enchantment here. They rushed out with the men who had been hidden for many days and went to the deep valley.

At this time, Deep Valley is in dire straits.

In addition to the earlier Dhaka stepping out, more of the hunting gods have come and killed, and their men are scattered in all directions in the valley, seeing people kill, seeing things and grabbing. The king's shop of several monarchs in the valley has become their main goal. Several of them are leading one person, and they rushed to the king store that had already been known, and made the final plunder before leaving.

Most of the gods in the deep valley that have not yet left have been defamed. In the face of the ferocious hunting gods, they have no resistance at all, being slaughtered in their own shops, or in the middle of a hidden secret room.

Seeing that all the unified counts entered the deep valley, Dhaka’s heart was dark and happy. At that time, those leaders were mad and went to the major kings’ shops to plunder, and did not care about Dhaka’s actions.

"You are scattered, leaving the deep valley from a few doors, remember, be quick." Dhaka will summon his generals, and suddenly his face is solemnly commanded.

"Why? Big, this time we should be like them, we will take all the wealth for ourselves. If it is late, everything will be someone else's." One of Daka's men was puzzled and asked. The voice of everyone.

Coldly, Dakar said: "That must be brought out of life." Gloomy face glanced over their faces. Daka shouted: "I will immediately evacuate all my hands from the deep valley, don't ask so much."

When the card was under the hand, it was a long time. When these people saw Daka anger, they didn’t dare to say more. They rushed to the end of the promise, and quietly evacuated from the gates in accordance with Dhaka’s orders.

Dhaka’s move did not move others, and the goddess who was in the thrill of rushing and plundering, forgot to do the work of the Bank. At this time, their vigilance has been reduced to a minimum, and they do not know the changes around them.

Scorpio pharmacy.

After Xiao Han Han Hao received the message from South Korea, he did not say that he immediately broke into the underground passage. He believed that Han Shuo could not explode at any time, and the speed was extremely fast.

After a while, Han Hao followed up with Polo and Ackley who had evacuated. Seeing that they didn't seem to be in a hurry, Han Hao immediately urged: "Hurry up, how fast you can get fast"

Seeing that Han Hao suddenly followed, and there was a calmness on the day of the loss, Polo, Akeley and others realized that the situation was different. At this time, it was not good to ask anything, dragging the poisonous pharmacists out of the rush. .

Suddenly, what Han Hao thinks of, quickly rumored to Han Shuo: "The ghosts that must be made by Tell and Rogge can bury so many energy spars in the depths of the earth, except for a few monarchs. No one has this energy and power. Father, I have already found the position of both of them, they are..."

" Needless to say, I know where they are." Han Shuo interrupted the news of Xiao Yan. On the other side, he has already felt the proximity of a new person, and the powerful sense of Han Shuo’s current knowledge. Force, even after thousands of miles apart, suddenly recognized the atmosphere of Tell and Rogge.

Now Han Jin and Anders Lena have already traveled to the deep valley. These two people belong to the extremely special life. Even if the underground explosion of the deep valley is born, Han Jin and Anders Lena should be able to be safe. Their life forms and body structure and energy spar are attracted to each other. In the case of Han Shuo, the deep valley is really going to explode, and the two will only benefit and will not hinder.

Therefore, Han Shuo’s heavy burden is not particularly worrying.

With a flash of body, Han Shuo quickly approached Tyre and Rogge, and his heart continued to communicate with Han Hao: "Xiao Jin and Anders Lena have already traveled to the deep valley, and they will stop the explosion in the valley.

But you still have to leave immediately, how fast you go, I don't know when Tyre and Rogge will ignite the explosion in the valley."

"Father, Tyre, Rogge is going to deal with all the hunting gods. Once Anders Lena and Xiaojin control the situation in the deep valley, you will tell me immediately, I also bring people to block the various gates, find those who destroy the magic The guy in the valley settled the bill.

"I know, I will go to Tyre and Rogge first, and clean up the two." Han Shuo should have a sigh of relief. In a blink of an eye, he went to Tyre and Rogge.

Didn't show up immediately, Han Shuo was afraid that his appearance would cause Tyre and Rogge to panic, and immediately ignited the energy spar explosion in the deep valley.

Waiting for a moment, when he sensed that Xiaoyan had left the deep valley, and Anders Lena and Han Jin also reached the depths of the deep valley, they suddenly appeared in the center of the team of Tyre and Rogge. To be continued, if you want to know what happened, please visit idian, chapter more, support, support genuine)