Great Entrepreneur Reborn

Chapter 166: rock story

On the way back, Bai Wei kept smiling, Liu Jian guessed what she was thinking, and wanted to follow Liu Jian to see the world, Liu Jian shook his head and said: "Xiao Wei, it's not suitable for you to go, if it wasn't for the second brother's repeated request, I also don't want to go Yes, that kind of occasion is not something we ordinary people can get involved in."

Bai Wei curled her lips and said, "What a great opportunity, I don't know how many national leaders I will be able to meet at that time, they really want to see it!"

Liu Jian snorted and said: "No, I don't know you yet. After I went, I don't know how to brag with your classmates when I come back. Needless to say, I definitely can't this time. Let's talk about it when I have a chance. .”

Bai Wei nodded reluctantly, since Liu Jian decided not to bring her, no matter how much he said, it would be useless.

After returning to the courtyard, Liu Jian remembered what Gu Yongheng said, picked up the phone and called Zhao Baoquan.

"Guanquan, how is the construction of Lianhua Mountain going?"

Zhao Baoquan had a very happy time during this period, not to mention other places, the construction of the hotel site was up to him, after all, only he knew the secrets inside, and he began to taste the joy of power. Dou Heng can understand it. Of course, he knew better who gave him all this, and when he received a call from Liu Jian, he raised his spirits.

Zhao Baoquan hastily reported: "Liu Shao, the cave and the reservoir have been connected together, the exit of the underground river has been built, and the infrastructure of the water park is being built now, and it is expected to be completed in half a month at most. The Lianhua Mountain has also been built. There are many plank roads and gazebos, which look very natural, but Manager Wu is in charge of this one, you have to ask her for the specific situation. I am mainly busy with the construction of the hotel."

Liu Jian understood what Zhao Baoquan meant. The secret of the hotel was between the two of them. He also wanted to keep it secret. But after the CCTV propaganda, is there still a need for this underground casino to exist? Liu Jian didn't think about it, let's talk about it after the hotel is built and opened.

After Liu Jianyou gave Zhao Baoquan a few words, he said, "Hurry up on your side and start the overall construction of the building earlier. After a while, the CCTV will go down to shoot. Do you have to be careful and understand everything?"

Zhao Baoquan didn't expect Liu Jian to go around Beijing and run CCTV, which deepened his awe of Liu Jian.

Liu Jian made another call to Wu Fangfei. Although the construction of Lianhua Mountain was not completed and construction was going on everywhere, after Wu Fangfei's operation, especially after the provincial and Taiwan reports on Guanma Karst Cave, the media interested in Lianhua Mountain Resort , reporters, and tourists are gradually increasing. It can be said that she has done a very good job.

Wu Fangfei was also a little silly when she received the news that CCTV was coming down. Her best prediction was that the province would report the program. CCTV would use a camera to report a short message. She didn't expect Liu Jian to be so capable. , Even let the CCTV crew come down, Liu Jian's strength is much more than what he exposed.

Although she doesn't care much about politics, as a child of a political family, she is still very sensitive to politics. Not long after she put down the phone, she called Wu Tao. As for what Wu Tao would do, she didn't care. Wu Fangfei now has an idea to make Lianhuashan tourism a landmark project, just like Changbai Mountain.

Liu Jian called Liu Fu after his subordinates informed him. How to make good use of the CCTV filming crew this time should be the next focus of the Liu Group.

When they answered the phone, Liu Fu and his wife were relaxing with Yu Guohua and Chen Sheng at the Tianshan Renjian Club. This has become their after-dinner program, and unless there are special circumstances, they will come here to relax.

"Xiao Jian, you still know how long you've been on the phone when you call back. Is it time to come back?" Liu Fu said angrily. The son didn't know he was back when he went out to relax. If it wasn't for the company's normal operation now , Liu Fu really wanted to train him well.

Liu Jian smiled and said, "Dad, I still have to wait a while, but there is one thing you need to prepare quickly, Dad."

Liu Fu asked, "What's the matter?"

Liu Jian said: "After a while, CCTV will send a film crew to report on Lianhua Mountain, mainly the Guanma Karst Cave. Initially, it will be made into a program and broadcast on CCTV 2. This is a very good one. Opportunities can promote the popularity of our company to the whole country. Of course, this is also an opportunity for Panshi City. How to make good use of this opportunity, Dad, you have to discuss it with Mayor Yu and the others. We want to make the most beautiful side of Panshi a place for us. The best side of the Liu Group is revealed."

Liu Fu coughed and said, "Xiao Jian, are you kidding me?"

Liu Jian said: "Dad, can I joke about this kind of thing? I don't have time to go back now. You have to prepare for the early work. I have notified the Lianhuashan side and asked them to fully cooperate with the group company. It is a tourist attraction, and it is the best opportunity for us to get out of the rock and step into the whole country."

Liu Fu nodded deeply and said, "Okay, I understand. I will discuss it with you, Uncle Yu and Uncle Chen, and you should come back as soon as possible."

Liu Jian nodded and said, "I see, I'll go back as soon as I'm done with this matter."

Liu Fu didn't ask Liu Jian what he was busy with, knowing that Liu Jian knew the importance and came back when it was time.

Putting down the phone, Chen Sheng asked, "What's wrong with this little guy?"

Liu Fu said: "I don't know what he did in Beijing. He told me that CCTV is going to come down to film the landscape of Guanma Karst Cave and broadcast it live on CCTV 2. Let us prepare the reception."

It's like a roar, the influence of CCTV's role in this era is unshakable. The current local TV station, Shangxing TV station, can't compare with CCTV. There is no way to compare with CCTV in terms of influence.

For these to be on CCTV is an opportunity that cannot be met. Although it is not a news broadcast, but even if it is the second channel, how many people have racked their brains to make progress. This The news made Yu Guohua and Chen Sheng unable to calm down.

Yu Guohua said with a trembling voice: "Is the news accurate? What should our city government do?"

Liu Fu thought for a while and said, "Xiao Jian, I won't say anything unless I'm 100% sure. He told us to make preparations first, and he will notify us of the specific time. Now is what we need to do to prepare."

Chen Sheng thought for a while and said, "Brother, you need to speed up the project of Lianhua Mountain, and try to complete the whole project before the CCTV reporter comes down. At least the other party will come and have a place to rest. It looks like a real tourist resort center."

Yu Guohua also said: "Yes, this is the first thing to be completed. There is also a mountain village near Lianhua Mountain. We have to plan quickly. Didn't Xiaojian propose a plan at that time? There is no time. Study that plan. If there is no problem, execute it as soon as possible.”

Chen Sheng thought for a while and said: "We also need to focus on city appearance work in the city. We can carry out an activity on this side of the mayor, such as the activity of returning me a beautiful rock after working hard for a hundred days. It seems that during this period of time, the government's Work won't be easy."

Yu Guohua nodded approvingly, and then said: "Brother Liu, I will hold a city government office meeting tomorrow to make specific arrangements. You should come up with a plan quickly, and we must cooperate well. It is an opportunity for the people of the whole country to know about our Rock, and we must seize it."

Liu Fu knows that this is no longer the business of the Liu Group alone. Maybe with this wind, the construction of Lianhua Mountain can be made faster, and according to this form, the government will increase its support. position is becoming more and more stable.